
The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

author:Shushan History Road
The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron


The peculiar origins of stories are often hidden in the minutiae of life. There is a pair of brothers and sisters, one is unable to start a family because of poverty, and the other is difficult to find a good relationship because of poor appearance.

In desperation, the two decided to commit to each other, and a helpless compromise in their lives gave birth to a powerful son.

Who is this child? How did he counterattack in the eyes of the world and become a man of the hour?

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

A House of Poverty: A Scholar's Difficult Choice

During the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a scholar named Li Dianhua in Modian Township, Hefei, Anhui Province. He was obsessed with the imperial examination all his life, but he repeatedly failed to try, and his family's financial situation became increasingly embarrassing. In order to make ends meet, he had to mortgage his family's land to barely maintain his family's food and clothing.

Li Dianhua has four sons under his knees, and the youngest son, Li Wen'an, has been frail and sickly since he was a child, but he has great ambitions and is determined to change the fate of the family through the imperial examination. However, his family's poverty prevented Li Wenan from entering school until he was eight years old, four years later than children of his age.

This was undoubtedly extremely unfavorable in the imperial examination competition at that time. Although he started late, Li Wenan worked very hard, often reading at night, vowing to catch up with the progress of other students.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Although Li Dianhua lives in poverty, he is kind-hearted. He knows some medical skills and often provides free medical treatment for the people in the village. By chance, he found an abandoned baby girl while collecting medicine in the mountains.

The baby girl was unrecognizable and apparently suffering from smallpox. At that time, "smallpox" was a terrible disease that made people smell and discolor, and the baby girl was obviously ruthlessly abandoned because of it.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Although Li Dianhua was poor, his kind nature made it impossible for him to turn a blind eye to this poor life. He decided to take the baby girl home and take care of it.

Under his careful treatment, the little girl was miraculously cured. Although she was permanently scarred on her face, she gradually grew into a sensible and capable girl.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

The arrangement of fate: an unusual brother-sister relationship

As she grew older, the adopted "sister" became more and more inferior, and she was depressed all day long. She knew that her appearance would be an obstacle to marriage, and she felt lost and fearful about the future.

Li Dianhua saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart, but he was helpless. He knows very well that with his daughter's conditions, it is difficult to find a suitable in-law. However, fate seems to have been predetermined.

Li Wenan has a deep affection for this "sister" who grew up together. He admired his sister's strength and kindness, and was attracted to her hard work and ability.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Whenever he buried himself in the pile of books, he could always see his sister silently preparing tea and snacks for him, and this carefulness and thoughtfulness deeply moved Li Wenan. Although Li Wenan is focused on his studies, he is also secretly concerned about his sister's situation.

When he saw that his sister was inferior because of her appearance, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. Sometimes, he would secretly do small things for his sister, such as helping her carry water and chop firewood, hoping to lighten her burden.

The two get along day and night, and gradually develop a special feeling that surpasses the love of brother and sister. However, in the social environment of the time, such feelings were not allowed. They can only bury this affection deep in their hearts and dare not confide in anyone.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Father's Wisdom: A Understated and Secret Wedding

As a wise elder, Li Dianhua quickly sensed the indescribable affection between his son and adopted daughter. He fell into deep thought: on the one hand, he hoped that his son could concentrate on his studies and gain fame; On the other hand, he is worried about the lifelong events of his adopted daughter.

After some careful consideration, Li Dianhua decided to break the routine and match the young couple. He understood that this decision might attract criticism from the villagers, but he valued the happiness of his children more than ever.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

On a dark and windy night, Li Dianhua called his son and adopted daughter to his side and talked about the issue openly. At first, both young men were amazed and could not believe that their father would have such a bold idea.

But when Li Dianhua explained his considerations, the apprehension in the hearts of the two was gradually replaced by joy. In order to avoid causing unnecessary turmoil, Li Dianhua decided to hold a low-key and secret wedding for them.

The wedding takes place late at night and only the family attends. Although it is simple, it is full of warmth and touching. Li Wenan and his bride made a promise to stay together for the rest of their lives under the candlelight, and Li Dianhua watched this scene with relief, believing that he had made the right choice.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Difficult times: a husband and wife's ups and downs

Life after marriage is not all smooth sailing. Li Wenan continued to focus on the imperial examinations, while his wife wholeheartedly supported her husband and ran the household. However, the road to the imperial examination was long and arduous, Li Wenan failed the list many times, and his family's financial situation deteriorated.

The couple had to move out of the Li family and build a simple grass hut outside the village. The hardships of life test the young couple's feelings, but they always support each other and face difficulties together.

Li Wenan's wife not only has to take care of the family's daily life, but also has to find ways to supplement the family. She weaved cloth, made shoes, and sometimes even went to the homes of wealthy families to help out in order to earn a little more money to support her family.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Despite the hardships of life, Li Wen'an's wife never complained. She always encouraged her husband not to give up on his studies and believed that one day he would succeed.

Whenever Li Wenan felt frustrated because of his continuous failures, she could always soothe his heart with gentle words and give him the courage to continue struggling.

During these difficult years, the couple's relationship not only did not diminish because of the hardships of life, but became deeper. They understand each other, support each other, and look forward to a better future together.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

The Carp Leaps Over the Dragon Gate: The Legend of the Rise of a Family

Hard work pays off. At the age of 35, Li Wenan finally rose to high school, bringing a ray of hope to this long-suffering family. This success greatly encouraged Li Wenan, and he was determined to work harder and strive for greater achievements.

With the encouragement and support of his wife, Li Wenan continued to struggle. Finally, he successfully passed the Jinshi examination and became a high-ranking official in the Qing Dynasty. This once poor family finally ushered in a turning point in its fate.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

Mr. and Mrs. Li Wenan have six sons and two daughters, each of whom is outstanding. Among them, the second son Li Hongzhang is even better than the blue. Li Hongzhang has been smart since he was a child, 13-year-old Zhongxiucai, 21-year-old Zhongjuren, 28-year-old high school champion, and was named Tanhualang.

His talent and ability were soon appreciated by the imperial court and began a brilliant career. Li Hongzhang played an important role in the late Qing Dynasty.

He led the Westernization Movement and promoted the modernization of China. Although some of his decisions and actions caused controversy in later generations, his contribution to China's modernization is undeniable.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron

With the improvement of Li Hongzhang's status, the entire Li family has gradually become a prominent family. The "ugly sister" who was once ridiculed is now Mrs. Yipin, enjoying the supreme glory and wealth.

Her wisdom and virtue were even rewarded by the Empress Dowager Cixi, who was given many valuable gifts. What was a small impoverished family has now become an important force influencing the course of Chinese history.

This miraculous change is undoubtedly the result of years of perseverance and hard work of Li Wenan and his wife.

The elder brother was too poor to marry, and the younger sister was too ugly to marry, so the two made do and gave birth to a son, Megatron


This legendary story spanning a hundred years is not only the history of the rise and fall of a family, but also a microcosm of a magnificent modern Chinese history.

It teaches us that the twists of fate are often unexpected, and that ordinary individuals can influence the course of history.

The story of Mr. and Mrs. Li Wen'an reminds us that in the face of adversity, we should not give up easily, stick to our dreams, work hard, and eventually there will be a day when the clouds will open and the moon will shine.