
She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

author:North of YB

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She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

Do you still remember the smart and cute matchmaker in "Matchmaker"?

Or the actress who played Cao Qiqiao's life in "The Golden Lock"?

That's right, she is Liu Xin.

From the actress of the Hundred Flowers Award to the husband and children who are willing to give up their careers, Liu Xin's life experience can be described as ups and downs.

However, did you know that her marriage was once unfavorable?

How did she break the doubts with 17 years of staying together and become a model couple in the entertainment industry?

1. Accidentally broke into the showbiz: from a lawyer's dream to a Hundred Flowers Award actress

Have you ever thought that life's biggest surprise often comes from a casual turn?

In 1973, Liu Xin was born in an ordinary family in Beijing.

Since she was a child, she has been a standard beauty embryo, but she never thought of being an actress.

At that time, Liu Xin's dream was to become a lawyer.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

Fate is so interesting, when you think you are going to take a straight road, it quietly paves another road for you.

By chance, a friend said to her: "Your conditions are so good, it's a pity not to act." "

In this way, Liu Xin entered the advanced class of the Central Academy of Drama.

You see, sometimes beauty can really change the trajectory of a life.

In 1994, Liu Xin starred in her debut film "Into Glory".

Although it was the first time she was electrocuted, her performance amazed everyone.

After that, she starred in many works one after another, but what really made her an instant hit was "Matchmaker" in 1999.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

In this drama, the matchmaker played by Liu Xin is vivid and unforgettable.

Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also won her the crown of Best Actress at the 22nd Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards.

From obscurity to the queen of the Hundred Flowers Award, Liu Xin spent just 5 years.

2. In and out of the play: the love affair with Shao Feng

It is said that the most beautiful love begins with friendship.

The story of Liu Xin and Shao Feng is the best proof of this.

In 2002, Liu Xin took over the filming of the TV series "Golden Lock".

In this drama, she met her true destiny - Shao Feng.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

The two played a pair of lovers in the play, but they didn't expect sparks of love to spark in and out of the play.

Shao Feng is three years older than Liu Xin, tall and handsome, and he also acts very well.

But he is introverted and not good at words.

And Liu Xin is just the opposite, with a cheerful personality and a big grin.

You see, isn't this the legendary complementary CP?

Interestingly, Liu Xin at that time already had a boyfriend who had been dating for many years, and both parents had met.

However, fate is such a wonderful thing.

When Shao Feng appeared in her life, Liu Xin suddenly discovered that love could come so suddenly and so suddenly.

On Liu Xin's 30th birthday, Shao Feng prepared a very romantic birthday for her.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

Although Liu Xin did not agree to his courtship at the time, Shao Feng said that he was willing to wait.

Love is like that, and when it comes, you simply can't resist.

is like Liu Xin, who obviously has a stable relationship, but is still moved by Shao Feng's sincerity.

3. Unfavored marriage: the brave pursuit of happiness

When Liu Xin decided to be with Shao Feng, she faced opposition from the entire family.

His parents were not optimistic about Shao Feng, thinking that he was just an actor and his life was unstable.

My sister also sided with her parents.

Can you imagine?

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

How much courage does it take for a girl to insist on her choice in the face of opposition from her whole family?

Liu Xin's father hadn't even spoken to her for eight months.

When she came home and informed her parents that she was going to get married, her father just snorted coldly and left.

The mother sat on the couch and said nothing.

But Liu Xin didn't back down.

She said to her parents, "I'm not here to ask for your opinion, I'm here to inform you." "

What a firm attitude! She believes that Shao Fengfeng is good to herself, and she believes in her choice.

In the end, Liu Xin married Shao Feng desperately.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

At their wedding, Liu Xin's parents did not attend, not even a word of blessing.

Can you imagine what a heartbreaking scene it was?

However, Liu Xin has no regrets.

Because she knows that happiness has to be earned by herself.

Fourth, the way of running a happy family

After getting married, Liu Xin made a decision that surprised many people - to give up her acting career and concentrate on her husband and children.

This decision caused quite a bit of controversy at the time, and many people thought that she was wasting her talent.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

But Liu Xin said: "A woman who is a mother is a real woman, and only when I am a mother can I feel the greatness of maternal love." "

And Shao Feng did not disappoint Liu Xin.

He returned to filming and worked hard to support his family.

Every time he went home from filming, he would give all the money to Liu Xin.

You see, this is the real husband and wife working together to run a family.

Of course, life can't always be smooth sailing.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

Liu Xin and Shao Feng will also quarrel over some trivial matters.

For example, on the issue of her daughter's education, Liu Xin felt that Shao Feng was too strict, and Shao Feng thought that Liu Xin was too spoiled to children.

However, they can always find a balance after a quarrel and work together for the future of their children.

5. 17 years together: deduce sincere love

17 years, not long, not short.

But in the entertainment industry, couples who can stay together for 17 years are definitely rare.

Do you still remember when Liu Xin and Shao Feng got married, Shao Feng couldn't even afford a wedding ring?

It was Liu Xin who bought two rings by himself, one for him and one for himself.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

At that time, Shao Feng said: "When I have money in the future, I will definitely return your ring." "

17 years have passed, and Shao Feng has really done it.

He gives Liu Xin a ring every year, whether it's a birthday or a holiday.

So far, Liu Xin has received dozens of rings.

Shao Feng said: "When we are old, I will take a red rope and put the rings on one by one." "What a romantic promise!

And Shao Feng himself has always worn the ring that Liu Xin gave him back then, and never took it off.

He had a white mark on his finger, which was the mark of a ring.

When filming, you have to wipe it off with powder, otherwise it will be too obvious.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

Over the past 17 years, Liu Xin and Shao Feng have understood and supported each other.

Liu Xin kept the house in good order and trained her daughter very well.

Shao Feng has continued to make progress in his career and has become an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry.

Now Liu Xin, at the age of 50, is still very beautiful, her skin is in good condition, and she looks similar to a twenty-year-old girl.

And Shao Feng is still the good husband who spoils his wife like his life.

They go on vacation together and do what they love together.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

You see, that's true love.

It's not vigorous, but a long stream; Not rhetoric, but day-to-day companionship; Not a momentary passion, but an eternal commitment.

In this impetuous society, how lucky it is to be able to meet a close lover.

And Liu Xin and Shao Feng, they not only met, but also spent 17 years proving the preciousness of this love.

So, when you meet true love, cherish it; When you face difficulties, persevere; When you have happiness, please manage it with your heart.

She is the "Queen of Hundred Flowers", she once married Shao Feng desperately, she has been in love for 17 years, and she is still beautiful at the age of 51

Because, love like Liu Xin and Shao Feng is worth pursuing and yearning for by each of us.

What about you?

Have you ever had a time of persevering for love? Have you ever worked hard for love? Feel free to share your story in the comments section.

Let's feel the beauty of love together and believe in the power of love together.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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