
A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

author:Shushan History Road
A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet


In the Qing Dynasty, a wealthy young master suddenly fell ill with a strange disease, and his family invited the most famous doctor of the time.

As soon as the doctor entered the room, he didn't even need a pulse, and only said, "Go get the toilet." This unexpected opening remark immediately stunned everyone.

What kind of disease does it need to be treated with a toilet? What kind of medical wisdom is hidden behind this famous doctor's mysterious actions?

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

The family is in the middle of the road, and he studied medicine as a teenager

Ye Tianshi, whose name is Pu and whose name is Xiangyan, was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province in the fifth year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1666). His life seems to have been destined to form an indissoluble bond with medicine from the beginning.

Ye Tianshi's family has practiced medicine for generations, and the seeds of medicine have long taken root in the depths of his young heart. Ye Tianshi's grandfather, Ye Zifan, was a well-known local doctor, especially in treating pediatric diseases.

Ye Zifan is not only skilled in medicine, but also has noble medical ethics, he often treats poor patients for free, and is well-known in the local area. Influenced by his grandfather, Ye Tianshi's father, Ye Yangsheng, also followed his grandfather to learn medical skills since he was a child, and became an excellent doctor in the future.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Ye Yangsheng not only inherited his father's superb medical skills, but also inherited his benevolence to help the world and save people. In such a family environment, Ye Tianshi has been exposed to it since he was a child and has developed a strong interest in medicine.

He often followed his father to the clinic, observed his pulse and prescription, and imperceptibly appreciated the mysteries of medicine. However, fate never seems to favor this family, which is not wealthy.

Ye Tianshi, who was only 14 years old, but his father Ye Yangsheng died early due to illness. The fall of the pillars of the family has made the already embarrassing life even worse. The young Ye Tianshi was grief-stricken in the face of his father's death and the family's embarrassment.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

However, grief did not break the strong teenager. In the face of sudden changes, the young Ye Tianshi did not choose to give up, but resolutely took on the burden of the family.

He knows very well that only by studying medicine can he change the family's predicament, and only by inheriting the career of his father and grandfather can he realize the ideal of helping the world and saving people. So, Ye Tianshi wiped away his tears and began his journey of studying medicine.

At home, Ye Tianshi studied the medical books left by his father diligently. From "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" to "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases", from "Compendium of Materia Medica" to "Difficult Classics", he was hungry and thirsty for absorbing the nectar of medical knowledge. His father's friend before his death, the local doctor Zhu, also became Ye Tianshi's enlightenment teacher.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Zhu saw that although Ye Tianshi was young, he had already shown extraordinary medical talent and amazing understanding. Zhu was deeply impressed by this bright and studious young man, and taught him all his strength, helping Ye Tianshi lay a solid medical foundation.

Zhu often encouraged Ye Tianshi that as long as he studied hard, he would one day become a great doctor who would help the world and save people. Ye Tianshi's diligence and talent soon attracted the attention of the local medical community.

At only 18 years old, he is already able to take charge of the diagnosis and treatment of some common ailments. Despite his young age, his medical skills have begun to emerge and he has cured many incurable diseases.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Ye Tianshi's fame spread quietly in the city of Suzhou, and many patients came to him in the hope that the young healer would cure their ailments.

However, Ye Tianshi was not satisfied with this, he knew that there was still a long way to go to become a real famous doctor. The road of medicine is long, and only by diligently pursuing it can we reach the other side of helping the world and saving people.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Apprenticeship and study tour, medical skills have made great progress

In order to further improve his medical skills, Ye Tianshi decided to travel to study. He understands that it is far from enough to rely on the medical books left by his father and Zhu's guidance. He needs a broader vision and more skilled doctors.

So, Ye Tianshi packed up and started his study tour. He went north and south, visited famous doctors, and humbly sought advice. No matter where he goes, Ye Tianshi has a humble and studious heart, and strives to absorb the wisdom of every predecessor.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Among them, Ye Tianshi once worshipped under a famous acupuncture and moxibustion doctor surnamed Liu from Shandong. Dr. Lau is known for his acupuncture skills, but he is also known for his eccentric temper. Dr. Lau was initially dismissive of the young man, believing that he was too young to have any real skills, so he turned him away.

