
Liu Changsheng profile


On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the reporter came to No. 81 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai, a three-story French-style small house full of creepers, surrounded by high-rise buildings, which is particularly elegant and quiet. This small French-style house is the exhibition hall of the history of the struggle of the underground organization of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, and it is also the former residence of Liu Changsheng, the revolutionary predecessor. In the past, "every time I passed by here, I never noticed such a small building, but today I know that such a small building hides many unknown revolutionary struggles before liberation." ”

There is a red color that will never erode in the wind and rain; There is a memory that never fades away in the years. The flame of the Chinese workers' movement was ignited in Shanghai. In the surging workers' movement led by the Communist Party, the figure of tobacco industry workers appeared repeatedly, and became an indispensable and important force in the development of the early workers' movement. Break through the layers of fog in the time and space tunnel, and find precious red sigils and historical treasures in them.

  The cigarette number is skillfully handed over to the code, and the original flavor is restored

  In the history of the museum, there is an exhibition hall of 60 or 70 square meters, which condenses the history of the indomitable struggle of tobacco workers before the founding of New China. These stories are still thrilling and touching to hear. The explanation of this red history begins with the story of an underground contact point.

  "This is the prototype of the counter of the famous Rongtai cigarette opened by Liu Changsheng, an outstanding leader of the labor movement," following the gesture of Xu Jia, the docent of the exhibition hall, an old-fashioned cigarette counter came into the reporter's eyes. The cigarettes on the counter are arranged or stacked in a triangle, or "tiled", but there is a hidden mystery.

  In September 1946, in order to lead the underground party organization in Shanghai, Liu Changsheng and his wife moved into No. 81 Yuyuan Road. To establish an intelligence transfer station, Liu Changsheng racked his brains. In his early years, he studied in Soviet Russia and learned the cipher code, so he decided to open a cigarette number and transmit the code in different ways of placing cigarettes.

  "The more dangerous the place, the safer the place", Liu Changsheng boldly chose the store next to the Kuomintang Police Department on Changde Road, bought the store with a gold bar, and directly acted openly under the nose of the enemy.

  So, at No. 65 Changde Road, not far from where Liu Changsheng and his wife lived, a grocery store called "Rongtai Yanhao" opened. Liu Changsheng, who is known as Liu Haoran, is the boss of the cigarette, with big ears and a simple face, he has a friendly smile, a cigarette is toasted, and some flattering words are said, and he unconsciously has a relationship with the sheriff and the ruffian. They didn't know that the Boss Liu in front of them was the leader of the labor movement who had been blacklisted by the Kuomintang.

  Liu Changsheng set a code name for each item in the store, and the placement of these items also has a specific mark, and when the two codes are combined, it is a code word. When the underground party members came to the Rongtai cigarette joint, they did not necessarily communicate directly with Liu Changsheng, as long as they saw which item was placed that day and the way this item was placed, they could know the message he wanted to convey.

  The wisdom of the revolutionary ancestors is now solidified in the China Tobacco Museum in the form of scene restoration. The restoration of the original scene shows the true history of the revolutionary underground struggle, which left a deep impression on many audiences.

  On Yuyuan Road in Jing'an District, there is a small European-style house. With floor-to-ceiling glass doors and pebbly inlaid walls, this brick and wood garden house along the street is quietly hidden in the lively Jing'an Temple business district, next to Jiuguang Department Store, where modern and fashionable urban beauties and business white-collar workers in suits and leather shoes hurriedly pass by.

  No. 81 Yuyuan Road, is the house number of this small house, which used to be one of the secret organs of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, an important place for the activities of the underground organization in Shanghai, the former residence of Liu Changsheng, and the exhibition hall of the history of the struggle of the underground organization of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai.

  Tourists and citizens who pass by here for the first time will always look at the guidance sign of "Liu Changsheng's Former Residence" in surprise, look at the small western-style house between the shopping plaza and the office building in the downtown area, and ask curiously: "How did the Shanghai underground party of the Communist Party of China work and live here back then?" ”

 Underground party workplaces

  The exhibition hall has three floors, which are divided into three parts: "The Years of the Anti-Japanese War", "Striving for Peace, Opposing the Civil War" and "Combining Inside and Outside, Liberating Shanghai". "At present, individual visits to the exhibition hall can be booked on the WeChat public account of the 'Jing'an District Museum of Culture and History', which is closed on Monday, and the reservation limit is 20 people per hour. Lang Qing, the person in charge of the exhibition hall, introduced. On the afternoon of the reporter's visit, three groups made appointments to visit the former residence and attend party classes.

  Walking up the wooden staircase, up to the second floor of the former residence, there is a wax scene restored in a small room, and two "protagonists" sit on the left and right in front of the square table. On the left, wearing glasses, a long shirt, and a cigarette in his hand is Liu Changsheng, while on the right is Liu Xiao, who is wearing a suit and leather shoes, and is a boss, and they are discussing their work with serious expressions.

  From 1946 to 1949, Liu Changsheng fought and lived in this house as an outstanding organizer and leader of the Shanghai workers' movement and the underground party. At that time, Liu Xiao, then secretary of the Shanghai Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China, often came here to discuss meetings with Liu Changsheng, then deputy secretary, and draw up secret instructions for underground work. At that time, the Shanghai Bureau was in charge of the organization and work of the Party in the southwestern provinces of the Yangtze River basin and a part of Pingjin, and guided the Hong Kong Branch when necessary. Liu Chang is the deputy secretary, mainly in charge of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the staff movement.

  In order to cover his identity, Liu Changsheng assumed the pseudonym Liu Haoran, the owner of a cigarette grocery store named "Rongtai Yanhao"; Liu Xiao took Liu Jingqing, deputy general manager of Guan Leming Gold Pen Factory, as a public identity. According to the narrator, in order to avoid the exposure of his identity, Liu Changsheng usually beckoned the "left and right neighbors" to come to the house to play mahjong, and whenever "three are missing one", Liu Xiao naturally entered Liu Changsheng's room as a guest to meet and talk.

  The conditions of the underground struggle are difficult, is this entire bungalow Liu Changsheng's residence? This is not the case. The three-storey building at No. 81 Yuyuan Road, with two doorways at that time, was a two-story building with more than 10 families living on the upper and lower floors and two doorways. And Liu Changsheng rented only a small room on the second floor. This room is not only the living place of Liu Changsheng and his wife, but also the place where the underground party works.

  At the same time, there is also an underground worker on the third floor of this building - Zhang Chengzong, then secretary of the underground party committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai. On weekdays, the second and third floors deliver food from neighbors to the neighborhood, and secretly communicate work instructions through phone calls. In addition, there was a Kuomintang spy living in the building. It was in such a complex environment that Liu Changsheng lived here and fought here.

  When he went out, he had to change ten sets of clothes, and the reporter re-walked the route of transmitting information

  During the visit, in addition to the historical objects and graphic exhibition panels, what impressed the reporters and visitors was that there was another scene restoration on the second floor - "Feng Ji Mi". This rice number is an important transportation station for the transmission of information, and the instructions and telegrams from the central government are transmitted to Liu Changsheng and other leading comrades through here, and a working meeting is held in the background of the rice shop with the liaison persons of the working committee, the school committee, and the police committee. In addition, on the first floor, there is a replica of the "Rongtai Cigarette Number" to restore the layout of the tobacco store at that time.

  "Feng Ji Mi" is located at No. 916 Foch Road (now Yan'an Middle Road), and "Rongtai Yan" is at No. 65 Changde Road, and the current former residence of Liu Changsheng has been shifted to a position, and its real original site is near the "City Terminal" next to Jiuguang Department Store more than 100 meters away. The reporter set out from the "original site" of the former residence and was surprised to find that it only took ten minutes to walk from the residence to the location of the "cigarette number", and it took more than ten minutes to walk from the "cigarette number" to the location of the rice shop on the original Foch Road.

  Along the way, it was found that the lane where No. 65 Changde Road was located has long ceased to exist, and now the old site is a comprehensive real estate with office buildings, hotels and shops - Yueyang Plaza, which has become a part of the bustling business district; The "Feng Ji Rice" has also disappeared into the shops on the street, and coincidentally, Nos. 915 and 917 Yan'an Middle Road are actually restaurants and canteens.

  At that time, opposite the "Rongtai Cigarette" was the Kuomintang Shanghai Police Office. Liu Changsheng and the underground party comrades lived and fought right under the noses of the enemy. Although the risk is very high, it is admirable to have a close understanding of the enemy's situation, and also make full use of the convenient transportation in the city center to carry out work, and not be afraid of danger.

  In the "Rongtai Cigarette", because Liu Changsheng is burly, fat, and kind, he often likes to tell jokes, and the guests and neighbors call him "Fat Boss Liu". On the one hand, he actively carried out party work, and on the other hand, he learned to do business and speak Shanghainese as a shop owner. Because the front door of this tobacco shop faces the road, next door is an alley, from which you can directly enter the back door, and because it is a one-line connection, the underground work here seems to be quite confidential and has never been exposed.

  Under the cover of his identity as the owner of a tobacco shop, Liu Changsheng set up a night school for workers, taught them cultural knowledge, taught them to recognize the current situation, and organized and led one vigorous workers' movement and mass anti-Japanese struggle movement after another.

  According to Liu Changsheng's granddaughter Liu Aiwei, Liu Changsheng once told her father that in Shanghai, which was full of white terror, in order to walk under the nose of the enemy, Liu Changsheng and his underground party comrades sometimes needed to change nearly ten sets of clothes a day to cover themselves, so that they could avoid the enemy's eyes and calmly carry out dangerous work such as secret traffic liaison and concealed front.

  Trade unions should be encouraged to legally register and struggle, and fight the bloody storm on the eve of liberation

  The development of the underground struggle is inseparable from the activities of the labor movement. In order to accumulate strength and usher in liberation, in the spirit of "striving for legality," Liu Changsheng boldly proposed that trade unions should not be afraid to register and encourage trade union organizations to go to the social bureau of the Kuomintang authorities to carry out open and legal registration.

  From the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to August 15, 1946, there were 153 industrial trade unions and 108 professional trade unions established in Shanghai, with a total of nearly 300,000 trade union members in Shanghai, most of which were actually led by communists.

  The establishment of trade unions allowed the working class to play an important role in the anti-hunger, anti-civil war and anti-persecution movements. Under the leadership of Liu Changsheng, he launched the struggle to "thaw the cost of living index", smashed the enemy's conspiracy of the May 1 reactionary demonstration, actively fought for the basic guarantee of the living class of the working class, and made sufficient material reserves for the next battle for the liberation of Shanghai and the rapid resumption of production and life after the liberation.

  On the third floor of the former residence, there is a display of materials about Shanghai before the liberation. In accordance with the instructions of the CPC Central Committee, Liu Changsheng, then deputy secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and in charge of the overall work, personally organized and led the workers, students, and people from all walks of life in Shanghai to carry out the struggle to protect factories and schools, and organized and led a people's security force of more than 60,000 people, mainly composed of workers, to cooperate with the PLA in handing over Shanghai completely into the hands of the people.

