
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

author:Jiangyu is wide
All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article.
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification


Taiwan is the core of China's core interests, and the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and China will make decisions on all matters.

A few days ago, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) made another new move, and 19 PLA military planes flew over the "center line of the strait" and entered the airspace over the northern, southwestern, and eastern part of Taiwan Island.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

It has formed a three-fold trend in the west, south, and northeast, and "approaching the Taiwan Strait" has aroused a lot of discussions.

Reference source: China's Taiwan Network2024-06-24 Taiwan media: PLA helicopters rarely fly long distances around the Taiwan Strait Military aircraft continue to cruise around Taiwan in a "three-bread clip" trend
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Regarding the activities of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) near the island of Taiwan, the outside world speculates whether the Taiwan issue is about to come to an end.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

The wolf ambitions of the US side are too obvious

Cross-strait reunification is an inevitable choice of history, the aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait, and a matter that must be realized sooner or later.

However, whether it is in the open or behind the back, there are many obstacles in between.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

The US Department of Defense's Defense Security Cooperation Agency recently announced that it is ready to sell military weapons to Taiwan.

The US side said that it has approved two batches of arms sales to Taiwan totaling about $360 million, including two types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and supporting system services.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

On 21 June, Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, responded by saying that arms sales to China's Taiwan seriously violated the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques, as well as international law and basic norms governing international relations.

The money for the purchase of weapons is the hard-earned money of the Chinese people in Taiwan, and the money should have been used to build a more beautiful Taiwan, not to maliciously resist reunification by force.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

He also stressed that the DPP authorities should see clearly the true face of the United States, and the purchase of weapons is only a pawn of the United States, but it will eventually become an "outcast" in the foreseeable future.

The ugly face of the United States cannot be hidden for a second, and a few days ago they once again made erroneous remarks on the Taiwan Strait issue.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification
Reference source: Xinhuanet2024-6-22The United States plans a new round of arms sales to Taiwan The spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense answers reporters' questions
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Paparo, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, declared that once Chinese mainland reunifies Taiwan by force, the United States will turn the Taiwan Strait into a "no man's hell."

He also said that this strategic plan has been planned for a long time, and it is only waiting for China to take action on military reunification.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China responded positively, and spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian said that the wolf ambitions of the United States are too obvious.

She stressed that the United States has repeatedly sold arms to Taiwan in an attempt to draw the flames of war toward Taiwan and has sinister intentions.

Could it be that the DPP authorities in Taiwan, China, are not aware of it, and who is sincere? Who is the hypocrisy?

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification
Reference source: China News Network2024-06-26 The US side clamored to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell" The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

If the authorities in Taiwan, China, could not see clearly, then Geng Shuang, a former spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave them an answer at the United Nations meeting.

As China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang made three speeches at the UN open meeting to hit back at the US side, at which he domineeringly pointed out that individual countries were the United States.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Netizens in the comment area also said that directly naming this is the toughest!

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the United Nations, Geng Shuang has repeatedly proved that China has risen, that we have the strength and courage, and that we are no longer afraid of Western countries.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian also said that the Chinese People's Liberation Army will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation for war after the United States sells military weapons to Taiwan, and will carry out deterrence to the end.

Facts have also proved that China's military exercises near the Taiwan Strait are really of great significance and have a significant effect.

After the People's Liberation Army's "Joint Sword-2024A" sword aimed at Taiwan independence, the Chinese Taiwan authorities began to panic, and the wind direction of people on the island gradually changed.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Is the Taiwan issue about to usher in a finale?

The Taiwan issue is China's bottom line, and the United States has repeatedly provoked China, and according to the consistent tone of the United States, they like to engage in "small actions" behind their backs.

The ultimate goal of creating chaos over China's core interests is nothing more than to suppress China's development momentum and maintain its "hegemon" status.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

To tell the truth, in the eyes of discerning people, this is already the goal of the United States on the surface.

However, China's ordinary cruising activities did not expect to spark speculation and directly or indirectly deter them.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

According to a report by China Times News Network, the defense department of Zhitai said that on June 23, a PLA helicopter flew a long distance along the waters off eastern Taiwan, and it was an unusually long-distance flight.

The PLA aircraft reached the eastern waters of Hualien, the closest distance is 45 nautical miles from Keelung.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

In the 24 hours from 6 a.m. on June 23 to 6 a.m. on June 24, 23 sorties of PLA military aircraft were "detected."

In addition, 19 military planes crossed the "center line of the strait" and entered the airspace of the northern, southwestern, and eastern parts of the island of Taiwan.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Among them, the helicopters that took off from the warships presented a situation of "the north, the middle, the south, and the east surrounded by the platform on all sides".

In addition, there are seven PLA warships, which continue to operate around Taiwan.

These moves by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) are really "high-profile" in the eyes of the Taiwan media, but they also verify that Taiwan is China's Taiwan and that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Whether high-profile or low-key, the PLA is telling everyone that China has sufficient jurisdiction over Taiwan.

Before the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council reacted, it repeatedly stated that the exercises and training activities carried out by the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the Taiwan Strait were legitimate moves to safeguard national sovereignty and self-occupation that would not allow interference by other countries.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Many people in the outside world see the PLA's cruising activities as a response to US military arms sales to Taiwan, and people always link Chinese mainland's actions to others.

There are even rumors in the outside world that the Taiwan issue is about to usher in a grand finale, which means that the mainland will make new big moves.

But in fact, China has the right to carry out all activities around the island.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

A military expert on the mainland also expressed his views on whether the two events are related, saying that PLA warships and planes patrolling over the "center line of the strait," which does not exist at all, has become a regular occurrence.

Taiwan Province should not think too much, this is just the normal practice of the mainland, and it is up to the Chinese mainland to decide how to send warships and fighters.

Reference source: Shangguan News 2024-6-25The two latest actions of the mainland have made the island very nervous
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification
Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification


With regard to the Taiwan issue, which is rumored to come to an end, we believe that the wishes of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation will definitely come true in the end.

The two sides of the strait will eventually be reunified, and this is an inevitable choice of history, and it is also the aspiration of the people!

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

China's determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity will not waver! Chinese love peace and promote peace!

China will not take the initiative to start a war, but this does not mean that it will be afraid of war, and China has repeatedly verified its strength with facts.

Taiwan is finally coming to an end? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is approaching the Taiwan Strait on the 3rd Road, and the Ministry of National Defense has issued the strongest voice for reunification

Whether it is a military exercise or a policy to punish Taiwan independence and separatist forces, it is a legitimate decision of China.

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