But Ye Tianshi was not discouraged by this. He waited quietly outside Dr. Liu's clinic, day after day, without stopping. At the same time, Ye Tianshi carefully observed Dr. Liu's every move during the diagnosis, silently figured out the angle and strength of his needle, and devoted himself to studying the theory of acupuncture. Finally, one day, the opportunity came.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Dr. Liu's nephew suddenly suffered from a strange illness and did not improve after many days of acupuncture. Yip begged Dr. Lau to give him a chance to show. With many days of observation and self-study, Ye Tianshi accurately found the root cause of the illness and relieved Dr. Liu's nephew of the disease with superb acupuncture skills.

Dr. Liu was amazed and impressed by Yip's persistence and talent. He realized that the young man in front of him was unusual, he had a strong energy to work hard and persevere, and he also had a benevolent heart to help the world and save people.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Dr. Liu took Ye Tianshi as an apprentice, carefully taught him acupuncture skills, and opened the door for him to further study. The study tour career has made Ye Tianshi's medical skills improve by leaps and bounds. He has been involved in a wide range of medical schools, drawing on the strengths of others, and gradually forming his own unique medical theories and clinical experience.

He is good at combining the theories of his predecessors with his own practice, and constantly innovating on the basis of inheritance. Gradually, Ye Tianshi's medical case also began to circulate among the people. From fever to typhoid fever, from gynecology to pediatrics, Ye Tianshi was praised by patients everywhere he went.

His popularity grew, and more and more patients came to him for the young doctor's treatment. However, what really made Ye Tianshi famous and famous all over the world was a seemingly absurd and strange case.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

The toilet heals, and the anecdote is thin

During the Qianlong period, Ye Tianshi was already a famous doctor. His unique medical skills and noble medical ethics are well known in the Jiangnan area. One day, Yao Gong, one of the richest merchants in Suzhou, came to his clinic and begged him to come and treat his only son.

Yao Gongzi, the only son of Yao Gong, was weak and sickly since he was a child, and suffered from a strange disease. This strange illness manifested itself in a complete loss of appetite, and neither the delicacies nor the delicacies of the mountains and the sea could arouse his interest.

Yao Gongzi is getting thinner and thinner, his face is yellow and thin, and he is almost skinny. Yao Gong asked for medical advice, but the other doctors were helpless, and it was difficult to cure Yao Gongzi's strange illness with all kinds of medicine. Desperate, Yao Gong could only pin his last hope on Ye Tianshi.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

After Ye Tianshi heard the news, he immediately set off for Yao's Mansion. When he came to the palatial Yao Mansion and saw the scrawny Yao Gongzi, he keenly caught a trace of abnormality - excessive incense burning in the room, mixed with sandalwood and agarwood, and the smell was so strong that it was suffocating.

With years of experience, Ye Tianshi immediately realized that this strong aroma might be the culprit that caused Yao Gongzi to lose his appetite. Anyone who has been immersed in such an environment for a long time will lose their appetite.

But how to explain this with ordinary medical techniques is probably not convincing. After all, in the perception of people at the time, how could aroma affect appetite? Ye Tianshi had an idea and thought of a peculiar solution.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

He instructed the servant to fetch a toilet bowl and ordered Yao Gongzi to be carried to the toilet. Suddenly, the stench of the toilet filled the room, and everyone covered their noses and retreated.

To everyone's surprise, in the midst of this pungent stench, Yao Gongzi miraculously regained his appetite! He began to gulp down the food brought by his servant, his eyes rejuvenated.

It turned out that the strong aroma that had been lingering around Yao Gongzi for a long time constantly stimulated his olfactory nerves, causing the brain to have a sense of disgust, thus suppressing his appetite.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

The stench of the toilet just neutralized this effect and stimulated Yao Gongzi's desire to eat. This treatment method seems absurd, but it is based on Ye Tianshi's deep insight into pathology.

The strange case of "toilet cure" soon spread throughout Suzhou City, and then throughout the south of the Yangtze River. Ye Tianshi's reputation also resounded in the sky, and he was regarded as a "miracle doctor".

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Although some people question the scientific nature of this treatment, believing that it is just a trick in the charlatans, more people admire Ye Tianshi's courage and wisdom to dare to break the convention. With his unique insight and innovative spirit, Ye Tianshi has created a new treatment idea.

He told the world that healers should not stick to conventions when curing diseases, but should treat them according to the conditions of the time and the disease. This concept of healing was a revolutionary feat at the time, and it also provided valuable inspiration for later generations of doctors.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Benevolence and benevolence, hanging pot to help the world

As a doctor, Ye Tianshi has always been based on benevolence and benevolence. He often said that a healer should not only cure the disease, but also cure the heart. In his clinic, everyone is treated equally, whether rich or poor.

