
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

author:Pet breeding specialists
Starling, everyone should be familiar with it, especially the bird friends in Guangdong. I'm not talking about your family, I'm talking about this kind of bird that can imitate chirping, and it's the starling. In the mainland, starlings have always been very popular pet birds because they can learn to speak.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

However, raising starlings is not so smooth sailing, especially the problem of starling's swollen foot joints, which is really a headache. Bird friends who have raised it all know that starling's foot joints are swollen, which is not uncommon, and it is almost a common "disease" of starlings.

Whether you are a novice or an old birder, you will encounter this situation more or less. Sometimes, if you don't pay attention, the myna's foot joints will be swollen, affecting walking, and in severe cases, it will hurt so much that it screams and bumps.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints
This foot joint is swollen, it looks like a small problem, and if it is not handled well, it will be troublesome. Some starlings are so sick that they can't even stand on their feet, let alone chirp. This not only affects the quality of the starling's activities, but also a big blow to its health. What's more, if the condition really worsens, it will be more troublesome to treat, time-consuming, laborious and costly.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

So, let me explain this well. Why do starlings have swollen foot joints? What is the treatment? How can I prevent it in my daily life? This knowledge is necessary for raising starlings. Don't underestimate this knowledge, if you learn it well, you can make your starling healthy and healthy, and save worry and effort.

❖ Causes of myna gouty foot joint swelling

Gout, this word should be familiar to everyone, people with gout hurt terribly, and starlings are the same. Gout is mainly due to the deposition of urate in the joints, forming uric acid crystals, which begin to irritate the joints and cause inflammation as soon as there is too much, and the foot joints become swollen.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints
And ah, this gout has a lot to do with eating. Some birders may think that high-protein things are good, so they give starlings more to eat, such as meat and beans, but in fact, this is the root of the problem. Starlings eat too many of these high-protein things, and the body can't handle them, so uric acid comes up.

So what to do? First of all, you need to control your diet and reduce the intake of high-protein foods. In addition, it is necessary to give starlings some potions, such as Tong'an Swordsman and glucose, to help them decompose and excrete urate. In this way, the root cause of gout can be solved and the occurrence of gout can be avoided.

❖ Causes of Staphylococcal myna infectious foot joint swelling

Staphylococcal infections. This thing is mainly due to the infection of staphylococcus, which multiplies in the myna's body, causing swelling of the foot joints and even abscesses. You can think, this joint is full of pus, how painful it is for starlings!
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

To treat this thing, the first thing to do is to use antibiotics, such as florfenicol or doxycycline, which are drugs with a wide range of antibacterial and strong bactericidal power. Of course, you must also pay attention to the use of medicine, and see clearly and don't mess around.

❖ Causes of mycoplasma synovial cyst infection foot joint swelling of mycoplasma

Finally, I'm going to talk about Mycoplasma synovial fluid infection. This mainly affected the starling's synovial sac, making the myling's joints swollen like a small bun, which was very ugly.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

This disease is mainly due to the swollen foot joints of the starlings, accompanied by respiratory symptoms, such as dyspnea. To treat this, you also have to use medicines, branches, and swordsmen, which can effectively control inflammation and reduce the pain of starlings.

Therefore, there are various reasons for the swelling of the myna's foot joints, and it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine according to the specific situation. Below I will share the way to get rid of myna foot joint swelling.

Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints
For myna foot gouty foot joint swelling, in addition to adjusting the diet and reducing the intake of high-purine foods, some medications can also be used. You can use Tong'an Swordsman plus glucose, this combination is good, it can help promote the decomposition and excretion of urate.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

In addition, uric acid excretion can be aided by increasing water intake. Remember to add some vitamin C to the myna water, which is also helpful to promote uric acid excretion. Let starlings move in a large cage every day, and moderate activity can help promote metabolism and also help reduce the accumulation of uric acid.

Staph infections require antibiotics. Birders can use florfenicol or doxycycline, both of which are effective against staphylococcus. But ah, it is best to do a bacterial culture before taking medicine to see what kind of bacteria it is, and prescribe the right medicine for better results.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints


At the same time, we can also use some external drugs, such as iodine wine to smear the infected area, which can reduce inflammation and sterilization. Of course, during the treatment, it is necessary to keep the joints of the myna feet clean to avoid secondary infection.

Treatment of Mycoplasma synovial fluid infection is slightly more complicated because it can be solved with more than just medication. First, it is treated with a combination of antibiotics such as Slippery Swordsman and Sulfonate, which can help control the infection. At the same time, supportive care should be strengthened.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

In addition, it is very important to keep the living environment of starlings clean because the virus is transmitted through the environment. It is important to regularly clean and disinfect myna cages to reduce the chance of virus transmission.

In terms of cleaning, we have to start with the place where the starlings are raised. A good environment can effectively prevent many diseases. Then we have to wash the starling's cage often and keep it clean. The chassis in the birdcage should be cleaned every day, and bird droppings should not be allowed to accumulate, which is not only smelly, but also easy to make starlings suffer from foot joint diseases.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

Another point is that it is best not to put the starling's cage in a place that is too humid or too dry, both extremes are not good. Especially in winter, if the indoor heating is too sufficient and the air is dry, starlings are prone to respiratory diseases, which will also affect the health of the foot joints.

To prevent myna foot joint swelling, feed is a major matter, and bird friends should be cautious. Starlings must have a balanced diet, and they can't always be given those high-protein things.

Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

I usually have to get some vegetables and fruits, and putting these things in them can not only provide vitamins, but also prevent them from getting sick because they eat too much. In particular, avoid giving starlings too much meat and legumes, which are the main culprits that cause gouty foot swelling.

Attention should also be paid to the use of drugs to eliminate myna foot joint swelling, which must be carried out under the guidance of the drug instructions. For gouty myna foot joint swelling, some diuretics can be used to help expel uric acid from the body and reduce symptoms.
Ways to get rid of swollen myna foot joints

If you are infected with staphylococcal myna foot joint swelling or synovial cyst mycoplasma mycoplasma mycodial foot foot arthropy, then you need to use appropriate antibiotics. But remember, antibiotics should not be used indiscriminately, if you use too much, starlings may also develop resistance, and the treatment will be more troublesome. In general, prevention and feeding methods should start from daily life, and attention must be paid to the environment, feed and drug treatment.


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