
She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

author:North of YB

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She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Whenever Sarina is mentioned as a "professional mother", people's first reaction is often her "kind eyebrow" face.

However, this mild-looking actress has a turbulent life experience.

From her dedication to fighting for her dreams as a girl, to a difficult career trough, to finally finding her niche and becoming a well-recognized actress, Sarina's experience has undoubtedly taught us a vivid lesson in "chasing dreams".

With her sincerity and perseverance, she has not only become a well-received actor, but also a virtuous and considerate wife.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Such a "sincere" woman is undoubtedly worthy of our careful understanding and learning.

1. The inheritance of an artistic family

Sarina was born into a family of literati and artists.

Her ancestors came from the northeast of the mountains to do business, and later took root in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, and gradually developed into a sizable camel caravan.

And Sarina's parents are a pair of enviable art masters - her father Li Youzhong is a national first-class director, has directed many excellent dramas, and is also the enlightenment teacher of the famous actor Siqin Gaowa; Her mother, Ye Nabuqi, is an excellent screenwriter.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

With such a family background, Sarina has been immersed in the atmosphere of art since she was a child.

However, the parents did not want their daughter to embark on a difficult path as an actress.

Father Li Youzhong knew the hard work of actors, and persuaded his daughter to change the announcer exam, believing that girls are safer and more comfortable in the radio studio than in the theater.

But sixteen-year-old Sarina was willing to listen to her parents' persuasion and insisted on being admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy.

In this way, a girl with a dream began her own artistic pursuit.

2. Love across time and space with her husband Pan Jun

It was during her study career at the Shanghai Theater Academy that Sarina met her lifelong partner, Pan Jun.

Although this classmate also came from an artistic family, it was not all smooth sailing.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Pan Jun, who was originally admitted, was persuaded to quit by the school because he failed the physical examination, and he had to continue his studies at the school as an "auditor".

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Pan Jun, who aspires to become an actor.

But in this trough period, Sarina's appearance was like a ray of sunshine, lighting up Pan Jun's life.

This empathetic, cheerful and optimistic girl took the initiative to partner with Pan Jun to support each other academically and emotionally.

Even if Pan Jun was unable to obtain an official diploma in the end, Sarina did not care and supported him as always.

In the past four years of campus life, the two have slowly gone from classmates and friends to lovers.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Although they are not yet under the legal age of marriage, they still obtained the certificate in advance in order to be able to get a flat house.

This loving couple helps each other in their careers and lives, and also allows us to see a beautiful love that transcends time and space.

Even though the road ahead is difficult, they also rely on each other closely and write their own moving stories with sincerity.

3. A career trough of frustration

At first, Sarina was assigned to the Shanxi Datong Mining Bureau and became an ordinary worker, and she couldn't compete with her own professional eight poles.

No matter how reluctant she was, this arrangement made her feel deeply.

"When I came here, I felt like I was experiencing life." She said to herself.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

After returning to Beijing, an even greater blow and loss struck.

Whether it was an interview or an audition, Sarina was repeatedly rejected because she was "not beautiful enough".

At that time, it was the era when youth idols were prevalent, and the partners with popular stars were all beautiful women with outstanding appearances.

And Sarina, although she had a beaming face, could not meet the popular aesthetic standards of the time.

In this way, her career fell into a six-year low ebb.

Faced with such a difficult situation, Sarina's heart was undoubtedly tormented.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Her self-confidence was completely destroyed by repeated rejections, and she even fell into a depressed and depressed mood.

But even so, she chose to maintain the family in her own way.

This may be the sincerity of Sarina.

4. Reliable wife's "warm-hearted" management

At the same time, Sarina also repays the family in her own way.

When she learns that her husband likes an expensive bicycle, she decides to earn money part-time and finally gets what she wants.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

And when Pan Jun is away on business, Sarina will also prepare some love bento boxes for him to ensure that her husband can eat warm and delicious home-cooked food after work.

Such meticulous care and dedication not only warmed the family, but also gave the battered Sarina with sustained courage and motivation.

It is with such a considerate husband and a warm family atmosphere that Sarina is able to maintain her kindness and sincerity in the most difficult moments.

5. From a "mother professional" to a powerful actor

Finally, in 1991, Sarina ushered in a turning point in her career.

She won the National Drama Award for Best Actress for her outstanding acting skills in the drama "Life and Death Love".

It was also the first milestone after the low point of her career.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Since then, Sarina's acting career has been smooth sailing, and she has shown her superb acting skills in many excellent works one after another, and has gradually become a "mother professional" in the eyes of the audience.

At the same time, her husband Pan Jun is also gradually on the right track in his career.

He was transferred from the General Political Drama Troupe to CCTV and became a critically acclaimed TV drama actor.

Both of their careers took off, which also allowed them to regain their confidence and hope in life.

In this process, Sarina has always maintained an open and inclusive attitude, taking the initiative to give her husband support and encouragement.

She not only helped her husband get through the trough of his career, but also took the initiative to adjust her role positioning at different times, gradually transforming from the original "mother professional" to a powerful actor.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Today's Sarina has become a well-received veteran actor, whether on the big screen or the small screen, every role she portrays has impressed the audience.

And the real and moving story behind this undoubtedly confirms her persistent pursuit of this career and her devotion to her family.

Sarina has spent her life interpreting the power of the word "sincerity" and making us feel the valuable qualities of persevering in the face of adversity and being kind to others.

Write at the end

Sarina's life experience is undoubtedly full of twists and turns, but it is these setbacks that have sharpened her more resilient character and persistent pursuit of her career.

With her sincerity and perseverance, she has not only become a well-received actor, but also a virtuous and considerate wife.

She is a national first-class actor, who has had no drama to film for 6 years because of her appearance, and has been married to her first love husband for 34 years

Her story undoubtedly gives us those who chase dreams food for thought and strength, so that we can learn to persevere in the face of adversity and write our own unique chapter of life with sincerity and kindness.

Sometimes, a person's value lies not only in the success of their career, but also in the character and values they present.

As Sarina has shown, this pure "sincerity" is the most worthy of our learning and cherishing to maintain the family with sincere emotion and a sense of responsibility, and to achieve a career with tenacious will and persistent pursuit.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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