
No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

author:Mu Lingyang

When it comes to the character in "Bright Sword" who is most comparable to Monk Wei, it is undoubtedly Duan Peng, who is not only outstanding in martial arts, but also very brave and resourceful.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

Since Duan Peng joined the Eighth Route Army from Heyuan County, he has been fighting with Li Yunlong, and his position has also jumped from an ordinary soldier to the commander of the reconnaissance company of the Second Division.

What is unimaginable is that when Duan Peng led his troops to encircle and suppress the remnants of the national army during the Liberation War, he could directly order the second battalion commander who was older than himself.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

In this clip in the play, I saw Duan Peng say arrogantly: "Second battalion commander, take down the machine gun on the city tower to Lao Tzu!" ”

Regarding this scene, many people may think that the reason why Duan Peng dared to order the second battalion commander who was one level higher than his position was because he was infected with Li Yunlong's character of daring to command.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

But what everyone doesn't know is that in fact, the second battalion commander took into account the overall situation at that time, and was afraid of the "backer" behind Duan Peng.

"Battle of Pantang Town"

When it comes to the key point of Chu Yunfei's defeat in the Battle of Zhaozhuang in "Bright Sword", everyone may think that General Li Yu's 5-ton artillery shells played a role and suppressed the opponent with firepower.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

But in fact, in addition to this, there is a more important reason, that is, the most critical battle in the Battle of Zhaozhuang, the Battle of Pantang Town.

Because our army and the national army had been in a stalemate for a long time in the battle of Zhaozhuang, General Li Yu, commander of Huaye, and Qiu Qingquan, commander of the Second Corps of the National Army, both set their sights on Pantang Town near Zhaozhuang.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

Because this town surrounds Zhao Zhuang, both General Li Yu and Qiu Qingquan want to attack from behind and go around to the other party by surprise, so as to cooperate with the frontal troops to outflank them.

In this way, the battle of Pantang Town became the flashpoint of the battle between the two sides, and at the same time contributed to the scene of "one pot of porridge".

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

Because the area of Pantang Town is very small, and now the armies of both sides are gathered here, so the battle is very intensive.

Not only that, in order to defeat Chu Yunfei's 89th Division in one fell swoop, Li Yunlong directly ordered the Second Division, which had just finished a frontal battle, to turn back and directly copy the opponent's rear road.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

And this point is also clearly told in the play, I saw Li Yunlong ordering the troops: "The troops stop advancing, and the guard regiment will be changed to the vanguard regiment, and he will stab Chu Yunfei in the eye." ”

At the same time, Duan Peng, the commander of the reconnaissance company, and the commander of the second battalion were also ordered to go to Pantang Town to encircle and suppress Chu Yunfei's 89th Division, and cooperate with other troops to prepare to disintegrate the other side.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

As time passed, the battle lasted from night to day, and at this time, Chu Yunfei's troops had already lost their troops and could not form an effective combat force.

And in order to prevent Chu Yunfei from taking a breath, Li Yunlong ordered Duan Peng's troops to pursue and clear the remnants of the national army.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

It's just that what people didn't expect was that when Duan Peng and the others encountered a small force of the national army in front, he directly ordered the second battalion commander: "Second battalion commander, take down the machine gun in the city tower for Lao Tzu." ”

Hearing this, the commander of the second battalion did not refute anything, and immediately commanded the troops to launch a fierce attack on the enemy's machine gunners, and in a short time they captured this group of national troops.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

For the scene in front of him, I believe everyone will inevitably feel puzzled, it is clear that Duan Peng is only the position of company commander, but he can not only order the second battalion commander, but also his tone is aggressive.

But in fact, this scene can be said to be reasonable, because the second battalion commander had to obey for three reasons.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

"For the sake of the big picture"

The first reason is that the commander of the second battalion had to obey Duan Peng's orders in order to take into account the overall situation, because after the battle of Pantang Town, because of the small area and large number of troops here, coupled with the bloody battle between the two sides, many units of our army were incomplete.

In this case, it is common for the platoon commander to find the company commander, the company commander to find the battalion commander, and the battalion commander to find the regiment commander, and the second battalion commander and Duan Peng and others are in the current situation.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

For this scene, everyone may ask, then in this case, everyone, including Duan Peng, should obey the orders of the second battalion commander, after all, everyone on the scene belongs to his highest position.

Although it is reasonable to say that this kind of command is reasonable, in fact it is not, because Duan Peng is the vanguard of Li Yunlong's commando, and strategically he is the closest person to Li Yunlong.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

Therefore, for the sake of the necessity of the overall situation, the second battalion commander will naturally unconditionally obey Duan Peng, the commander of the reconnaissance company, so that there is a scene where Duan Peng orders the second battalion commander.

"Reconnaissance Company directly under the Division"

The second reason is that Duan Peng's position as the commander of the reconnaissance company is not an ordinary company commander, he is directly under the command of the division headquarters.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

The reconnaissance company directly under the division headquarters is equivalent to the regimental level, and naturally it is higher than the position of a battalion commander under the second division.

Duan Peng's reconnaissance company can be said to be not only a force, but also a "sharp weapon" to defeat the enemy, because they not only need strong combat effectiveness, but also have enough acumen to obtain enemy intelligence.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

In other words, Duan Peng's reconnaissance company in "Bright Sword" is no different from the current special forces, and the soldiers are all people with wisdom, combat effectiveness, and sensitivity.

And this is also the second reason why Duan Peng dared to order the second battalion commander, although on the surface the position of the company commander is not as good as the battalion commander, but the actual power is far greater than that of the other party.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

"Li Yunlong's Treasure"

The third reason is that Duan Peng is Li Yunlong's "heart treasure", since the Wei monk was brutally killed by the bandits, Duan Peng has undoubtedly become the shadow of the other party, and it can also be understood as the "second Wei monk" in Li Yunlong's heart.

Whether it was the Anti-Japanese War or the Liberation Period, Li Yunlong would almost always take Duan Peng with him when he participated in the battle, and this was not only an affirmation of his combat effectiveness, but also an appreciation of this person in his heart.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

Not only that, after the liberation of the country, Li Yunlong did not hesitate to disobey the instructions of his superiors for Duan Peng, for example, after the fermentation of Duan Peng and a woman's unmarried pregnancy, the Huaye Political Department condemned this bad style of life very much, and immediately dismissed Duan Peng from his position and let him go to the countryside to farm.

And Li Yunlong was furious when he heard this, although he also understood that Duan Peng had done something wrong, but he thought that the sin was not to the point of ruining his future.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

In this way, under Li Yunlong's favoritism, Duan Peng was able to stay in the army, and later met Ding Wei in the dormitory of the Military Academy.

Through this scene, we can naturally see Li Yunlong's love for Duan Peng, and even did not hesitate to disobey the orders of the Political Department and use his own future to protect Duan Peng's future.

No wonder Duan Peng is just a reconnaissance company commander, but he can order the second battalion commander, you see whose treasure he is

And the second battalion commander has followed Li Yunlong for so many years, so he naturally sees all this, so he obeys Duan Peng's orders during the battle of Pantang Town.

To sum up, we can naturally see why Duan Peng, who is the company commander, can order the second battalion commander with a higher position than himself, because the second battalion commander can not only take care of the overall situation, but also "can't provoke" the other party.