
Anxious! A Chinese boy was violently beaten out of five teeth by a woman in New Zealand, and he only dared to call the police but did not dare to fight back

author:Strategizing 168

Recently, an incident of "a Chinese male student being beaten in New Zealand" caused an uproar on the Internet. A 16-year-old Chinese boy was brutally beaten by a strange woman on the bus, and his five teeth were gone, and his face was covered in blood. What's even more heart-wrenching is that the Chinese guy will only dodge and call the police at the same time, and he doesn't dare to fight back at all. This scene is heart-wrenching!

Anxious! A Chinese boy was violently beaten out of five teeth by a woman in New Zealand, and he only dared to call the police but did not dare to fight back

This is not the first time that overseas Chinese have been attacked. In a foreign country, Chinese compatriots often have to face problems such as racial discrimination and cultural conflicts, and the situation is very difficult. In some countries, there is discrimination against Asians and Chinese. Originally, in the event of such a thing, the victim should be protected by the law, but the laws of some countries really can't protect it. Let's talk about New Zealand, the legal clause of "mutual assault" is very absurd, restricting the right to legitimate defense, and as a result, the bad guys are not afraid, and the good guys have to be beaten.

Anxious! A Chinese boy was violently beaten out of five teeth by a woman in New Zealand, and he only dared to call the police but did not dare to fight back

Why have young Chinese people become like this, 16 years old, which is the age of blood and strength, why are they scared like this? An old man in his 70s dares to snatch the murder weapon empty-handed, but what about this young man, has he been educated to emphasize "forbearance" too much since he was a child? Is it too "obedient" to teach boys?

Anxious! A Chinese boy was violently beaten out of five teeth by a woman in New Zealand, and he only dared to call the police but did not dare to fight back

Seeing this scene, some people say that Chinese men lack blood, and this is true. In traditional culture, the Chinese pay attention to "both culture and martial arts". Now, isn't it time to regain some of that masculine and chivalrous power? Don't get me wrong, I'm not encouraging everyone to fight at every turn. But your dignity and the safety of your life must be protected!

Another point is the issue of national self-confidence. In foreign countries, many Chinese people first dwarf themselves when they encounter trouble. Chinese always seem to feel that they are inferior to others, this is a cultural inferiority complex! In fact, Chinese culture is broad and profound, and it is not inferior to any other civilization at all. It's important to understand our culture and enhance your cultural confidence!

Anxious! A Chinese boy was violently beaten out of five teeth by a woman in New Zealand, and he only dared to call the police but did not dare to fight back

Finally, I would like to say that overseas Chinese compatriots must be vigilant and pay attention to safety. Learn some self-defense techniques to protect yourself at critical moments. When encountering an unprovoked attack by foreigners, we must bravely fight back and shout for help, and at the same time learn to collect evidence and use legal weapons.

As the descendants of Yan and Huang, we must not only strive for self-improvement and regain traditional virtues, but also cultivate blood and temperament and enhance national self-confidence. Only in this way can we really straighten our waists and behave overseas! #头条创作挑战赛#

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