  It is regrettable that before the liberation of Shanghai, in order to transmit and receive information in a timely manner, Li Bai, Qin Hongjun and other underground party members were unfortunately arrested. At that time, the younger brother of Zhang Chengzong, then secretary of the Shanghai Underground Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, was also arrested and imprisoned. In order to take into account the overall situation, after repeated considerations by the organization, in order to prevent the armed forces controlled by the underground party from being exposed in advance to the battle that would affect the liberation of Shanghai, the rescue plan had to be abandoned. Li Bai and other twelve martyrs finally died heroically in Qijia Temple.

  Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's workers' movement sought national independence and liberation. As one of the leaders of the Chinese labor movement, Liu Changsheng gave full play to the wisdom of the Chinese labor movement and constantly won victories in difficult struggle environments. Liu Changsheng himself summed up several main points: the Chinese workers' movement has always been a part of the national liberation movement, and it is the leading part of it, and the trade union movement is subordinate to the national liberation movement; Accumulate strength; the struggle is "reasonable, beneficial, and responsible"; lawful use; Unified action; Attitude towards the revolutionary armed struggle.

  Today, Liu Changsheng's former residence, as the exhibition hall of the history of the struggle of the underground organization of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, welcomes visits from various social groups and individuals every day. According to Lang Qing, the person in charge of the exhibition hall, in the conference room on the first floor, the group appointments for studying party history and participating in party classes have also been full.

  In between visits, student groups come to visit spontaneously from time to time. Xiao Yuan, a sophomore majoring in spices at Shanghai Institute of Technology, came to visit with his high school classmates. "Every time I pass by Jing'an Temple, I never notice such a small building, but today I know that such a small building hides many unknown revolutionary struggles before liberation." Xiao Yuan said.

  No. 81 Yuyuan Road may be a flag: in the past, it was hidden in the city; Now, before showing the world, while remembering the martyrs and receiving the baptism of revolutionary education, he also deeply understands the importance of the labor movement activities for the cause of national liberation and independence; In the future, we will not forget our original intention and forge ahead.

On June 11, 1945, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was successfully concluded in Yangjialing, Yan'an, and this historic congress had a special position in the development of the CPC. At the congress, the Communist Party of China elected 77 full members, including 44 members of the Central Committee and 33 alternate members. Chairman Mao was elected chairman of the Central Committee and chairman of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, opening a new chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution.

However, among the 33 alternates, there is a lesser-known hero, one of the early underground intelligence leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, and he is Liu Changsheng.

Liu Changsheng's life is full of legends. Born in Haiyang, Shandong Province, he joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1927, but unlike other revolutionaries, he spent most of his youth in the Soviet Union.

He went to work in the Soviet Union with his father at the age of 19, joined the Lenin Communist Youth League at the age of 21, and was not transferred back to China until he was 34 years old.

During his time in the Soviet Union, Liu Changsheng accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience, becoming an outstanding underground intelligence leader. He served as the chairman of the Vladivostok dock trade union and the instructor of the Soviet Committee of the Boli Far Eastern Frontier Committee, participated in the fight against bandits in the Soviet Union, and made important contributions to the stability and development of the Soviet Vladivostok region. This experience honed his leadership skills and tenacity, laying a solid foundation for his later revolutionary career.

In 1933, with the consent of the Comintern, Liu Changsheng went to study at the International Lenin Institute in Moscow, and returned to China three years later to serve as the head of the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. Although he was a member of the Party in the Far East, he repeatedly urged the Comintern to support the Chinese revolution during the difficult period of the domestic revolution and made important contributions to the growth of the Red Army.

In August 1937, Liu Changsheng was sent to Shanghai to rebuild the party's underground organization and began to lead intelligence work in the Shanghai area. During this period, Shanghai was at the forefront of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and in order to defend the city, Liu Changsheng shouldered the heavy responsibility of supporting the front-line soldiers.

At the most difficult moment of the Battle of Songhu, he organized workers and students to actively participate in the work of transporting grain and ammunition, and made great efforts to prevent the Japanese army from occupying Shanghai.

After the fall of Shanghai, Liu Changsheng secretly organized intelligence work as the boss of the "Rongtai Yan". In the face of the Japanese army's strict monitoring of the main road in and out of Songhu, he skillfully used cigarettes as a code to transmit information to the New Fourth Army in different ways. Under his leadership, Shanghai's intelligence work achieved remarkable results, and the New Fourth Army grew stronger and became one of the main forces in the national war of resistance.

In the summer of 1944, Liu Changsheng was transferred to Yan'an to work, and the following year he participated in the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee. He is the only one of the 33 alternate members who is in charge of the intelligence front, which is of great significance to the intelligence work of the Chinese Communist Party.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Changsheng returned to work in Shanghai, and during this period, the New Fourth Army planned to launch a final and decisive attack on the Japanese puppet army in Nanjing, Shanghai and other places. However, the Kuomintang reactionaries stole the fruits of the war of resistance.

At this critical juncture, Liu Changsheng decided to continue to lurk in Shanghai and serve as the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. In the second lurk, he continued to use the "cigarette horn" as an archway to organize intelligence work. In the face of the increasingly fierce offensive of the Kuomintang, he organized the workers and students to fight back, and finally won the liberation of Shanghai in 1949.

After the liberation of Shanghai, Liu Changsheng served as the secretary of the new Workers' Movement Committee of the East China Bureau. During this period, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee began the work of economic recovery and construction, and Liu Changsheng assisted Chen Yi in presiding over the economic construction. Soon after, he took up the post of vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

Liu Changsheng was an alternate member of the Central Committee during the Seventh and Eighth Party Congresses, and despite his high and powerful position, he has always kept a low profile and modest, and many people outside the party do not even know about his deeds. Until 1956, the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing, and Liu Changsheng was elected as a member of the Central Committee for the first time. The following year, he again served as vice president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

In his later years, Liu Changsheng devoted his main energy to trade union work. Since 1961, he has been re-elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and president of the China-Africa Friendship Association.

However, this outstanding revolutionary died unjustly in Beijing on January 20, 1967, at the age of 64. His death is a great loss to the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese working class.

Liu Changsheng was an outstanding leader of the Chinese Communist Party's Shanghai workers' movement and Shanghai's underground intelligence work. He has demonstrated perseverance, selfless dedication, and outstanding leadership skills in times of crisis. His story tells us that sticking to our faith and fighting tirelessly for a just cause can make a huge difference wherever we are.

Liu Changsheng's life is full of legends, and his contributions will always be remembered in our hearts. He is a hero in the history of the Chinese revolution, and his story inspires us to continue to move forward and strive for a better future.

His name will forever be closely linked to the glorious history of the Communist Party of China and become our staunch revolutionary example.

Liu Changsheng was a pseudonym Wang Xiangbao in the Soviet Union, and he was a native of Suntuan, Haiyang County. Diligent and studious since childhood, due to the poverty of his family, he studied for three years and dropped out of school to work in agriculture. One year of spring famine, his friend persuaded him to borrow grain from rich households to survive the famine, and he said: "I would rather starve to death than beg the rich man." At the age of 18, he went with his uncle to Vladivostok to work as a cobbler, a clerk, and a dock worker. After the October Revolution in Russia, Liu Changsheng organized Chinese workers in the Far East to join the Volunteer Army and fight to defend Soviet power. In December of the 13th year of the Republic of China (1924), he was introduced by Yang Zhankui and joined the Lenin Communist Youth League. In May of the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), he was introduced by Liang Botai and Wang Hongxun to join the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and later became a member of the Communist Party of China. Studied at the Lenin Institute in Moscow. In the 24th year of Mintong (1935), he carried the secret letter of the Comintern to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Moscow, traveled for more than a year, and arrived in northern Shaanxi in May of the following year and handed over the secret letter to Zhou Enlai. In June, Liu Changsheng served as the director of the Executive Board of the Northwest Bureau of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in northern Shaanxi. In September of the following year, he was appointed by the Party Central Committee to go to Shanghai to restore and build the party's underground organization, and jointly established the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee with Liu Xiao, and successively served as the head of the organization department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. During this period, the CPC Central Committee has always resolutely implemented the policy of "concealing and being capable, laying in ambush for a long time, accumulating strength, and waiting for the opportune moment" in enemy-occupied areas. At that time, many workers and poor people in Shanghai were concentrated in refugee shelters, and Liu Changsheng and others organized some party members to live in shelters, seized the opportunity to publicize anti-Japanese propaganda, and mobilized many groups of workers and poor people to join the anti-Japanese contingent led by the New Fourth Army and the Communist Party. At the same time, they used the YMCA, the Fellow Villagers' Association, the Ministry of Industry Bureau in the Imperialist Concessions, and the Chinese Women's Association controlled by Kuomintang politicians to set up a number of workers' night schools and send Communist Party members to teach and carry out revolutionary activities. Some capitalists prevented workers from attending night schools, and Liu Changsheng mobilized the workers to demand that the factories set up night schools. Workers' night schools have sprung up in Shanghai and have become an important front for organizing and educating the masses. When the time came, he actively and cautiously recruited Communist Party members among the industrial workers. By 1941, nearly 1,000 people had joined the party. At the same time, party members were mobilized to organize fraternities, sororities, cooperatives, "autonomous associations, and mutual aid associations" in the factory; Organize social gatherings and fun parties among shop assistants and employees to unite and educate the vast number of workers, clerks and employees to carry out anti-Japanese and national salvation activities.

Liu Changsheng's writings such as "On the Soviet Union of Trade Unions," the publications "Friends," "Labor," "Knowledge of Life," and "Workers' Life," as well as the book "Shanghai Industry and Shanghai Workers," compiled by leading party comrades, have played a guiding and promoting role in guiding and promoting the workers' movement.

He traveled back and forth between Shanghai and the Huainan base area, sending people and intelligence and documents, and never missed a beating

In December 1944, Li Qitao, one of the responsible persons of the Shanghai Underground Party and School Committee, informed Yao Mingda that the Central China Bureau was going to establish a Central China Construction University and to mobilize a group of progressive young people in Shanghai to study and train cadres for the construction of the base area.

The task is arduous, and it is necessary to frequently travel back and forth between the base area and Shanghai, and it is necessary not only to have the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, but also to be bold and careful, and to be able to bear hardships and stand hard work, and this is a relatively long-term task. Although Yao Mingda was not ideologically prepared, he was very excited to gain the party's trust, and the local government said that he would resolutely complete the task.

Within two days, he and another comrade who had been selected as a traffic officer went to Dawangzhuang, near Huanghuadang, Tianchang County, where the Ministry of Industry of Central Huacheng in Huainan Base Area was located. Minister Liu Changsheng personally assigned work to the two and gave them enthusiastic encouragement. Since then, Yao Mingda's glorious journey as an underground traffic officer has begun.

But on the first mission, he made a mistake. It was a rainy day, the air was damp and cold, and the roads were muddy.

Yao Mingda took two comrades to the gate of Yangzhou City, which was still half the way from the base at this time, and it was all completed on two legs. But it was raining.

