
Chen Yu's profile


The unveiling ceremony of the statue of Comrade Chen Yu, the founder and honorary president of Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, was held ceremoniously. School leaders, heads of units, teachers and student representatives attended the unveiling ceremony. After the ceremony, the majority of teachers and students responded enthusiastically, and everyone expressed that they should follow the footsteps of Comrade Chen Yu, understand the original mission, inherit the red gene, continue the spiritual bloodline, carry forward the spirit of HKUST passed down from several generations, and strive to build a high-level applied university with distinctive mining characteristics.

77 years ago, there were a pair of wise and warm eyes, looking at the vast black land, and sketching a magnificent home from the depths of my heart. Seventy-seven years ago, a pair of heavy, powerful hands held a piece of glowing coal, turning the exclamation into the heat of the mine. It was still 77 years ago, with a solid and broad arm shouldering the mission of the people, making the black gold bloom brightly, and making the vast fertile soil of Longjiang have a thriving campus.

From the youth of Lingnan to the cold of the northern country, the coordinate point of time, and the longitudinal line of the years, he is a warrior who fights bravely and is a talent who is dedicated to the country. He dedicated his youth and blood to the motherland, and everywhere he went there were his brilliant poems for the development of the coal industry, and the rapid development and vigorous development of Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology had already been integrated into his original intention and ambition.

Although the middle-aged man who commanded the Guangzhou Uprising and was always full of pride and enthusiasm has long been asleep, generations of USTC people have continued their spiritual bloodline with the belief of "being virtuous and erudite, strengthening our country and rejuvenating the country", fulfilling the last wishes of our ancestors, expanding the territory and moving forward bravely.

Still 77 years later, "Chen" is a person who works steadily, works hard, and makes every effort to climb, making the forest of his career "lush".

Remembering Comrade Chen Yu: A brave man who was not afraid of danger, walking from the rain of bullets. An upright warrior interprets the feelings of the true self with the original intention and mission. From the old society to the new era, from the verdant Lingnan to the white of the northern country, he took root in the people's paradise and cared about the lifeblood of the country. He took the lead, led the team to charge, cut the waves in the torrent of years, and smiled and watched the flowers bloom in the wind and clouds of the century. Looking at the overall situation, we should focus on development, respect teachers and education, and discover good talents, so that the light of ink and jade will shine in Kyushu, and a school will come into being, so that the "backbone of the coal industry" will always be in style. The stars are changing, changing with each passing day, and the spirit is always there, with the steady and resolute spirit of "Chen", we will create a "lush" evergreen future.

Chen Yu (1901-1974), a Hakka family member in Bao'an County, Guangdong, was born on November 11, 1901 in Chenwu Village, Nantou, Bao'an County, Guangdong Province. His young name was Chen Xugui, and he changed his name to Chen Yu when he was a worker. In 1924, he became an officer of the Hong Kong Chinese Seafarers' Industries Association. In 1925, he was appointed vice chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Seamen's Industries Association and chairman of the Pacific Route Division. In August of the same year, he joined the Communist Party of China. In October 1927, Zhang Tailei presided over the reorganization of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, Chen Yu served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Workers' Movement Committee, and planned and organized the Guangzhou Uprising with Zhang Tailei, Yang Yin and others. In July 1928, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and concurrently served as the chairman of the All-China Seamen's Federation of Trade Unions. In July 1930, Qu Qiubai and Zhou Enlai presided over the Third Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Chen Yu was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. In January 1931, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, and Chen Yu was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the representative of the Communist Party of China to the Communist International. In June of the same year, Chen Yu was sent to study at the Lenin Institute of the Soviet Union, and concurrently served as the secretary of the Party branch of the Chinese Department of the Lenin Academy of the Communist Party of China. In 1950, when he was the Minister of Fuel Industry, he also served as the President of the China Institute of Mining and Technology (now China University of Mining and Technology). Later, he served as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and governor of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government.

Chen Yu, former secretary of the Hong Kong Municipal Party Committee, was transferred from the central government to serve as governor of Guangdong Province. The secretary of Hong Kong was transferred to Guangdong, and Premier Zhou appointed him. In order to commend those founding heroes who have made great contributions to the country and the people, after the founding of New China, the Party Central Committee gave them honors in the form of conferring titles on generals. These distinguished individuals are extraordinary and outstanding people, and their contributions are also extraordinary. Among these heroes, there are more than a dozen generals from Guangdong Province.

Chen Yu, an outstanding figure from Guangdong Province, was not inferior in his abilities and achievements to any general or marshal. He served as secretary of the Hong Kong Municipal Party Committee and served in the Party Central Committee after the liberation.

Later, he was sent to Guangdong Province as Governor, which was recognized and appreciated by Premier Zhou for his outstanding talents and leadership. Premier Zhou once said: "They want you by name, but there is no way." ”

In addition, he successfully organized a strike of Hong Kong workers, demonstrating his outstanding leadership skills.

In his early years, he participated in the Hong Kong seamen's strike, the provincial and Hong Kong general strikes, and participated in the planning and organization of the Guangzhou Uprising. In the 30s of the 20th century, Chen Yu, then a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, was ostracized for resisting Wang Ming's "leftist" adventurist line and was sent to the Soviet Union to study and work as a worker for 10 years.

After returning to China in 1940, he went to Yan'an to study and work for 5 years; After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he was sent to the Northeast to serve as Secretary of the Party Committee of the "Yibohua" Region, Political Commissar of the 359th Brigade, Vice Minister and Minister of the Northeast Ministry of Industry.

During the War of Liberation, a great deal of fruitful work was carried out to restore industrial production in Northeast China, especially to restore production in large coal bases such as Jixi and Hegang.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yu successively served as Minister of Fuel Industry, Minister of Coal Industry, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Governor, Alternate Member of the 7th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Member of the 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th Central Committee.

Comrade Chen Yu fought bravely and tenaciously in the magnificent national liberation movement, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he made unremitting efforts for the cause of socialist construction and made great contributions.

In 1921, at the age of 20, Chen Yu went to the British ship "Asian Queen" as a crew member. In March of the same year, he participated in the "China Seamen's Industrial Federation" (Hong Kong Seamen's Union) organized by Lin Weimin and Su Zhaozheng, and actively participated in the huge Hong Kong seamen's strike, and was elected as the head of the "Asian Queen" branch after the victory of the strike.

On June 19, 1925, in order to resist the "May Day Massacre" caused by the British and support the Shanghai workers' movement, 200,000 workers in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, staged a general strike in Hong Kong and Guangdong that shook the world, and the strike struggle lasted for more than a year until October of the following year. During the strike movement, Chen Yu served as the propaganda officer of the Strike Committee and actively organized the striking seamen to participate in the workers' pickets. During the strike, Chen Yu joined the Communist Party of China, and soon became the vice chairman of the All-China Seamen's Union and a member of the Committee of the Communist Party of China's Seamen's Union, growing into a backbone of the early Chinese workers' movement.

A rally of striking workers' pickets. During the strike, Chen Yu was responsible for mobilizing and organizing seafarers to participate in the pickets of striking workers.

In 1927, in order to save the Chinese revolution, the Communist Party of China armed itself against the fascist rule and massacre policy of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and on December 11, Zhang Tailei and others led the Guangdong revolutionary soldiers and the workers and peasants to stage an armed uprising in Guangzhou. Before preparing for the uprising, Chen Yu served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Working Committee, responsible for organizing and training the workers' Red Guards who participated in the armed uprising. After the success of the Canton Uprising, Chen Yu assumed the post of People's Judicial Commissar of the Canton Soviet Government and led the Workers' Red Guards to bravely resist the enemy's attack. After the failure of the uprising, he stayed in Guangzhou to arrange for the workers who had participated in the uprising to be evacuated and transferred to Hong Kong, where he persisted in the revolutionary struggle.

