
Lai Ruoyu's profile


He died young, he was the former secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the provincial government, his name was Lai Ruoyu, a native of Wutai County, Shanxi Province, and he served as secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and chairman of the Provincial People's Government in the early days of the founding of New China. In 1952, he was transferred to the secretary general of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions after Chairman Mao personally ordered him. At the Seventh Congress of the Chinese Trade Union in 1953 and the Eighth Congress of the Chinese Trade Union in 1957, he was twice elected chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. He was an outstanding leader of the Chinese workers' movement, and in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he led the preparations for the restoration of the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. During his work in the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, he made outstanding contributions to the promotion of the labor movement in New China and the exploration and development of the theory of the labor movement.

He was the chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, who was personally appointed by Mao Zedong, the core of the first generation of central leadership in New China. He was elected chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions at the first National Congress of Trade Unions held in New China. He was the first chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions to be selected and transferred to Beijing by the central government when he was secretary of the provincial party committee. He came from Shanxi, the old revolutionary base, and he walked from Weiweitai. He is a monument that stands majestically in the history of China's labor movement. His name shines brightly and is engraved in the century-old history of the labor movement led by the Communist Party of China, which makes people admire and miss.

The battle was fought on the Taihang Mountain

There is a special exhibition area in a prominent position in the first exhibition hall of the Shanxi Labor Movement History Museum.

Lai Ruoyu's young and handsome photos are hung on the wall, and a thick set of "Lai Ruoyu's Memorial Anthology" is displayed in the display case, collecting memories and remembrances.

The narration is: In September 1949, under the leadership of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Preparatory Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was established to prepare for the convening of the second congress of the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the resumption of the establishment of the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. The director of the preparatory committee was none other than Lai Ruoyu, then deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee.

"Lai Ruoyu then served as the secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and then became the chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, which is the pride of our Shanxi and the pride of our Shanxi trade unionists." The narrator's sonorous words are full of affection and are very infectious.

Lai Ruoyu's short life is a brilliant life. At the age of 17, he was admitted to the School of Technology of Peking University with excellent results, joined the progressive society "Renyan Society" at the age of 18, and joined the Communist Party of China at the age of 19. Arrested twice and imprisoned once before the age of 20, he withstood the torture test, experienced the showdown in prison, and quickly matured into a determined and courageous communist fighter.

After being released from prison, Lai Ruoyu was appointed by the party organization to engage in underground work in Shanxi, Tianjin, Zhangjiakou, and Beiping. In July 1937, he went to Yan'an to study at the Central Party School, and at the end of the same year, he returned to North China and worked behind enemy lines.

Jincheng was the first place Lai Ruoyu fought after returning to Shanxi.

"In Jincheng in 1938, the sky was shrouded in dark clouds, the artillery of the Japanese devils rumbled, the planes continued to carry out reconnaissance and bombing, and the county and its surroundings were stationed the Fourth Cavalry Division of the Kuomintang Central Army, Sun Dianying's department, Yang Hucheng's old department, Yan Xishan's security forces, etc. In order to compete for territory and attract troops, these troops not only engage in friction between anti-communism and anti-communism, but also tilt against each other. The survival of the Communist Party in Jincheng was greatly restricted. Guo Zhen, then secretary of the Jincheng Central County Party Committee, recalled Guo Zhen, a correspondent.

Jincheng is located in the southeast of Shanxi Province, at the junction of Shanxi and Henan provinces, between the Taihang and Taiyue mountain ranges, the mountains and rivers are steep, and the mountains and mountains are stacked, which has an important position in strategy.

In late August 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an enlarged meeting of the Politburo in Luochuan, northern Shaanxi, adopted the "Ten Programs for Resisting Japan and Saving the Country", and made an important strategic decision to open up a battlefield behind enemy lines in Shanxi. In order to directly lead and deploy the Shanxi War of Resistance, the Party Central Committee formed the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee with Liu Shaoqi as secretary. Mao Zedong replied to Zhu Rui, secretary of the Military Commission of the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, saying: "The Jin-Henan border is very important, and I hope to make planned arrangements for guerrilla warfare in the Qinshui, Yicheng, Quwo, Yuanqu, Jiyuan, Boai, and Jincheng areas. ”

In accordance with the instructions of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao, the CPC Central Committee for Changzhi decided to set up the Jincheng Central County Working Committee to lead the party organizations in Jincheng, Yangcheng, Qinshui, and Gaoping in a unified manner to strengthen the party's leadership in the Shanxi-Henan border areas.

Lai Ruoyu was appointed as the secretary of the Jincheng Central County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China. He came to Jincheng alone, and in December 1937, in the big temple of Xidayang Village in the north of Jincheng, he announced the formal establishment of the Jincheng Central County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and formed the county party committee.

The 28-year-old secretary of the county work committee worked with courage, strategy, courage and strategy, grasped the party's "two magic weapons" of mass work and united front work, and quickly opened up the situation and reversed the situation.

On the one hand, it vigorously developed the workers' and peasants' and young women's organizations, and in May and June 1938, the Workers' Rescue Association and the Farmers' Relief Association were established in Xidayang to extensively mobilize the masses and strengthen the revolutionary forces.

From December 1937 to July 1939, during Lai Ruoyu's tenure as secretary of the Jincheng Central County Working Committee for more than a year, workers, peasants, youth, women, and other sectors of the People's Liberation Association were established one after another in Jincheng. According to the Xinhua Times at that time, in the first half of 1938, out of a population of 190,000 in Yangcheng County alone, 30,000 participated in the Agricultural Rescue Association, 20,000 participated in the Workers' Rescue Association, 2,000 participated in the Youth Rescue Association, and 3,000 participated in the Women's Rescue Association, and the mobilized and organized people accounted for about one-third of the county's total population.

On the other hand, he moved vertically and horizontally among the various factions, fought wittily, and successively cooperated with the friendly 529 Brigade to drive the Japanese invaders out of Jincheng on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month in 1938, and overthrew the puppet regime headed by Li Tingxiang supported by the Japanese invaders; Through a legal struggle, he ousted the magistrate of Jincheng County, appointed by Yan Xishan, and managed to get Zhang Junbo, a Communist Party member, to take over as magistrate; Taking advantage of the change of the old and new county magistrates, the reactionary elements in the county, district, and village political power were replaced by Communist Party members, "giving a new look to the political power at the three levels in Jincheng" and allowing the party organization to take root and gain a firm foothold.

For more than a year, under the leadership of Lai Ruoyu, the Jincheng Central County Working Committee actively organized anti-Japanese armed forces such as the "Nangong Eighth Route Guerrilla Force" and opened the "Dayang Arsenal", which later became an important weapons supply base for the Jin-Henan border guerrilla detachment and the Eighth Route Army; Together with Tang Tianji, commander of the Jin-Henan border guerrilla detachment, he decided to set up the Jincheng Office of the Eighth Route Army, set up a military shoe factory in Qiaoling, Chengou Township, and set up a military clothing village in Huijunlin.

With his active efforts, Jincheng's party building, political power building, mass movement, armed struggle, united front and other work were vigorously carried out, and the upsurge of the anti-Japanese salvation movement was quickly set off. He made immortal contributions to the construction of the anti-Japanese base in Jincheng. In the autumn of 1938, Zhu De, commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, came to Jincheng and saw the mass anti-Japanese salvation movement in full swing. The flames on both sides of the strait are as red as fire, and this trip should be a consolation for the common enemy. ”

Taking this as a starting point, Lai Ruoyu obeyed the dispatch of the party organization and threw his fiery youth into the revolutionary beacon fire of Taihang Mountain, leaving a series of glorious footprints in the land of Sanjin.

In July 1939, Lai Ruoyu received a notice from Li Xuefeng, then secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan District, and was transferred to the secretary of the prefectural party committee of the second sub-district of Taihang in eastern Jindong.

The second sub-district of Taihang is a poor mountainous area near Taiyuan, and it is a triangular area for the struggle against the enemy. At that time, the situation was that "the enemy occupied the city, I occupied the township, and the enemy occupied the Sichuan, I occupied the mountain", the towns and the main transportation routes were controlled by the Japanese invaders, and the enemy was constantly "sweeping" and rushing. "There was a sweep that sacrificed many comrades, and he temporarily squatted in a grave and saved his life." Li Xuefeng said when he recalled Lai Ruoyu.

In the face of the barbaric atrocities of the Japanese invaders and the white terror of the Kuomintang warlords, Lai Ruoyu was undaunted and unflinching, and walked through the bloody rain and bullets without hesitation of his life and death, and brilliantly fulfilled one task after another assigned by the party.