It was already afternoon, because it was close to Yangzhou City, and the military police and police were very strict. The three of them were tired and hungry, but they did not dare to stay, so they had to brave the rain to hurry.

The more you rush, the more mistakes you make. Walking in the rain and fog, Yao Mingda suddenly found that the houses, trees, and ridges around him were different from the last time he was taken away. He thought, it's broken, it must be lost.

Yao Mingda was a little flustered for a while. He didn't know what this place was, how far it was from Yangzhou City, and he didn't know if there was any enemy activity. He wiped a handful of rain, calmed down, and realized that what he was most afraid of at this time was hesitation and wandering.

He inquired carefully as he walked, cautiously asked questions from east to west, and finally came to Qilidian. He knows this place. After walking for a long time, it was only seven miles away from Yangzhou City. But it's a good thing to be back on the right path.

The three of them rushed to Yangjiamiao and had lunch. At this time, it is not early, and the rain is getting heavier, and the road is getting more and more difficult to walk. Turning over the dirt hill and crossing the ditch, the three of them were splashed with muddy water. What made people anxious was that it didn't take long to get dark, and the dark night covered the fields and roads.

Yao Mingda was worried that he would go the wrong way in the dark, and his heart was in a hurry. The two comrades who followed behind trekked hard one foot at a time. Yao Mingda was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he had to break into the base today.

The three of them held hands and groped their way forward step by step. A comrade's foot slipped and sat on the ground, splashing Yao Mingda with muddy water. He joked, you really have the spirit of communism, don't share the mud, and reward me with a body.

The three of them laughed. Just laughing at each other and stumbling forward.

After a long time, a few bits of light appeared in front of me. That's where the liaison station is located, and the destination has arrived.

The first mission ended successfully in apprehension and exhaustion.

Traffic work is a matter of confidentiality and the safety of personnel. Traffic officers should always plan for all possible situations in advance to avoid accidents.

The same is true for Yao Mingda. Every time he carried out a mission, he had to explain the precautions along the way to his comrades, but accidents could not be prevented.

On one occasion, he took three comrades to the base area. Before leaving, he instructed to keep a distance, pretend not to know each other, watch his movements, act at the opportunity, and set up a meeting point in case of separation.

He also specifically instructed a comrade from Guangdong not to speak, because he would deal with the situation.

The four of them took a taxi to Zhenjiang and prepared to cross the river from here to the base area. At the ferry, there is a pseudo-police officer who checks passengers' ID cards and luggage in a vicious manner.

Yao Mingda opened his luggage, and the police rummaged through his bag and grabbed the candles and soap inside. The policeman saw a few more people standing behind him, threw back the things in his hands, and shouted at Yao Mingda to leave quickly. Yao Mingda naturally saw through his careful thinking.

He came over, but the comrade from Guangdong behind him was stopped.

The policeman asked menacingly, what are you doing and where are you going. The comrades in Guangdong spoke in a Cantonese accent, and when they said a few words, the police did not understand them at all.

The policeman was annoyed and shouted: "You make it clear, otherwise, Lao Tzu won't tell you to leave." ”

Yao Mingda wanted to relieve the siege for the Guangdong comrades, so he hurriedly went over and answered on his behalf, but was stopped by the police.

The Guangdong comrades were very anxious, and the more anxious they were, the more unclear they became, and the situation was very dangerous.

Yao Mingda was so anxious that he rubbed his duffel bag with both hands. He suddenly remembered the little thing in his bag, so he picked up the candle and soap and handed it over, and said: "Boss, I was also entrusted by someone to take him to Guazhou Town to join his relatives, he is a foreigner, he is a newcomer, and he can't localize, you can ask me if there is anything." ”

The policeman took the things, quickly put them in his pockets, and his attitude improved greatly: "Say it earlier, if you don't have trouble, let's go, let's go!" ”

The four of them hurriedly boarded the ship and avoided the plague god.

Sometimes, even though I know that there are many dangers, I can't do anything about it, so I can only worry secretly.

One day in April 1945, Yao Mingda received a notice that a leading comrade was going to report to Minister Liu Changsheng and ensure her safety along the way. The informant bit the latter sentence very hard.

It was a lesbian who was going to pick up and drop off. According to the arrangement, Yao Mingda first connected with him and agreed on the time and place of the meeting.

On the day of departure, the two took a car and changed boats smoothly. The next day, he embarked on the road of Yiyanggong. Although everything seemed to be correct, Yao Mingda was always playing the drums in his heart, and he always felt that something might happen.

Enter the walking distance. Before he started to leave, Yao Mingda found that the lesbians were not in good health, and they didn't go far, and their bodies were a little unbearable. Yao Mingda had no choice but to slow down and rest as he walked.

In such a huff in the enemy-occupied area, Yao Mingda was very anxious. Just like that, I stopped and stopped, drove for more than 30 miles, and when I came to Liujiaji, it was completely dark. Yao Mingda wanted to travel a few more miles to get to the liaison station, but the lesbian was tired and hungry, and she couldn't stand it at all, and if she walked further, she would be exhausted and fall ill on the road.

Yao Mingda had no choice but to find a hotel for dinner and accommodation.

But the atmosphere here is unusual. The people who came and went all had frightened looks on their faces, and Yao Mingda was taken aback. After dinner and pretending to be chatting, he learned that the Japanese army had attacked Liujiaji that morning, and people were still in shock.

This situation made Yao Mingda uneasy. Before leaving, the superiors asked to ensure her safety, so that he could not slack off, but the road was unable to walk, and the lesbian fell on the bed and couldn't get up.

It is impossible to leave Liu Jiaji, he has to be prepared to deal with sudden events. Yao Mingda pretended to take a walk, checked the surrounding terrain, and found that there was a path behind the hotel, which could be used as a retreat if there was a situation. Back at the hotel, Yao Mingda didn't dare to sleep, he pricked up his ears and kept watch all night.

A sleepless night, but nothing to do all night. As soon as the day dawned, he called out to the lesbians to go on the road.

What made Yao Mingda anxious was that he once took three female students to the base area.

Two of the girls are Gao Jingping's younger sisters. When the two little girls heard that they were going to the base area, they immediately dressed up beautifully, and Yao Mingda solemnly pointed out that they should dress plainly, there would be problems if they were too conspicuous, their luggage should be as simple as possible, and their hair should be short. The little girl pursed her lips, but agreed.

Unexpectedly, on the day of departure, each of the three girls came with a large luggage roll. Yao Mingda shook his head, but didn't say much. Already brought, can only go like this.

The next morning, the problem arose. When he arrived at Zhenjiang Wharf and was about to get on the ferry, the inspector with a pair of triangular eyes grabbed Yao Mingda: "I don't think you look like a good person!" With three women, and so many things in large bags and small bags, they must be human traffickers, and if they don't say clearly, they want to leave. ”

Yao Mingda explained, everyone is just taking care of the same road, a few girls ask to come to the door, can you not help take care of the point? Their luggage has also been checked, isn't it no problem, as for my luggage, you can check it casually.

Yao Mingda opened the luggage, the inspector didn't look at it, punched over, and drove Yao Mingda to the side to stand.

He was anxious and angry, and he had to pretend to be very aggrieved on the surface. The inspector turned his head and ignored him.

The three girls were panicked and regretful, and stood aside at a loss. Yao Mingda saw the opportunity and quietly told them to hurry up and get on the boat to cross the river and wait for him at the Liuwei Wharf in Jiangbei.

The three of them boarded the boat with a small amount of luggage, and Yao Mingda took advantage of the triangular eye not paying attention and threw their remaining luggage on the deck one by one.

Yao Mingda waved at them and told them not to worry, he had his own way.

Seeing that the triangular eye was smoking over there, Yao Mingda hurriedly stepped forward and handed one to him diligently, and set him on fire. The triangular eyes looked at Yao Mingda, and his expression was not as fierce as before.

Yao said: "You pull me out, this is business, I have nothing to complain about." As the saying goes, rely on your parents at home, rely on friends when you go out, and when you meet you, we should have a fate......" As he spoke, he stuffed two counterfeit bills into his hand, "Little meaning, you buy two packs of cigarettes, enough friends to look up to me, so I accepted it." ”

When the triangle eyes saw the money, their mouths grinned to the root of their ears, and they smiled hehehe, "True friends don't see outside, they don't say anything, they don't say anything." ”

A cigarette and two counterfeit banknotes, Yao Mingda passed the test. He found three girls at Liuwei Wharf, hired a wheelbarrow to carry their luggage, and the four of them went to the base after them.

In addition to giving people away, Yao Mingda also took on the task of delivering important information.

In April and May 1945, in order to liberate Shanghai, the New Fourth Army demanded that the underground party thoroughly investigate the distribution of Japanese military strongholds, garrison numbers, troop strength, weapons and equipment in Shanghai, draw up a map of the divisions, and send them to the base areas.

After the materials arrived, the burden of sending intelligence was handed over to Yao Mingda. When handing over the materials, Comrade Hou Yumin said with great seriousness:

"This is what comrades bought with their lives and blood, and you must do everything possible to send it to the base area."

Yao Mingda nodded solemnly. He didn't know how thrilling the trip was, and he almost brushed shoulders with death.

There are two pieces of information on the situation to be sent to the base area, one is a secret letter, and the other is a drawing. Documents are generally delivered in a very small camouflage as much as possible to avoid scrutiny as much as possible. Like this one, the secret letter is stuffed in the toothpaste, but there are too many drawings, although it is drawn on thin aviation paper, there is also a large roll, so it has to be divided into two hot water bottles, the bottle and the shell of the interlayer.

Everything was ready to stop, Yao Mingda came to the train station with a travel bag and two hot water bottles.

I got on the train and was looking for a seat, when a black hat came up to me. The so-called black hat is the nickname of the staff of the Japanese pseudo-Central China Railway Company. The other party glanced at Yao Mingda, didn't say a word, grabbed Yao Mingda's arm, pulled him into a room next to him, and closed the door with a "clang".

Everything happens in a matter of seconds. Yao Mingda was highly nervous. He didn't know what was wrong, if there was a leak, if something else had happened. But for a moment, it was impossible to judge clearly.

The black hat glared and asked, what are you doing?

Yao replied, buying and selling Western medicine. The occupation written on his ID card is Western Pharmaceutical.

"And what are you doing with two thermoses?"

Yao Mingda was a little relieved when he heard this. Judging from the other party's eyes staring directly at the thermos and his questioning, he immediately felt that this guy should not be a spy, so he replied that his friend took it off and took it to the countryside.

The other party threatened that he had brought contraband.

Yao said no, or you should check. He took the initiative to open the bag and show it to the black hat. Although he was worried, he tried to act as if nothing had happened.

The other party rummaged for a while, but did not find any flaws, and was very unwilling, and said viciously: "No, your problem will be solved by the gendarmerie." ”

Yao Mingda deliberately pretended to beg for mercy, saying that he was a businessman, and it was not easy to make a few dollars to make a living, and he had to ask everyone to help in case of trouble. As he spoke, he took out a few bills and said that he wanted to make friends with the other party.