The Workers' Red Guards, led by Chen Yu and Zhou Wenyong, participated in the armed uprising in Guangzhou and cooperated with the teaching group to occupy the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Outside the Red Flag, published after the victory of the uprising, published a list of Soviet government officials, with Chen Yu as the People's Commissar of Justice.

Loyal proletarian revolutionary fighters. In 1931, Chen Yu, then a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, was excluded due to his resistance to Wang Ming's left-leaning line and was sent to the Soviet Union to study at the Lenin Institute in Moscow with Li Weihan, and served as the secretary of the Chinese branch of the Lenin Institute of the Communist Party of China. The following year, after Wang Ming arrived in the Soviet Union as the representative of the Chinese Communist Party to the Comintern, he branded Chen Yu as a "rightist" and sent him to work at the Stalingrad Tractor Factory for six years. Chen Yu worked hard in the factory and was praised by the factory as "Peter the Red Worker" (Chen Yu changed his name to Peter after arriving in the Soviet Union).

In 1938, Ren Bishi went to Moscow to replace Wang Ming as the head of the CCP delegation to the Comintern, and found that Chen Yu had been wronged for many years. In November 1939, when Zhou En came to Moscow for medical treatment, he verified Chen Yu's complaint and worked with the Comintern Supervisory Committee to revoke the unreasonable punishment imposed on Chen Yu. In February 1940, he returned to Yan'an with Zhou Enlai, studied at the First Department of the Central Party School, and concurrently served as a member of the Central Workers' Movement Committee. In 1942, he participated in the Yan'an Rectification Movement; In l943, he was transferred to the Northwest Finance Committee presided over by Chen Yun. In 1945, Chen Yu participated in the "Seventh National Congress" of the Communist Party of China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

From April 23 to June 11, 1945, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Yan'an. Chen Yu participated in the "Seventh National Congress" of the Communist Party of China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

The creator of the construction of the rear base of our party during the War of Liberation. On December 28, 1945, in accordance with the spirit of Chairman Mao's important instructions on establishing and consolidating the Northeast Base Area, the Central Committee sent a large number of cadres to advance into the Northeast. In 1947, Chen Yu followed Nie Rongzhen to work in Shenyang, and successively served as an adviser to the Shenyang Federation of Trade Unions, director of the Preparatory Committee of the Northeast Workers' Federation, deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, and secretary of the party committee of the "Yibohua" area of Hejiang Province (which existed from 1945 to 1949, and was later merged into Heilongjiang Province). In order to completely eliminate the bandits, Chen Yu assigned a company instructor to penetrate into the enemy's interior, annihilate the enemy bandits in one fell swoop, and capture alive the bandits' leader, Major General Xie Wendong. This history is the source of the creation of "Lin Hai Snow Field".

During his tenure as Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the Northeast Administrative Committee and Vice Minister and Minister of Industry of the Northeast People's Government, he led the team to North Manchuria, restored and developed the production of large coal bases such as Jixi, and supported the Liberation War. Organized the opening of a clothing factory to transport grain to solve the basic food and clothing problems of workers and their families. Repair equipment and restore power generation from the mine. Mobilize and carry out the democratic reform movement, suppress and abolish the feudal boss system, realize the freedom of workers, and explore and formulate a large number of production management experience.

On May 1, 1947, the first workers' school in the country---- "Northeast Workers' School" was founded in Hengshan Coal Mine. On October 9, 1947, in order to cooperate with the mine democratic reform movement, according to the suggestion of Chen Yu, deputy director of the Production Committee of the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Northeast Workers' School Art Troupe (the predecessor of the Coal Art Troupe) was established, and actively cooperated with the central tasks of the mine democratic reform, resumption of production, and support for the front line at that time. Driven by its influence, the mining and amateur troupes of various factories in the Jixi mining area have been established.

On April 28, 1946, Chen Yu led the Yan'an Workers' Brigade and the Shenyang Workers' Brigade to work in Changchun City. A commemorative meeting was held on the occasion of the "May Day" International Labor Day, and Chen Yu delivered a speech at the conference.

On May 22, 1946, Chen Yu led a team to work in Hejiang Province, serving as the secretary of the party committee of the "Yibohua" area, and concurrently the political commissar of the military sub-district and the political commissar of the 359th Brigade.

Chen Yu presided over the Coal Mine Heroic Model Conference. In March 1947, Chen Yu went to Jixi to resume the leadership of the large-scale coal mine base. The picture shows Chen Yu presiding over the Jixi District Coal Mine Heroic Model Conference, mobilizing to overcome difficulties to complete production tasks and support the front line. Chen Yu established the Workers' Political University in Changchun and served as president. During his work in Northeast China, Chen Yu attached great importance to staff education and hosted a series of staff schools. Chen Yu participated in six "Labor University" conferences.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yu served as the first Minister of the Central Fuel Industry and the Minister of Coal Industry from 1955 to 1957. During his tenure, he emphasized that the fuel industry is the foundation of all industries, overcame all kinds of difficulties, worked hard to improve production conditions, went deep into the underground, fought together with the workers, found and solved problems, summed up experience, guided the overall situation, and established the fuel industry in New China.

It is under the leadership of Chen Yu and the joint efforts of the vast number of workers on the national fuel front that a solid foundation has been laid for the development of the mainland's energy industry in a few years, and a major contribution has been made to the country's economic construction.

In 1950, when Chen Yu was the Minister of Fuel Industry of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote a letter to him.

In 1952, in Beijing, Chen Yu studied the development of the fuel industry with Soviet experts. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, at the request of the Chinese Government, the Soviet Government sent a large number of experts to the mainland to assist in economic construction. The picture shows Minister Chen Yu working with Soviet experts.

In August 1957, at the request of Tao Zhu, the first secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to transfer Chen Yu back to work in Guangdong and serve as the secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the governor of the province; In 1961, he was appointed Secretary of the Central and Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (and Governor of Guangdong Province); In 1968, he was appointed deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Revolutionary Committee. After Chen Yu took charge of Guangdong, he adopted a series of effective measures in light of Guangdong's actual conditions and adopted a series of effective measures to rapidly change Guangdong's backward appearance. First, vigorously develop light industry and sugarcane planting; the second is to focus on the construction of electric power, coal, the South China Sea and Maoming oil bases; the third is to improve the production capacity of steel, machinery, shipbuilding and other industries; Fourth, the Dongshen Water Supply Project will be built to ensure water supply for Hong Kong residents and promote Hong Kong's prosperity and stability; Fifth, in accordance with the decision of the central authorities, the China Export Commodities Fair will be established in Guangzhou.

In the last years of his life, Comrade Chen Yu still insisted on going to various parts of the province to conduct investigations and investigations, and even a month before his death, he sailed for the Pearl River Estuary on a domestically produced missile destroyer.

From April 25 to May 15, 1957, the first China Export Commodities Fair was held in the former Sino-Soviet Friendship Building in the city. From the first session until his death in 1974, Chen Yu served as the director of the annual CHTF.

Chen Lao and Sister Yuan have no children, but they care for the children of the staff around them.

In March 1974, after the death of Comrade Chen Yu, the people of his hometown renovated the old residence where he lived in his early years with the feelings of Comrade Chen Yu, who was born, grew up and worked and fought in Sri Lanka. In 1984, the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government announced Chen Yu's former residence as the second batch of cultural relics protection units.

