
I joined the army at the age of 17, my uncle gave me 200 yuan, and my aunt chased me for 30 miles to ask me to pay back, but I didn't give it to her

author:Said in a daze
This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


I was 17 years old and my family lived in a small village in Jiangsu Province.

Our family can be regarded as a typical rural family, in addition to a few acres of thin fields, the family also raises some chickens and ducks.

For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of breaking through the world, and I don't want to stay in this small village for the rest of my life and do farm work.

When I graduated from high school, I made up my mind to enlist in the army, wanting to see the outside world and save some money for my future.

As soon as my decision to "unfulfilled ambition" came out, the reaction of my family was beyond my expectations.

I thought my parents would stop me, after all, the outside world is unknown and difficult, but their seemingly old faces reveal deep pride and pride.

My uncle, a man who usually doesn't talk much, but is always down-to-earth and serious in doing things, his reaction makes me feel even warmer.

The day before I was about to pack my bags and step on the train to the barracks, my uncle came back from town to see me.

On that day, the setting sun painted the fields around our house a golden yellow.

The uncle stood in the doorway, with his back to the setting sun, and at that moment his shadow was long tugging on the ground, looking particularly affectionate and reluctant.

He came over and pulled me aside.

His hand was holding mine, and his eyes, which he never expressed his emotions lightly, were full of concern for me.

My uncle was not a wealthy man, and most of his income was spent on his family and helping relatives, but he took 200 yuan out of his pocket and secretly stuffed it into my hand.

I know that this is definitely not a small amount of money for him.

"Take care of yourself in the army," he whispered, "and when you don't have enough money, just tell me, don't hold on." ”

At that moment, I was a little speechless.

200 yuan may not solve too many problems for me, but it is a symbol of my uncle's deep affection and concern for me.

I held the 200 yuan tightly, and I only felt warm in my heart, which was not only the temperature of the money, but also the wordless love and support between my family.

The next day, with the expectations of my family and the 200 yuan given by my uncle, I stepped on the train to the barracks.

I joined the army at the age of 17, my uncle gave me 200 yuan, and my aunt chased me for 30 miles to ask me to pay back, but I didn't give it to her


On that day, I sat on a dilapidated tractor to the train station and swayed for 2 hours to reach the county seat.

Just as I was about to catch the train from the county seat to the city, I suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, followed by my aunt's shrill shout, "Xiaobao! Stop! ”

As soon as I turned around, I saw my aunt rushing towards me with a blue face and panting.

I joined the army at the age of 17, my uncle gave me 200 yuan, and my aunt chased me for 30 miles to ask me to pay back, but I didn't give it to her

My aunt is a well-known "hot star" in our village, and when she gets angry, the men in the village have to give three points.

When I think about it, I just feel a chill coming from behind.

Before I could react, my aunt was already angry and shouted, "You know what? 200 bucks! 200 pieces! How long can we use 200 yuan for our family of 6? That's our family's money, your uncle gave it to you, didn't tell me, why did he give it?! ”

My aunt's voice was particularly harsh in the station.

There were a lot of people watching to see what was going on here.

The 200 yuan, for me, is my uncle's deep care and good wishes for my future, and now, under the roar of my aunt, this heart is ruthlessly trampled under my feet.

"That's your uncle's will, but you can't really want it! 200 yuan for you, we are a family of 6, how can we eat in the past two months?"

My aunt was panting and pointing at me vigorously, indignant.

I looked at my aunt's excited appearance, and my heart was mixed.

I know that this 200 yuan is indeed not a small amount for the family.

But the moment my uncle gave me was his blessing for my future and the courage for me to embark on a journey.

After some entanglement, my aunt finally got tired and stopped to catch her breath.

She looked at me with anger and embarrassment in her eyes.

In the end, I didn't return the money to my aunt, and I didn't argue with her.

I just looked deeply at my aunt and bowed to her.

Then, silently, I turned around and continued to move towards my dream.


That day, when I stepped on the train to the troops.

When I turned around, I saw that my uncle was also chasing after me, and the scene of my uncle and aunt chasing each other made the 200 yuan seem to weigh as much as a thousand pounds, making me walk heavily.

In my days in the army, I often think about that day.

At that time, I grew up from a rural teenager to a soldier, and the changes in my life made me feel a lot of emotion.

I know my uncle's heart, and it is a deep expectation and support for his family.

Although my aunt's reaction was fierce at the time, I slowly understood her struggle.

Maybe for her, it's not just a matter of 200 yuan, but the pressure of life.

In my third year in the army, in addition to the hard training, I have learned more about understanding and tolerance.

When the Spring Festival came, I sent the 1,000 yuan I had saved to my uncle's house.

The letter simply wrote: "Thank you uncle for your help, now I am doing well in the army." This amount of money is not much, it can be regarded as a New Year's greeting for your uncle and aunt, and I hope you are in good health. ”

I joined the army at the age of 17, my uncle gave me 200 yuan, and my aunt chased me for 30 miles to ask me to pay back, but I didn't give it to her

During those years, I gradually showed my ability and potential, and became the backbone of the army.

I know very well that there is my uncle's enlightenment back then, and there is also my aunt's unspoken concern.

As time passes, the unpleasantness of the past is slowly replaced by understanding and growth.

When I send things to my uncle, I will also choose some daily necessities for my aunt, although we rarely communicate directly with each other, but I believe that these small concerns can warm each other's hearts.

Time flies, and the image of the aunt who chased me angrily at the beginning has blurred in my heart.

In the dead of night, I think of my uncle's old dog that has been raised for many years, and the laughter and laughter of my childhood in that familiar land.

The 200 yuan gave me too many memories and insights, so that I could still feel the warmth of my hometown and the power of family affection in the distant army.

Yes, life is like that, full of all kinds of people and things, and everyone has their own hardships and expectations.

And I, as a member of this big family, must learn to understand, tolerate, and love.

This is the most valuable asset I received from my uncle for the 200 yuan.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.