The black hat grabbed the money, put on a straight face and said, "Let's go!" Watch out next time! ”

Yao Mingda walked out of the small room and found a place to sit on the other end of the carriage. At this time, he realized that he was in a cold sweat and his shirt was soaked.

During Yao Mingda's transportation career, the most dangerous experience was to deliver documents from the base to Shanghai. It's not that the Japanese puppet created any dangerous incidents this time, but that during the entire transmission process, Yao Mingda was in danger of his life at any time as a means of transportation.

At that time, the superiors in the base area handed him a document of 100,000 yuan and demanded that every effort be made to send it back to Shanghai as soon as possible.

Yao Mingda set off immediately, day and night, and it was originally a three-day journey from the base to Zhenjiang, but he arrived in two days. Thanks to the help of his comrades, he got a ticket as soon as he arrived in Zhenjiang and entered the railway station.

But as soon as he entered the station, he was dumbfounded.

The station is crowded with people. The Japanese puppet Huazhong Railway Company has always been like this, in order to make money, let go of selling tickets, whether they can get on or not, they don't care. The people at the door of the car were so blocked that they couldn't get in at all. Yao Mingda followed the other passengers to drill the window, and the people in the car pushed and beat him, but he was not allowed to enter. Yao Mingda even changed a few windows, but he couldn't get into the carriage.

He was in a hurry on the platform. Seeing that the car was about to leave, he was at a loss. A few young people who couldn't get on the car were anxious, kicked the edges and corners of the car, and climbed onto the roof of the car desperately. Yao Mingda saw that this was a solution, and climbed up.

Black hats come to bombard, but they don't work. This side bombarded down, and that side climbed up again, and the more people bombarded, the more people came, and several car roofs were full of people.

Sitting on the roof of a car is highly dangerous. The roof is dome-shaped, high in the middle, with a slight slope on both sides. The occupants of the car sit in two rows with their backs to back, holding on to the edges and corners of the car with their hands to prevent them from being turned upside down.

The same fate made the people in the car form a collective of mutual assistance, and when there are wires in front, some people shout; If anyone is sleepy, everyone will remind him. When the car passed through the cave, everyone lowered their heads and drove out of the cave before resuming their posture.

After two days of rushing around, he tried his best to get into the car just now, the mixture of fatigue, night and monotonous wheels made Yao Mingda's eyelids gradually heavy, he tried his best to open his eyes...... "Woo-", a whistle scared Yao Mingda shivered. He realized that he had just dozed off with his eyes open.

This scared him. If you fall asleep and let go, not to mention that the urgent task cannot be completed, your life will have to be put into it. He fought hard to get through the night with his spirits up no matter what.

After crawling for more than ten hours, the train finally arrived at Shanghai North Railway Station. Yao Mingda jumped out of the car from the roof, looked at others, looked at himself, smiled, with thick soot on his face, Bao Gong would not be so dark in his life.

But darkness is nothing, two days and one night of fatigue is nothing, this urgent task is about to be completed, and this is the most important thing.

Yao Mingda rubbed a handful of soot on his head, patted his clothes, and walked into the flow of people in Shanghai with joy.

When Liu Changsheng was secretly working in Shanghai, in order to gain the status of public activities in society, he successively used the identities of cigarette horn and rice village owner as cover, or in a suit and leather shoes, or a robe and horse coat, and looked like a manager, but he was very frugal and lived a very difficult life. Zhang Chengzong, a comrade-in-arms, advised him to pay attention to his health, saying: "We must go up politically and down in life. However, he was very concerned about the lives of his comrades-in-arms and the weal and woe of the masses, and earnestly exhorted party members: "For the families of comrades who have been evacuated to the base areas or who have unfortunately been arrested, we must help solve the difficulties." Every New Year's Day, Liu Changsheng always secretly sent traffic officers to Qingpu and Pudong to comfort the families of Chen Yun and Zhang Wentian to help solve problems. Driven by his advocacy, when one person in the party is in trouble, everyone tries their best to help each other, which has become a trend.

On June 23, 1946, Liu Changsheng directly led 100,000 workers, students, and citizens in Shanghai to carry out demonstrations demanding peace, democracy, and freedom, and opposing civil war, dictatorship, and oppression, effectively exposing Chiang Kai-shek's false mask of "peace and democracy" and raising the political consciousness of the broad masses of people in Shanghai. In February 1947, after Zhou Enlai drafted for the Party Central Committee the "Policy Toward the Kuomintang in the White Areas" was issued, Liu Changsheng and others led the Shanghai workers to turn the "May 1" commemorative meeting held by the Kuomintang into a large demonstration by workers from all walks of life demanding the lifting of the cost of living index. On May 8, 10,000 textile workers marched in Shanghai; On the 11th, more than 3,000 shop assistants and employees marched. The mass movement with great momentum dealt a heavy blow to the enemy.

Liu Changsheng was good at making good friends and guiding them to fund the revolution. He once got acquainted with Hu Danchen, the owner of a pharmaceutical factory, who transported medicines and medical equipment to the liberated areas many times, and sent his daughter to join the New Fourth Army; He also had close friendships with a major general of the Kuomintang Ministry of National Defense, who covered the responsible persons and confidential personnel of the Communist Party in his mansion and secretly handed over the Kuomintang's "Map of Deployment along the River" to the Communist Party. Liu Changsheng also used his secret connections to assist a certain unit of the New Fourth Army led by Zhang Zhiyi, opened up revolutionary base areas in Shanghai and Hangzhou, and through the many connections he had established, he organized and instigated the uprising of some of the Kuomintang's navy, army, and air forces, and opened up a second battlefield in cooperation with the War of Liberation.

In 1949, the People's Liberation Army's million-strong division drank the Yangtze River, and the liberation of Jiangnan was just around the corner. Liu Changsheng and other underground party leaders mobilized Communist Party members to investigate the situation of factories, businesses, institutions, schools, banks, and warehouses in the Kuomintang-ruled areas, wrote materials, drew maps, and sent them to the liberated areas in a timely manner; Mobilize more than 8,000 party members as backbones, organize a people's security team of 100,000 people, and unite people from all walks of life to protect factories, schools, roads, and electricity; Mobilize the masses to launch a political offensive against the remnants of the Kuomintang army, publicize the "Eight Chapters of the Law" issued by Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu, and force some enemies to lay down their arms. After the liberation of Shanghai, the CPC Central Committee spoke highly of the underground party in Shanghai and affirmed the special contributions of Liu Changsheng and other comrades.

At the beginning of the liberation of Shanghai, due to the blockade and bombing of the Kuomintang, many factories stopped production or semi-suspended, and the number of unemployed workers increased significantly. In the first quarter of 1950, there were more than 161,000 unemployed workers, more than 10,000 semi-unemployed, and a total of 60 people including their families. Liu Changsheng reported the situation to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Government Affairs Yuan, the East China Bureau, and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee in a timely manner, and stated his suggestions; He presided over the work of relieving unemployed workers, quickly resolved the difficulties of unemployed workers, restored and developed production, and stabilized social order. At the same time, the contradictions between labor and management took on a new form. The trade union building was often crowded with workers and cadres who demanded to deal with labor disputes, and Liu Changsheng always listened to the reports in person, dealt with them according to the specific situation, and sought truth from facts. It protected the interests of the workers, united the capitalists, and played a role in promoting production.

The Third Congress of World Trade Unions was held in Vienna, at which Liu Changsheng was elected secretary of the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions, and was resident in the World Federation of Trade Unions as a leader. The fourth, fifth, and sixth congresses of the World Trade Union were held in Leipzig, Moscow, and Warsaw, and Liu Changsheng was elected vice chairman and member of the Executive Board of the World Federation of Trade Unions.

From February to June 1961, Liu Changsheng visited West Africa. He was close to his sixtieth year, suffering from diabetes, and the weather in Africa was very hot and the conditions were inconvenient, but he worked tirelessly and insisted on visiting more countries, making positive contributions to enhancing Sino-African friendship.

Liu Changsheng has served as an alternate member of the 7th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a member of the 8th Central Committee, a deputy to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd People's Congresses of the People's Republic of China, a member of the Standing Committee, deputy secretary and deputy director of the leading party group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and president of the China-Africa Friendship Association. He held an important position and never used his power for personal gain. His nephew Liu Baozhou went to Beijing to ask his uncle to arrange work, and Liu Changsheng said kindly: "Baozhou, farming is work, and the line is the champion." ”

Under the persecution of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing's counter-revolutionary clique, Liu Changsheng died on January 20, 1967. On January 24, 1979, the Party Central Committee held a memorial meeting for Liu Changsheng's rehabilitation of Zhaoxue in Beijing, and the main leaders of the Party and the state laid wreaths. Vice Chairman Deng Xiaoping presided over the memorial service, and Comrade Wei Guoqing delivered a eulogy and made a fair evaluation of him: "...... Comrade Liu Changsheng was an outstanding organizer and leader of the Shanghai workers' movement and the underground party, as well as an outstanding leader of the trade unions on the mainland and an outstanding international activist. ”

The truest story of Liu Changsheng and the liberation of Shanghai:

Hidden in Shanghai's Yuyuan Road, in the bustling business circle, there is a three-story brick and wood structure along the street, which is the exhibition hall of the history of the struggle of the underground organization in Shanghai, China, and the former residence of Liu Changsheng, a revolutionary predecessor. In this Jing'an Temple, where every inch of land is valuable, the discovery and existence of this former residence have become more surprising and meaningful.

When it comes to this former residence, maybe you have had the pleasure of visiting it, or maybe you still regret that you didn't have time to visit...... Today, Shanghai Hotline is fortunate to be able to invite Ms. Liu Aiwei, a descendant of Liu Changsheng, to come as a guest, take us into the former residence of Liu Changsheng, and share with us the little-known story behind the historical celebrity Liu Changsheng.

The red landscape of Jing'an, Shanghai, which has been "translated", Liu Aiwei will take you into the former residence of Liu Changsheng

Walking into Liu Changsheng, let's start with a brief introduction to this former residence. The specific address of Liu Changsheng's former residence is located at No. 81 Yuyuan Road (opposite Jingpin), which is the residence of Comrade Liu Changsheng when he was deputy secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee from 1946 to 1949, and is also one of the secret organs of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

After overall translation and repair, the three-storey small western-style house - Liu Changsheng Exhibition Hall covers an area of 239 square meters, with a construction area of 927 square meters, with a total of three floors of exhibition area.

The ground floor is mainly for the scene introduction of the three secret contact points of the Shanghai underground party in the 30~40s; The second and third floors are mainly for the "establishment of the local organization of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai", "forward and successive, indomitable struggle", "carry out the anti-Japanese salvation movement", "strive for peace and democracy, oppose the civil war", "the liberation of Shanghai from inside and outside", five major contents of the exhibition, it through oil paintings, sculptures, relics, physical display, scene display, scene simulation, film and television synthesis and a series of expressions, introduced the achievements of Shanghai underground workers, showing the development and struggle of the Shanghai underground organization of the Communist Party of China.