Chen Yu, whose father was an ordinary seafarer, lived a very hard life as a seafarer at that time, but his income was meager, and his family's financial situation was very difficult.

When Chen Yu was less than a year old, his father unfortunately passed away due to illness, and the family's predicament was even worse. His mother decided to grit her teeth and insisted that nine-year-old Chen Yu go to school despite the family's poverty, hoping that he would be able to change the family's poverty through studying.

However, the family's financial situation was really difficult, and it was difficult to guarantee food and clothing, and there was no spare money to pay for tuition, so Chen Yu was forced to drop out of school after only two years of study.

In order to help his mother support the family, 12-year-old Chen Yu entered a Hong Kong machine factory to work as a child laborer. Two years later, he moved to the Hong Kong Automobile Company, starting as an apprentice and becoming a full-time employee at the age of 18, receiving training in driving and car repair skills.

Later, he was introduced by his father's friend to work on British seashores and became a seafarer, sailing frequently in the countries surrounding the Pacific.

The ship carried more than 800 employees, including crew members from China. They were brutally oppressed by foreign capitalists, especially the Chinese crew, which made Chen Yu deeply angry.

He knew the pain of being bullied by everyone, and the flame of patriotism and saving the country burned in his heart. Soon, the crews, under the leadership of Su Zhaozheng, the former chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, launched a general strike of seafarers to fight for better treatment.

Chen Yu did not hesitate to join the movement and fight for the rights and interests of the motherland and compatriots.

The shipowners agreed to the seafarers' demands for a raise, but soon began to deduct exploitation again, which made the seafarers frustrated and went on strike again. On May 30, 1925, the mill workers in Shanghai and Qingdao could not stand the cruel oppression of the factory owners, and they chose to go on strike to resist.

This movement is known as the "May Day Movement", and it spread rapidly like a spark across the land of China.

The crew responded positively to the May Day Movement, and Chen Yu quickly organized workers on the Pacific route to participate in a strike, followed by seafarers from other routes. The whistles of factories and boats resounded in the sky, and the streets were filled with demonstrators, paralyzing Hong Kong.

The joint strike in Hong Kong shocked the world. Chen Yu also officially joined the party organization.

Faced with the chaotic situation, the British government rushed to impose full martial law on Hong Kong. Due to the ongoing unrest in Hong Kong, many expatriates are considering leaving Hong Kong. After martial law, the streets and rooftops of Hong Kong were filled with soldiers armed with weapons.

In order to resist the repression and blockade of the people by the British colonialists, the Hong Kong trade unions jointly advocated that the workers go to Guangzhou. As a result, a large number of Hong Kong workers flocked to the mainland, and the railway line from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, Guangdong, was crowded and lively.

Workers preparing to evacuate can be seen everywhere at stations and docks.

The British government tried to increase the price of bus tickets to discourage people from returning to the mainland, but this did not change people's determination to return. The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions learned that the workers returning to Shenzhen were crowded in the streets and alleys, and in order to solve this problem, Su Zhaozheng and other leaders decided to set up a reception station for Hong Kong striking workers in Shenzhen.

When Su Zhaozheng hadn't decided who to send, Chen Yu took the initiative to ask Ying to complete this task. Because Chen Yu is a native of Shenzhen and has always performed well, Su Zhaozheng did not hesitate to give him this task and appointed him as the stationmaster of the Shenzhen reception station.

After receiving the task, Chen Yu felt a great responsibility, did not dare to be negligent, and devoted himself to the reception work. He arranged for a red banner of the "Reception Station for Striking Workers" to be hung at the ticket office of the Shenzhen Railway Station, and sent three people to take charge of the workers' catering, lodging, and transfers.

He wanted to make the resettlement work more detailed, but he was short on manpower. So, he found the seafarers who had returned from Hong Kong and organized them to participate in the reception.

Chen Yu's meticulous arrangements enabled the reception of the striking workers in Hong Kong to proceed in an orderly manner, and it took only more than 10 days for more than 100,000 workers to be safely sent back to Guangzhou.

Although Chen Yu is extremely busy with work, sometimes he doesn't even have time to eat, so he can only nibble on two biscuits to satisfy his hunger. However, his outstanding work performance won high praise from the party organization, and he was honorably elected as a member of the Communist Party of China on the recommendation of several Communist Party members.

After that, Chen Yu embarked on the road of revolution and worked harder in his work. Soon after, he was appointed vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and eventually became the secretary of the Hong Kong Municipal Party Committee.

After Chiang Kai-shek's coup d'état in 1927, Chen Yu followed the instructions of the party organization and participated in the planning of the Guangzhou uprising. His main task was to organize the workers in order to build up an armed force of workers to support the uprising.

Although the Canton Uprising was unsuccessful because the enemy was outnumbered, Chen Yu successfully led some workers to break through, but suffered heavy losses. Under the cover of seafarers, he transferred the surviving workers to Hong Kong.

The failure of the Canton uprising caused many Communists to flee to Hong Kong for refuge.

The Kuomintang reactionaries colluded with the Hong Kong government and pursued the Communists fiercely. The party organization ordered him to go to Hong Kong and take on the important responsibility of secretary of the Hong Kong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. In order to restore normal to the underground party organizations and trade union organizations in various parts of Guangdong Province as soon as possible, Chen Yu began to fight with the Kuomintang reactionaries and became more and more courageous on the road of revolution.

Through unremitting efforts, the work of the Hong Kong Municipal Party Committee has gradually resumed, and the work of the All-China Seamen's Federation of Trade Unions has been put on the right track after its rectification.

During his tenure as head of the Guangdong Provincial Organization Department, Chen Yu made great efforts and painstaking efforts to re-establish the party, league, and trade union organizations that had been damaged by the enemy. Although he did not directly participate in the battles at the front, his contribution was no less than that of any general.

He devoted a lot of effort to restoring the production of coal bases, and made a great contribution to supporting the front line. His dedication and contributions are still widely recognized and appreciated after the founding of the country.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yu was transferred back to the central government and appointed minister of fuel industry. In just two months, he successfully established three general administrations of coal, electricity, and petroleum.

He knew very well that there was a very scarce number of cadres in the party who knew professional knowledge of industrial production, and that the industry of old China was also extremely backward, and that the situation would not be changed if we did not strengthen their study.

Therefore, he leads by example, taking two or three days a week out and listening to expert lectures in the evenings. In addition, Chen Yu attaches great importance to the development of science and technology, and he personally invited some well-known experts in coal mining, electromechanical, and petroleum in the country, and entrusted them with important tasks.

Chen Yu, the founder of China's energy industry, was a coal miner who realized that coal miners were generally less educated, so he founded a professional knowledge training course.

This training course later developed into the China Institute of Mining and Technology, and Chen Yu also served as the dean of the college. Under his leadership, the mainland's energy construction has achieved rapid development.

Because he has a special affection for Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee has repeatedly requested that the CPC Central Committee appoint him as secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee after deliberation to continue to promote the development of Guangdong Province.

Before taking office, Premier Zhou cordially received Chen Yu and said to him: "I and other leaders of the CPC Central Committee are very reluctant to transfer you out of Beijing, but the comrades in Guangdong firmly ask you to take up the post of governor, because they believe that you have the advantages of time, place, and people and can carry out your work effectively.

