
Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

author:The little sister is free to tell stories

A netizen's child was admitted to the university and prepared 34 tables for the college entrance banquet, but a few people came, and none of the tables were raised, so in the end they could only pack the meals and bring them to relatives!

I don't know how to do in the current college entrance banquet, I have to do it, the college entrance banquet is a sophisticated person, and it doesn't matter how many points I score in the exam [awkward laughter]

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!
Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

Bookkeeping brings money? Since it is a personal relationship, it depends on whether you have been to someone else's house. There are some places that are quite popular, but people who have not been here will not go. So people don't care if your son's grades are good or bad, they just go to a personal favor to return the favor.

If you don't have to follow the gift, please ask your relatives and friends to celebrate with good results, and the guests can also sincerely bless, hold a field, and give a gift, this is not self-seeking and boring, and the free support is also a good relationship to go, otherwise who will have a shortage of food this year [dog head]

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

Red and white things can be done with gifts, and if you are sick or something, you can visit them, these are okay, and you have to go to the whole college banquet to thank the teacher, all of which are to contribute to the business. In these years, the people are well-versed and appropriate, especially with those who are younger than themselves, get married and have children, and then they can't be contacted all over the country, and there are colleagues in the unit, who can't wait to leave after the wedding [covering their faces]

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

The person who holds the college entrance banquet is to make money, my friend is from Heilongjiang, and her brothers and sisters hold a college promotion banquet regardless of whether they are good or bad in the exam, and she said that it is just to receive gift money!

To be honest, I really can't understand the two or three hundred points of the college banquet [embarrassed laughter] I don't know what to say when I go to host...

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!
Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

We all have happy events (the test is very good), people only do it, it doesn't matter if the test is good, at most it is a relatively close family and friends to feast a few tables, some of them will be done regardless of whether they are admitted or not, friends will ask where the test is, this is not embarrassing [cover your face] What's more, you don't have to do it, it's not a shame to turn back and not get into the exam [cover your face] The key is that it is generally like this, isn't this just a bad atmosphere!

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

This is the first time that I have done [tears] in the first grade of kindergarten, and there are cultural people who have written a pen, and I didn't do one in the week? I've never heard of this kind of strange behavior around me [I want to be quiet]

We are going to hold a banquet when we go to elementary school, I don't know what to do, compulsory education is just that! Really try to pocket money!

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!
Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

Now, in addition to red and white ceremonies, there are also school banquets, full moon banquets, and housewarming celebrations. I can't wait to do anything, you say that everyone else will do it, you can't do it, then you can't get back the money you gave out before, so you can only do it by others and you can do it [doge]

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!
Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

That's better, it's all trouble-free, family dinner together, travel to go, travel to get married! What's the use of socializing, your coming and going is a matter of face, living a good life is more important than anything else, everything else is floating clouds.

Netizens prepared 34 tables for the college banquet, and a few people came, sighing at the warmth and coldness!

In some places, a banquet is held after the college entrance examination, and when there is no result and no admission, the real good test is not done until the end. That's why everyone didn't go, the results didn't come out, the admission results didn't come out, isn't it just to collect money?

If you want money, you have to look at your social status first, your relatives usually don't look down on you, can't you see it, what identity is it, please 30 tables! This hasn't started to admit yet, just applied for volunteering, and the college banquet was arranged?

There is a parent who is even more funny, the total score of the test is 140+ less than the college line, that is, I didn't go to school, and on the day of the score, I held a college promotion banquet in the circle of friends a week later, and it was held for two days, and it has been passed on as a joke by students, I don't know if I did it, just these two days [I want to be quiet]

If my child is admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, I will hold a 3-day running water banquet, and relatives and friends will come to eat without receiving gifts!