The museum is lined with many relics of revolutionaries at that time, historical documents, letters, meeting minutes and daily necessities, restoring the scene of that time, and people can't help but stop and read carefully. The lifelike wax figures of the characters reproduce the scene at that time, as if it is immersive.

Every time she sees these in the former residence, Ms. Liu Aiwei, as a descendant of Liu Changsheng, is always full of emotion, although she has already set foot there more than once. She has too many emotions and too many things to say about this former home.

In order to preserve Liu Changsheng's lifelong experience of fighting for the revolution, the Chinese revolution, and the liberation of Shanghai, and to pass on and carry forward to future generations, Ms. Liu Aiwei and her family members have expressed their full support, and their selfless and active cooperation has undoubtedly played a role in contributing to it. She is also very grateful to the leaders of the Jing'an District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Cultural Affairs Bureau for their care and guidance, and expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the Cultural Affairs Bureau for making the major move to move the original building to its current address in order to preserve this former residence, and also to those who have been caring for this red building.

Perhaps it is precisely because everyone is working towards the same goal that Liu Changsheng's former residence has now become an excellent traditional education red base that is open to the whole society, carries forward the revolutionary spirit, and remembers the revolutionary history.

Liu Aiwei recalled the old past and let Liu Changsheng "go" out of his former residence:

After a brief chat about this former residence, we have a strong interest in Liu Changsheng's predecessors, and Ms. Liu Aiwei is also in the conversation with us, evoking her memory of Liu Changsheng's grandfather, we can feel from her flowing eyes, the unknown Liu Changsheng's grandfather, at this moment in her eyes more vivid and three-dimensional.

What kind of character is Liu Changsheng in Liu Aiwei's mind?

As a leader of the underground Communist Party, Liu Changsheng is difficult to reunite with his family at all times due to the particularity of his work, so Ms. Liu Aiwei has only seen this Changsheng grandfather a handful of times, and only two impressions.

Before they met Grandpa Changsheng, that is, in the early days of liberation, Liu Aiwei's father would often tell them the story of Grandpa Changsheng, describing how their group of people carried out the revolution with their heads at that time. Her father told her that in that Shanghai, which was full of white terror, and wanted to walk under the noses of the enemy, Grandpa Changsheng and his underground party comrades sometimes needed to change nearly ten sets of clothes a day to cover themselves, so that they could avoid the eyes of the enemy and calmly carry out dangerous work such as secret communication and liaison and hidden fronts, and even sometimes even need to carry out underground work inside the enemy. As a leader, Changsheng's grandfather always rushed to the front line and dared to be the first.

At that time, Liu Changsheng, who was in his father's mouth, had become a big hero and a legend in Liu Aiwei's mind! As everyone knows, in fact, a seed has been quietly planted in the heart of the young Liu Aiwei, a seed called selfless dedication, which has now sprouted and grown......

Liu Aiwei and Grandpa Changsheng met for the first time A small pen is worth a thousand words

Finally, until one day, her father told her to take her to meet that grandfather Changsheng. Yes, she's going to meet the unattainable hero in her mind. For this, she is excited and full of longing. To this day, she still vividly remembers the first thing Grandpa Changsheng said to her when they met at the Shanghai International Hotel: "You've grown taller, sit down!"

Ms. Liu Aiwei then recalled: During the conversation with his father, Liu Changsheng always maintained a correct attitude and a serious expression, while his father nodded frequently, looking like he had benefited a lot. Then Grandpa Changsheng took out a few sets of clothes from the suitcase and handed them to his father, and handed a pen to her hand and instructed: "Study hard!" These five words are the second sentence that Grandpa Changsheng said to her in this meeting. Immediately, they went back as if they had completed their mission.

Liu Aiwei said frankly that the scene of meeting Changsheng's grandfather for the first time seemed to be not quite the same as she imagined, and it could even be said that the gap was a bit big. Originally, I thought that Grandpa Changsheng, as a leader of the big man, might invite himself and his father to enjoy a high-end meal at a high-end restaurant such as the International Hotel, but only to get an ordinary pen and a familiar phrase like "study hard......

In addition to the door of the International Hotel, Ms. Liu Aiwei muttered these as she walked, and her father on the side joked to her after hearing about it: You know how delicious it is, do you know how hard it is for Grandpa Changsheng? He has to take the lead everywhere to lead by example, although in 55 years in the cadre administrative level of the fifth level, but he never pretended to be public and private, did not put on an official show, did not engage in special, it is his approachable, upright and excellent quality praised and recognized by many party members, these are not more worthy of our learning?

Seeing that Liu Aiwei seemed to understand at that time, her father then told her a true little story about Liu Changsheng's grandfather. In that war years, Changsheng's grandfather's identity could have horses to ride, but when he saw the correspondent Qi Yuan blisters on the soles of his feet in a hurry, Liu Changsheng, who cherished his talents, asked Qi Yuan to ride his own horse many times, and chose to walk on the ground. Whenever he talked about this matter, Qi Yuan was always full of gratitude for Chief Liu Changsheng's meticulous care and concern.

Although Liu Aiwei was just an ignorant child at that time, her father's words were deeply imprinted in her young heart, and she had a strong interest in the sometimes amiable and sometimes serious grandfather in the big hotel in front of her, so that in her growing years, she would often look at the pen in her hand, remembering Liu Changsheng's grandfather's advice, and admonishing herself to study hard, while obtaining excellent academic results, she was also constantly pursuing the revolutionary deeds of Changsheng's grandfather, which had been repeatedly studied by the bedside. Liu Changsheng - Biography of Historical Figures of the Chinese Labor Movement" also accompanied her countless nights.

For Liu Changsheng's contributions during the liberation of Shanghai, whether it is heard from the mouths of elders or obtained from various books, she can even talk about them to this day. Born in Haiyang County, Shandong Province in 1903, Grandpa Changsheng joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in May 1927 and later became a member of the Communist Party of China. At the end of 1934, in the process of returning to China to find the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the Long March, he went through many difficulties and dangers, evaded layers of blockades, and finally completed the task victoriously after a year of hard work, and restored telecommunications between the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Comintern.

Ms. Liu Aiwei said without modesty, such a high evaluation is what Grandpa Changsheng deserves and must get. On the eve of the liberation of Shanghai, the top leaders of the underground party organizations all had tasks in other provinces, and her grandmother told Liu Aiwei that it was her grandfather Liu Changsheng who always stayed in Shanghai and led the struggle. Together with other responsible persons of the underground party in Shanghai, he mobilized party members to investigate the situation of factories, businesses, institutions, schools, banks, and warehouses in the Kuomintang-ruled areas, and immediately sent the information to the liberated areas. At the same time, a 100,000-strong people's security force was organized to unite people from all walks of life, lead Shanghai workers, students, and patriots to protect factories, schools, and electricity, smashed the criminal plan of the Kuomintang reactionaries to sabotage Shanghai, and made outstanding contributions to cooperating with the People's Liberation Army in liberating Shanghai. He applied the theoretical knowledge he had learned from the Soviet Union and the practice of the labor movement in the war to liberate Shanghai, which played a decisive role in the victory of the war.

On May 27, 1949, Shanghai was completely liberated, and the battle to liberate Shanghai lasted for 16 days. In these days, the city's water, electricity, coal, and telephone were not interrupted, traffic was basically normal, factories, schools, and shops were still in order, and local organizations in Shanghai worked closely with the People's Liberation Army to preserve the city intact. At that time, a commander of the army that liberated Shanghai said with emotion: In the process of attacking Shanghai, a very important thing that can be fought quickly and well is that the underground party organizations of the CPC cooperate well in the process. With the internal response of tens of thousands of people in Shanghai, the victory was achieved in the combination of internal and external cooperation, which cannot be found in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign military books.

In this section of the exchange, it is not difficult for us to see that when Ms. Liu Aiwei told her grandfather's great achievements impassionedly, the fire in her heart was burning, her eyes were full of strength, her words were sonorous and powerful, and she was conveying to us between the lines: As the descendant of a heroic figure like Liu Changsheng, she is very proud and proud.

After Liu Aiwei grew up, she may have understood why Grandpa Liu Changsheng just gave her an ordinary pen when they met for the first time, as Grandpa Changsheng himself said when he recalled the past: My childhood and adolescence were spent in such turmoil, out of school and unemployed. However, it was in this "labor university" that I gradually realized that in the old society there was indeed no place for us toiling masses to live, and that if everyone had a job to do and something to eat, the only way to smash the old world was to smash it, and finally I found my lifelong vocation -- revolution. In his mind, there are too many juniors like Liu Aiwei who will be the hope of building a better society and a more ideal future in the future, and the pride of the motherland in the future. As one of the only two female classmates who were admitted to high school at that time, Liu Aiwei's pen is not only a tool for her to obtain excellent results, this pen has exceeded its own use value, but more is injected with the fighting spirit and strength of not admitting defeat, and it is the ardent hope that Changsheng's grandfather can not carry on her by words alone.

Liu Changsheng, who was "empty", gave her a gold watch of great value.

Ms. Liu Aiwei continued to reminisce with us about the story between her and Grandpa Changsheng, and when it came to the last time she and Grandpa Changsheng met, she couldn't help but choke up, and the corners of her eyes glistened with tears. If you had a short contact with Ms. Liu Aiwei, then you would definitely not hook her up with a little woman who was twisting and pinching, and the blood of the revolution on her body made her a strong woman from the bones, but at this moment she couldn't hold back her emotions in front of the camera.

For her, it was not a good memory, because no one expected that the farewell to Grandpa Liu Changsheng in the ward would be goodbye. Liu Aiwei sighed in a heavy tone: At that time, Grandpa Changsheng was not an exaggeration to describe it with the words "skinny", Grandpa Changsheng expressed the hope that after his death, he could donate his useful organs to other people in need, but when the doctor dissected his remains, he found that Grandpa Changsheng's stomach was "empty", and Liu Aiwei understood for the first time what cruel persecution was. To this day, their family still has a good tradition, every year on the Qingming Festival, they will definitely go to Lao Liu's house to send a flower basket, as well as the memory of Uncle Liu Xiao, Uncle Zhang Chengzhong and other old revolutionaries.

This time, grandpa could no longer stand in front of the young Liu Aiwei, patted her head with his hand like he did for the first time, showed an amiable smile and told her to study hard; This time, grandpa could no longer take out a small gift from his arms and send it to the sensible child in front of him, so he could only tell grandma to transfer a gold watch to Liu Aiwei as his last thought. Ms. Liu Aiwei never thought that this gold watch suddenly became the only physical object of the last emotional connection between him and Liu Changsheng's grandfather, which made her cherish this gold watch very much and regarded it as a treasure.