After careful consideration, the central leadership agreed to the request of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. Your work in the Ministry of Fuel Industry has made outstanding achievements, and we are not willing to let you leave, but the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee insisted that the Central Committee send a comrade with prestige and strong ability among the people of Guangdong to serve as the governor, and asked you by name, and Chairman Mao agreed, so the Central Committee finally made the decision to transfer you to Guangdong."

Chen Yu was deeply moved, and he sincerely said: "I am very grateful to the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the people of Guangdong for their trust in me, I am willing to obey the party's arrangements, and I will go all out to contribute the rest of my life to the people of Guangdong." ”

In 1958, Chen Yu came to Guangdong to take up a post, where he worked until his death in 1974. He did deliver on his promise and dedicated the rest of his life to the people of Guangdong.

In general, Chen Yu's life was full of loyalty and dedication to the party and the people.

Chen Yu wholeheartedly for the motherland and the people, always bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, fearless of difficulties and obstacles, and solved problems for the party. He struggled with the enemy with great hardship and was always able to successfully complete the tasks assigned to him by the party until the end, and made outstanding contributions to party building.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he devoted himself to national construction and development, especially in promoting the development of China's energy industry.

Although he was not awarded the title of commander, he is an eternal national hero in our hearts.

The Comintern, also known as the "Third International", was an international coalition that existed from 1919 to 1943. After its founding, the Comintern set itself the main task, which was to unite the working class and the working masses, to overthrow capitalist and imperialist rule, to completely abolish classes, and to realize communism and socialism.

After the founding of our party, we also received help and guidance from the Comintern, and at that time the Comintern arranged for several international figures to go to China to assist the revolution on the mainland, such as Li De, who we are more familiar with, who was a military adviser sent by the Comintern to China. At the same time, the mainland also arranged for the Comintern to be a representative to the Comintern, such as Chen Yu, who we will talk about today, who served as a representative to the Comintern. So, what is the story of Chen Yu? What happened to him?

Chen Yu is talented, although he is from a poor family, but he has always been full of enthusiasm for his work, the boss saw him as shrewd and capable, and sent him to Guangzhou Automobile School, let him learn car repair and driving skills. After graduating, Chen Yu returned to the company and became an auto mechanic, and soon after became a seafarer, which is regarded as a son inheriting his father's business.

In 1922, Chen Yu took part in the famous Hong Kong seamen's strike, after which he entered the trade union, gradually came into contact with revolutionary ideas, and began to participate in the workers' movement. In 1925, Chen Yu became a full party member, and he also accepted the leadership of our party, and was active in Guangdong and other places to participate in the workers' movement, and did a lot of work for the early development and growth of our party.

After the defeat of the Revolution, Chen Yu remained in Guangzhou, and his activities went underground and he became one of the main leaders of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. In 1931, Chen Yu was targeted by Wang Ming because he had different views with Wang Ming at work, and then Chen Yu took the initiative to apply to study in the Soviet Union. In January 1931, after arriving in the Soviet Union, Chen Yu was appointed as the representative to the Comintern, where he was responsible for liaison and communication with the country while learning theoretical knowledge. However, just one month later, in February 1931, Chen Yu was suspended because of Wang Ming, after which he entered the Lenin Institute of the Soviet Union, and after graduation, he was sent to work as a worker in the Stalingrad Tractor Factory.

There is also a reason why Chen Yu was so depressed in the Soviet Union, as we said earlier, he had contradictions with Wang Ming at home, and Wang Ming became the temporary head in 1931, and later Wang Ming went to the Soviet Union and served as the head of the delegation to the Comintern. Under Wang Ming's manipulation, Chen Yu had an extremely difficult time in the Soviet Union, but fortunately, he was strong-willed, survived that period, and returned to China in 1940.

After returning to China, Chen Yu immediately threw himself into the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Yu was ordered to go to the Northeast, where he did a lot of work to support the front and participate in the war, and made great contributions to the liberation of the entire Northeast. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yu was reused, and successively served as the Minister of Fuel Industry and the Minister of Coal Industry, and became a ministerial-level cadre in New China.

In 1958, Chen Yu returned to his hometown of Guangdong and served as Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee (with first secretary at that time) and Governor of Guangdong Province. It is worth mentioning that Chen Yu's return to his hometown was arranged by Premier Zhou, and Premier Zhou also gave Chen Yu a task, that is, to find coal and oil resources in Guangdong and develop and build Guangdong's industry.

After that, Chen Yu served as the governor of Guangdong Province for a long time, but the perennial work has worn down Chen Yu's body, he suffered from a serious illness during his tenure as governor of Guangdong Province, and insisted on working with illness, which made his health deteriorate.

In Shenzhen in early summer, the sun is scorching. Nanshan Village, Nanshan District, is bustling with people.

A small courtyard in the east lane of the village is a little quieter. After walking a few times back and forth in the village, it may be difficult to find the "former residence of Chen Yu" without the guidance of local residents.

In the 20s of the last century, it was from here that the pioneer and leader of the mainland workers' movement came out, and out of the first "energy minister" of New China -- Chen Yu, who was also the "governor of the people" in the eyes of the masses.

  Chen Yu's former residence is a few low brick and wood structure flat tile houses, with a bronze bust of Chen Yu standing in the center of the small courtyard, and a room in the middle is where Chen Yu lived, displaying two bamboo chairs and a simple big head bed.

  "This humble abode has been refurbished." Wang Liye, director of the memorial hall of Chen Yu's former residence, told reporters that when Chen Yu was born, there were only two crumbling dilapidated houses here. Chen Yu's former residence was rebuilt in the early years of the Republic of China, and has been renovated several times.

  When he was sent to work in factories in the Soviet Union, he used the Russian name "Peter". Wang Liye restored to reporters the process of Chen Yu's participation in the revolution: when he was three months old, his father died of fatigue, and the life of the whole family fell into extreme hardship. At the age of 20, Chen Yu was sent to Hong Kong to work, and it was from this time that the seeds of revolution took root in his heart. In 1922, after being introduced by his father and friend, Chen Yu became a sailor on the "Asian Queen" in Hong Kong, and organized the "After-work Club" on the ship, which was actually the initial trade union organization. In 1923, he was elected head of the "Empress of Asia" branch of the Hong Kong Seamen's Union.

  In August 1925, Chen Yu joined the Communist Party of China. In the early morning of December 11, 1927, the Guangzhou Uprising broke out, and Chen Yu participated in the whole process as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. He led the Workers' Red Guards to attack the Kuomintang's Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, and successfully occupied the Public Security Bureau and the prison, rescuing a large number of revolutionaries who were imprisoned in prison. After that, Chen Yu was appointed as the People's Judicial Commissar of the Soviet Government in Guangzhou.

  Before participating in the Canton Uprising, Chen Yu also organized a strike of the Seamen's General Union with Zhou Wenyong, and formed an underground armed workers' organization to fight back against the counter-revolutionary coup.

  The Guangzhou uprising failed, and Chen Yu was also forced to retreat to Hong Kong. During this period of the low tide of the revolution, he moved around, resumed his organization, guided his work, and was arrested several times, but finally saved himself.

  Fight against the "left".

  has been hit repeatedly and has encountered a low point in his life

  The encounter during the low tide of the revolution, in which many comrades were arrested and killed, made Chen Yu soberly realize the importance of the party's line. "He has long put life and death at risk, and is ready to die for the revolution at any time." Wang Liye said that in the following years, in order to fight against the "leftist" line, Chen Yu almost risked his life.

