
The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

author:Shushan History Road
The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion


There have been some incredible twists and turns in history, but there is one emperor who has truly stumbled. He sneaks into the minister's house one night to steal something, but accidentally discovers evidence of rebellion.

This bizarre discovery not only allowed him to uncover the huge conspiracy lurking in the court, but also completely changed the fate of his life.

Why did the emperor steal things himself? What kind of shocking secret did he discover? What kind of conspiracy and struggle are hidden behind the scenes of this unexpected revelation?

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Liu Zhi: An emperor who loves "collecting".

In the first year of Jianhe, Liu Zhi, who was only 15 years old, ascended the throne. However, this seemingly respected position is actually a puppet emperor under the control of powerful ministers' relatives. Liu Zhi is cowardly by nature and difficult to resist the control of his relatives. In desperation, he chose to devote his energy to a special "collecting" business.

Unlike ordinary emperors, Liu Zhi's "collection" is not simply a collection of antiques, calligraphy and paintings. What he loved most were the intimate belongings of his ministers: precious antiques, confidential documents, secret letters...... Under the cover of night, Liu Zhi often sneaked into the minister's mansion and pocketed all these "treasures".

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

This behavior was once seen as an absurd act of the emperor. Many ministers privately complained about this, but they did not dare to oppose it openly. However, no one thought that such a seemingly absurd hobby would inadvertently sow the seeds of a reversal of fate.

Liu Zhi's unique habit actually reflects his inner struggle and helplessness. As a young emperor, he was supposed to control the world, but he became a puppet in the hands of his relatives. Unable to display his ambitions and control his own destiny, this sense of powerlessness made Liu Zhi suffer.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

"Collection" has become an outlet for him in this suffocating environment, an escape and rebellion against reality. In those intimate things, he seemed to see another world, a world that he could control. This kind of psychology became an important motivation for him to "collect and govern the country" in the future.

However, even in this seemingly absurd act, Liu Zhi has shown extraordinary talent. He was well versed in the layout of the minister's residence, and he also had a unique insight into various locks.

This keen insight and ability to act became an important foundation for his political strategy in the future. In those quiet nights, a future politician is growing up in secret.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Windfall: Evidence of Liang Ji's rebellion

On a summer night in the fifth year of Jianhe, Liu Zhi went out of the palace again to "visit friends". This time, his target was Liang Ji, the general who leaned towards the government and the opposition. Liu Zhi had long been suspicious of this powerful relative, but he had no way to deal with it.

And this operation inadvertently gave him an unexpected opportunity. When Liu Zhi carefully pried open the dark compartment of Liang Ji's study, a stack of yellowed papers came into view. Out of curiosity, he unfolded the paper, but his gaze froze.

These secret letters recorded in detail various evidences that Liang Ji colluded with his henchmen and plotted to depose the emperor. An earth-shattering conspiracy was nakedly placed in front of Liu Zhi like this. Liu Zhi's heart set off turbulent waves.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

He realized that the great general he had been with day and night was actually an enemy who was ready to kill him at any moment. But at the same time, a bold idea gradually took shape in Liu Zhi's heart. These "collected" incriminating evidence may be the opportunity for him to turn things around.

This unexpected discovery had a profound impact on Liu Zhi. First of all, it made Liu Zhi truly aware of the dangerous situation he was in. It turned out that those courtiers who were obedient on the surface were plotting rebellion behind their backs. Imperial power seems to be revered, but in fact it is walking on thin ice. This understanding has stimulated Liu Zhi's strong sense of self-protection and fighting spirit.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Secondly, this incident also made Liu Zhi see another layer of value of "collection". These inadvertently obtained secrets can become an important bargaining chip in his political game. A brand-new idea of rule gradually became clear in Liu Zhi's heart.

Of course, Liu Zhi did not act rashly. He knew very well that with his strength at that time, it was difficult to fight against the group of relatives headed by Liang Ji. This requires a thorough plan and thorough preparation.

In the following days, Liu Zhi disguised himself as harmless on the one hand, and secretly laid out the layout on the other hand, bringing the results of this "collection" to the extreme. He skillfully used these secrets to gather a group of forces loyal to him and prepare for the final counterattack. A "stealing" coup d'état is quietly brewing.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Launching a coup d'état: Liu Zhi's counterattack

In the spring of the sixth year of Jianhe, above the court, Liu Zhi appeared with an unprecedented momentum. He exposed Liang Ji's crime of rebellion in court and showed those secret letters hidden in the secret compartment. Liang Ji was speechless, and the courtiers were also surprised. No one thought that the cowardly emperor would fight back on this day.

