
With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

author:Genting Language Teaching and Learning

Recently, a netizen on Weibo posted "Why is the monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan worth the work in the system in the eyes of the family", and the post aroused resonance and discussion among netizens.

This netizen believes that the work in the system "has a full provident fund, a lot of welfare subsidies, it is convenient to take leave, there is no need to clock in and out, and there is no risk of being laid off"; Jobs outside the system, on the other hand, are "subject to all kinds of pressure, occupational diseases, and the risk of unemployment after the age of 35".

Then ask: With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, will you still take the public entrance examination?

Although there are some misunderstandings about the work within the system, the posts of netizens also point out the practical problems of work outside the system.

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

I am a teacher in the system, teaching at school every day, clocking in every day. Signing in twice a day and signing out twice, the middle-level leaders of the Academic Affairs Office should check the class to supervise the late arrival and early departure of class, and also raid the office to prevent leaving the post without reason.

The teacher is a turnip and a pit, and when he goes out for training and study, he has to transfer and change classes by himself, and he has to make up for the missing classes when he comes back from training.

The school is afraid that it will affect the students' grades and advancement, and the second is afraid that the parents will complain, and the teachers are generally not allowed to take leave if they are sick or injured.

It is not uncommon for teachers to be sick and drag on illness in class. For example, a while ago, the news reported that a female teacher in Wuhan had a broken left arm and had not taken a day off, and fellow netizens complained about their experience of going to class with illness and injury.

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

Several of my civil servant friends who work in government departments also clock in and out of work every day, and they have to punch in and out on their mobile phones on business trips to locate their whereabouts, often working nonsensical overtime, and it is common for them to hold meetings late at night and prepare for inspection materials.

Civil servants are also under the dual pressure of work and workplace rules. A friend saw that people like him had been promoted, but he worked hard and stood still, so anxious that his hair turned a lot gray.

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

The work in the system is not easy, but there are five insurances and one housing fund, and there is no threat of unemployment.

This shows that there is a lack of basic labor and social security outside the system, and people work hard but do not have a sense of security for survival.

The monthly income outside the system is more than 10,000 yuan, but it is still not as good as the thousands of jobs in the system, and individuals have no right to speak in front of companies and enterprises, only friction and suppression.

A relative of mine works in a private iron and steel company in a certain county, and he works 12-hour shifts every day, and the night shift is very tiring, and he sleeps in addition to work, because he is too tired.

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

His monthly income is just over 10,000 yuan, and he does not have a holiday during the New Year, and the locals can only go home for the New Year after working shifts, and the outsiders cannot reunite with their families.

He was reluctant to take the exam after graduating from college ten years ago because of the high wages of steel companies at that time; Now he can't bear it, he often feels headaches, and he went to the hospital for a CT scan and found no problems, but he is still very worried.

I sometimes think of the concept of "surplus value" in middle school politics textbooks.

At the time when Marx put forward the theory of "surplus value", Western capitalism was still growing, and capitalists extended the working hours of workers and increased their labor intensity in order to grab more surplus value.

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

The value created by the workers in the "necessary labor time" is used by the capitalists to spend on raw materials, equipment, wages, etc., and thus to ensure reproduction; All the value created by the workers in the "surplus labor time" is appropriated by the capitalists, which is called exploitation.

At that time, when I was in a political class, I felt that it was too evil for Western capitalists to get rich by exploiting workers, and it was better for our country.

Now people outside the system are forced to work overtime uncontrollably, although the monthly income is more than 10,000 yuan, there is a serious imbalance between what they can pay and get, isn't it just that they are squeezed by the company boss and business owner?

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

The eight-hour working day is one of the most basic rights guaranteed by labor laws and regulations, but it cannot be implemented in reality.

More than 100 years ago, workers in Chicago went on strike to demand an eight-hour workday. Under pressure, the U.S. government finally introduced an eight-hour workday.

Up to now, our units and enterprises are still operating extensively, creating value by working long hours, and making fun of employees who do not obey overtime regulations.

The gap between ordinary people's income and their contribution is widening, labor rights are violated and illegally maintained, and there is no social protection, how can we not feel anxious and unfair?

It is a social problem that people would rather give up their jobs outside the system with a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, and also take the public examination to squeeze into the system to obtain a relatively comfortable position.

With a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, you still envy the work in the system, and the superiority in the system or the lack of labor and social security?

In order to alleviate people's anxiety about labor rights and future security, it is necessary for the state to truly implement modern labor and social welfare guarantees, narrow the income gap, and allow people outside the system to enjoy the same treatment within the system, so as to fully guarantee people's sense of survival and security.

In this way, people will not envy other posts in their own positions, and the society will be full of vitality and talents will live like people!


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