  In February 1931, a copy of the "Declaration" was placed on the desks of Wang Ming, who was then in charge of the work of the Central Committee, and Miff, the representative of the Comintern. ”

  This "Declaration" was issued by the party group of the All-China Seamen's General Union under the leadership of Chen Yu. A month ago, Chen Yu had just been elected as a member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and the CCP's representative to the Comintern at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee. As soon as he was elected, he openly questioned the line of the central government, and Chen Yu's actions surprised Wang Ming and Mifu.

  In order not to suffer losses to the revolution, he resolutely presided over the writing of the "Declaration". "This outspoken behavior, regardless of personal gains and losses, made Chen Yu's life fall into a trough." Wang Liye said.

  In June 1931, Chen Yu was sent to study at the Lenin Institute of the Soviet Union and served as the secretary of the Party branch of the Chinese Ministry. Subsequently, Wang Ming went to the Lenin Institute to organize a criticism of Chen Yu, announced the dismissal of Chen Yu from the post of branch secretary, and attempted to expel Chen Yu from the party in the "purging of the party" in January 1934, but the party purging committee of the academy did not agree. Later, Chen Yu was given a "final serious warning" and sent to work at the Stalingrad Tractor Factory, and before leaving, they deceived Chen Yu into "reporting first and then transferring the organizational relationship". As a result, Chen Yu's organizational relationship has not changed. In fact, no resolution was made, and the party membership of a member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee was "revoked".

  After Chen Yu went to the tractor factory to study hard, he soon became a respected skilled worker in the factory, completing more than 50% of the tasks every month, and was promoted to an eighth-level technician, and soon became a foreman and technician, and his fellow workers called him "red worker".

  During the four years from 1934 to 1938, Chen Yu wrote 8 reports to the CCP delegation to the Comintern asking for a change of organizational relations, wrote 4 letters asking to return to China to participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and personally went back to Moscow to find it once, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response. It was not until October 1938, when Ren Bishi went to Moscow to serve as the head of the Chinese Communist delegation to the Comintern, to clean up the materials left by Wang Ming and others, that he discovered that the "missing" Chen Yu was originally at the Stalingrad Tractor Factory.

  In November 1939, Zhou Enlai arrived in Moscow, listened to Ren Bishi's report, and immediately decided to discuss with the Comintern Supervisory Committee, canceled the punishment of Chen Yu, and sent him back to China to work. In February 1940, Chen Yu returned to China with Zhou Enlai and Ren Bishi.

  Served as Minister of Fuel Industry

  Promote advanced coal mining methods throughout the country

  When it comes to Chen Yu, many sources call him the first "Minister of Energy" of New China, not only because of his position, but also because of his contribution to the energy industry of New China.

  In the conspicuous place of Chen Yu's former residence, the "Exhibition of Chen Yu's Life and Deeds" on display clearly tells this history. In 1949, Chen Yu became the Minister of Fuel Industry of the People's Republic of China, which was reorganized from the Ministry of Heavy Industry of the North China People's Government. Before that, he had already formed an indissoluble bond with fuel energy. In February 1947, Chen Yu was transferred to the deputy director of the Production Committee of the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

  After taking over the Ministry of Fuel Industry, energy construction can be described as a waste of waste. At the time of the liberation of the country, the annual output of coal was only about 14 million tons, and the oil industry was almost a blank, and there was only one Yumen oil mine in the huge China, with an annual output of only 100,000 tons of crude oil. The power industry is also very backward, with a total installed power generation capacity of only 1.84 million kilowatts and a total annual power generation capacity of 8.3 billion kWh.

  Chen Yu decided to start by establishing an organization. Based on the Ministry of Public Enterprises in North China, he reorganized the former Kuomintang Resources Committee. Wang Liye said that in just two months, Chen Yu completed the work of setting up the Ministry of Fuel Industry, and also set up the General Administration of Coal Industry, the General Administration of Electric Power Industry, and the General Administration of Petroleum Industry, and quickly set up the shelves of the three General Administrations.

  In the first spring after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yu led the working group to the century-old mine, Kailuan Coal Mine, where there was not a single decent street, and the workers' houses were all sheds made of broken materials, and garbage and feces were everywhere. In Kailuan, Chen Yu went down to work with the workers and held a meeting with the party committee of the mine to study and carry out democratic reform and mobilize the enthusiasm of the miners. Later, the experience of Kailuan's democratic reform was spread throughout the country, and "through this reform, the party's leadership over the mines was established and the workers' status as masters was established." Wang Liye said.

  Chen Yu grasped the key to improving backward production technology. He presided over the formulation of the "Decision on Comprehensively Promoting New Production Methods in State-owned Coal Mines," abolished some backward production methods, and popularized advanced coal mining methods such as "zoning centralization" and "retreating longwall type" throughout the country. He practiced and traveled all over the country, going to many mines, power plants and oil field production sites, and working with employees. By the end of 1952, new and advanced coal mining methods were being used in most of the country's coal mines.

  Wang Liye said that Chen Yu is very concerned about the quality of workers, and his investigation found that more than 80 percent of coal miners are blind in Chinese, so he made many specific regulations on the training of workers. In order to solve the problem of lack of leadership expertise, he set up a "special training course for veteran cadres", which later developed into the Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology, with Chen Yu himself as the president, and also established the power college, the petroleum college, and a large number of technical secondary schools and technical schools, and the mainland's energy education system was originally presided over by Chen Yu.

  Served in Guangdong

  The "Governor of Aimin" is deeply loved

  In 1957, Deng Xiaoping, then Vice Premier of the State Council, spoke with Chen Yu on behalf of the Central Committee and sent him back to Guangdong to serve as Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Guangdong Province.

  After returning to Guangdong, Chen Yu adhered to the idea of developing industry, developing energy, and improving people's living standards. In particular, he refuted the "coal-free theory" of Guangdong through investigations, and increased Guangdong's coal output from 860,000 tons in 1957 to 6.26 million tons in 1974.

  Chen Yu believes that if Guangdong can produce its own oil, it will play a huge role in promoting the economic development of the whole province. He visited many experts, including Li Siguang, in the hope of finding oil in the South China Sea. Under his promotion, a battle for oil exploration in the South China Sea began.

  Peng Qingyuan, a member of the executive editorial board of the album, knows this history well, and he said that in order to find oil in the South China Sea, Chen Yu climbed on the offshore drilling platform dozens of times despite his advanced age to help the drilling team solve various problems. At the end of his life, he was in a coma, still concerned about oil exploration in the South China Sea, and when he woke up, he was still admonishing: "You must find oil in the South China Sea." Otherwise, the Prime Minister will criticize. ”

  During his tenure in Guangdong, the slightly larger factories in Guangzhou City have left Chen Yu's footprints, and under his adjustment, Guangzhou's industry has gradually formed a scale, and steel, machinery, electric power, and shipbuilding have a certain production capacity. Chen Yu was present at the scene when the Guangzhou Shipyard produced 10,000-ton ships, the Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory produced 10,000-horsepower diesel engines, the Guangzhou Power Plant modified a double-water internal cooled generator, and the Guangzhou Construction Machinery Factory developed a drill engine.

  On March 21, 1974, Chen Yu passed away. "His contributions to the Chinese workers' movement, the energy industry of New China and the construction of Guangdong Province will forever be recorded in history." Peng Qingyuan said.

  Next to the story

  Many people often come to visit the old governor's house

  In an interview with reporters, Wang Liye, director of the memorial hall of Chen Yu's former residence, said that as a patriotic education base in Nanshan District, many people come to visit the former residence of this "patriotic governor" every year to cherish the memory of the old governor's meritorious achievements for Guangdong.