The tide turned in an instant. Liang Ji was imprisoned, and his henchmen were also arrested. Liu Zhi skillfully used the information obtained from the "collection" to catch all these ill-intentioned ministers. As a result, the power structure of the DPRK and China has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

This "stealing" coup d'état not only freed Liu Zhi from the fate of the puppet emperor, but also gave him a taste of the sweetness of the power game. Since then, he has taken this unique way of "collecting the country" to the extreme. Every move of the ministers was under Liu Zhi's covert surveillance.

The significance of this coup d'état goes far beyond the transfer of power. It marked the birth of a new way of governing. Prior to this, emperors tended to rely on power and grace to control their subjects.

Liu Zhi, on the other hand, pioneered a method of ruling based on secrecy and intelligence. This technique of domination was more stealthy and flexible, allowing the tentacles of imperial power to extend to every corner. At the same time, this coup d'état also profoundly affected Liu Zhi's character and mind.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

The sweetness of power made him even more obsessed with "collecting to govern the country". He began to systematically collect the secrets of his ministers, elevating this behavior to the level of a ruling philosophy.

In his opinion, mastering the secrets of his courtiers is equivalent to mastering their lifeblood. This desire for control would later become an important feature of his ruling style. Of course, the success of this coup d'état is also inseparable from Liu Zhi's years of preparation and layout.

Those forces that were co-opted by him played an important role at a critical moment. This made Liu Zhi realize that it is not enough to rely on "collection" alone, but also to build a team that is loyal to himself. In the years that followed, he used both hands together to gradually consolidate the foundation of his rule.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

"Collection Governance": The art of continuing to rule

Liu Zhi's method of ruling with "collection" was carried forward by his successors after his death. His successors more or less inherited this method of rule, using intelligence gathering as an important tool to control the situation.

Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty developed it to the extreme. He set up a special "West Garden" to gather secret information collected from all over the country. This practice extended the emperor's eyes and ears to every corner, and the ministers walked on thin ice, for fear that they would become a collection in the "West Garden".

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

This method of rule, which relied on secret intelligence, did have the effect of consolidating imperial power in the short term. The emperors used the "collection" to keep their ministers firmly in control. In the long run, however, this political ecology, which is based on suspicion and espionage, has laid the foundation.

The influence of "collection governance" went far beyond the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the subsequent Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, many rulers followed this method to a greater or lesser extent. They set up secret agencies to collect information extensively, and took this domination to the extreme.

However, this practice also exacerbated the antagonism and suspicion of the court. The courtiers were all in danger, and the efficiency of the decree was greatly reduced. On a deeper level, the "collection of governance" actually reflects the contradiction between imperial power and vassal power.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

The emperor wanted to control his ministers by keeping secrets, and the ministers felt depressed by this surveillance. This contradiction later became an important factor in destabilizing the regime.

Of course, not all emperors relied entirely on "collection governance". Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, advocated "governing the country with propriety", emphasizing the mutual trust between the emperor and his courtiers.

In his opinion, mastering secrets alone cannot really win hearts and minds. Only by treating each other with sincerity can we gain the true support of our courtiers. This concept of statecraft has had an important impact on later generations.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Overall, "collection governance" reflects a unique way of ruling under the autocracy of imperial power in ancient China. It allowed the power of the emperor to permeate every corner of politics in a covert way.

However, this approach itself is also pregnant with a crisis. It intensified the antagonism and suspicion in the court and sowed the seeds of political turmoil. This point is worthy of deep consideration by future rulers.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Transparency: a recipe for long-term stability

When secrecy becomes the main theme of rule, suspicion and calculation pervade the court. The ministers were panicked, and the effectiveness of the decree was greatly reduced. Those villains who are good at spying on secrets have instead been given the opportunity to ascend to the top.

The candle flame of the Eastern Han Dynasty gradually burned out in this conspiracy and suspicion. On the other hand, in the long history, those famous Ming monarchs and holy lords all advocated open and transparent governance.

They are open-minded, open-minded, and open and honest in their manners to win the trust of their subjects. In such a political ecology, slander is difficult to gain a foothold, and traitors have nothing to hide.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion

Although Liu Zhi's use of "collection" to create a way of ruling showed a unique effect in the turbulent era of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it could not become a good prescription for governing the country for thousands of generations.

Openness, transparency and mutual trust are the foundation of the country's long-term peace and stability. This point is worth pondering by rulers throughout the ages.

The real mistake: the emperor went to the minister's house to steal something, and as a result, he stole evidence of rebellion


The era of "collection governance" has come to an end, but its inspiration to future generations is eternal.

Scheming and lust may be able to bring temporary glory, but only an open, transparent, trust-based political ecology can create a truly prosperous and prosperous world.

This is the most profound historical imprint left on us by the Liu Zhi era.