In September 1940, Lai Ruoyu, who served as the secretary of the Shanxi, Hebei and Henan Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China, led the people of the Taihang Second Division to participate in the "Hundred Regiment Battle" that shocked China and foreign countries.

In September and October 1945, Lai Ruoyu, who served as the head of the organization department of Taihang District, participated in the famous "Shangdang Campaign" with the party, government, military and people in the Taihang base area.

In July 1947, Lai Ruoyu was appointed secretary of the Taihang District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in only half a year, the main problems such as land reform and party rectification in Taihang District were basically solved, and the road of developing production was embarked on.

On April 24, 1949, Taiyuan was liberated, and the Taiyuan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Lai Ruoyu as its secretary, entered the city with the army and led the city to take over.

Since then, Lai Ruoyu has successively served as deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and chairman of the Provincial People's Government. From September 1950 to January 1952, he served as secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee for two years and three months.

"Mass organizations should become the political department of the mass armed forces"

From serving as secretary of the Jincheng Central County Working Committee to secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, Lai Ruoyu has always firmly implemented the party's principles and lines for the mass movement, always attached importance to strengthening the construction of workers' and peasants' youth women's organizations, and attached importance to giving play to the role of workers' and peasants' youth women's organizations.

Build an organization and develop members

On February 15, 1941, Lai Ruoyu, then secretary of the Second Prefectural Party Committee of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan Districts, made a report entitled "Several Questions on Mass Work" at a joint meeting of the secretaries of the two prefectural party committees and county magistrates, summing up the mass movement in the base areas over the past three years. He pointed out: "In order to develop an independent, bottom-up mass movement, we should first solve these three problems: 1. Establish a mass base of mass organizations and conscientiously develop members. 2. Cultivate mass leaders, establish a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and establish regular work. 3. Carry forward the spirit of democracy and make mass work popular. ”

In September 1943, Lai Ruoyu, then deputy director of the Organization Department of the Taihang Branch of the Communist Party of China and director of the Organization Department of the Taihang District Party Committee, pointed out in his concluding speech "The Problem of Branch Construction in the Present Period" at the Second Branch Study Conference: "When the class masses of workers and poor people are mobilized, they are very full of struggle, unity and discipline. "Policy towards the Workers' and Poor's Party members: A. The Workers' and the Poor's are the main basis of our Party in the countryside. B. To cultivate the organizational strength of the workers and the poor outside the Party, i.e., to strengthen the work of the peasant associations, especially the trade unions, and to ensure the improvement of their lives. C. To train workers, poor activists and leadership nuclei, and to strengthen their class education. "Trade unions should be independent, unified class organizations."

Educate the masses and guide the masses

In December 1941, Lai Ruoyu published an article entitled "Mass Movement and Mass Guerrilla Warfare" in Battle, pointing out: "Experience has repeatedly told us that if the struggle against the enemy loses the active support of the masses, it will inevitably fall into defeat. "Mass organizations should become the political department of the mass armed forces." "Mass groups must build their own independent systems."

On February 23, 1951, Lai Ruoyu, then secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, made a summary report at the second party congress of Shanxi Province. He pointed out: "Mass work is an issue of uniting the broad masses of the people, and the primary task of mass work at present is to strengthen education in patriotic ideology. ”

Rely on workers to develop production

In August 1944, Lai Ruoyu pointed out in his report at the joint meeting of the secretaries of the Taihang District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China: "The tasks of the mass organizations should be: first, to lead the mass production, health and cultural undertakings; second, to protect the interests of the masses; Third, to resolve the daily disputes of the masses. Mass organizations must lead mass production and lead the cooperative movement with the most important force. "The trade unions are still independent class organizations, as decided by the branch study society last year."

In December 1948, the second group of heroes in Taihang District was held. Lai Ruoyu made a work report and a concluding speech at the meeting, mobilizing model workers to contribute to the liberation of the whole of China.

On June 15, 1949, Lai Ruoyu, then secretary of the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee, pointed out at the work conference on the labor movement held by the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee: "In urban work, the development of industrial production is the center of all work. "It is necessary to raise the production mood of the workers, which plays a leading role in the development of production." With regard to trade union work, he pointed out: "It is necessary to recruit not only manual workers into union work, but also employees who work intellectually. "What the trade union cadres say should be exactly what the workers want to say, or what exists in the minds of the workers, so that the workers will believe that you are serving them and that you will be one of them."

On July 1, 1949, the second session of the Workers' Congress was held in Taiyuan City. Lai Ruoyu made a political report at the meeting, calling on the working class to work hard for the three basic tasks of restoring production, developing culture and education, and strengthening public order.

On September 1, 1949, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shanxi Provincial People's Government, and the Shanxi Provincial Military Region held their inaugural meeting, and Lai Ruoyu was appointed as the first deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and made a report on "Principles and Tasks for Shanxi's Future Work," pointing out that Taiyuan was liberated, and the entire territory of Shanxi was liberated. If the construction is done well, it will also support the front line. In terms of the future, we want to build an industrialized Shanxi. "How to restore and develop industry? First, do a good job in trade union work. It is necessary to organise the entire working class and unite the workers, especially the technicians. Industrial production must rely on the consciousness, organization, enthusiasm, and creativity of the entire working class. ”

On November 9, 1949, Lai Ruoyu made a political report at the Second Workers' Congress of Shanxi Province, pointing out: "In industrial production, the working class shoulders important tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize the workers in production, organize all the workers, constantly enhance their consciousness and enthusiasm, enhance their enthusiasm and creativity in production, gradually improve the workers' livelihood in the course of developing production, and organize and develop welfare undertakings. ”

In November 1950, Lai Ruoyu, then secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, made an opening speech and a summary report at the Shanxi Provincial Conference of Industrial and Agricultural Model Workers. He pointed out: "Model workers are new figures in the new society. "The patriotic race of production of the working class is the basic method of our construction."

In October 1951, Lai Ruoyu pointed out in his article "The Chinese Working Class on the Eve of Large-scale Economic Construction: Commemorating the Third National Day": "Why can the ability and wisdom of the working class be brought into full play? This is because in the new China after liberation, the working class has become the leading class of the country, and the interests of the state are completely identical with the interests of the working class itself. ”

As an eyewitness, organizer, and initiator, Lai Ruoyu played an important role in leading, promoting, and promoting the history of Shanxi's labor movement. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, especially in the early days of the founding of New China, Shanxi's labor movement and trade union work made great progress, thanks to Lai Ruoyu's great contributions.

Trade union "practitioner" + "theorist"

"Lai Ruoyu is a very remarkable figure, and Chairman Mao values him very much." Guo Wencai, former member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and former director of the Grassroots Construction Department of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, said: "He was the chairman of the ACFTU personally appointed by Chairman Mao, and he had just turned 42 when the chairman transferred him from the post of secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. ”

In January 1952, in order to strengthen the work of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao named Lai Ruoyu to work in the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. At that time, some people suggested to Chairman Mao that Comrade Lai Ruoyu was a rare talent, and that he should be transferred to the First Machinery Department as a minister so that he could play a better role. Chairman Mao asked rhetorically: So is the working class important? "The Biography of Lai Ruoyu" is recorded.

In the eyes of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, the position of the chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions is no less than that of a provincial party secretary. Lai Ruoyu was selected from the secretary of the provincial party committee at that time and transferred to the ACFTU. Zhang Bingliang, a second-level inspector of the Social Liaison Department of the ACFTU, a member of the party group and vice chairman of the Hainan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, said.

"Chairman Mao praised Lai Ruoyu and said: 'He is a handsome talent and a show talent.'" Zhang Guoxiang, former vice president of the Shanxi Provincial History Research Institute, said.

It was precisely the appreciation of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao that provided Lai Ruoyu with a higher and greater platform to display his talents in the cause of the labor movement, and enabled him to make outstanding contributions to promoting the cause of the labor movement in New China and the theoretical exploration and development of the labor movement.

He is a practitioner of trade union work and a theorist of trade union work. In the leadership posts of the ACFTU, he has become more focused and persistent in the practical exploration and theoretical innovation of the party's theory of the labor movement, which has embodied the valuable practical and theoretical qualities of the communists.

He unswervingly adhered to the party's leadership

"It is only natural that the trade unions must accept the leadership of the party." This is a political principle that Lai Ruoyu has always adhered to, and it is also the correct direction he pointed out for the work of trade unions in New China.

In January 1952, Lai Ruoyu was transferred to the party secretary and secretary general of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. On December 2, 1952, at the grassroots work conference of the trade union, Lai Ruoyu made a summary report. He pointed out: "In order to do a good job in trade union work, it is necessary to do a good job in party and administrative work. In order to do a good job in party and administrative work, it is necessary to do a good job in trade union work. "As for the trade unions, they can only work under the leadership of the party." "It is only natural that the trade unions must accept the leadership of the party."

