
After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

author:Strategizing 168

Hello readers! Recently, an incident of "Beijing Uncle Subway forcibly asked the girl to give up her seat" became popular on the whole network, causing heated discussions among everyone. The uncle lost control of his emotions because he asked others to give up his seat, made a lot of noise on the subway, disturbed public order, and was finally detained for 7 days.

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

As a person who has lived in the city for many years, I know what a headache it is to meet unreasonable uncles and aunts on the subway. They always feel that they are old people and deserve special care, and young people must give up their seats unconditionally, isn't this a naked moral kidnapping?

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

What's even more infuriating is that after being detained for 7 days, instead of reflecting on his mistakes, this uncle also said righteously that he was not wrong. His daughter also jumped out to help, expressing her dissatisfaction with her father's detention for seven days, saying that it was just a "small matter", such remarks, in my opinion, are simply unrepentant.

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

As a retired teacher, this uncle should lead by example and establish correct values for the next generation. But what he is doing now not only sets a wrong example for his daughter, but also makes people ask: How did such a person educate students back then?

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but it must not become a shield for violating law and discipline. Everyone, young and old, should abide by social morality and not do whatever they want just because they are an old man. As the elderly, we should convince people with virtue and establish a good social image, so as to truly win the respect of young people.

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

From this incident, we also see the seriousness of mental health problems in the elderly. It is understood that the reason why this uncle lost control of his emotions was because he had some unpleasant things with his friends on the subway. It can be seen that in today's society, not only young people, but also the elderly in China also have many psychological problems, some of which are even more serious than young people.

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

At the same time, it is a lesson for all of us: empathy is important. If one day, you encounter a similar experience, relying on the old and selling the old to disrupt public order, will you also think that this is a "small matter"? A person's moral character is the most fundamental.

After the forcibly occupying the seat was detained, his daughter also spoke out to express her dissatisfaction! This family's values are absolutely amazing!

This is by no means an isolated case, the uncle and her daughter behave the same, which reflects the many problems of family education in today's society. To build a harmonious society, every family needs to establish a correct moral outlook, and every family needs to pay attention to the words and deeds of their children. #头条创作挑战赛#