
Sweating at every turn, abnormal sweating, is likely to be a distress signal from the body

author:Hebei Medical and Health Science Center

Sweating is a natural physiological response of the human body, which helps regulate body temperature and eliminate excess waste and toxins from the body. However, when our body sweats at every turn, or sweats abnormally, it can often be a distress signal from within the body.

Sweating at every turn, abnormal sweating, is likely to be a distress signal from the body

1. Causes of abnormal sweating

The causes of abnormal sweating are varied, both physiological and pathological. Physiological causes mainly include high temperature environment, strenuous exercise, emotional agitation, etc., and sweating is a normal response of the body to regulate body temperature. However, when we still sweat profusely in a normal environment, or without strenuous exercise and emotional agitation, or when there is an abnormality in the location, time, and amount of sweating, we need to be alert to possible pathological causes.

Pathological causes mainly include the following:

1. Endocrine disorders: Endocrine diseases such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes may lead to abnormal metabolism in the body, resulting in increased sweating.

2. Neurological disorders: such as autonomic dysfunction, Parkinson's disease, etc., may lead to increased sensitivity of the body to temperature regulation, which can cause abnormal sweating.

3. Infectious diseases: such as tuberculosis, AIDS, etc., may cause the body's immune system to be compromised, resulting in increased sweating.

4. Medication side effects: Some medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc., may cause abnormal sweating in the body.

5. Other causes: such as tumors, hematologic diseases, etc., may also cause abnormal sweating.

Sweating at every turn, abnormal sweating, is likely to be a distress signal from the body

2. Diseases that may be involved in abnormal sweating

There are many types of conditions that can be involved in abnormal sweating, but here are some of the most common:

1. Hyperthyroidism: Due to the excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, the body's metabolism is accelerated, which causes increased sweating. Patients may also experience symptoms such as palpitations, hand tremors, and insomnia.

2. Diabetes: Diabetic patients have abnormal sweating due to insufficient insulin secretion or impaired action, which leads to an increase in blood sugar. Patients may also present with symptoms such as polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria.

3. Autonomic dysfunction: Autonomic dysfunction may lead to an increase in the body's sensitivity to temperature regulation, which can cause abnormal sweating. Patients may also present with symptoms such as palpitations, chest tightness, and insomnia.

4. Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis patients have a weakened immune system due to tuberculosis bacillus infection, which causes increased sweating. Patients may also present with symptoms such as low-grade fever, cough, and fatigue.

5. AIDS: AIDS patients are susceptible to various diseases due to their impaired immune system, which causes abnormal sweating. Patients may also present with symptoms such as fever, rash, and diarrhea.

Sweating at every turn, abnormal sweating, is likely to be a distress signal from the body

3. How to deal with abnormal sweating

When there is abnormal sweating, we should seek medical attention in time and seek help from a professional doctor. Based on the patient's medical history, symptoms, signs, etc., combined with necessary laboratory tests, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive analysis to determine the cause of abnormal sweating and the diseases involved. Depending on the cause and disease, the doctor will prescribe a corresponding treatment plan, such as medication, surgery, radiation therapy, etc.

In addition to professional treatment, we can take the following measures to alleviate abnormal sweating:

1. Keep your room ventilated: Keep your room well ventilated and lower your indoor temperature to help reduce sweating.

2. Wear breathable clothing: Choose cotton or other clothing that is breathable to help dissipate heat and reduce sweating.

3. Avoid strenuous exercise: In the case of abnormal sweating, try to avoid strenuous exercise to avoid aggravating the symptoms.

4. Regulate your mood: Maintaining a calm mind and avoiding emotional agitation can help reduce sweating.

5. Diet: Proper intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help regulate the body's metabolism and alleviate abnormal sweating.