From May 2 to 12, 1953, the Seventh National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions was held in Beijing. This was the first trade union congress held after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was also the first time that the National Labor Congress was officially renamed the National Congress of Trade Unions. Since then, the name "Trade Union Congress" has been used to this day. At this congress, Lai Ruoyu was elected chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

In the report on the work of the Seventh National Congress of the Trade Union, Lai Ruoyu pointed out: "In the period of national construction, the most important and basic task of our trade union organization is to connect and educate the working masses under the leadership of the Communist Party of China...... Struggle for the gradual industrialization of the country and the transition to a socialist society. ”

On July 25, 1953, Lai Ruoyu published an article entitled "Some Problems in the Current Work of Trade Unions", stressing that in order to do a good job in trade union work, it is necessary to adhere to the party's leadership.

On February 24, 1954, Lai Ruoyu published a signed article in the People's Daily entitled "Strengthening the Party's Leadership over Trade Unions and Giving Play to the Tremendous Role of Trade Unions in the Country's Industrialization."

In September 1953, Lai Ruoyu presided over the writing of an article entitled "Strengthening the Party's Leadership over Trade Union Work", which was discussed at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and published in the form of an editorial in the People's Daily. The article points out that the party's leadership and the support of the masses are the most essential conditions for the trade unions to achieve success in all their work. It is the most basic role of trade unions to implement the policies of the party and the state among the masses and to integrate them with the demands and will of the masses.

He has always insisted on investigation and research

Investigation and study is Lai Ruoyu's working method, and it is also the basic method for him to lead the exploration and development of trade union work.

Han Lin, a former cadre of the Women's Rescue Association of the Second Taihang Sub-district, once recalled that in the early summer of 1942, Lai Ruoyu, then secretary of the prefectural committee of the No. 2 Sub-district of the Communist Party of China, formed a working group of cadres from the workers, peasants, and young women of the sub-district and sent them to the rural areas of each county to conduct investigation and research.

In January and February 1943, the Taihang Branch of the Communist Party of China decided to transfer Lai Ruoyu from the Second Division of Taihang to the Taihang Branch to serve as the deputy director of the Organization Department and the head of the Organization Department of the Taihang District Party Committee. After taking office, he first focused on investigation and research. He generally adopts four methods for investigation and research: first, he personally goes down to understand the situation and investigates; the second is to ask for materials from research institutions at all levels, and pay special attention to the statistics of figures; the third is to invite researchers at all levels of the prefecture and county to report; Fourth, it is necessary to concentrate relevant personnel, set topics, and conduct investigations and studies on a regular basis. "He personally participated in or presided over a lot of investigation and research, so that he was able to grasp the overall situation quickly and solve problems in a targeted manner.

On July 2, 1951, he published an article entitled "Learning from Chairman Mao's Theory of Practice and Overcoming Our Empiricism" in Shanxi Daily. The article points out: "Investigation and research should be guided by theory, and investigation and research itself is a process of combining theory and practice. "Empiricist investigation is often out of touch with theory. Therefore, many investigations often list phenomena and only look at the external signs of things, but fail to grasp the internal connections of things. "Coming from the masses and going to the masses is the correct method of leadership. However, 'from the masses to the masses', there is a process of sorting out and studying in the middle. It is the same as the material from the survey is to be studied. ”

Wang Jiazhong, former vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, once pointed out: "The period when Comrade Lai Ruoyu presided over the work of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions coincided with the period when the mainland was about to enter and enter the period of the first five-year plan for the planned construction of the national economy...... In addition, the entire trade union work was still somewhat chaotic at that time, and all this seriously affected the effective development of the trade union work. "Lai Ruoyu has conscientiously studied Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought...... In particular, he has conducted in-depth investigation and research, put forward his own distinctive views and propositions, and constantly adjusted and enriched them with the development of practice. ”

Liu Shi, former secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, once recalled: "Summing up and popularizing typical experiences is a distinctive feature of Comrade Lai Ruoyu's work. In September 1952, he led the comrades of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the Northeast Federation of Trade Unions and the comrades of the relevant departments of the Northeast Administrative Region to sum up the practices of the Shenyang No. 53 Factory, forming a relatively complete and systematic set of grassroots work experience in state-owned enterprises. This experience has been disseminated and popularized throughout the country, and has had a wide impact and has been affirmed by the central government.

Kang Yonghe, former director of the State Labor Bureau, once recalled: "Every year, he always had to concentrate several periods of time to inspect various places, to observe the flowers or to see the flowers from the horse, and to combine them with the comrades who were squatting in the camp to investigate and study. His method was to go down with the issues he was thinking about and exploring, and to talk to leading comrades in the party, government, and labor sectors at the provincial and municipal levels. He asked questions and wrote, and he was busy day and night. He was accustomed to meeting and speaking directly with the masses on various occasions, in a simple form and without pomp. ”

Li Xiuren, former chairman of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, once recalled: "Comrade Lai Ruoyu's attention to investigation and study has been consistent for decades. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, when he was in the Taihang Revolutionary Base Area, he attached great importance to investigation and research. After liberation, when he presided over the work of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Shanxi Provincial People's Government, his work tasks were relatively complicated and arduous, and there were many new tasks that he needed to open up...... People who know him well say: 'The magic weapon of Lao Lai's work is investigation and research.' "On major issues, he personally went to the grassroots level to talk to cadres, visited the workers, personally took notes, collected materials, and then discussed them with everyone, and finally he wrote articles by himself." "Comrade Lai Ruoyu also regarded summing up work and writing articles as investigation and research."

He unswervingly insisted on theoretical innovation

"During the period when he presided over the work of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, Comrade Lai Ruoyu, in the revolutionary spirit of being highly responsible for the party's cause of the labor movement, went deep into reality, studied assiduously, painstakingly explored the characteristics and laws of trade union work during the period of socialist revolution and construction, profoundly understood the nature, status, function, and role of trade unions under the conditions of the people's democratic regime, accurately grasped the relationship between trade unions and the party, with the socialist state power, and with the masses of workers, and profoundly studied major theoretical issues involving the working class and trade union work. Efforts have been made to integrate the Marxist theory of the labor movement with the reality of the trade unions on the mainland, and a series of expositions on the work of the trade unions have been put forward, which have enriched and developed the party's theory of mass work, laid a solid foundation for the successful development and vigorous development of the labor movement in New China, and set an example for us of Sinicizing the Marxist theory of the labor movement. Li Binsheng, former secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, member of the party group and director of the research office, spoke at a symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Lai Ruoyu.

After the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Lai Ruoyu, in order to enable the trade unions' work to meet the requirements of the new situation and tasks, went deep into reality, conducted investigations and studies, and promptly discovered and resolved many specific problems in the trade unions' work in the course of the changes in the situation and tasks. On March 26, 1957, Lai Ruoyu left Beijing and successively visited the federation of trade unions in Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces, as well as the trade unions in Taiyuan, Xi'an, and Lanzhou, and visited 16 factories and mining enterprises along the way.

Qiao Chuanxiu, former vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and secretary of the Secretariat, pointed out in his speech at a forum to commemorate the 100 th anniversary of Comrade Lai Ruoyu's birth that during the period when Comrade Lai Ruoyu presided over the work of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, major achievements were made in the work of the trade unions. In particular, in the four years from 1953 to 1956, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China forwarded to the whole country 34 proposals, typical experiences, and research reports of the ACFTU, and many of the investigation reports and recommendations were adopted by the State Council and formed laws or regulations. The achievement of these achievements all contains a lot of hard work and dedication of Comrade Lai Ruoyu. ”

"In the trade union movement in socialist China, Lai Ruoyu's trade union theoretical exploration and practical activities occupy a very important position. His theory of trade unions keenly touched on the basic issues of trade unions in China and formed a relatively complete ideological system. He Bufeng, dean of the Trade Union Cadre Training School of the China Institute of Labor Relations, said.

In the course of Lai Ruoyu's theoretical exploration of trade unions, there were lessons learned from Li Lisan's erroneous judgment and the unfavorable situation after the anti-rightist struggle was expanded. However, with his boundless loyalty to the working class and the party, and despite the possibility of being misunderstood and even the greater danger of his own misconception, he resolutely and resolutely opened up the important and sensitive theoretical fields of the trade unions' political position, their unique tasks, and especially their relations with the party and the government, and made tremendous contributions. Wang Yongxi, an expert on the history of the Chinese labor movement and a professor at the China Institute of Labor Relations, commented on Lai Ruoyu's theoretical quality and theoretical contributions in his monograph "Research on the History of the Chinese Labor Movement".

