
People with these three marks on their faces have very bad hearts and eyes, and they should not be deeply acquainted!

author:Chinese Internet Confucianism

As the saying goes, "Mutual love is born from the heart." ”

A person's face is written about a person's character and character.

If someone is kind-hearted, he will appear to be kind-hearted; Some people have ill intentions, so they naturally seem bitter and mean.

People with bad hearts and eyes, when these three marks appear on their faces, they must be vigilant and do not have deep friendships.


With anger on his face, it is difficult to accomplish anything

Venerable Hongyi said: "If you are always angry, you will naturally be angry, and if you are optimistic and kind, you will naturally be kind and kind." ”

A person's attitude towards the world determines the height of a person's life.

People with these three marks on their faces have very bad hearts and eyes, and they should not be deeply acquainted!

In ancient times, there was a merchant who always had a gloomy face and anger.

My friend used to say to the businessman, "Don't always smile with a gloomy face. ”

The merchant tugged at the corners of his mouth, but said without a smile: "Life is so hard, how can you laugh?" ”

Later, the merchant and his friends went to other places to discuss business.

Whenever I meet a business partner, when I see the face of the businessman, I only say that the other party is reluctant and insincere, and then walks away.

Some even ran away in fright as soon as they met, but before they could talk.

In the end, the merchant and his friend failed to negotiate a single deal, and all the goods were lost in their hands, and they lost all their money.

Life is a mirror in which everyone sees their own image.

What kind of attitude a person has towards life, life will give back what kind of attitude.

Repay life with a smile, and life with a song.

If your face is gloomy and full of anger, you will only achieve nothing and reap a messy life.

You must know that life is not all smooth sailing, everything goes smoothly.

Instead of being physically and mentally exhausted in anger, it is better to put away your anger, take care of your face, and win your life.

A good day begins with a sense of relaxation on the face.

People with these three marks on their faces have very bad hearts and eyes, and they should not be deeply acquainted!


The eyes are greedy and full of calculation

As the old saying goes, "Greed is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant." ”

During the Tang Dynasty, there was a history of thorns, who loved money like life and were full of greed.

One day, a small official in the yamen wanted to buy a new pair of shoes because of the hole in his shoes.

It's just a pair of shoes for a few small bucks, but Thorn Shi has not allowed it for a long time.

In desperation, the little official bought a new pair of shoes to wear on his feet.

When he saw it, he thought crookedly.

It is the golden autumn, and the jujube trees in the courtyard are fruitful, and the history of thorns is in mind.

said to the little official: "Just you, go pick some dates, be sharp." ”

But the jujube tree is straight and smooth, and it is difficult to climb.

So, in order to show his face, the little official took off his new shoes, climbed the trunk of the tree barefoot, and picked dates.

Thorn Shi immediately motioned to the servant with his eyes and stole the servant's new shoes.

When the little official finished picking the dates and went down the tree, he was stunned and said, "Where are my new shoes?" ”

Thorn Shi said: "I am a stab in history, not a shoe watcher!" ”

Later, the assassin became more and more greedy, and even started the idea of the imperial court to provide relief food.

In the end, due to his insatiable greed, Assassin Shi was dismissed from office and beheaded for public display.

People with greed in their eyes always look treacherous, and their words and deeds are cunning.

Even if there is a smile on his face, the smile is not big enough to reach the bottom of his eyes.

They are often accustomed to calculations and will put their own interests first in everything.

But whenever it comes to self-interest, he will be like a hungry wolf, full of sinister scheming at all times.

Working with them is like walking on thin ice, trembling step by step, and frightening step by step.

If you treat each other unreservedly and sincerely, the other party will only be unscrupulous and empty everything you have by unscrupulous means.


Speak evil words and hurt others and yourself

"Zengguang Xianwen" wrote: "Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June." ”

The mouth is the door of blessing and misfortune.

A word can turn spring breeze into rain, making people feel like a spring breeze; A word can hurt people invisibly, making the human body incomplete.

People with these three marks on their faces have very bad hearts and eyes, and they should not be deeply acquainted!

In ancient times, there was a peasant in the village who spoke extremely unpleasantly.

When the neighbors see the peasants from afar, they will hide as far as they can.

One day, as soon as the farmer went out, he saw his friend quickly passing by the door and immediately shouted to stop.

When my friend stopped, he saw that it was a farmer, and he couldn't help but regret that he should not have taken a shortcut and passed by the farmer's doorstep.

So, in a panic, he ran without looking back.

When the peasant saw it, he scolded loudly: "I rushed to reincarnate, and I didn't even say hello." ”

Just as he was walking back, he accidentally bumped into someone who came.

The peasant immediately scolded: "Don't you have eyes? Can't you see Uncle Ben? ”

After speaking, he glared at the person and turned to leave.

In the end, everyone stayed away from it, and the peasants became completely lonely, deserted and inaccessible all year round.

A person's mouth is a person's feng shui.

What kind of words you say is what kind of person you are, and what kind of face you will have.

People who are often gentle and soft-spoken, have kind faces; And he who does not choose his words has a fierce face.

You must know that talking nonsense is the beginning of trouble.

If you can't control your mouth, you will not only hurt others, but also yourself.

If you are open-mouthed and speak disrespectfully, you will only make enemies everywhere, be hated by others, and bring endless troubles.

Keeping a good mouth is to respect others and be responsible for yourself.

Don't say everything, don't do everything, grasp the distance, so that the blessings can be extended and good luck rolls in.

People with these three marks on their faces have very bad hearts and eyes, and they should not be deeply acquainted!

Zeng Guopan once said: "It is better to be illiterate than to be illiterate." ”

In the world, the mask and the true color coexist.

To recognize the good and bad of people, we must peel off the cocoon, tear off the mask of hypocrisy, and see its true face.

When interacting with others, keep your eyes open, and don't blindly communicate with people.

Staying away from bad relationships is the first step to success.

May all people in the world be accompanied by loved ones, have careers to pursue, be fearless, and stride forward.

Author: Daily Doing a Good Thing Collective Cultivation Platform