
Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

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Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

Recently, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and Commander-in-Chief Yoon have encountered another difficult thing.

That is, the South Korean people began to petition for the "initiation of an impeachment motion against the president", and it was published on the national petition website of the Korean National Assembly, and the number of supporters was also quite large. [Listen to the song]

01 Impeachment turmoil

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

According to a report by South Korea's "Han Nation Daily": The petition calling for the impeachment of Yoon Suk-yeol appeared on the website on June 20, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion across the country.

As of around 9 a.m. on July 1, some 790,000 netizens had agreed to the petition, while the number had soared to 800,000 just half an hour later.

The participation of so many people once led to the paralysis of the petition website, and some South Korean netizens found when they logged on to the National Assembly website on July 1:

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

The website already shows a message that says "There are too many people logging in and waiting for the service to connect", and there are more than 25,000 people waiting, and the waiting time is more than 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Under Korea's national consent petition system, as long as more than 50,000 people agree, the petition is submitted to the National Assembly's Legislative and Judicial Committee.

And when more than two-thirds of the people agree in Congress, the president can be impeached and a decision can be made to remove or reinstate the president.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

But in the last election, the Democratic Party of Korea, South Korea's largest opposition party, held 10 seats among the 18 members of the committee.

These people are basically led by Lee Jae-myung, and almost all of them are opposed to Yoon Suk-yeol, while his own National Power Party has only seven members.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

So at present, this matter has come to this point, which is already quite unfavorable for Yin Xiyue.

But then again, it's really not that the South Korean people have wronged him, after all, in the past few years since Yoon Suk-yeol came to power, his performance alone is really a bit abstract.

02 is questioned

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

In fact, if you want to impeach a president, there will basically be a very main reason, for example, in 2004, Roh Moo-hyun was suspected of taking bribes from friends and relatives, which became the main point of attack by the opposition parties at that time.

In 2017, Park Geun-hye was impeached because of her best friend Choi Soon-sil's "interference in politics".

But this time Yoon Suk-yeol is different, and for the South Korean masses, there are a lot of reasons to impeach him.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

First of all, I have to mention his good wife Jin Jianxi, someone has directly exposed that she engaged in bribery and accepted other people's brand-name bags without permission.

And before that, he was also suspected of manipulating South Korea's stock price, buying low-priced shares of Deutsche Automotive through some "preferential" means, and then rolled over to a profit equivalent to 1.05 billion won.

In addition, the first lady is also suspected of academic fraud, using her identity for profit, and being in the limelight, and she has long been disliked by the South Korean people.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

As a result, Yoon Suk-yeol directly used his power and veto power to keep his wife, which further aggravated the disgust of the South Korean people.

Then he himself is also suspected of various problems, first of all, using the diversion of the Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway to make profits for his wife's family.

Then the attitude towards the outside world is too weak, especially on the issue of Japan, there are quite a few contradictions between the people of Japan and South Korea, and as a result, many of Yoon Suk-yeol's measures are deliberately "praising Japan".

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

For example, in order to unite with Japan, it directly stated that the forced conscription of comfort women and laborers by Japan during World War II has passed, and Japan has lost a lot of money.

Later, I found out that the Japanese side was still stubbornly biting on its own and did not admit these things, and that the money was what he asked South Korea's own chaebol to pay on behalf of Japan.

In the eyes of South Koreans, this approach is almost like betraying the country, not to mention that when many countries announced that they would ban Fukushima nuclear products, even the United States, which verbally supported it, said that it would not import them.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

This made his image plummeting in South Korea, and some people even wrote songs to ridicule him, so the dissatisfaction with him in Korean society is also widespread.

In addition, in South Korea, prices have risen a lot in recent times, especially the price of grain.

There is also the previous medical problems, which led to a collective strike by many doctors, of course, this time Yoon Suk-yeol actually wanted to do some good things, but the final result was not good.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

Many doctors in South Korea have gone on strike, resulting in many patients being unable to be cured, and this matter has been making trouble until now, so many Korean people are also complaining.

In addition, he cooperated with the US strategy, deliberately aggravated the crisis situation on the peninsula, and cooperated with the DPRK's continuous missile launches and the "garbage offensive" some time ago, which made many people feel some panic.

So in such a situation, it is indeed not surprising that South Korea proposed to impeach Yoon Suk-yeol, but whether it will really be impeached is still a question mark.

03 Impeachment Questions

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

In fact, so far, the number of impeachments of these 800,000 people is probably still a conservative estimate.

Opposition lawmaker Chung Cheong-rae said at a meeting of the party's top committee on July 1 that the number of petitioners is about to exceed 1 million, and predicts that it may continue to rise to about 2 million in the future.

However, according to South Korea's Dong-A Ilbo, although hard-line lawmakers in the Democratic Party of Korea, which has a majority in the National Assembly, continue to make statements hinting at impeachment, the party's leadership seems to be still waiting.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

As for why these opposition parties are caught in contradictions? In fact, I am still worried that the impeachment of Yoon Suk-yeol may cause turmoil within South Korea, after all, he is also the president.

Park Seung-joon, a spokesman for the Democratic Party of Korea, said in a speech on July 1 that impeachment is essentially a very serious and complex political process that requires careful consideration. He also called on his colleagues in the party to be calm.

The ruling party, on the other hand, seized the opportunity to defend Yoon Suk-yeol, saying that impeaching the president is an extremely serious constitutional process that should not be easily abused and politicized popular discontent.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

However, in this turmoil, several other people still attract attention, one of which is Park Geun-hye, after all, when she was impeached, Yoon Suk-yeol was the prosecutor general, and it can be said that he single-handedly sent himself in.

So if it succeeds this time, for Park Geun-hye, if Yoon Suk-yeol is also impeached and stepped down this time, it is equivalent to avenging the original "revenge".

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

The other is Lee Jae-myung, after all, he is the most prestigious leader of the opposition party, and he is already preparing for a second succession as the leader of the party, and has accumulated a high prestige before.

If Yoon Suk-yeol is impeached and removed from office, then it is likely that he will get the position of president, but for the United States behind the scenes, I am afraid that Lee Jae-myung's coming to power is not a good result.

Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

As for the final result, it still depends on the result after 20 days, but even if he is not impeached, I am afraid that there is not much time left for Yoon Suk-yeol.

Whether the "Blue House Curse" will be repeated depends on his subsequent creation.

Sources of information:

[1] Dawan News 2024-07-02: The petition website was paralyzed for a while! 800,000 South Korean netizens demand 'impeachment of Yoon Suk-yeol'
Has Park Geun-hye's chance for revenge arrived? 800,000 people in South Korea petitioned for the "impeachment of the president", and the website was paralyzed for a time

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