I have the masses of workers in my heart

With the masses of workers in his heart and close contact with the masses of workers, Lai Ruoyu has become a leader of the labor movement trusted by the masses of workers. He profoundly and farsightedly pointed out: "The degree of contact with the masses is the most fundamental yardstick for measuring the work of trade unions. ”

- "Mass organizations are the ones who need democracy the most. ”

In February 1941, Lai Ruoyu published "Several Questions on Mass Work" in "Fighting", saying: "Mass organizations need democracy the most. "The mass movement is to mobilize the masses and make the masses move themselves, not to force the masses to move." "It is necessary to turn 'the party's propositions into the masses' own propositions,' so that our propositions can be turned into material forces." "Mass work must stand on the standpoint of the interests of the masses, and must never deviate from the interests of the masses, still less violate the interests of the masses." "We must rely on the experience of the masses themselves to educate and improve the masses."

- "It is dangerous to break away from the masses. ”

In December 1941, he pointed out in "The Mass Movement and the Mass Guerrilla War": "Experience has repeatedly taught us that if the struggle against the enemy loses the active support of the masses, it must be defeated. "It's dangerous to get out of the crowd." "The question of the way of working is decisive in mass work: 1. Mass work should always be mobilization from below. 2. We must always proceed from the interests of the masses and in connection with the interests of the revolution, and we must have a clear program, only in this way can the masses feel that the mass organizations are their own organizations, and can the mass forces be truly transformed into revolutionary forces. "Today, there are many groups and cadres who do not know how to do their own work, and they complain that the masses are backward and that the government does not help, which is actually wrong."

On May 21, 1949, Lai Ruoyu pointed out at the Taiyuan Public Light and Heavy Industry Production Mobilization Conference: "The restoration and development of industry mainly depends on the enthusiasm and creativity of all workers. "In order to give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the workers, management must be democratized, and workers must participate in democratic management." "The work of the trade unions must be done well and the lives of the people must be gradually improved."

- "The greatest task of the trade unions is to unite and educate all the workers. ”

On November 9, 1949, Lai Ruoyu pointed out in his political report to the Second Workers' Congress of Shanxi Province: "The greatest task of the trade unions is to unite and educate all workers. "Trade unions should unite 100 per cent of the workers and constantly raise their level of consciousness and organization. Give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of all workers, and improve labor discipline and technical level. This should be done not only for members, but also for non-members. In addition, it is necessary to find ways to gradually improve the lives of workers, such as workers' clubs and safety and health. Only by doing a good job in these tasks can we launch a competition in production. ”

- "We must rely on the initiative and creativity of the working class in order to do a good job in production." ”

On December 2, 1950, Lai Ruoyu pointed out in the summary report of the Shanxi Provincial Agricultural Model Worker Conference: "We must rely on the enthusiasm and creativity of the working class in order to do a good job in production. A model factory manager, in addition to planning and organizing the entire production well, must pay attention to improving the material and cultural life of the workers, strengthen the factory management committee, listen to the opinions of the workers, and motivate the workers to make reasonable suggestions. "The patriotic race of production of the working class is the basic method of our construction."

- "The degree of contact with the masses is the most fundamental yardstick for measuring the work of trade unions. ”

On July 25, 1953, the Chinese Labor Movement published Lai Ruoyu's article "Some Problems in the Current Work of Trade Unions". Lai Ruoyu clearly pointed out in the article: "Trade unions are mass organizations of the working class, and their most important and basic problem is to connect with the masses. The degree of contact with the masses is the most fundamental yardstick for judging the work of trade unions. ”

On February 24, 1954, the People's Daily published Lai Ruoyu's article "Strengthening the Party's Leadership over Trade Unions and Giving Play to the Tremendous Role of Trade Unions in the Country's Industrialization." The article points out: "The leading organs of the trade unions at all levels must strive to make their work more in-depth and more meticulous, and in accordance with the principle of 'facing the grassroots, production, and the masses,' they must solve the problems that the masses of workers urgently need to solve in production and in their daily lives in a planned and step-by-step manner. ”

Qiao Chuanxiu, former vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and secretary of the Secretariat, affirmed in his speech at a forum commemorating the 100th anniversary of Comrade Lai Ruoyu's birth: "Comrade Lai Ruoyu pointed out that the modern workers' movement on the mainland developed under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China after the birth of the Communist Party of China. It is only natural that trade unions must accept the leadership of the party. Trade unions should strive to achieve the goals pointed out by the party and realize the party's policies and propositions. All the policies of the trade unions should be decided in accordance with the party's principles. However, in implementing these principles and policies, we must proceed in accordance with the wishes, demands, and consciousness of the masses of workers. Trade union organizations link the vanguard of the working class with the broad masses of workers, gradually raise the broad masses of workers to an advanced level, and become an important link for the party to unite its own class and unite all the working people. ”

Make union work a lifelong career

Lai Ruoyu is a person who regards his career as more important than his life. He always obeyed the party's call, did whatever the party asked him to do, and did his best for the party's cause. At the age of 48, he fixed his life's pursuit on the cause of the party's labor movement.

In December 1957, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions held the Eighth National Congress, and Lai Ruoyu was re-elected as the chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

Soon after the congress, Lai Ruoyu personally arranged the work of the trade union in 1958 and planned to go to the south in March 1958 to inspect the work and conduct investigation and research.

Since his health had been poor for several months and he had persisted in his work despite his illness for a long time, according to the opinions of the relevant comrades of the central authorities, we organized and arranged for him to go to the hospital for a physical examination. Unexpectedly, the test result was liver cancer, and it was already at an advanced stage.

God is jealous of talents! On May 20, 1958, Lai Ruoyu died of liver cancer at the age of 48.

"Comrade Lai Ruoyu suffered from a serious liver disease in the early 30s in an enemy prison. After that, he was overloaded with sick work for a long time. After his death on May 20, 1958, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a grand memorial service for him. Liu Shi, former secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, once recalled.

Upon learning of Lai Ruoyu's death, Chairman Mao sighed: It's a pity! What a pity! Zhang Guoxiang, former vice president of the Shanxi Provincial History Research Institute, once recalled, "Chairman Mao was very important to Lai Ruoyu, and that was when he first arrived at the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Once, Chairman Mao introduced Lai Ruoyu to him in front of Chen Yun, and Mao Zedong said: Comrade Chen Yun, this is Comrade Lai Ruoyu, a native of Wutai, Shanxi, who is forty years old. He was formerly the secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, the chairman of the provincial government, and the political commissar of the provincial military region. He's a handsome talent, and he's also a showman. He will do the work, and the work will be done well; He writes articles, and articles are well written. Talent is rare! ”

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a "ceremony for comrades from all walks of life in the capital to pay tribute to Comrade Lai Ruoyu" for Comrade Lai Ruoyu. Although the Second Session of the Eighth CPC National Congress was held at the time, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Chen Yun, and Deng Xiaoping, who were members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at the time, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing were present, secretaries and alternate secretaries of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee were present, and principal responsible comrades of the democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce were present...... The memorial service was presided over by Liu Shaoqi, and Li Xuefeng delivered a eulogy. The eulogy said: "Comrade Lai Ruoyu is an outstanding member of our party and a revolutionary fighter who has been tested for a long time. ”

On May 23, 1958, the Workers' Daily published an article recording the deep condolences of the workers and workers to Comrade Lai Ruoyu. Everyone shed tears, telling Lai Ruoyu's vivid stories of caring for the workers, heart-warming pasts, and their love and nostalgia for him.

"Comrade Lai Ruoyu served the people wholeheartedly and devoted himself to the revolutionary cause. Whoever wants extra care, he immediately stops. He worked hard for decades and devoted all his efforts to the cause of the people, but he never made any demands on the people. Li Jingwen, former chief prosecutor of the Shanxi Provincial People's Procuratorate, once recalled.

In order to make it easier to get close to the crowd, he went out without the guards. He sometimes rides his bicycle to the street to buy groceries, and sometimes takes the bus to and from work. He didn't let people call him 'Chairman Lai', and the guards, drivers, and cooks all affectionately called him 'Comrade Lai', and they talked and laughed with him, and they were like a family. Lai Ruoyu's children Lai Siping, Lai Xiaoda and Lai Heping wrote in "Remembering Our Father - Lai Ruoyu": "He once said, 'I want to take trade union work as my life's work, and I am willing to do it for a long time. What a deep affection he had for the work of the trade unions and for the masses of workers! ”

On December 24, 2009, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions held a "Symposium to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Comrade Lai Ruoyu's Birth" to commemorate his outstanding achievements in promoting the continuous development of the party's labor movement, highly praised his lofty spirit of firm faith, concern for workers, honesty and dedication, and affirmed that he was an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a time-tested and loyal communist fighter, and an outstanding leader of the Chinese labor movement.