  Wang Liye said that over the years, many people have come to Chen Yu's former residence, some are his relatives, some are old leaders and colleagues who have worked with him, and some are nearby villagers.

  In recent years, young people from schools, institutions, and neighborhoods have often organized groups to visit the old governor. Students from the nearby Nanshan Elementary School often visited, and some time ago, more than 100 teachers and students from the school came to visit the former home.

  Take forward the construction of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong water supply project

  During the interview, this reporter learned that the Shenzhen-Hong Kong water supply project, which benefits Hong Kong compatriots, was built under Chen Yu's proposal and promotion.

  In 1963, Hong Kong was almost paralyzed by a severe drought and the people were struggling to make a living. Various sectors in Hong Kong have sent letters to Guangdong Province for help. Chen Yu reported to the central government that he hoped that action should be taken quickly, and proposed that the fundamental measure to solve Hong Kong's water shortage must be the construction of large-scale water conservancy projects. In the end, Premier Zhou Enlai made a decision and agreed to build a water supply project, which was included in the national plan as a special project for foreign aid. On April 22, 1964, this water conservancy project, which was funded by the state with nearly 36 million yuan and more than 10,000 people, officially started.

  Before the project was finalized, Chen Yu, who was over the age of six, led the person in charge and experts of the Provincial Department of Water and Power to work hard for the exploration, design and construction of the project, and went to the site to investigate and solve the problem. In the end, it was decided to use the principle of pumping trucks to build eight pumping stations to gradually upgrade the Dongjiang water to the south and then flow into the Shenzhen Reservoir at the foot of Wutong Mountain, and then transport it to Hong Kong.

  In 2001, in a series of commemorative activities for the centenary of Comrade Chen Yu's birth, Peng Qingyuan, a cultural scholar and researcher of Chen Yu, was instructed to work with Chen Yu's secretary, Comrade Wang Jingtai, to conduct interviews and collect information and photos for the editing of the "Chen Yu" album. This scholar, who is also in Nanshan, has a deep affection for the old governor, and when interviewed by reporters, he sighed many times -- "This good governor who is close to the people and loves the people is 'a treasure of Guangdong.'" ”

  I remember that at the first meeting, Wu Nansheng, the provincial veteran leader, burst into tears when he mentioned Comrade Chen Yu, and deeply admired the high style and brightness of Chen Lao's diligent government for the people. When the provincial veteran leaders Ren Zhongyi, Kou Qingyan, Wang Quanguo and others came to the former residence of Chen Yu in Nanshan to pay their respects, they recalled that Chen Yu worked day and night in Guangdong, in addition to the intense grassroots visits and research, sometimes he also took a group of people to the park on Sundays to dig out sludge and clean up the surrounding environment. At that time, many Guangzhou citizens knew this old governor in old clothes and with a kind attitude. ”

  Peng Qingyuan said that when he was young, Chen Yu actively participated in the "After-work Club" organized by the seafarers' union in Hong Kong, and won the face-to-face praise of Sun Yat-sen and Soong Qingling; After the general strike in Guangdong and Hong Kong, he launched the Guangzhou Uprising together with Zhang Tailei, Ye Ting, Ye Jianying, etc.; During the struggle, he fought side by side with Zhou Wenyong, and witnessed the "wedding on the execution ground" of Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun, a revolutionary couple; When the "leftist" adventurist line was dominant, he dared to fight Wang Ming face to face; After returning to Yan'an, he invented the use of maran grass to make paper, and used the skills he learned as a fitter in a Soviet tractor factory to make shells and bullets; When he was working in the Northeast, he suppressed bandits in the White Mountain, Black Water, Forest, Sea and Snow Fields......

  Peng Qingyuan said: Hong Kong compatriots remember that during the severe drought in South China in 1963, Hong Kong was desperately short of water, and it was Chen Yu who organized the mainland to supply water to Hong Kong, and at the same time personally presided over the construction of the Dongjiang-Shenzhen water supply project. At that time, he often wore a raincoat to go back and forth in the wind and rain, covered in rain and mud. When the boiling water of the Dongjiang River flows into Hong Kong along the canal, who does not miss the old man's blood thicker than the water and as deep as the sea? Peng Qingyuan said that even if he was impacted by the "Cultural Revolution" and stood aside, he also solemnly confessed: "Yes, I have no power, but there is still an old life, and if there is a life, I must serve the people to the end!" Until the moment of his death, he was still concerned about the mission of searching for oil in Guangdong when he was dying.

Historically, the first person to put forward the dream of "Guangzhou Metro" was Chen Yu, the old governor of Guangdong Province.  Historically, the first obstacle encountered by the Guangzhou Metro was the jagged and complex strata under the city of Guangzhou.  The prototype of the "ten" shaped line network plan of rail transit was formed in 1958, and when this dream was just born, she was worriedly predicted by some experts as a "Arabian Nights" type of utopia.  However, the subsequent facts have proved countless times that for the road of vitality reconstruction and modernization of Guangzhou City, for the rapid development of Guangzhou City in the future, and for the people's livelihood and well-being, Governor Chen's dream is actually a far-sighted and lofty ideal. Therefore, when it comes to the Guangzhou Metro, Governor Chen should be the first person who cannot be mentioned. At that time, the planning of Guangzhou's underground tram system, which was mainly based on traffic preparedness and taking into account traffic and passenger transportation, was in principle temporarily able to evacuate people in the downtown area in the direction of Fei'e Ling and Baiyun Mountain. In 1965, this plan was completed, namely: the north-south line, from Guihuagang in the north, to the cultural park in the south, and to Henan and Fei'e Ling in the long term; The east-west line starts from Xicun Xichang in the west and reaches Tianhe Airport (now Tianhe Sports Center) in the east. One day in the summer of 1960, Li Fengwu, director of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Geology, suddenly received a notice and took Wu Zhangsheng, an engineer of the first hydrogeological survey team, to the home of Governor Chen Yu near Xinhepu in Dongshan in a small car.  As soon as he entered the door, Governor Chen asked straight to the point: "Beijing can build a subway, why can't Guangzhou?" Before the two experts could speak, Governor Chen continued: "People say that Guangzhou is surrounded by the Pearl River, and there is a lot of groundwater, and it is very difficult to build a subway." I don't believe that there will be so much water in Guangzhou??"  In front of a huge map of Guangzhou on the wall of the living room, Governor Chen waved his hand and put a big "ten" character on the map: "I invite you to come here today to ask you to organize your forces to take Zhongshan Road as an east-west line and Weixin Road (i.e., today's Uprising Road) as a north-south line, drill a few holes to see if there is water at the bottom." There were no polite words, no superfluous greetings, shouldering the secret mission personally issued by Governor Chen, and the two experts hurriedly embarked on the way home.

Process No. 9

In August 1960, the first drill of the Guangzhou subway quietly started in the urban area. In 1960, when the new republic suffered three consecutive years of unprecedented severe famine, 31-year-old Wu Zhangsheng, a young man who had worked with the famous mainland geologist Li Siguang for many years, served as the project engineer of the first geological survey report of the Guangzhou Metro. He led several elite soldiers and strong generals of the first hydrological brigade to brave the wind and rain and fight for more than half a year under the difficult conditions of no appropriation, no grain and grass, and no remuneration, and laid six deep boreholes on the land of Guangzhou City.