Until Liu Changsheng's former residence was moved to the current Jing'an District, Liu Aiwei's grandmother went to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions to move her beloved items, all items related to her grandfather and worthy of everyone's study, and even some of Changsheng's grandfather's papers and books to the former residence, and she Liu Aiwei herself also took the initiative to donate this meaningful gold watch to this exhibition hall, because she knew that this gold watch had completed her mission, but for more descendants who came to visit this former residence, This gold watch also has its infinite commemorative value, with a small love to awaken the big love, this can make this gold watch really play its value, and this is the final destination that makes this gold watch with a high price really shine. Afterwards, Ms. Liu Aiwei also quietly told us that because she really loved this gold watch, she quietly went to buy another one, which shows that she donated this gold watch to really "endure the pain of love".

Things are priceless, love is priceless, Liu Aiwei dedicated herself to public welfare and handed over a satisfactory answer to Grandpa Changsheng.

In fact, such an excellent quality of selfless dedication is not learned in the direct or indirect relationship with Liu Changsheng's grandfather? If the pen and the gold watch can be priced, then Comrade Liu Changsheng left her these precious spiritual wealth can not be measured by money, the real "benefit" does not need to be elaborated in cumbersome words, Ms. Liu Aiwei chose to use practical actions to tell countless pairs of eyes staring at her, she did not live up to everyone's expectations, and found her lifelong career like Liu Changsheng's grandfather.

Ms. Liu Aiwei has been engaged in public welfare undertakings in recent years, and she can always be seen on the front line of public welfare undertakings in Shanghai. She modestly said that she and her success in assisting the leaders in the implementation and cooperation of the two public welfare activities in the Shanghai Film Distribution and Projection Industry Association: This is largely due to the subtle and earnest teaching of seniors like Grandpa Liu Changsheng, and the spirit of the previous generation has a great influence on me, especially on the eve of the liberation of Shanghai, the great fraternity of Grandpa Changsheng and the lofty desire to liberate all mankind make me very admired.

In the workers' movement, Liu Changsheng paid the most attention to uniting all those who could be united except the enemy, and was also the leader closest to the masses by the workers. It was this Fat Boss Liu, who united some red capitalists and laid the foundation for Shanghai's economic construction, and at the same time instigated against the Kuomintang army stationed in Shanghai and took advantage of the situation of launching a "contingency" struggle at that time to successfully lead and mobilize patriotic officers and soldiers among the people to lean toward the Communist Party of China and win strength for the liberation of Shanghai. These good ideological styles and red gene traditions have allowed her to achieve a certain leadership foundation and work gains in the process of growing up in life.

Although these young people do not necessarily have a very deep understanding of all aspects of the party's history, they are very proactive in how to implement the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee to implement the "Groundbreaking - Excavation and Propaganda Project of the Birthplace of the Party," and opened a large conference address as a representative red scenic spot, and created a red scenic spot that opened up 32 incisive red film tours.

In Ms. Liu Aiwei's view, these red films are very good to portray in addition to those profound historical imprints, which are of great significance for further inheriting and carrying forward the party's excellent traditions and revolutionary spirit, inheriting the red gene, and cultivating and carrying forward the core values of socialism. She also appealed to young people now, hoping that more people can join in the public welfare undertakings and do their part for the society, even if it is just a small initiative, even if it is just to read their own books and do the work at hand, I hope that everyone can give a satisfactory answer to their lives, contribute to the harmony and beauty of this society, and let the warmth fill you and me.

Introduction to the Shanghai Underground Party of the Communist Party of China and the Huainan Anti-Japanese Base Area of the New Fourth Army:

During Zhang Chengzong's three years in the Huainan base area, except for half a year before and after the Yizhuang Traffic Liaison Station and the Gujiaweizi Cadre Training Class, the rest of the time was in the Dawangzhuang City Engineering Department. Although his position is secretary and head of the cadre section, his tasks are constantly increasing. When the Ministry of Urban Industry was first established, Liu Xiao, Liu Ningyi, Zhang Deng, and Wang Yaoshan were all in the base areas, but soon after, Liu Xiao and Liu Ningyi respectively led some comrades to Yan'an to participate in the rectification study, Zhang Deng served as the head of the Propaganda Department of the Huainan District Party Committee, Wang Yaoshan was transferred to the Organization Department of the Central China Bureau as the head of the cadre section, and Min Lian was transferred to the Huainan District to be appointed deputy director of the Propaganda Department. In fact, Liu Changsheng was in charge of the Ministry of Urban Engineering, and the daily work was specifically arranged and organized by Zhang Chengzong.

On December 8, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and declared war on the United States, and the Pacific War broke out.

On the morning of the same day, the Japanese army entered the Shanghai Public Concession, and Shanghai was completely ruled by the Japanese puppet, and the "isolated island" ceased to exist. The sudden change in the situation caused the anti-Japanese forces in Shanghai, including the Chinese Communists, to enter the most difficult period. All the personnel of the Provincial Party Committee's Intelligence Work Committee headed by Liu Xiao and Zhang Chengzong have followed the spirit of the instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, strictly implemented the principle of "concealing and being capable, laying in ambush for a long time, accumulating strength, and waiting for the opportune moment," and persisted in the struggle against the enemy and hypocrisy with the seven-character principle of "studying diligently, working diligently, and making friends." However, their names were soon blacklisted.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to this. In July 1942, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a decision that "the secret party must abolish the special committee organization of the provincial party committee and only retain the county party committee or branch", and instructed all the organs and leading members of the Jiangsu provincial party committee to be transferred.

After three years of underground party organization in Huainan, the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai mainly used the traffic station near Yizhuang, Gujiaweizi and Dawangzhuang as its important activity platform, which further verified that Shanghai and the New Fourth Army are a community with a shared future linked by blood.

1. Yizhuang Traffic Station

According to the deployment of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the traffic station near Yizhuang, where the Huainan District Party Committee is located, is the first stop to receive and examine the retreating comrades of the Shanghai underground party organization of the Communist Party of China entering the Huainan anti-Japanese base area.

Comrades from Shanghai should first study and be examined here, and then they will be concentrated in the training class of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee.

Before the evacuation of Shanghai, Zhang Chengzong, who had just been transferred from the post of secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee, served as secretary of the Intelligence Work Committee, Shi Yong and Yao Jiaben served as members, and Liu Changsheng, deputy secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee and minister of social affairs, directly led the work of the Intelligence Committee. Also involved in the work on this front were Zhang Xinyi, Ke Zhizhi, Zhao Zheng brothers, Zheng Zhenhua, Wang Dachao, Wu Fupei, Huang Zhengfeng, Yuan Kuntian, Zhang Jiyuan, Zhang Ziliang, Zhu Wenwei, and Liang Wancheng. Therefore, the leader who is responsible for the reception and review of the Yizhuang traffic station is Zhang Chengzong.

In August, Zhang Chengzong received a notice from Liu Changsheng that he should be transferred to the base area and asked Zhang Chengzong to hand over all the party organizational relations to which he belonged, and wait for the organization to send a traffic officer to contact him.

Zhang Chengzong immediately handed over Ke Zhizhi's relationship to Zhou Ke in the education circle. Ke served as Zhang Chengzong's secretary and traffic officer in the Intelligence Committee, helping Zhang Chengzong collect intelligence information, sort it out, and pass it on through the transportation contact of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. Ke's public identity at that time was the secretary of the Wu Yaozong Young Men's Christian Association, and because of the better conditions for professional cover, Zhang Chengzong sometimes came to her office to contact her. The other part of the relationship engaged in intelligence, Zhang Chengzong handed it over to Shi Yong, and Shi Yong transferred it out, and some of the relationship was directly handed over to Liu Changsheng, who transferred it. According to Zhao Zheng's recollections, the personnel under the Intelligence Work Committee, with the exception of those who later went to the base areas, were all under the leadership of the intelligence system under the responsibility of Pan Hannian, and some of them broke into Wang's puppet secret service organs and the Huxi Police Station. [3]

The Yizhuang traffic station of the Huainan District Party Committee is 15 miles away from the river and very close to the location of the district party committee. Yang Bingchao is in charge of the transportation station, and Shanghai's transportation liaison station is located here. In September 1942, Zhang Chengzong was escorted by traffic officers Zhou Xiaohua and Qi Yuan to evacuate Shanghai and enter the Huainan anti-Japanese base area. Previously, Pomegranate (i.e. Shi Zhiang) had already arrived one step ahead, according to the organizational arrangement, Pomegranate was in charge of reception affairs, Zhang Chengzong was in charge of cadre review, and Tian Xin, who came to report in October, was in charge of transportation. Members of the Shanghai underground party of the Communist Party of China entered the Huainan anti-Japanese base of the New Fourth Army one after another.

In October, Liu Changsheng entered the base area under the escort of Qi Yuan and Shu Xin; In November, Liu Xiao, Wang Yaoshan, Zhao Xian, Zhang Ben and others also entered the base area under the escort of Qi Yuan and others; In the meantime, Pan Hannian and He Ju came in from Zhenjiang to cross the river through the Yizheng border area, and they went to Huanghuatang, the location of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army, through the Yizhuang traffic station; In this way, by December 1941, cadres at and above the district level who had been evacuated from Shanghai to the Huainan base area passed through this place one after another, successively underwent organizational examination, and then went to their respective combat posts according to their respective tasks.

Second, Gu Jiaweizi cadre training class

Gujiaweizi is the second stop of the Shanghai underground party organization of the Communist Party of China in three years into the Huainan base area.

After Liu Changsheng, Liu Xiao and others evacuated Shanghai, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China also moved to the Huainan base area. In the second half of 1942, the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army was moved from Yancheng to Huanghuatang (Tongcheng was the trade center of the border area) near Tongcheng Town, Tianchang County, about 50 miles away from the enemy-occupied Tianchang County, and the leading organization of the Central China Bureau was also moved here. After study, it was decided that the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee would be stationed in Nipeiwan, which was more than 20 miles northwest of Huanghuatang, the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army.

Gujiaweizi is located near Nipei Bay, which is an ideal place to hold cadre training classes. According to Zhang Chengzong's recollection, Gujiaweizi was the residence of a large local landlord, and the landlord had run away, and its main house had two entrances, both of which were bungalows. Next to the larger house, there is a bunker-style turret, which has three or five rooms, and is inhabited by the leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the cadres who used to work in secrets. The other is on the east side, where there are three or four main houses, where the landlord's son and daughter-in-law live in the main room, some female cadres live in their halls, and some cadres who are engaged in secretarial and logistical work live in a room next to the corridor. In addition, there are two side houses, where people live. There was a threshing floor next to the house, and the soldiers and traffic officers of the guard squad lived in a few thatched huts erected on the side of the field, and there was a hand-cranked telephone in it for communication.

In addition, there are some cadres scattered in some small villages nearby. [4] In this way, Gujiaweizi became the seat of the first great reunion and exchange of the underground party in Shanghai. At that time, there were five principal leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee: Liu Xiao and Liu Changsheng were the chief and deputy secretaries respectively, Liu Ningyi was in charge of workers' work, Wang Yaoshan was the head of the organization department, and Zhang Deng (i.e., Sha Wenhan) was the head of the propaganda department.