"I personally feel that in the ACFTU organs, everyone admires and misses Comrade Lai Ruoyu very much. He has firm beliefs, loyalty to the party, seeking truth from facts, being good at innovation, career first, conscientiousness, affection for employees and trade unions. The broad masses of workers and trade union cadres have a good reputation for him, and they all feel that he has made great contributions to the work of the trade unions and the cause of the labor movement. Lai Ruoyu is the glory of the national trade unions and the people of Shanxi. Guo Wencai, former member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former director of the Construction Department of the ACFTU Grassroots Organizations, said.

He was a monument to those of us who came to be the unionists.

He is a beacon that illuminates the way for us trade unionists to follow the Communist Party with perseverance and perseverance, and also illuminates the new road for us trade unionists to follow the Communist Party to forge ahead in the new era and move towards the future together.

The thick two "Lai Ruoyu Memorial Anthologies", more than 1.4 million words, read and read again; Cover-up, remembrance.

Comrade Lai Ruoyu's magnificent life was a life of revolution and fighting, and a glorious life of selfless dedication and dedication to the cause of the party and the people. In particular, during his tenure as the leader of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, he adhered to the party's policy on the labor movement, closely relied on trade union cadres at all levels and the broad masses of workers, and carried out a great deal of pioneering work and made important contributions in such areas as persistently taking development as the central task of trade union organizations, paying attention to educating and guiding the broad masses of workers, attaching importance to giving play to the exemplary and leading role of model workers, strengthening the ties between trade union organizations and the masses of workers, and strengthening the building of trade unions themselves. His great spirit of self-sacrifice, arduous struggle, and indomitable perseverance for the cause of the party's labor movement, as well as his immortal achievements, reflect the original aspiration, mission, and strength of faith, and still have an important guiding role and precious and profound enlightenment for later trade unionists.

Today, on the occasion of the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we are tracing the revolutionary footprints of Comrade Lai Ruoyu, which is to carry forward the great spirit of party building, continue the blood of the red labor movement, practice the basic responsibility of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees and wholeheartedly serving the masses of workers, consciously assume the political responsibility of leading employees to listen to the party and follow the party, do a good job in the work of trade unions in the new era with unlimited loyalty to the party, and make new and greater contributions to the struggle to continue to write a new chapter in Shanxi's practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Lai Ruoyu studied in middle school in his hometown in his early years, and was admitted to the School of Engineering of Peking University after graduation. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1929 and served as secretary of the Military Committee of the Beiping Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, director of the Organization Department of the Shanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and director of the Organization Department of the Beiping Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. During the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he successively served as a student of the Yan'an Central Party School, secretary of the Jincheng Central County Party Committee of the southeast district of the Communist Party of China, vice president of the Party School of the Jin-Hebei-Henan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and a member of the Jin-Hebei-Henan District Committee of the Communist Party of China. During the War of Liberation, he successively served as secretary of the Taihang District Committee of the Communist Party of China and political commissar of the Taihang Military Region, secretary of the Taiyuan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanxi Province and political commissar of the Taiyuan Garrison Headquarters, and acting political commissar of the Shanxi Military Region. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he continued to hold important positions, successively serving as secretary of the Shanxi Provincial CPC Committee, political commissar of the Shanxi Military Region, chairman of the Shanxi Provincial People's Government, and member of the North China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

However, just as his career was booming, on May 20, 1958, he died in Beijing at the age of 48. Lai Ruoyu's life is legendary, and his important position within the Communist Party of China and the many key positions he has held have fully demonstrated his extraordinary contributions to the party's cause. As a member of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Standing Committee of the 1st National People's Congress, his influence and status are self-evident. In 1994, Shanxi People's Publishing House published "The Biography of Lai Ruoyu", which made a comprehensive record of his life. Lai Ruoyu not only has dazzling achievements in politics, but his life is also worthy of our in-depth exploration and understanding. He is not only the deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, but also the chairman of the 7th Executive Committee, the secretary of the Secretariat, and the secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, as well as the chairman of the 8th Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. This series of appointments fully demonstrates his outstanding ability and extensive influence in various fields such as politics and trade unions.

It is worth mentioning that when he was the secretary general of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, he also served as the director of the Policy Research Office, which shows his important position and role in policy formulation and research. In addition to Lai Ruoyu's outstanding political achievements, there is also a little-known identity, that is, he once served as the political commissar of the 2nd Army Division of the Taihang Military Region under the jurisdiction of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. During the War of Liberation, he successively served as secretary of the Taihang District Committee of the Communist Party of China and political commissar of the Taihang Military Region, secretary of the Taiyuan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanxi Province and political commissar of the Taiyuan Garrison Command, and acting political commissar of the Shanxi Military Region. His military background and experience provided him with solid support for his political performance, and also won him more respect and trust. It is worth mentioning that Lai Ruoyu was arrested and imprisoned during the Liberation War, and during this difficult time, he showed perseverance and indomitable spirit. This experience also made his life even more legendary and moving.

His ups and downs and brilliant achievements together constitute a turbulent life picture, leaving a precious historical memory. Lai Ruoyu's life's struggle is not only his personal legendary experience, but also the epitome of the history of the Communist Party of China during the Anti-Japanese War and the early days of the founding of New China. His deeds and contributions have inspired generations of people and inherited the glorious traditions and revolutionary spirit of his revolutionary ancestors. It is with these heroic pioneers that we can have a happy life and a bright future today. Lai Ruoyu's life is full of legends, and his great achievements and eventful years have left a deep historical imprint. His deeds are not only of great significance to the study of party history and military history, but also the precious spiritual wealth of our communists.

We should remember the great achievements of the martyrs, inherit the glorious traditions of our revolutionary ancestors, never forget our original aspirations, continue to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Finally, let us review the great achievements of Lai Ruoyu's life, think about the enlightenment of his deeds to us, and welcome everyone to leave a message to discuss and share their respect and commemoration for this revolutionary martyr.

In the ever-changing history, there will always be some people who have become legends because of their perseverance and selflessness. This article will tell you about such an outstanding leading cadre - Lai Ruoyu. His life was full of ups and downs and setbacks, but he deeply touched the world with his iron-faced and selfless behavior.

Lai Ruoyu, a son from Wutai, Shanxi, grew up in an era of social turmoil. Although his family was wealthy, he cared about the people of the world and could not bear to see the people suffering. As a result, the young Lai Ruoyu vowed to change the status quo of old China and give the people a better life. For this belief, he joined the Chinese Communist Party and began his revolutionary career.

However, the cycle of fate is not always gentle. In 1930, Lai Ruoyu was arrested and imprisoned for revolutionary activities, and after several years of suffering, this did not shake his faith. In 1932, he re-embarked on the road of revolution and successively served as the head of the Organization Department of the Shanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Lai Ruoyu went to the Central Party School in Yan'an for further study, and then was appointed as the vice president of the Party School of the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan District Party Committee and the head of the Organization Department of the Taihang District Party Committee, making great contributions to the victory of the Liberation War.

Lai Ruoyu is not the kind of person who only talks about revolution and ignores his family. His family had also put him in limbo. His eldest brother, relying on Lai Ruoyu's power, acted recklessly and withheld the hard-earned money of the peasants. When Lai Ruoyu learned about it, he did not hesitate to send him to prison, which eventually led to the death of his eldest brother in prison.

Lai Ruoyu's brother-in-law betrayed the country and worked for the Japanese. This betrayal has angered the people of the country. In 1951, Lai Ruoyu struck again and sent his brother-in-law to the guillotine, and justice was served.

However, the iron-faced selfless good cadre died of liver cancer on May 20, 1958, and there is no such person in the world. At his condolence ceremony, more than 3,000 people came to pay tribute, proving his high status in the eyes of the people.

Not only that, but prominent leaders from the mainland, such as Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping, all came to Lai Ruoyu's public memorial meeting to pay their respects to this iron-faced and selfless countryman.

Lai Ruoyu, he is the pride of the Chinese nation, and his life has shown the quality of perseverance and selflessness. His deeds should not be forgotten, but remembered. Perhaps making his story into a TV series can let more people know about this great figure and let him live forever in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Lai Ruoyu, his story tells us that no matter when and where we are, the quality of selflessness and benefiting the people is eternal. This is a legendary story full of ups and downs and setbacks, and it is also the pride of the Chinese nation.

