
Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

author:Little White Duck chases dramas

Big melon! Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke has provoked criticism from netizens again! In the middle of the night on July 1, Ye Ke turned on the live broadcast, but he didn't expect to rush into more than 8,000 netizens to watch. Ye Ke was smiling at the beginning of the live broadcast, but the sharp accusations of netizens made her almost collapse.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

Ye Ke happily shared with netizens that she was going to France, France is a very romantic place, but she didn't expect netizens to listen to her and directly scold her, asking her why she always signaled that Huang Xiaoming was there, she was there, afraid that others would not know that they were always together? Knowing that Huang Xiaoming was now in France, she said that she was going to France soon, and secretly poked and poked the sugar, but she sent it wrong. was scolded for following too closely, explicit and implicit.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

Some netizens even asked Ye Ke directly when he would break up with Huang Xiaoming, and he spoke awkwardly, like a broadcast host, and was scolded very miserably. At this time, Ye Ke's face was wrong, but he still continued the live broadcast, taking the questions of netizens as air.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

Everyone is dissatisfied with Ye Ke for showing himself too much to be with Huang Xiaoming, because Huang Xiaoming has never made their relationship public, even if he has been photographed many times, even if Ye Ke is always scolded because of him, he never comes out to defend it. But Ye Ke is very sticky to Huang Xiaoming, almost wherever Huang Xiaoming goes, she will follow him. There is another reason why everyone is so unceremoniously scolding Ye Ke, that is, Ye Ke is suspected of forcing marriage on June 30, but he did not get a response.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!
Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

At the end of the live broadcast, Ye Ke didn't smile at all, and in the dead of night, he wanted to send candy, but in the end he left the scene sadly, and almost broke down and cried.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!
Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

On June 30th, Ye Ke posted a video, saying "We move forward bravely", and the music is still Wu Bai's "Broken Bridge", or the affectionate version, full of sadness, and a lonely back.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

It turned out that the reason why she was so sad was because Ye Ke went to her sister's wedding that day, and she was very moved and envious when she saw that this sister found happiness and the other party gave her a century wedding. She felt that it was clear that attending the wedding should be festive and romantic, but the copywriting hinted at being brave, but it was accompanied by a very sad music, which was a secret poke to indicate that Huang Xiaoming should give an identity?

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!
Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

In the video, Ye Ke appears with a lonely back, and there is no smile in other frontal photos, which is a rare "not sweet" in all her videos. Isn't it supposed to be fun to go to a wedding? The other party is still his sister, and I don't know that I thought I went to my ex's wedding. At this time, Huang Xiaoming was in France and Ye Ke was in Shanghai, I don't know if there was no response after posting this video, so it was broadcast live late at night on the 1st.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!
Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

Netizens wished her happiness in the comment area, and Ye Ke chose this comment to reply, saying that girls should be happy.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

Some netizens said directly, posting this video is asking for a wedding, everyone is an adult, plus it is normal for men to marry and women to get married.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

More than one netizen thinks so, and they are asking Ye Ke if she is proposing, and it just so happens that a video of her and Huang Xiaoming being together has just been exposed. When Huang Xiaoming won the award, she went to give gifts and take pictures, and Huang Xiaoming did not come out to clarify the relationship.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

Everyone is still very concerned about the house where Ye Ke lives, because this is in the same community as Huang Xiaoming's ex-wife Yang Ying, and every time Ye Ke has to post a video of this home.

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

It turns out that Ye Ke has also done radio, but I didn't expect the song "Broken Bridge" to be a song she has liked for many years, but is it really appropriate to play this song at the wedding?

Huang Xiaoming's girlfriend Ye Ke is suspected of forced marriage! Late night live broadcast on the 1st, I was almost accused by netizens of collapse!

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