
Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

author:Shushan History Road
Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu


There was a poor scholar in the Qing Dynasty who had a rough fate, and he lived on the streets after failing the imperial examination, and his future was bleak. However, fate frequently extended a helping hand to him, and there were always nobles to help him, so that he counterattacked all the way, and finally rose to the position of Shangshu.

What kind of coincidence made this down-and-out scholar constantly meet noble people to help? How did he seize the opportunity in the face of adversity and embark on the pinnacle of his career?

Today, we will take you into this inspirational and legendary story, and explore the thrilling journey of this scholar from being on the list to being a scholar.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

With a dream, go to the capital

Wang Youdun was born in an ordinary family of scholars in Jiangnan. Despite his poor family, under the careful teaching of his father, Wang Youdun soon showed extraordinary intelligence and was proficient in poetry and songs, as well as a subset of classics and histories.

However, the embarrassment of his family has always been a thorn in Wang Youdun's heart. He knew very well that in the society at that time, only by passing the imperial examination could he change the fate of himself and his family.

This belief shone into his heart like a beam of light, dispelling the haze brought about by poverty. He secretly swore that he must use his own efforts to gain fame and glorify his ancestors.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

As a result, Wang Youdun began a hard study career. He worked day and night, immersed in the sea of books, and ate those subsets of poetry and scriptures. He believes that as long as he works hard enough, one day, he will be able to show his style in the field and realize his dream.

In the fortieth year of Kangxi (1701), with a vision for the future, Wang Youdun, who was only twenty years old, decided to go to the capital to participate in the examination. For this opportunity, the Wang family sold the only few acres of thin land, and the mother also gave up her dowry jewelry.

Wang Youdun knew that this was an opportunity for the whole family to have high hopes, and he could not live up to it. Although he ate and slept in the open along the way, and even had to rely on begging to get by, Wang Youdun's desire to study never wavered.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

On those cold nights, he often looked up at the starry sky and imagined the scene of the title of the gold list. At that moment, all suffering will be in the past. When he finally walked into the examination room, everything seemed to beckon to him, and at that moment, all the hardships became worth it.

He believes that as long as he does his best, he will be able to realize his dreams. However, fate played a cruel joke on Wang Youdun. At the end of the three-day exam, his name did not appear on the list.

Down, frustrated, and shy, Wang Youdun was reduced to wandering on the streets of the capital, and he could only curl up in the corner at night and suffer. At that moment, all dreams seemed shattered.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

In those cold and desperate days, what sustained him from giving up? It is the deep desire for knowledge and the vision for the future.

He kept telling himself that this was just a small setback in life, and that as long as he didn't give up, he would one day get out of the predicament and realize his dream. It is this optimism and tenacity that allowed Wang Youdun to get through the most difficult moment of his life.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

Fate turns, nobles help

Just when Wang Youdun was almost desperate, the hand of fate quietly rewrote the trajectory of his life. By chance, he met Lee Kwangji, a retired waiter of the Ministry of Rites. At that time, Wang Youdun was ragged and unkempt.

But Lee Kwang-di saw that he was extraordinary. After talking, Li Guangdi was amazed by Wang Youdun's talent and insight, and believed that such talents should not be buried. As a result, Li Guangdi not only took in Wang Youdun, but was also amazed by his talent.

Through Li Guangdi's recommendation, Wang Youdun was able to participate in the compilation of the Kangxi Dictionary organized by the Kangxi Emperor. In the process of compiling the dictionary, Wang Youdun's diligence and talent were soon appreciated by two other nobles: Chen Tingjing, a cabinet scholar, and Xu Qianxue, a scholar of the Ministry of Rites.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

Chen Tingjing was a close minister of the Kangxi Emperor and had a high status in the court. When he was reviewing Wang Youdun's manuscript, he found one of the subtle annotations, so he summoned Wang Youdun and asked him about his background in detail.

Through conversation, Chen Tingjing admired Wang Youdun more and more, and decided to strongly recommend him to enter a higher officialdom. And Xu Qianxue, as the secretary of the Ministry of Rites at that time, was in charge of the national imperial examination and cultural and educational affairs. At a gathering of literati, he appreciated Wang Youdun's talent and believed that such a talent should not be buried.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

On their recommendation, Wang Youdun was able to take a special exam presided over by Emperor Kangxi himself. This exam is not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of character.

With solid knowledge and extraordinary intelligence, Wang Youdun finally passed the test and was hired by Emperor Kangxi. This time, he lived up to the expectations of the nobles and his dreams.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

Beginning in the career, ups and downs

In the fiftieth year of Kangxi (1711), Wang Youdun was awarded the position of revision of the Hanlin Academy, officially starting his career. However, for a poor student, officialdom is like a battlefield. The exclusion of colleagues, the jealousy of villains, and the wooing of the powerful...... Wang had to find a foothold in this complex environment.