"He's a handsome talent, and he's also a showman." This brief and direct evaluation came from the mouth of the great Chairman Mao, and behind the few figures, it carried Chairman Mao's high recognition and expectations.

So what kind of person can make Chairman Mao make such a high evaluation?

The "he" in Chairman Mao's mouth is Lai Ruoyu, a provincial party secretary who "does not recognize his six relatives", sent his eldest brother to prison and shot his brother-in-law, and died at the age of 48.

1. He sent his eldest brother to prison

As a native of Wutai, Shanxi, Lai Ruoyu joined our party as early as October 1929 and devoted himself to the revolutionary struggle.

From 1930, he served as secretary of the Beiping Military Commission to be arrested and imprisoned in November of the same year, and after being released from prison in August 32, he served as the head of the Organization Department of the Shanxi Special Committee, and in April 36, he served as an officer of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee......

Looking back at the road ahead, for the founding of New China, Lai Ruoyu responded to the call of the party and the country without hesitation, and made outstanding achievements in the north and south of the motherland.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a lot of waste waiting to be rebuilt, and tens of thousands of cadres who had been fully trained and had both ability and political integrity in the revolutionary base areas of our party, which had long been prepared for this, successively marched to the important posts of "governing the party," "governing the army," and "governing the country" in the whole country with their heads held high.

In September 1949, he received an order to take office in his hometown of Shanxi, where he became deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, and since then has successively served as secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, political commissar of the Provincial Military Region, and chairman of the Shanxi Provincial People's Government.

During this period, Lai Ruoyu undoubtedly became the "parent official" of his hometown, and there is a saying that "it is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs", where will Lai Ruoyu, who is in a high position, go in the future?

In essence, "six relatives do not recognize" is undoubtedly a true portrayal of Lai Ruoyu's actions during his tenure in Shanxi Province, and these are enough to be glimpsed through some examples.

In Lai Ruoyu's eyes, serving in Shanxi Province is actually the party's order and the needs of the people of the country, his power is given by the people, and his identity has essentially been, is, and will be a servant of the people and will never change.

Based on the party spirit of a Communist Party member and the lofty vision of serving the country and the people, Lai Ruoyu has always unswervingly abided by the party's discipline and kept in mind the mission of doing everything for the people.

However, although Lai Ruoyu had this ideological awareness, at the beginning of the establishment of New China, he was limited by the feudal ideas of the old era, and the people in his hometown did not have this kind of thinking.

As a result, in the eyes of the people in his hometown, Lai Ruoyu became a "parent official", which is actually "one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven", and the most significant person in this period is his family.

It is precisely because of such a mentality, relying on Lai Ruoyu's identity, that his brother gradually acted unscrupulously, and even embarked on the road of no return to corruption.

However, if you want people not to know what to do, when the fact that Lai Ruoyu's brother is corrupt is pointed out by the people, what awaits him will be the serious handling of state discipline.

At this moment, in the face of the upcoming trial, Lai Ruoyu's brother couldn't sit still, and hurriedly found his younger brother Lai Ruoyu, hoping that the other party could find a way to solve this matter, after all, with Lai Ruoyu's identity and status, it is undoubtedly a flick of his fingers to solve this matter.

However, to Lai Ruoyu's brother's surprise, the "flick of a finger" he expected not only did not happen, but instead scolded him for a while.

On this matter, Lai Ruoyu's final statement was to "honestly explain the problem clearly and wait for the government to deal with it." ”

The younger brother, who originally hoped that the problem could be solved, had such an attitude, and Lai Ruoyu's brother left with incomprehension, anger and hatred.

After that, due to Lai Ruoyu's scrupulous public ignorance, his brother's problem was dealt with by the local government, and his brother was sentenced to a heavy sentence and died of illness in prison.

Looking back on this deed, what can be reflected is undoubtedly Lai Ruoyu's clear side of public and private, which is undoubtedly glorious and righteous in the eyes of the people, but it is incomprehensible in the eyes of relatives.

However, only Lai Ruoyu knows that as a Communist Party member, only by always taking the interests of the people as the highest interest and abiding by the party spirit as a Party member can he be a qualified Communist Party member, and as a public official, power comes from the people and will serve the people, so that he can be worthy of the people.

2. Shoot your brother-in-law

Coincidentally, the above-mentioned deeds of "sending the eldest brother to prison" are not the only ones in Lai Ruoyu's political career, there are many similar incidents, but the difference is that the intercessors all hit their heads and bled on the iron wall of Lai Ruoyu's selflessness.

Lai Ruoyu's brother-in-law was the head of a Kuomintang secret service group in the past, and he persecuted many members of our party and the broad masses of the people during the war.

However, with the victory of the Liberation War and the founding of New China, Lai Ruoyu's brother-in-law has become a prisoner in prison from the past to a prisoner in prison, and he will be greeted by a judgment from the people.

Faced with this fact, it was the inevitable result of victory for the people, and it was undoubtedly difficult for Lai Ruoyu's sister to accept, that is, her husband and father of the children.

Because of this, Lai Ruoyu's sister took great pains to win her husband's leniency, but all efforts were to no avail, and she had no choice but to pin her last hope on her brother Lai Ruoyu.

Suddenly, one day my sister came to Lai Ruoyu's house to see her brother, and the unpredictable sister did not directly mention her husband's affairs with her brother, but chatted with her brother from the past to the recent situation, which Lai Ruoyu also liked to see.

However, although it is difficult for my sister to speak, how can my brother not know my sister's thoughts, but Lai Ruoyu, who knows what my sister is doing, can only helplessly hold back the words in her heart.

In this way, after the two people with their own hearts and minds greeted each other, they were suddenly speechless, and they didn't know how to say it again, and finally my sister mustered up the courage to speak:

"Brother, you know the purpose of my coming, let's talk about it directly, what is your attitude?"

After all, my sister still mentioned this matter, Lai Ruoyu sighed helplessly and did not answer, and his sister asked his attitude again, so that Lai Ruoyu could only stand up and say his attitude.

"My attitude and position are very clear and firm, and I will always stand on the side of the people. He is an enemy of the people, and the people naturally want to judge him, and I ...... as a member of the Communist Party."

"Although he is ruthless to others, he has always been good to our family, he used to take care of you when you were not at home, otherwise this family would have been gone a long time ago, you can't see death and not save it!"

"Even for the sake of my face, you have to help him, I don't ask for more, I just want you to say something, as long as you can save his life, as long as you live!"

In the face of Lai Ruoyu's resolute attitude, her sister suddenly cried silently, and spit out all the words that had been held in her heart for a long time, but Lai Ruoyu was still unmoved.

"I know he's good for his family, but what about the people? Do you know how many people he killed? How can I speak for a man who is an enemy of the people! ”

In response, it was still Lai Ruoyu's unwavering determination, and as for this sister, she was also puzzled and said, "You don't recognize your six relatives like this?" ”

However, Lai Ruoyu insisted, "It's not that my six relatives don't recognize it, it's that he didn't recognize it first, he didn't recognize the people and killed revolutionaries first, it's because he didn't recognize my six relatives first, so I don't recognize my six relatives today!" ”

So far, the younger sister has not spoken, and left Lai Ruoyu's house without saying a word, and his brother-in-law was also shot and dealt with after the trial, and Lai Ruoyu's unwavering determination has never wavered from beginning to end.

3. Old friends who refuse to visit

From his brother to his brother-in-law, Lai Ruoyu's "six relatives do not recognize" can be seen, but it is not only his family who comes to the door to "ask for help", but also friends and people in his hometown in the past.

Suddenly, one day, Lai Ruoyu opened the door of the house that was knocked, and was greeted by a plainly dressed peasant. ”

"It's me! I'm the iron egg of our hometown! Lai Ruoyu, a farmer, suddenly realized that this guest was his childhood friend after a 20-year absence.

"It's you! Come on in! Come on in! Seeing his former friend, Lai Ruoyu was also inexplicably excited, and hurriedly greeted him, and the other party suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, since he still recognized him as a friend, then the next thing should be much easier.

"Secretary Lai, come, this is the wine produced by our winery, and it is our Shanxi specialty!" The visitor lifted the two bottles of wine in his hand and introduced them to Lai Ruoyu.

It is also rare to reunite with old friends and drink two cups, so Lai Ruoyu was also happy to prepare a few dishes, thinking about catching up with his childhood friends, but in the process of preparation, he also thoughtfully mentioned "I call you Tiedan, you still call me Lai." ”

With the thousand words of reunion after a long absence, the banquet was staggered, but at this moment, the guest suddenly mentioned something, "Secretary Lai, you are now soaring, but you want to pull me, a poor brother!" ”

"What a Rafa?" As for this, Lai Ruoyu put down the wine glass, but the guest said it with relish.