  These six boreholes were drilled on the two-level foundation of Guangzhou City - the Railway Bureau (now Gonghe Road), Dongjiaochang (now the Martyrs' Cemetery), Xuandong Road (now the junction of Dongfeng Road and Jixiang Road) and the Fisheries Department (now Nanhua East Road, Haizhu District) were drilled on the platform. On the alluvial plain, there are Weixin Road (now Uprising Road, belonging to the Pearl River Plain) and Pantang (now Zhongshan Eighth Road, belonging to the Xiguan Plain). In order to find out the development of groundwater, at that time, all six boreholes were drilled very deep - a total of 1,860 meters, an average of 310 meters per hole, and the deepest one, reached 498 meters! The results of the drilling are encouraging: the groundwater in Guangzhou is not too much, and the bedrock is high, and this geological condition, although complex, is completely suitable for the construction of a subway!

  Governor Chen's subway dream finally has a solid and reliable scientific foundation. Although the "geological risk" is a roadblock, in the future project, it will often unexpectedly show its teeth and claws to the builders of the Guangzhou subway, but after all, the ice has been broken for the first time, and the people of Guangzhou have seen the dawn of the subway.

  After several rigorous and scientific analysis and demonstration, Wu Zhangsheng finally signed his name on this "Guangzhou Underground Railway Engineering Geological Survey Report". The report was born at a time of great difficulty in the young republic, when three years of severe natural disasters and foreign affairs were taking place in the country, and the international situation was changing dramatically. However, fate has long been predestined - the future of the subway is bright, but the way forward of the Guangzhou subway will be overgrown with thorns. Due to various reasons, after this secret report was read by Governor Chen Yu, it was kept in the iron cabinet of the relevant department for many years, and then its whereabouts were unknown and its whereabouts were unknown.

After more than 40 years, after many searches and twists and turns, the earliest geological report of the Guangzhou Metro was finally found in a certain archive room of the geological department at the foot of Baiyun Mountain and in the depths of the green shade.

  The date of the report is "July 1961", and the stamp of the word "top secret" can still be clearly seen in the upper right corner of the cover. However, the contents of the entire report have been largely preserved. The main body of the report is followed by more than 20 drawings. These drawings recorded in detail the location, depth, geology, hydrology and other detailed information of the six boreholes of that year, thus unveiling the mystery of the underground rock formations of Guangzhou City for the first time.

  Witnessing this old and yellowed geological report, our eyes seem to have traveled through 40 years of time and space, and then we see the voices and smiles of the pioneers of the Guangzhou Metro, as well as the great spirit of seeking truth from facts and persevering in serving the people of all the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries and engineers and technicians!

  An old and yellowed geological report, a distant dream, although it has been dusted and forgotten by the years for a long time, it is an indelible fact. It records an unforgettable history of the sons and daughters of New China, and also records the first solid footprints of the Guangzhou Metro.

  Drinking water and thinking about the source is a valuable spiritual heritage of Guangzhou people.

 In 1965, just after three years of economic hardship in the Republic, Governor Chen's subway dream began to rise again. However, at this time, the head of the Beibu Gulf was suddenly filled with gunsmoke and war.

  In March of that year, the United States brazenly expanded the Vietnam War. At the same time, US planes also frequently fired at the mainland's Liangguang fishing boats fishing in the Beibu Gulf. In such a situation where the crisis of war is on the verge of breaking out, it is clear that peace-building has become a luxury.

  This is really "last night's west wind withered green trees"! However, after "going up to the tall building alone and looking at the end of the world", Chen Yu and Tao Zhu, two generals in southern Xinjiang, saw the "opportunity" from the "danger" together. They joined hands with the central authorities to urge the construction of a tunnel in Guangzhou that would "combine peacetime and wartime" -- to evacuate the masses and protect the lives and property of the masses during wartime, and to lay subways and develop transportation after the war. After the proposal was approved by the central government, Tao Zhu immediately announced for the first time at the 4,000-person cadre meeting at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall that "Guangzhou City is going to build a subway".

  In this way, amid the rumbling sound of the "Beibu Gulf Incident", the subway dream of Guangzhou people resolutely took the first step.

  In the spring of 1965, despite the tense atmosphere of a black cloud overpowering the city, the city of Guangzhou was still as beautiful as ever. On the road in front of the house, the large-leaved ficus trees that are hundreds of years old and can only be hugged by three or four people are full of branches and yellow leaves, spitting out thousands of white magnolia buds-like buds. Hundreds of red cotton bauhinia trees around the city government are also in full bloom. But I don't know when, on the fifth floor of the No. 1 building of the municipal government, a sign has been quietly hung up -- "Guangzhou Underground Tram Project Construction Headquarters." At that time, the commander-in-chief was Mayor Zeng Sheng, and the deputy commander-in-chief was Lin Xi, deputy mayor in charge of urban construction, Zhang Ying, director of the Provincial Coal Industry Department, and Su Qing, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Governor Chen Yu is the head of this command.

  At that time, there was only one engineering agency and three or four technicians under the command. In the autumn of this year, a young college student walked out of the gate of Guangdong Institute of Technology and also came to this mysterious headquarters to report. That year, he had just turned 23 years old, and he was the chief engineer Chen Shaozhang who made many miraculous achievements for the Guangzhou Metro and won the title of national model worker in the next 40 years.

  In July of that year, the Agency's technical staff eagerly went to Beijing, Shanghai and other places for the first inspection. Speaking of which, today's young people can no longer imagine how closed China was and how lacking information and materials were. When they arrived in Beijing in mid-July, the Beijing subway construction site was surrounded by guards, and outsiders were not allowed to approach at all. Moreover, all technical information is marked as "top secret", and it is strictly forbidden to disseminate it. The only thing they got was a picture of the "Beijing Subway Vehicle Limit" that they knew where they got it. In Shanghai, because the Shanghai subway was in the intense preparation stage at that time, everything was "no comment" and kept secret. However, it can be regarded as an adventure: by chance, the technician Shi Jinling found a second-hand Soviet subway textbook at a second-hand book stall. For a long time to come, this old yellowed photo with coordinate data, and an old textbook picked up from the streets of Shanghai, became all the belongings in the database of Guangzhou subway technicians.

  "Guangzhou Metro, it is in such a situation that it started with difficulty." When Chen Shaozhang recalled the situation back then, his words still revealed infinite emotion.

  According to Chen Shaozhang's recollections: Due to the outbreak of the "Beibu Gulf Incident," the crisis of the Sino-US war was imminent, and this war preparedness project required a high degree of secrecy. When the project started, it was also out of secrecy? Because even the location of the office has been moved to the 204 compound next to the sparsely populated halal tomb in the northern suburbs of Guangzhou after several changes.

  Speaking of which, the line network planning of the Guangzhou Metro at that time, from the depth of burial to the direction, was personally determined by Governor Chen. Governor Chen Yu's idea at that time was to build a "ten" shaped tunnel under Yangcheng: the longitudinal north-south line, from Nanfang Building, Renmin Road, Jiefang North to Sanyuanli, and the horizontal east-west line along today's Dongfeng Road from Xichang to Dongshan. Once the war broke out, the crowd in the eastern, southern, and western directions of Guangzhou could be? This underground passage quickly converged to Jiefang Road, and then went north, evacuating to Baiyun Mountain and Yuexiu Mountain respectively. Although the planned east-west line was not built later, this blueprint is strikingly similar to the first and second lines that were determined after repeated scientific arguments more than 30 years later. It seems that this, from beginning to end, is really in the same vein, continuing the great feelings of "people-oriented" of the builders of Guangzhou Metro.