They were all veteran party members who joined the party during the first and second civil revolutionary wars. In the past, when I worked in the white area, everyone only knew that they were superior leaders, but they didn't know their names and positions. More than 100 responsible persons from all walks of life of the underground party in Shanghai gathered here, and everyone's mood was particularly high and their mood was very happy. For the leaders of the provincial party committee, they are very respectful, have a harmonious relationship, are very harmonious, and call each other comrades, or Lao Liu and Lao Wang. Everyone affectionately called Liu Xiao "Old Liu", Liu Changsheng "Fat Liu", and Liu Ningyi "Thin Liu", collectively known as "Three Liu". Zhang Chengzong's name of "Lao Zhang" also began to be called out at this time.

The name of the famous "Three Lius" of the Shanghai underground party has been spread since then. Later, there were "three zhangs", namely Zhang Chengzong, Zhang Zhiyi, and Zhang Qi. "Three Liu" and "Three Zhang" are in a special field of time and space, and once interpreted the story of the Shanghai underground party and the Huainan anti-Japanese base of the New Fourth Army.

Liu Xiao was in charge of the training course for cadres of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Wang Yaoshan was in charge of organizing the work, Guan Jianfu was the secretary, his wife Zhao Peizhen was in charge of logistics affairs, and Wu Dicang (also known as Wu Zejun) and Ying Renzhen were in charge of medical work. Out of concern for the safety of the cadre training class, the Central China Bureau specially sent a guard squad to do security work, and also equipped the leading comrades of the provincial party committee with guards and correspondents.

The cadre training class is divided into four branches: one branch is for leading comrades and confidential workers of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, one branch is for cadres from the student circles, one branch is for cadres from the industrial and commercial circles, and one branch is for cadres from the professional circles and other fields. Zhang Chengzong served as the branch secretary of the workers' circle. After a lapse of 38 years, Zhang Chengzong listed the relevant personnel of each branch according to his own memory.

There are more than 10 members of the branch of leading comrades and confidential personnel of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee: Liu Xiao, Liu Changsheng, Liu Ningyi, Li Lianxiang (Liu Ningyi's wife, that is, Li Shuying), Wang Yaoshan, Zhao Xian (Wang Yaoshan's wife), Zhang Deng, Jiang Lingen (that is, Tu Zuochao), Yang Jiansheng, Liang Yuzhe, Zhu Zhiliang, Chen Yongzhen (that is, Chen Xiaomei), A Zeng, A Ye, etc.

There are more than 20 student branches: Gu Yiji, Gu Yipei, Zhang Ben, Li Qitao, Liu Qilin, Gao Jingping, Zhong Shichuan, Wang Weiye, Hou Yumin, Pan Wenzheng, Wu Dicang, Huang Suchen, Ji Meixian, Yang Peijing, Tan Egu, Wu Xueqian, Ma Feihai, Chen Yiming, Yan Jiayu, Chen Xiangming, Wang Hanzhong, Zhong Huiqun (i.e., Zhong Peizhang), Da Wu, Xiao Wu, etc.

There are also more than ten people in the branch of the industrial and commercial circles: Chen Gongqi, Wang Qun, Zhang Qi, Sun Ming, Gu Songsheng, Fan Xiaofeng, Gu Lianying, Yu Baoqin (i.e., Yuan Lifen), Wang Li (i.e., Wang Liehao), Xu Bohui, etc.

There are more than ten people in the cultural and professional branches: Guan Jianfu, Lao Zhao, Mei Yi, Tang Shouyu, Wu Xiaopei, Zhang Gang (i.e., Han Shuzhi), Mei Luo, Ying Renzhen, Qian Tianchang (i.e., Qian Zhengxin), Wang Jin, Kang Shanxian (i.e., Li Da), Xiao Zhou, etc.

In addition, there are some people who are in traffic work or have not been assigned to the branch, or who have participated temporarily, such as Qian Bosun, Ding Zuxian, Zhou Xiaohua, Zhao Maoxing, Tian Xin, He Ju, Yu Dunhua, Qi Yuan, Gao Jun, Shu Xin, etc. [6]

According to my research, the names listed in Zhang Chengzong's memory are basically eight or nine. This reminiscence was written in 1980, but none of the people who were still alive at the time raised objections. Therefore, the above list is credible.

The training course for Gujiaweizi cadres began in August 1942, officially opened in December, and ended in February and March after the Spring Festival in 1943, about three months before and after. During this period, the leaders of the Central China Bureau, Tan Zhenlin, Zhang Yunyi, Fang Yi, and Liu Shunyuan, including Rao Shushi, all came here and made reports. Zhang Chengzong's deepest memory is Pan Hannian. Pan has been to the training class several times, and each time he has to stay for a few days. He lived with the leading comrades of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the comrades who did confidential work. Because everyone is working in the white zone, they are very strict in the discipline of keeping secrets, and they don't ask each other what kind of work they are doing in the enemy-occupied areas. According to Zhang Chengzong's recollections, Pan Hannian made two reports in the training class, one telling the story of the Long March and the other telling the struggle in the white areas, "Everyone felt that he had rich experience in revolutionary struggle, and his speech was organized and eloquent; in particular, he was familiar with the situation of the enemy and the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang and understood the dynamics of all aspects of society, and he was very good at waging various forms of struggle against the enemy and the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang, including open negotiations and covert struggle." He talked about the experience of using legal means to conceal himself, combining openness and secrecy." [7]

The general requirement of the training course is to "study documents, enhance understanding, link with reality, and sum up work". The main documents studied were Mao Zedong's three articles, "Transforming Our Study," "Rectifying the Party's Work Style," and "Eight Units of the Opposition Party," and studying the report on the international situation. For example, Guan Jianfu and Mei Yi summed up the experience of the work in the cultural circles, and the comrades in the workers' and workers' circles, the staff members, and the student circles respectively summed up the experiences of the workers' movement and the student movement. At that time, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee attached great importance to the work experience of organizing large-scale mass organizations: summarized as a special topic.

Zhang Chengzong was assigned to write about the experience of working in large groups, and Chen Yiming also wrote about the work experience of large groups in the student world. I have expounded in detail on Zhang Chengzong's "Experience and Lessons in the Work of Mass Organizations" published in "The Life of the Party" under the pseudonym of Li Zidan. This time, Zhang Chengzong took the proposition homework and took advantage of the learning opportunity of the training class to further sum up his experience according to the work practices of the Banking and Money Association, the Insurance Association, the Sino-French Alumni Association, and the Overseas Chinese Club. The main contents are:

(1) Make full use of lawful conditions to extensively organize the masses, using original social organizations or establishing all kinds of gray social groups;

(2) Proceeding from the actual level of the masses, educating the masses, from low to high, publicizing the anti-Japanese struggle to save the country, and publicizing the party's propositions;

(3) Carry out united front work and unite all forces that can be united;

(4) Go deep into the various industries of the participating organizations and develop the strength of the Party.

According to Zhang Chengzong's own account, this summary material and the summary materials of other comrades were kept by Liu Changsheng, and when Liu Changsheng returned to work in Shanghai in August 1945, he handed them over to Zeng Shan, director of the Organization Department of the Central China Bureau.

The study, work, and life of the Gujiaweizi cadre training class are summed up in Zhang Chengzong's words, which are consistent with the school motto of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University in those years, and it is also four sentences and eight words, that is, "unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness." "I get up early every morning, do military training, go to morning exercises, run, shoot rifles, throw grenades. At night, they should take turns to stand guard and practice night marching. ”

For the literary and artistic sports activities of the training class, Zhang Chengzong made a vivid description:

Literary and sports activities are very active, because they are all young people, the oldest is only in their 30s, generally around 20 years old, and the average age of cadres in terms of employees is slightly higher. Young student cadres are the most active in singing and dancing, and they sing endlessly at every entertainment party. The most popular are Comrade Gu Yiji singing "Ode to Yan'an", Comrade Li Qitao singing "Singing in the Middle of the Night", and Comrade Liu Qilin pulling the foreign film "Western Scenery of Resisting Japan and Saving the Country". During the break, some played volleyball and some played basketball. Most of the athletes who play volleyball are students, and the female generals include Comrade Gu Yiji, Comrade Mei Yi is tall, and he is very advantageous when he plays ball, Chen Yongzhen plays very well, and Liu Xiao, Liu Changsheng and other comrades also participated. I sometimes made up the numbers, and the balls I played were called "Molotov Breadlan", and later many people simply nicknamed me "Molotov".

This kind of learning life and learning environment is unforgettable for many people. However, more than a month later, news came that the Japanese army was going to carry out a large-scale "sweep" and that the base areas were going to streamline their administration and prepare for counter-"sweeping." All units in the Huainan base area launched an emergency mobilization one after another, and it was decided that all military and government organs would be dispersed and that training classes and schools would be temporarily suspended. For the sake of the safety of the cadres in the white areas, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, in accordance with the requirements of the Central China Bureau, decided that most of the people who could return to the enemy-occupied areas should go back, and that a small part would remain in the Central China Bureau to set up an urban work department to lead the work in the cities within the scope of the former Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and that a small part would be assigned work in the base areas.

In the spring of 1943, under the specific planning of Zhang Zhengbing, then a political communicator, more than 100 cadres of the Shanghai underground party organization of the Communist Party of China returned to Shanghai and other large and medium-sized cities in the enemy-occupied areas. [11] But the combat life of the Gujiaweizi cadre training left a lasting memory in their minds.

3. Dawangzhuang New Fourth Army Investigation and Research Office

Almost at the same time that the Gujiaweizi cadre training class was abolished, in March and April 1943, the Central China Bureau formally established the Urban Engineering Department of the Central China Bureau, known as the New Fourth Army Investigation and Research Office. This is another activity platform for the Shanghai underground organization of the Communist Party of China in the Huainan anti-Japanese base area of the New Fourth Army.

The Urban Engineering Department of the Central China Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "Urban Engineering Department") is located at the location of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army in Dawangzhuang, with Liu Xiao as the minister, Liu Changsheng as the deputy minister, and Zhang Chengzong as the secretary and cadre section chief. Chen Yiming, Wu Xueqian, Ma Feihai, and Chen Shenyan worked in the research department in the ministry, Chen Hao worked in logistics, and Chen Tongsheng, Li Daigeng, He Ximing, Chen Mu, and Zhang Yicheng worked in the policy research office near the department. The main function of the Ministry of Urban Industry is to lead the urban work in the enemy-occupied areas of Central China, including the urban work in Shanghai, Nanjing and other areas under the former Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee; At the same time, the Liaison Department of the Central China Bureau was established, with Pan Hannian as the director and Xu Xuehan as the deputy, responsible for the covert struggle against the enemy in Central China, mainly in the enemy-occupied cities around Shanghai and Nanjing, and its office was located in the nearby Xiaowangzhuang. Although these two ministries are both engaged in the work of enemy-occupied areas, they are strictly separated organizationally, and the cadres of the organs and the subordinate units are not related to each other, but they are related to each other in terms of leadership, and each has its own division of labor and cooperation.

Zhang Chengzong is one of the most important and important historical witnesses of the Urban Engineering Department of the East China Bureau of Dawangzhuang, that is, the Investigation and Research Office of the New Fourth Army.

