
I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Memories are like orchids
I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens
This is too funny, I didn't expect Zhao Youting to call Gao Yuanyuan's name directly, it turns out that celebrity couples are the same as ordinary people.
I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

For many of our netizens, Gao Yuanyuan can also be said to be a star that everyone is very familiar with. Although Gao Yuanyuan has made a lot of film and television works since his debut, the most impressive of them is the 03 version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer".

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In this drama, Gao Yuanyuan's role as Zhou Zhiruo is impressive. Of course, with the explosion of this drama, Gao Yuanyuan, who plays Zhou Zhiruo in this drama, has received widespread attention from everyone.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Therefore, everyone's attention to Gao Yuanyuan has always been relatively high. Basically, every once in a while, there will be all kinds of news about her rushing to the hot search. No, Gao Yuanyuan has been on the hot search again recently.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The reason is that Gao Yuanyuan recently participated in the variety show "Hello Saturday", and when the show reached the "Cry in Silence" link, Gao Yuanyuan and Ding Chengxin were divided into a group.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Unexpectedly, the next scene made everyone laugh. At that time, Ding Chengxin was about to describe the word "wife cake" to Gao Yuanyuan, but Ding Chengxin had a whim and directly asked Gao Yuanyuan what Zhao Youting usually called her?

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

It is estimated that it was because it was too far away, so Gao Yuanyuan didn't hear it clearly at first, and it wasn't until Ding Chengxin prompted him several times that Gao Yuanyuan understood what he meant.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens
I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

What's funny is that just when all the people who eat melons are waiting for Gao Yuanyuan to answer that Zhao Youting usually calls her "wife". As a result, Gao Yuanyuan simply replied "Gao Yuanyuan".

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In the end, everyone didn't eat the melon, and Ding Chengxin, who was in a group with him, was almost stunned by Gao Yuanyuan.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

After watching this video, netizens also talked a lot, and after reading the comments of netizens, they laughed at all my merits.

That's for sure, after all, everyone likes to eat idols' melons, but Qin Xiaoxian's appearance of eating melons is too funny

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Zhao Youting: Hahaha, that's not, after all, many people are thinking about it

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

If you're really convinced, you should be able to give 100 points for your logical reasoning ability

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Looking at Qin Xiaoxian waiting for this answer, he felt that his eyes were straight

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Even if she plays now, I don't think there's any problem, after all, her appearance is still very high

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

You haven't been wearing the sky for many years, haven't you been relieved?

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Celebrities are generally richer and better maintained

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I felt that when Qin Xiaoxian heard this answer, his heart instantly balanced

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

You're a bit out of the internet, they've been married for years

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Hahaha, for this matter, I haven't said a word to Zhao Youting so far

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan say these three words of my husband, my heart was about to break

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Qin Xiaoxian's heart was broken in this issue

I can't laugh anymore! Zhao Youting usually calls Gao Yuanyuan's name on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Ladies and gentlemen, after reading this news, what do you think at this moment? See you in the comment section! #头条创作挑战赛#

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