Ye Tianshi often provided free medical treatment for poor patients, and even paid out of his own pocket to buy medicinal herbs for them. He is well aware that many patients seek medical treatment not only for physical ailments, but also for spiritual comfort.

Therefore, he always treats every patient with compassion, listens patiently to their needs, and gives them moral support and encouragement.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Ye Tianshi's medical ethics have touched countless people in the world, and his clinic has become a pure land in Suzhou, allowing countless physically and mentally exhausted patients to find hope and comfort. The words "hanging pot to help the world" have been perfectly interpreted in Ye Tianshi.

He used his actions to tell the world that doctors should not only have superb medical skills, but also have a compassionate heart, take it as their responsibility to treat diseases and save people, and take alleviating the suffering of patients as their mission.

But Ye Tianshi's benevolence does not stop at curing diseases and saving people. He is well aware that the inheritance and development of medicine is also related to the health and well-being of millions of people.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

As a doctor, it would be extremely selfish and short-sighted to focus only on the present and not train successors for the future of medicine. Therefore, in his later years, he resolutely decided to open a medical hall to impart medical knowledge and train a new generation of medical talents.

Ye Tianshi hopes that through his own efforts, he can cultivate more excellent successors for the medical cause, so that the light of medicine will be passed on from generation to generation and will never be extinguished. In the medical hall, Ye Tianshi taught by word and deed, setting a glorious example of "the heart of a doctor's parents" for the students.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

He often said, "Medical skills need to be inherited, but medical ethics need to be passed on." To become a doctor, you not only need excellent medical skills, but also a benevolent heart to help the world. Doctors should love their patients like parents and always put their patients' interests first. Ye Tianshi's words and deeds all reflect his infinite love for the medical career and his deep concern for patients.

Ye Tianshi also pays attention to the combination of theory and practice, and he knows that medicine is not just talk on paper, but a knowledge that needs to be constantly summarized and improved in practice. Therefore, he often led his students to collect medicinal herbs by himself, teaching them to distinguish the properties of the herbs and choose the best time to use them.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

When diagnosing the pulse, he always guides the students by hand, telling them how to gain insight into the condition from the pulse and how to prescribe the most appropriate prescription according to different conditions. In clinical practice, he encourages students to be bold and innovative and have the courage to try new treatments.

Ye Tianshi's careful teachings have created a large number of outstanding medical talents, including Wu Jutong and Xu Lingti, who later became famous medical scientists.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

Write books and speak, and it will be remembered for centuries

While educating in medicine, Ye Tianshi did not relax his exploration of medical theories. He was well-read, integrated with various theories, and put forward many unique insights.

Especially in the field of "warm disease", Ye Tianshi's exposition of the theory of "guarding qi and promoting blood" provided an important theoretical basis for the development of traditional Chinese medicine in later generations.

In order to pass on what he had learned throughout his life to future generations, Ye Tianshi began to write books and lectures in his later years. His representative works, such as "Clinical Guide to Medical Cases" and "Theory of Warmth", systematically summarize his years of clinical experience and theoretical thinking.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet

These works not only became milestones in Qing Dynasty medicine, but also provided valuable clinical guidance and theoretical nourishment for later generations of doctors. Ye Tianshi's book is not only the crystallization of medical knowledge, but also contains his infinite love for the medical cause and his deep concern for patients.

Between the lines, the noble medical ethics and benevolence of this medical master are reflected everywhere. Ye Tianshi's legendary life came to an end in the tenth year of Qianlong (1745).

Surrounded by his disciples and relatives and friends, he passed away peacefully. But his spirit, his medical skills, and his benevolence will remain forever in the hearts of future generations.

A young master from a rich family in the Qing Dynasty was suffering from a strange illness and asked a famous doctor for treatment, and the famous doctor entered the house and said: Go get the toilet


Ye Tianshi's life is a brilliant legend in the history of Chinese medicine. He not only created a new realm of medicine with his superb medical skills and unique insights; With noble medical ethics and feelings of helping the world, it interprets the true meaning of doctors.

Ye Tianshi proved with his practical actions that in that turbulent era, a doctor could not only help the world, but also help the world. His story will surely inspire generations of doctors to forge ahead on the road of benevolence and benevolence.

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