According to the needs of the work of the Liaison Department, Zhang Chengzong handled it, and in the name of the Intelligence Work Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, two workers' party members, Zhang Ziliang and Jiang Jianzhong, were transferred to the Liaison Department as traffic officers. After the establishment of the Ministry of Urban Industry, they continued to transfer Zhang Zhengbing, Xu Cheng (i.e., Xu Baihui) and He Ju to the Liaison Department as traffic officers, and together with the Traffic Section of the Ministry of Urban Industry, they established a secret communication line between Shanghai, Nanjing, and the Huainan base area, sending materials and leading cadres back and forth, never made a single mistake, and safely and accurately completed the tasks assigned by the organization. [12]

During Zhang Chengzong's three years in the Huainan base area, except for half a year before and after the Yizhuang Traffic Liaison Station and the Gujiaweizi Cadre Training Class, the rest of the time was in the Dawangzhuang City Engineering Department. Although his position is secretary and head of the cadre section, his tasks are constantly increasing. When the Ministry of Urban Industry was first established, Liu Xiao, Liu Ningyi, Zhang Deng, and Wang Yaoshan were all in the base areas, but soon after, Liu Xiao and Liu Ningyi respectively led some comrades to Yan'an to participate in the rectification study, Zhang Deng served as the head of the Propaganda Department of the Huainan District Party Committee, Wang Yaoshan was transferred to the Organization Department of the Central China Bureau as the head of the cadre section, and Min Lian was transferred to the Huainan District to be appointed deputy director of the Propaganda Department. In fact, Liu Changsheng was in charge of the Ministry of Urban Engineering, and the daily work was specifically arranged and organized by Zhang Chengzong.

Old houses in the years of the "Dark War":

  In the arduous years of fighting between us and the enemy, there was such a group of party members who were engaged in "underground work" and dedicated their lives and loyalty to the cause of the party. Looking at the combat weapons used by the "underground heroes" back then, browsing the yellowed old photos, recalling the days of the special battles, and feeling the young and sincere hearts!

  The Shanghai Exhibition Hall of the History of the Struggle of the Underground Organization of the Communist Party of China and the Former Residence of Liu Changsheng

  The garden house of "Boss Liu Fat".

  Sandwiched between Jiuguang Department Store and Swissotel Hongan on Yuyuan Road, there is a three-storey small western-style building, which is the Shanghai Underground Organization Struggle History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China at No. 81, which is also the residence of Comrade Liu Changsheng, an outstanding leader of the Chinese trade unions and an outstanding organizer and leader of the Shanghai underground party and trade union movement, who engaged in underground revolutionary struggle in Shanghai from 1946 to 1949.

  Liu Changsheng led the underground party work in Shanghai, guided the demonstrations of 100,000 workers, students, and citizens in Shanghai, and made outstanding contributions to the liberation of Shanghai. Around 1937, he was appointed by the Central Committee to go to Shanghai to restore and build the party's underground organization, and established the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee with Comrade Liu Xiao, and successively served as vice chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Shanghai Workers' Movement Committee. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

  When he lived here, Liu Changsheng opened a small cigarette grocery store, Rongtai Tobacco, and his neighbors called him "Boss Liu Fat". Relying on this public identity, Liu Changsheng and Liu Xiao walked around each other when they had nothing to do, and the house on Yuyuan Road became the secret leading organ of the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China. There is also a place on the first floor of the exhibition hall that has restored the appearance of a tobacco and grocery store.

  Young students are happy to be commentators

  At the entrance to 81 Yuyuan Road is a red brick cottage that serves as the entrance to the exhibition hall. The whole exhibition hall has a total of three floors of exhibition area: the ground floor is mainly for the scene introduction of the three secret contact points of the Shanghai underground party in the thirties and forties of the last century; The second and third floors are mainly displayed for the five major contents of "The Establishment of the Shanghai Local Organization of the Communist Party of China", "Forward and Successive, Indomitable Struggle", "Launching the Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement", "Striving for Peace and Democracy, Opposing the Civil War", and "Liberating Shanghai with Cooperation".

  Perhaps influenced by the popular "spy war drama", many tourists who come to visit are full of curiosity. In the exhibition hall, several details of the underground struggle at that time are displayed: the "Feng Ji Mi", one of the secret contact points of the underground party, and the tiger cart in front of the door, if it is put upside down, it means that everything is normal, if it is reversed, it means that there is a situation in the store and there is danger; In order to prevent the enemy from seizing them, progressive books were embedded in the popular novel of the time, "The Heart of the Beast with a Human Face and Revenge......

  According to the staff of the exhibition hall, "On weekends, students from nearby high schools will take the initiative to volunteer and memorize the long explanations. ”

  Liu Xiao's former residence

  The home of "Deputy General Manager of Guan Leming Gold Pen Factory".

  Today, Zhongshi New Village in Lane 579 of Yuyuan Road is a new-style lane, and No. 44 is a new-style lane facing south in the north, with a total of 3 floors. Now it has become the base of revolutionary education in Shanghai. This is the former residence of Liu Xiao, the leader of the underground party.

  In May 1937, Liu Xiao was sent by the Party Central Committee to Shanghai to restore and rebuild the underground party organization, and successively served as the secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the head of the Urban Industry Department of the Central China Bureau of the Central China Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1944, Liu Xiao, Chen Yi and others went to Yan'an to participate in the rectification movement and the "Seventh National Congress" of the party, and returned to Shanghai during the Spring Festival of 1946. From July 1947 to May 1949, Liu Xiao served as the secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and was the deputy general manager of Guan Leming Gold Pen Factory.

  Here, Liu Xiao, then secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and Liu Changsheng, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Committee, often took the opportunity of visiting friends to hold secret talks.

  United front work after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist Government suppressed the peaceful democratic movement, arousing the indignation of the people of the whole country. At that time, Liu Xiao appeared as the chairman of the customs Leming Factory and participated in the united front work.

  In 1947, Shanghai Medical College conducted a physical examination of students, and about 15% of the students suffered from lung disease due to malnutrition.

  Liu Xiao instructed the school committee: The Shanghai students' "anti-hunger and anti-civil war" movement decided to launch it first at Shanghai Medical College, and then push it to all national universities and other schools in Shanghai. Since May 14, Shanghai Medical College and other colleges and universities have gone on strike, raising the slogan of "raising public funds to rescue the education crisis" and taking to the streets to carry out "anti-hunger and anti-civil war" propaganda. The student movement in Shanghai quickly received a response from students in Peking and Tianjin, forming a powerful torrent. Under such circumstances, under the leadership of Liu Xiao and others, the All-China Federation of Students was established in a timely manner, and the All-China Federation of Students came forward to call on and lead the struggle of students across the country.

  After the "May 2O Bloody Case," Liu Xiao and others conducted research and issued instructions in a timely manner, adding "anti-persecution" to the general slogan of the struggle, so that the "anti-hunger, anti-civil war, and anti-persecution" movement would become a unified struggle of students and all sectors of society throughout the country against the reactionary Nationalist Government.

  Li Bai's former residence

  The "secret radio" hides in a three-story building

  Li Bai's former residence is located at No. 15, Lane 107, Huangdu Road, which is a three-storey new lane building with a brick and wood structure, which is one of the places where martyr Li Bai worked and lived in Shanghai during his lifetime. In October 1937, Li Bai was instructed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to work in Shanghai to engage in underground radio work, and in the first half of 1947, he moved to the third floor of the address, and the secret radio station was also moved here.

  Li Bai's former residence on Huangdu Road has three floors and a construction area of about 400 square meters. The first and second floors are the exhibition rooms of Li Bai's life and deeds, and the preface hall is placed with a fiberglass statue of Li Bai. The contents of the pictures on display are divided into three parts: plunging into the torrent of revolution, fighting in the heart of the enemy, and the radio waves that never disappear, systematically introducing Li Bai's life and combat achievements. The third floor restores Li Bai's former residence as it was, with the radio, transmitter, telecommunications equipment and tools he used to send telegrams.

  "The Eternal Wave" is an example

  A revolutionary couple secretly fought on the air communication line of "Shanghai-Yan'an" for more than ten years, and their arduous struggle deeds were made into the movie "The Eternal Wave". The couple is Li Bai and Qiu Huiying. Their revolutionary integrity and selfless spirit of struggle have also set a glorious example for future generations.

  More than 60 years ago, this three-story building on Huangdu Road was where Li Bai and Qiu Huiying worked and lived. From 1945 to 1948, Li Bai and his wife Qiu Huiying lived on the third floor of this house with their son, and the CCP's secret radio station was located here.

  Li Bai came to Shanghai from Yan'an in 1937 and worked in the underground radio station of the Communist Party of China for a long time. Here, a large amount of strategic information was secretly transmitted for the party, and extremely important information such as the sequence, deployment, and defense plan of the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River were sent to the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China in a timely and accurate manner until he was arrested by the Kuomintang authorities in December 1948. On May 7 of the following year, Li Bai was righteous in the Qijia Temple in Pudong.

  Several letters from home never revealed any secrets of our party

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Li Bai Martyrs Memorial Hall, in 2005, when the Li Bai Martyrs Memorial Hall was reopened to the public, Li Hengsheng, the son of Li Bai Martyrs, brought a letter from his father from his hometown.

  This letter from home more than 60 years ago was written by Li Bai to his father under the pseudonym Li Jing'an. It can be seen from the vaguely recognizable postmark that it was 1943, when the Japanese army frantically searched for underground radio stations, and the situation in Shanghai was very tense. Li Bai's son Li Hengsheng introduced that Li Bai had just been released from prison at that time, and his public identity was a clerk in Liangyou Candy Store. Li Bai said in the letter that he missed his parents, brothers and sisters in Liuyang, Hunan Province, and that he was now doing a small business in Shanghai.

  At that time, Li Bai was imprisoned in the Japanese military police department in the north of the bridge on North Sichuan Road because of radio exposure, and was tortured, and was still watched by the enemy after he came out. But until his death, his relatives did not know that he was engaged in dangerous work on a secret radio station. Li Hengsheng said that his father did not leave many relics during his lifetime, and the letter was turned out from the attic by his uncle Li Huaqing, who was nearly ninety years old at the time.

  Li Bai's life in Shanghai can be said to be "no fixed residence", because he had to cover the radio station, he moved 6 times. Because he was arrested by the Japanese army, he couldn't send a letter home, and was blamed by his father. He panicked and said that "since he was hospitalized, his family was not allowed to meet because the hospital prevented him, which made Huizhong (his wife's pseudonym) run around and worry...... "cleverly covering up the past so as not to worry his family."

  In the memorial hall of Li Bai's former residence, it can be seen that Li Bai's family letters are extremely considerate. A letter in 1945 also happily said: "Japan has surrendered, and the day of returning home is not far away." According to the staff, the organization wanted to transfer him back to Yan'an at that time, but he resolutely stayed in Shanghai, which was shrouded in terror although there was no gunsmoke. Until he was righteous, he never saw his longing parents again......