
28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

author:Interesting and new

Rare photos revealed! Explore incredible animals, artifacts and wonders in 28 photos to take you through the extraordinary world!

1. The wonderful Bayan Ancient Tree in Bali

Location: Bayan Ancient Tree, also known as the Big Tree of Bali, is located in Bayan Village, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia,

Age: The tree is estimated to be over 700 years old, making it one of the oldest trees in Bali.

Species: This tree is a huge banyan tree known for its extensive aerial roots and spreading canopy.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

2. This photo of a vibrant sea anemone was taken by Mike Shaw, California, at low tide at Monterey's "Hidden Beach"!

The sea anemone is a fascinating creature that belongs to the phylum cnidarians, a group that also includes jellyfish and corals. They are named after anemone flowers because of their brightly colored, delicate appearance. Sea anemones can be found in oceans all over the world, from shallow waters to depths of more than 10,000 meters!

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

3. Climb the famous frozen waterfall near Vail, Colorado, USA! Not for the faint of heart!

Fang is a giant icicle that forms during the extremely cold winter months. When the temperature drops, this waterfall transforms into a giant icicle that is about 50 meters tall and about 8 meters wide at the base. The climb to the top is very difficult and very dangerous, and climbers need to have proper climbing equipment.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

4. The marine sunfish, also known as the common Mora, is one of the two heaviest bony fish known in the world, the other being the southern sunfish of the same genus (Mola allexandrini).

The weight of an adult ranges from 247 to 2000 kg. This species looks like a fish head with a tail, and its body is flattened laterally. Females can lay 300 million eggs at a time, a record for any other known vertebrate.

When newly hatched, sunfish larvae are only 2.5 mm long and weigh less than one gram. Surviving pups can grow up to 60 million times their original body weight before reaching adult size, probably the most extreme size growth of any vertebrate. Imagine that they have grown from this tiny larva to this huge size is truly amazing

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

5. Individuals know that whales are mammals, but few people know that calves are breastfed, but not through direct contact like other land mammals......

Conversely, a female whale spits up milk when her child is close to her for breastfeeding, but whale milk has a fat content of up to 50%. As a result, the milk is thick and viscous and does not dissolve in water.

So calves can catch and eat the milk. Perfect breeding geometry.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

6. The glass octopus is a species of pelagic octopus in tropical and subtropical latitudes around the world. It usually takes time to be around 900 meters deep. The only visible features of an octopus are its optic nerve, eyeballs, and digestive tract.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

7. The incredible beauty of the spiny flower praying mantis, this fascinating insect is considered a miracle of nature!

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

8. Probably one of the cutest animals in existence! The elephant shrew, also known as the jumping shrew, is a small insectivorous mammal native to Africa. Their common name "elephant shrew" derives from their long trunks, which somewhat resemble the trunks of elephants, and also from their superficial resemblance to shrews (Shrewidae).

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

9. No photoshop or artificial intelligence required; It's just that beautiful. Yellowstone's Morning Pool is a hot spring known for its vibrant colors. The amazing blues, greens, and yellows are the result of heat-loving bacteria multiplying in the pool's hot water. While the hues of the pools have once again become intense, they have changed due to human interaction. Still, it's a must-see for its natural beauty and unique geothermal activity.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

10. Kashiwa Falls on Molokai Island is one of the highest waterfalls in Hawaii!

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

11. A giant bamboo growing on the Tea Trail of Ceylon, Sri Lanka - Norwood Manor.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

12. The Giant's Pillar Cactus is a large, iconic cactus native to the Sonoran Desert in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It is known for its tall, erect stature and distinctive branches that only grow after a few decades.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

13. In 190 AD, the Roman ship "De Meern 1" sank in a meandering tributary of the Rhine due to a navigational error. The cabin holds most of the ship's contents and the captain's personal belongings, including the tool collection. It gives a glimpse into life on board.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

14. This exquisite 2,000-year-old sapphire ring is presumed to belong to the Roman Emperor Caligula, and the ring depicts his fourth wife, Cassonia.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

15. The 2,000-year-old marble throne of Amphiarion, the ancient theater of Oropos, Greece. Amphiarion of Oropos is the temple of the hero Amphi Arios and is so famous that pilgrims often come here to seek oracles and healing. The largest building in the temple was a colonnade (mid-4th century BC) that served as a clinic for the sick. There is also a theater in the temple. According to the inscription, the theater dates back to the 2nd century BC!

