
Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the embassy in the Philippines urgently met with Philippine senior officials, and the police intervened

author:Strategizing 168

Hello readers! Recently, there was a horrific incident in the Philippines of kidnapping and tearing off Chinese, which made people shocked and angry!

Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the embassy in the Philippines urgently met with Philippine senior officials, and the police intervened

It is understood that these two Chinese, one is 39 years old, working as executives at Abbott Coronary Company; The other is 45 years old and is the leader of Lepu Coronary Arts. At the invitation of those Filipino dealers, the two of them just went to the Philippines to inspect the business, but they were kidnapped as soon as they got off the plane! The kidnappers also extorted 3 million yuan from their families, and the family members also gave it, who knew that after the kidnappers took the money, instead of releasing them, they killed them!

As soon as this incident came out, it aroused great attention and indignation at home and abroad, and many netizens were scolding the Philippines, and even scolded those kidnappers for losing their conscience and being inferior to beasts!

In recent years, cases of Chinese being killed overseas are not uncommon, especially in Southeast Asia, Africa and other places, similar kidnapping and extortion cases have occurred from time to time. When many Chinese carry out business activities and travel abroad, they often do not have enough awareness of prevention, and as a result, they fall into the trap of gangsters and pay a heavy price.

Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the embassy in the Philippines urgently met with Philippine senior officials, and the police intervened

This warns all Chinese that to protect the safety of overseas Chinese citizens, we cannot rely only on domestic appeals, but also need embassies abroad to play a greater role. Embassies should establish a sound protection mechanism for overseas citizens, and take prompt action in case of danger. After the incident, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian quickly met with Philippine leaders and asked for law enforcement cooperation, and the Philippine police have intervened in the investigation.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on the embassy alone, but also on the vast number of overseas Chinese to unite, strengthen contacts, share information around them in a timely manner, and heighten vigilance. Especially when doing business in Southeast Asia and other places, you should be extra cautious, try to travel in a group, and avoid going out alone. In case of danger, call the police for help as soon as possible, and have a good relationship with the local police. Only by preventing and curing the masses can we build an iron wall of self-protection.

Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the embassy in the Philippines urgently met with Philippine senior officials, and the police intervened

This incident caused a huge repercussion on the Internet, and countless netizens left messages expressing their indignation and demanding that the murderer be severely punished. Some netizens are also questioning, is there any hidden story behind this incident in the Philippines?

This case has become a microcosm of the safety of overseas Chinese citizens, and it deserves everyone's vigilance. At the same time, you should also tell your relatives and friends who are going abroad that you must take precautions before you go and have more eyes when you go out. #头条创作挑战赛#

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