"As far as the wine we just drank, I worked in the winery, and now our village wants to build a winery by itself, but the county party committee said that the policy does not allow it, so you need to think of a way." The visitor pointed to the wine on the table.

"What the policy doesn't allow, there's no way to find me!"

"What a policy! You are the secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, and your words are the policy! ”

As for this, Lai Ruoyu finally understood what was going on with the visitor, but he still patiently admonished, "Now is a new society, those who are officials serve the people, and the affairs of the distillery do not conform to the policy, so forget it......

When the visitor heard this, he was immediately unhappy, "Okay, I can see it, Secretary Lai, you are now soaring, and the brothers in the past don't recognize it, don't ask you, I'm leaving!" ”

The visitor immediately got up and left mercilessly, while Lai Ruoyu looked at the wine bottle on the table silently and was unmoved.

Fourth, summary

From the rejection of the three relatives and friends, it is not difficult to get a glimpse of Lai Ruoyu's "six relatives do not recognize", and behind this six relatives is a qualified Communist Party member's adherence to the party spirit, and it is also a true portrayal of a public official who locks his power tightly.

At the same time, from Lai Ruoyu's body, we can also get a glimpse of why our party can win the hearts of the people and the world, during which it is nothing more than the word "no self", in the hearts of real Communist Party members, they cannot see their own gains and losses, they can only pretend to be the gains and losses of the people, and they cannot see themselves, but there are all living beings in their eyes.

It is precisely because Lai Ruoyu is so selfless and dedicated to the people that he was able to attract thousands of public sacrifices when he died at the age of 48.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the publication of the Jincheng Central County Committee of the Communist Party of China "Torch" and Lai Ruoyu

In December 1937, Lai Ruoyu and Wang Ziru were sent by the central government to return to North China after studying at the Yan'an Central Party School for three months. Entering the lunar month, Pei Mengfei, secretary of the Changzhi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, talked with them, and wanted to rely on his public identity as the liaison staff officer of the Tang (Tianji) detachment of the 129th Division to Jincheng to serve as secretary of the central county party committee, and Wang Ziru was assigned to the Tunliu County Party Committee as the head of the organization department. Three days later, according to the requirements of the organization, Lai Ruoyu did not slack off for a moment, and immediately went to Jincheng to report. On January 13, 1938 (the twelfth day of the lunar calendar), the Jincheng Central County Party Committee was established in the Confucian Temple in Jincheng City. The main members are: Secretary Lai Ruoyu, Organization Minister Xu Yiyi, Propaganda Minister Zhao Peixin, Labor Movement Zhao Ming, Peasant Movement Wang Zhuang, and Commissioner Luo Hongzhang. The jurisdiction includes Jincheng, Yangcheng, Qinshui counties and Gaoping Road West. As soon as the central county party committee was established, it began to restore the organization, establish institutions, create conditions, and open up work.

Turn the tide and stay in Yang

On February 26, 1938 (the twenty-seventh day of the first month of the lunar calendar), a division of the Japanese army invaded Jincheng from Qinghua Mountain, first sent three planes to bomb the county seat, dropped more than 10 bombs, blew up more than 20 houses in Nanguan, and killed more than 20 civilians. At that time, the Jincheng Central County Committee of the Communist Party of China had just been established in the Confucian Temple in the city for less than a month, and was preparing to go deep into the villages and factories to carry out work in the name of the Sacrifice League. The Japanese invaded and disrupted the work arrangements, and the county party committee held an emergency meeting on the same day, and decided to move to the west of the city in batches overnight, and agreed to meet at Changhe Ma Pingtou. After Luo Hongzhang, the commissioner of the Sacrifice League, broke off, he finally evacuated the county seat.

In Mapingtou, the leaders of the central county party committee analyzed the current situation and decided to settle down in the areas of Duanhe, Liuhe, and Guohe at the junction of the three counties of Jinyang and Qin, and to carry out guerrilla warfare. As a result, the central county party committee, the branch of the Sacrifice League, and the armed self-defense forces marched from Mapingtou, Tianhu and other villages to the west of the Changhe Mountain through the temple, the Shengle Temple, and the south of the ditch. However, Cheng Shuhua, the magistrate of Jincheng County, who was preempted first, occupied Chenzhuang (later known as West Chenzhuang), and the team was stationed on the front line of Chenzhuang Ridge. I shifted the team and fell into the siege of Chengbu. The accompanying cadres of the Sacrifice League and the Agricultural Rescue Association were kidnapped and detained. The situation was quite serious, Secretary Lai Ruoyu was calm and adaptable, and after several fruitless negotiations, the leaders of the county party committee met to study and immediately decided to move to the northeast and enter Dayang. When passing through Dajianshan in the north of Fangshan, he was stopped by Chengbu's sentry. Commissioner Luo Hongzhang was in a hurry and came forward in person, saying that he had been notified by the county magistrate Cheng and ordered them to let them go. After passing the sentry post, they advanced to the northeast without stopping. After passing through Yangzhuang, Hedong, Zhangzhuang, Hedi and other villages, it arrived at Xidayang. Arrangements were made by the grassroots organizations of the League. At that time, the 529th Brigade of the National Army was stationed in the Dayang area, and the brigade headquarters was located in Jinzhangbei behind the incense burner mountain. With the assistance of the brigade headquarters, deputy brigade commander Jia Zhenzhong (a member of the Communist Party) came forward to negotiate with Cheng Shuhua on many occasions, and the cadres of the Sacrifice League and the activists of the Peasant Rescue Association detained by the Cheng Department were released one after another. The situation was quickly stabilized.

After the central county party committee was stationed in the Tangdi Temple in Xidayang in the name of the Western League, it carried out in-depth anti-Japanese rescue work. After the Japanese invaded and Cheng Shuhua fled from the county, he instigated the 24th Security Regiment to invade by the day, robbing and mutilating the people. In order to stabilize social order and crack down on stubborn and hypocritical forces, the central county party committee strategized and instructed the Sacrifice League to adopt organizational means to extensively mobilize the masses and carry out "reversal" activities. Secretary Lai and Commissioner Luo Hongzhang personally went to Dong Feng, the headquarters of the 17th Division of the Northwest Army in the west of Gaoping City, to meet with division commander Zhao Shoushan, and reported to the division commander the facts of Cheng Shuhua's evil deeds, and presented the situation of the masses to Division Commander Zhao. Soon, the commissioner and division commander transferred Cheng Shuhua to Gaoping. The central county party committee moved from Xidayang to Zhaozhuang Wuliang Hall on March 30 (February 29 of the lunar calendar) in the name of the Eighth Route Army Station. On April 9 (the ninth day of the third month of the lunar calendar), it was moved from the Wuliang Hall to Ganrun Village.

As a result of Cheng Shuhua's troublemaking, bad things turned into good things, which contributed to the central county party committee's settlement in Dayang, eliminated detours, and laid the foundation for the county party committee to gradually move closer to the county seat and better carry out the work of resisting Japan and saving the people. It also fully reflects Secretary Lai Ruoyu's far-sightedness, wit and flexibility, and his firm party spirit and strong personality in dealing with evil forces in the face of adversity.

Rooted in faith

After Cheng Shuhua was dismissed, Secretary Lai Ruoyu seized the space for the replacement of the old and new county magistrates, organized the forces of the county party committee and organizations at all levels, and replaced the reactionary elements in the county, district, and village political power with Communist Party members, thus giving Jincheng a completely new look. The masses are very satisfied with the conspiracy of a few district chiefs who are actively disguised and colluded with reactionary landlords and gentlemen, as well as some district chiefs who have stepped down, who have conspired against the seizure of power.

By the end of 1937, the number of party members was less than 50, and they were all scattered in the four townships, lacking unified organizational leadership and a strong leadership core. The central county party committee realized that after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began, the national contradictions were very acute, and after the party Central Committee put forward the decision to establish anti-Japanese base areas, the people were encouraged, and the party members and the masses were full of vitality and eager hopes. The central county party committee held that to establish, consolidate, and develop the anti-Japanese regime, it is necessary to mobilize the masses in depth, develop party organizations, train party cadres, build up the people's armed forces, develop united front work, resist the attack of Japanese invaders, suppress the activities of the traitors and maintain the association, and so on. To match words with deeds, the party's belief must be rooted in the hearts of the masses of the people. Stance and performance look at action. To this end, the central county party committee has set up various training classes, giving lectures in phases and batches, patiently and meticulously doing ideological work, cultivating cadres' theoretical and policy level, and guiding the anti-Japanese work. At the same time as running the training course, on April 25 (the 25th day of the third month of the lunar calendar), the publication of the county party committee "Torch" was founded.