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

16. The Swedish battleship Vasa. It sank less than a mile after its maiden voyage in 1628 and was salvaged from the ocean floor 333 years later with almost intact. It is now housed in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm and is the best-preserved 17th-century vessel in the world.

The ship has become a symbol of the period when Sweden became a major European power, controlling most of the Baltic Sea.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

17. Roman Empire, 27 BC - 14 AD. Exquisite red onyx relief with a high-relief portrait of Emperor Augustus, decorated with a golden laurel wreath (now lost).

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

18. The aqueduct at Zagouan, Tunisia, was built during the reign of Emperor Hadrian in 122 AD and was an impressive feat of Roman engineering to divert water from Jebel Zaguan to Carthage, covering more than 132 kilometers. This aqueduct was one of the longest in the Roman Empire.

Interestingly, this aqueduct system includes a series of underground passages and above-ground arches designed to maintain a steady gradient to improve water flow. The water it contained played a key role in feeding Carthage's public baths, fountains, and private homes, supporting the city's extensive urban infrastructure.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

19. The Senachelieb Prism, also known as the Taylor Prism, is an ancient Assyrian artifact that provides valuable historical and archaeological insight into the reign of King Senachelieb, who ruled the Neo-Assyrian Empire from 705 to 681 BC. The prism is named after the British archaeologist Colonel Robert Taylor, who acquired it in 1830 and later donated it to the British Museum in London, where it is currently located.

The Sena Cherrib prism is made of baked clay and is about 38 cm (15 in) high. It is covered in the written text of ancient Mesopotamia.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

20. The Osaiberg Ship was discovered in 1904 at the Osaiberg Farm in Norway, dating back to the early 800s A.D., and is one of the best-preserved Viking ships. Buried with the ship were many grave items, including intricately carved wooden artifacts, textiles, and chests. Although the precious metals of the tomb were robbed, the remaining items still show a high status of burial. In addition, the skeletal remains of 15 horses, a cow and four dogs were found, suggesting sacrifice.

The most interesting are the partial skeletons of two women, DNA analysis shows that they are about 80 and 40 years old. The older woman, possibly Queen Asa, suffers from Morgani syndrome, which gives her a masculine appearance that may cause her to grow a beard. Despite their rich backgrounds, the true identities of these women remain a mystery.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

21. Located in Jennings Landolph Lake, West Virginia, Waffle Rock features a striking waffle-like dark pattern with lines that rise at different angles to form deep pockets of lighter stones. While there are many alien theories and ancient techniques, geologists attribute this unique design to natural processes.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

22. Did you know? ️

The design of parking lots in Japan stands out for its superior order and efficiency. These spaces have been carefully planned to maximise the number of vehicles they can accommodate, while ensuring that there is plenty of room for circulation and manoeuvring. The geometric layout and discipline used in these parking lots reflect the Japanese culture of order and education. This approach allows for optimal use of space, which is an essential feature of densely populated urban areas. The attached pictures show a perfect example of this organization.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

23. The perfect perspective, the interstellar library. Photo taken by an unknown person.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

24. The Art of Perfect Photography of an Airplane, courtesy of

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

25. There is a magical sculpture in the church of Santa Catalina in Palermo, Italy. Sculpture by Daniel Arthurm!

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

26. There are bushes on the lamp, which produces this strange effect when turned on.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

27. When the tide is very low, a unique phenomenon occurs, the splitting of the seawater, which makes it possible to walk in the water. Located on Barra Beach, Brazil, known as the "Way of Moses"

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

28. A striking region of Arizona. The strata are mainly composed of Navajo Sandstone, which originated in ancient sand dunes dating back thousands of years. Wind and water erosion has carved these rocks into strange and intricate shapes, creating landscapes of swirling patterns and unusual textures. The resulting appearance is reminiscent of an extraterrestrial surface.

28 incredible photos, incredible animals, artifacts and wonders!

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