Some of his colleagues looked down on his origins and put up a fight in front of him; Some powerful people want to win him over and make him their pawn; There are also some villains, who are always chewing on the root of their tongues behind their backs, trying to discredit his reputation. In the face of all this, Wang Youdun chose to respond in his own way: conscientious, hard-working.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

Whether it was drafting edicts or compiling historical books, he strived for perfection. He believes that only by speaking with strength can he win the respect of others. Gradually, those who were prejudiced against him began to change, and those who wanted to win him over also retreated.

Wang Youdun is using his own way to win his own place. By chance, Wang Youdun was sent to Jiangnan as the chief examiner of the township examination. In the process of grading, he found an excellent test paper.

However, the other examiners objected to the admission on the grounds that the candidate was from a humble background. Wang Youdun insisted on his own opinion and tried his best to overcome public opinion, and finally made the candidate admitted.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

This incident caused an uproar in the DPRK and China, and some powerful people began to stumble in secret. They spread rumors and questioned Wang's impartiality. Coupled with Emperor Kangxi's suspicion in his later years, Wang Youdun gradually lost the emperor's trust, and his career fell into a trough.

At this juncture, those who have been helped by him have chosen to avoid it; Those who had been offended by him fell into the trap and took the opportunity to take revenge.

Wang Youdun felt that he was at the lowest point in his life. But he didn't give up, because he knew he had done nothing wrong. He believes that as long as he sticks to the right path, the rain will eventually prevail.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

Brilliant in his later years, his achievements are eternal

In the first year of Yongzheng (1723), the new emperor succeeded to the throne, and Wang Youdun's life ushered in a turning point. When Emperor Yongzheng was flipping through the recitals left by the previous emperor, he stumbled upon Wang Youdun's suggestions over the years. He was amazed by Wang Youdun's insight and courage, and believed that such talents should not be buried.

As a result, Emperor Yongzheng admired Wang Youdun's talent and insights, and summoned him to the imperial court to serve as a waiter in the Ministry of Rites, in charge of the national imperial examinations and cultural and educational affairs. As soon as he took office, Wang Youdun carried out drastic reforms.

He sought to break the corruption in the imperial examinations and bring real talent to the fore. In this position, Wang Youdun carried out a series of reforms in an effort to break the corruption in the imperial examinations and select real talents.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

At the same time, he also participated in the compilation of important historical books such as the History of the Ming Dynasty, leaving valuable historical materials for future generations. In the process of compilation, Wang Youdun discovered many historical facts that had not been noticed by his predecessors, and he researched them in detail and wrote a large number of research articles, which provided important references for the historical research of later generations.

In the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730), Wang Youdun, who was over the age of six, was awarded the title of prince and was responsible for the education of the crown prince. He did his best to teach the crown prince how to govern the country, emphasizing the importance of benevolence and love for the people.

In the process of teaching the crown prince, Wang Youdun often used the successes and failures in history as a lesson to teach the crown prince to be people-oriented, diligent in government and love the people. His teachings had a profound impact on the crown prince.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

After Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, he respected this teacher very much and personally held a grand farewell ceremony for him. At the ceremony, Emperor Qianlong personally put on a purple robe for Wang Youdun and gave him the nickname "Wenduan" in recognition of his outstanding contributions to culture and education.

Although Wang Youdun returned to his hometown in his later years, his heart was always concerned with state affairs. He often wrote letters to the imperial court, offering his views on some important issues.

In the letter, he made an in-depth analysis of the current political situation and put forward his own views on some policy decisions, reflecting his sincere heart for the country and the people.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu

Until his death, he was running for the country and the people. Wang Youdun's life is a legendary life. He used his diligence and wisdom to write a legend of a counterattack by a poor student.

His life is also an inspirational history of pursuing his dreams. He told us that no matter how humble our background is, as long as we have dreams and persevere, we will be able to create miracles and realize the value of life.

Poor scholars in the Qing Dynasty: After falling off the list, they lived on the streets, and there were always nobles who frequently helped them, and they rose all the way to Shangshu


Wang Youdun's life is the crystallization of diligence and wisdom, and the triumphant song of unyielding fighting spirit and noble character. His success lies not only in the successive high schools in the imperial examinations, but also in the fact that he has always adhered to his ideals and ethics.

From a humble student to an important minister of the imperial court, Wang Youdun used his bumpy and brilliant life to compose a magnificent poem of a counterattack by a poor student.

This story tells us that no matter how humble our backgrounds are, as long as we have dreams and persevere, we will eventually come out in the future. The spirit of Wang Youdun will always be worthy of learning and admiration for future generations.

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