
The anonymous case of Chinese people is exposed! Toy sellers are reminded that this Ball Gun can no longer be sold

author:but for consultation

【TRO 24-cv-4767】Anonymous case of Chinese people exposed! Attention toy sellers, this Ball Gun can't be sold anymore!

Case information

原告品牌:Ball Gun

原告公司:Along Ge

Case No. 24-CV-4767

Type of Prosecution: Patent

原告律所:Concord & Sage Pc

Time of prosecution: June 10, 2024

Brand introduction:

The plaintiff, Along Ge, is a Chinese seller from Shenyang, China, who is mainly responsible for the production and sale of a gun called Ball Gun. Ball Gun is an innovative shooting toy designed for children to provide a safe and fun outdoor play experience. The toy's core components include a blasting gun and a series of hollow plastic balls to ensure safety during the game. Ball Gun not only stimulates children's interest in outdoor activities and reduces their dependence on electronic screens, but also promotes the development of their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

The anonymous case of Chinese people is exposed! Toy sellers are reminded that this Ball Gun can no longer be sold

(Image source: Citation: July 1, 2024)

The Ball Gun can be easily loaded with up to 3 colored plastic balls and can be launched with a simple operation, making it perfect for boys and girls over 3 years old. Each set of Ball Guns contains two blast guns and five brightly coloured plastic balls in yellow, green, orange and light blue colours that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also excite children. Whether it's as a birthday present, Christmas gift, or game prize, Ball Gun is an excellent choice.

Patent Information

This case involves a design patent, even if the products are not exactly the same, the design concept is the same, there will be a risk of infringement, please carefully investigate the sellers to avoid infringement!

The anonymous case of Chinese people is exposed! Toy sellers are reminded that this Ball Gun can no longer be sold
The anonymous case of Chinese people is exposed! Toy sellers are reminded that this Ball Gun can no longer be sold

Product examples

The anonymous case of Chinese people is exposed! Toy sellers are reminded that this Ball Gun can no longer be sold


Please refer to the above information carefully, check whether there are similar trademarks, copyrights and patents, and if you are unlucky, remove them from the shelves in time and be prepared to deal with them.

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