  At that time, more than 10 coal mine miners were transferred from Pingshi in northern Guangdong, Anyuan in Jiangxi, Fuxin in northeast, and Pingdingshan in Henan. They brought their own tools, utensils and chopsticks, and dug holes in the ground of Yangcheng day and night. The risks involved are hard to describe. Due to the lack of financial and material resources at that time, every possible effort was made to raise 13 million yuan, the mayor of Zeng Sheng at that time, had strongly advocated to run the subway in the future to the large section to play, but the situation forced the tunnel to be based on war readiness, and must be completed within a time limit, and because of the shortage of materials, such a large project, even there is no concrete, therefore, had to seek the second, the tunnel can only be designed and excavated according to the small section of the coal mine, after digging through, paved with bricks and wooden planks on the mud floor, only for the trolleybus to be able to drive in and out!

  In 1966, after the completion of the "No. 9 Project", the section was only 3 meters wide and 2.85 meters high, and the tunnel was exposed everywhere with bare rocks and pit wooden supports like ribs, so it could not run the subway at all, and in the end, it could only be used as a huge air-raid shelter. To this day, this long and dark underground passage is still deeply hidden in the depths of Yangcheng's underground, silently and wordlessly, telling the hardships of that period of history to the visitors who came by chance!

  In 1966, the "Cultural Revolution" broke out suddenly. In the autumn of that year, Tao Zhu was transferred to Beijing to take office, and before leaving, he held Chen Lao's hand tightly and only said one sentence: "It took 13 million yuan and 8 kilometers, this test is a little bigger??" But, Guangzhou, after all, still has to engage in the subway! At this time, the eyes of the two old revolutionaries seemed to be shining with a little starlight!

  The first attempt at the Guangzhou Metro, just like that, ended with a huge regret.

  In 1970, the Guangzhou Metro was launched for the second time.

  At that time, Hu Nanqing, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Revolutionary Committee, was in charge of this matter, and he set up a "701" office under the "No. 9 Project Headquarters", intending to develop three combined boring machines with a diameter of 400CM on his own, hoping to use them to widen the north-south line tunnel of "rice has become cooking", so as to truly realize the subway dream of Guangzhou City. But at that time, because there was no special steel, no foreign exchange, and sometimes even scientific research funds, so within a year, the second launch died silently.

  In 1971, the Guangzhou municipal government once again raised the banner of the subway. Li Liangfeng, director of the Municipal Construction Committee, organized a construction team of Guangzhou's own underground engineering to drill a shaft and an inclined shaft on Huifu Road to connect the tunnel of the "No. 9 Project". However, as soon as the construction started, I knew that the difficulty of the expansion was really beyond imagination, so when I got on the horse for the third time, I dismounted again "in a hurry and in a hurry".

  In the past 10 years, the Guangzhou Metro has been up and down three times. But in the heart of Governor Chen, he is still "a martyr in his twilight years, and his heart is strong." Over the years, I don't know how many times, he was alone with only his guards, burrowed into the depths of the strata of Yangcheng, wandering in the long, dark tunnel of the "No. 9 Project", his heart fluctuated. In 1973, he made up his mind to widen the north-south line, dig a large section of the east-west line, and make a subway tunnel like Beijing, so as to benefit the people of Nanyue and the future of Guangzhou! In 1974, after the meeting of the leading group of the Guangzhou Municipal Revolutionary Committee resolved: "The Guangzhou subway must be launched", engineering and technical personnel from all over the country gathered in Guangzhou and stationed in the 204 compound next to the ancient tomb in the northern suburbs.

  In this way, the fire of the construction of the Guangzhou Metro was rekindled for the fourth time.

After watching the first drill of the geological survey of the east-west line fire, Governor Chen left with confidence and set off for Xisha to inspect. Knowing this, he contracted a cold at sea in Xisha, and after returning to Guangzhou, Governor Chen became ill. At the end of that year, this proletarian revolutionary of the older generation died of illness at the Army General Hospital in Guangzhou at the age of 73 with unpaid ambitions.

  "Die before leaving the school, and the hero will be full of tears."

  After Governor Chen's death, the Guangzhou Metro was dismounted for the fourth time. The technical forces that have been snare by all means have also dispersed. Two years later, even the sign of "Project No. 9" was quietly merged in front of the civil air defense office on Yuexiu Mountain.

  In those difficult days, the "old nine" of the "No. 9 Project" can no longer remember how many times they looked up to the sky and roared fiercely -- why is the road of Guangzhou Metro so bumpy and difficult?

  But since the "Lao Jiu" brand is still there, the dream of "subway" cannot die! At a time when many colleagues were disheartened and went their separate ways, there was a young old subway man who chose to stick to this empty yard, and he was Chen Shaozhang. In those miserable and hesitant days, he had silently told himself in his heart many times that this 8-kilometer-long tunnel was not the end. This 8 km long tunnel can't be finished!

  After the "10-year catastrophe" passed, the ship of the republic put things in order and embarked on a new journey. In 1978, during Yang Shangkun's tenure as mayor of Guangzhou, the persistent Guangzhou people brewed the subway for the fifth time. Wei Xuan, director of the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office at that time, put forward a bold idea: Concentrate the scattered civil air defense funds to do big things and build the subway! This idea was quickly supported by provincial and municipal leaders. So, in 1979, the Guangzhou Metro Preparatory Office was officially established, and the sign of "Project No. 9" was quietly taken off Yuexiu Mountain and hung back in front of the 204 compound.

  This year, the people of the preparatory office went out with enthusiasm to inspect the subway in major cities in China. They not only eagerly ran all over the subways that had already been built in Beijing and Tianjin, but also visited the Harbin civil air defense fortifications with subway awareness, the Shenyang civil air defense tunnel buried 100 meters deep, and the circular civil air defense tunnel in Zhengzhou City. However, the results of this trip were somewhat disappointing, due to the national situation at that time, the underground projects in various places were still limited to a kind of "peacetime and wartime combination, civil air defense first" guiding ideology, and the laws and characteristics of the subway itself, is generally still not an objective understanding, therefore, this time the dusty "trip to the north", Guangzhou Metro people, is disappointed, still failed to find a model for Guangzhou Metro to learn from.

  However, this trip was extremely unexpected and received a major surprise. Later, when they were in the capital of Macao, they happened to find an English version of the material in the Ministry of Construction -- a set of "heavenly books" called "In-depth Research Report on Hong Kong's Mass Transport Plan". This "book from heaven" was later a comprehensive report on various planning schemes and design schemes during the preparation for the construction of the Hong Kong MTR a few years ago. The report, illustrated and discussed, is divided into four volumes and 702 pages, which is sprinkled with exuberance, and it is almost like an encyclopedia of the world's subway! 1. Open this "Book of Heaven", what is displayed in front of them is a set of unheard of in China's subway industry, a new concept, a new technical method, this is the "old nine" who have been looking for many years of the true scripture! Everyone was hooked. As soon as they returned to Guangzhou, they immediately organized more than 10 technicians who knew English to translate all of them in more than a month, day and night.

  Because the cover of the translation is yellow, the people of Guangzhou Metro jokingly call this book the "Yellow Book".

  This thick "Yellow Book", both at that time and in the future, can be said to have had an extremely far-reaching impact on the fate and future of Guangzhou Metro: first, it made Guangzhou Metro people understand for the first time how to use the theory of traffic engineering to guide the planning of the subway network. Second, it began to make the Guangzhou subway people understand how to build a subway in a tropical and subtropical region. Third, it makes Guangzhou Metro people see how to build a large-capacity public transportation system in a modern city. Finally, it also let the people of Guangzhou Metro know the development trend and future progress direction of subway technology around the world at that time.