On April 23 (the 23rd day of the third month of the lunar calendar), Changzhi specially appointed secretary Li Xizeng to escort Wang Ziru to Jincheng to serve as the head of the county party committee's organization, and Xu Yiyi was reappointed as the minister of agricultural movement. Secretary Li and Secretary Lai talked about the situation in Jincheng and put forward their own views. After Wang Ziru and Xu consistently handed over the formalities, he and Secretary Lai Ruoyu went to Gaodu to understand and familiarize themselves with the situation that day. The arrival of Wang Ziru, Secretary Lai was like a tiger with wings, both of them directly grasped the development of the party organization, especially emphasizing that the training object should look at the actual performance, to see the training object's experience in the struggle, the introducer should report the training object's performance in the struggle, the emergence of many activists, the rapid development of the party organization, unprecedented. It is common for them to go to the countryside and not return for a few nights, talk with the trainees, exchange views, make suggestions, and talk about requirements. We should conscientiously do a good job in united front work, and we should have a clear idea of who to rely on, who to unite, and who to be neutral, and we all know well around the activists. Cultivating cadres, persisting in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, consolidating political power, and developing the armed forces are the fundamental guarantees for doing a good job in all work, and the training work should be regarded as the top priority of the county party committee, and the "torch" should be regarded as an important means of the county party committee. Practice has proved the loyalty of the county party committee to the people's revolutionary cause and the extraordinary wisdom and ability of the leaders of the county party committee. In the first half of 1938, nearly 1,000 party members were recruited, seven district committees were established, the Nangong Eighth Route Guerrilla Force was formed, and self-defense force ...... were established in each village. The great changes in half a year have contributed to the anti-Japanese work in Jincheng and left an indelible impression in the minds of the people of Jincheng.

The magic treasure spirit torch brightens the hearts of the party and the people, "The magic treasure spirit, the torch is bright, and the devil will die at first sight; Oriental ghosts, afraid of Zhong Kui, knelt down when they heard the name. This is a song that circulated in the Ganrun Village Revolution Room at that time, which means that the Japanese devils will perish as soon as they see the Chinese people led by the party, and they will surrender when they hear the name of the Eighth Route Army.

The united front is one of the three magic weapons of our party. The central county party committee conscientiously used this magic weapon and first did a good job in relations with the 529th Brigade of friendly troops. Secretary Lai Ruoyu regularly contacted the brigade commander to exchange feelings about the Anti-Japanese War, talk about the situation in Jincheng, and communicate and cooperate in many aspects. He often corresponded with brigade commander Yang Juetian and deputy brigade commander Jia Zhenzhong, and friendly troops also sent troops to the county town from time to time to fight the Japanese invaders. At the beginning of June of the lunar calendar, the deputy brigade commander Zhenzhong led the troops, and the commander of the first battalion of the 58th regiment, Zhou Yisan, led the troops of one battalion and one company, and cooperated with the "Nangong Eighth Road" to drive the Japanese devils away from the county seat, and captured the big traitor and Li Tingxiang, the chairman of the maintenance association. On July 3 (the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar), a public trial meeting of 10,000 people was held in the south school field with the participation of 30 villages around the city. At the meeting, Luo Hongzhang, commissioner of the Sacrifice League, made an impassioned and inspiring speech. Ma Jun, former director of the Law Enforcement Department of the Shanxi Provincial Government, made a statement: resolutely punish traitors and support anti-Japanese resistance. Five people, including the big traitor Li Tingxiang, were shot on the spot. The members of the Sacrifice League and the members of the self-defense forces of various villages who participated in the meeting were in a good mood and raised their eyebrows. It greatly encouraged the anti-Japanese fighting spirit of the people of Jincheng. The suppression of traitors is very happy, and it is a great harm to Jincheng. When the news spread, the people of the whole county applauded, set off firecrackers, and celebrated with gongs and drums.

"Torch", as the organ of the central county party committee, mainly propagated the ideas of the Communist Party, the Ten Programs for Resisting Japan and Saving the Country, and guerrilla warfare. Through extensive study and publicity, the party's principles and policies will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, rooted in the hearts of the broad masses of the people, believe in communism, and rescue China from peril.

When it comes to "Torch", we must not forget those ordinary people with conscience. Before the establishment of the "Torch", the organ of the central county party committee, in view of the fact that the county party committee was initially established and the cost was relatively tight, although Secretary Lai had an early intention, he was unable to fulfill it. Once, on the way back from Gaodu, he met a fellow villager surnamed Xisi Yi Gao who was doing business in Luoyang, and they talked very speculatively along the way, and became friends after several meetings. Mr. Gao contacted his friend surnamed Tang and others to donate generously and made a funding. Through the Jincheng Printing Bureau, the relatively high-quality digital paper and the excavating brand count paper were transported back from Luoyang, and the red and black ink were also obtained from the Jincheng Yousheng Printing Bureau, and they sent it to Ganrun Ganlin Temple in time, so that the "Torch" was published on time.

On July 20 (the 23rd day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar), after the Japanese invaded Jincheng County for the second time, they carried out sweeps from time to time, coupled with the Yan Xishan forces and the Kuomintang reactionaries sabotaged the anti-Japanese resistance, the Japanese puppet bandits did evil everywhere, mutilated the people, and the environment was very dangerous. The "Torch" article is short ......and concise, the poetry allegro comics are smooth and complete, massive, local, colloquial, and easy to understand, such as the anti-Japanese poem published in the third issue, "Iron Heart will not be a slave to the country, and vow to fight with the Japanese Koukou." It fully expresses the determination to compete with the Japanese devils. The masses rushed to see it, which played a role in propagandizing and mobilizing the masses. The masses hung portraits of Zhong Xu in every household, praying for more devils to be safe.

In October, the Japanese invaders used strongholds as locks and highways as chains and sentry posts, and vigorously carried out a campaign to strengthen public order, and the masses of the people were in extreme tension and hardship; according to the situation, the Jinyu Special Committee transferred Zhao Peixin, director of the propaganda department of the county party committee, to work in the "Dazhong Bao" run by the special committee, and from November to December 20, Wang Jinghai completed the historical mission of the "torch" with the theme of "victory." Under the leadership of the party, the torch was held high, and the people of Yiwan were smiling and welcoming the dawn of dawn. The staff of "Torch" were also transferred to work in "Ta Kung Pao". In February 1939, Lai Ruoyu was transferred to the Party School of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan District, and published a total of eight issues for about nine months from its inception to its cessation. Outstanding meritorious service, immeasurable merit.

Affectionate practice of faith, Geng Geng's loyal mission - salute, "Torch" magazine editors!

90 years ago, the red ship set sail for nearly a hundred years. On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, I once again remembered the "Torch" and its editors, the organ publication of the Jincheng Central County Committee of the Communist Party of China during the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, it was very difficult, and we must carry forward the spirit of our predecessors to endure hardships and stand hard work. With the establishment of the central county of Jincheng of the Communist Party of China, the anti-Japanese rescue work has been higher and higher, cadres and the masses have participated in training, learned theories, sought progress, and were brave and active, magazines and publications have become sought-after goods for progressives, and the staff have firm beliefs. The party's leadership is strong, just as Comrade Li Xizeng, leader of the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan Special Committee, said when he later talked about the "Torch," a publication of the Jincheng Central County Party Committee: The reason why the "Torch" persisted in running the journal in a difficult and difficult environment was mainly because of the strong leaders of the county party committee, the broad masses of party members and the masses with firm beliefs, and the staff members who practiced their beliefs and were loyal. In order to carve the wax plate, they once went into the mountains and caves in the wilderness, forgot to eat, forgot to sleep, took "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pillar is sharpened into a needle" as a motto, and the rust flower and imitation as a practice homework. For example, when the "Proclamation of the People's Government of North China" was engraved, it took more than 20 days, and sometimes only five to ten characters were engraved every day, especially the brush font, and it was required to work the "truth...... Look, the heroic soldiers are too good in the eight-way battle; Listen, we're all flying troops, we're all sharpshooters; Read, Tang Tianji, Lai Ruoyu, Zhu Rui, Xu Yiyi and other leaders' good articles......

Reminiscing about the past, the eventful years. In the era of beacon fire, the tigers and wolves were driven and the old Jiang was beaten, and the people were liberated and sat back and relaxed. Look at today, the society is well-off, harmonious and obedient to the people's will, the party is wise, and the new era is sailing, reform and opening up, the people are rich and the country is strong, the CCP has called for a hundred responses, the great rejuvenation of China is constantly improving, the terrain is good, and the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War is remembered, the martyrs are remembered, peace is cherished, and the future is created. Inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Great War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, salute, revolutionary predecessors!