
Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

author:Appi Historical Library
Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

In 1957, an old man slowly pushed open the door of Xiao Hua, then deputy director of the General Political Department, this old man was Gan Changzu, who was known as a "general peasant".

Deputy Director Xiao Hua directly said no, and said: "Can you survive 60 like this?" I'm afraid I won't survive. ”

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?
Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?
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Gan Changzu was born in 1905 and was 52 years old in 1957.

In 1955, the sixth year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Gan Changzu was awarded the rank of major general, which was the greatest affirmation of the 30 years since he joined the Communist Party, but Gan Changzu thought that the military rank was too high, which showed that this old man did not care about fame and fortune.

Why did this old man insist on returning to his hometown to work as a farmer in his old age? It was because in 1951, when Gan Changzu went to the suburbs of Dihua (now Urumqi City, Xinjiang) to guide work, he passed a 30-meter-long bridge, but the bridge was damaged by reactionary elements, which caused a car accident.

The accident caused serious damage to his brain, and he was also very difficult to work with the central authorities, laying the groundwork for him to return to his hometown to work as a farmer a few years later.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

The central government rejected Gan Changzu's repeated requests until 1957, when Gan Changzu received a letter from his younger brother in the countryside and once again had the idea of returning home to farm.

So back to the beginning of the story, Gan Changzu found Xiao Hua, then deputy director of the General Political Department, and put forward the idea of going home to farming, hoping that he could help get the approval of the central government.

But Xiao Hua understands Gan Changzu's situation, since the car accident, his health has not been good, the central government does not agree with him to go home to farm in the hope that he can recuperate.

Therefore, when Xiao Hua learned about Gan Changzu's thoughts, his first reaction was that he should strive to live to be 60 years old instead of going home to farm.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

Xiao Hua didn't dare to think about what the consequences would be if Gan Changzu returned to his hometown to farm, but Gan Changzu expressed a strong will and was not easy to refuse.

In Gan Changzu's heart, he believed that no matter where he was, no matter how big or small his position, he should help the people, and this belief has always supported him, and Xiao Hua was moved by his sincerity, reported his situation to the central government, and approved his request.

In August 1957, the 52-year-old Gan Changzu returned to his hometown of Lianhua County, Jiangxi Province, and it was tens of thousands of miles away from Xinjiang to Jiangxi, but General Gan Changzu's family only had three luggage, only some daily necessities, and nothing else.

The old man brought back the excellent livestock breeds cultivated in Xinjiang, not to eat, but to promote these excellent breeds in his hometown to improve the production and quality of livestock.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?
Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

After returning to his hometown, the central government wanted to allocate funds to build a house for Gan Changzu in consideration of his contribution to the country, but the old man firmly disagreed, thinking that he was coming back to farm, not to enjoy happiness, and huddled in an old house with his two younger brothers.

As the population grows, there are not enough houses to live in. He once again refused the request of the central government to build a new house for him, and led the whole family to build a house together, and later he also refused many times what the central government equipped him.

After returning to his hometown, Gan Changzu went non-stop to the fields to reclaim wasteland, accumulated a lot of agricultural experience, and made outstanding contributions to the agricultural development of his hometown.

Gan Changzu was very frugal in life, but he was not stingy with the construction of his hometown, and often used his salary to buy chemical fertilizers and pesticides for the collective crops, build bridges and roads for the village, and engage in capital construction and reservoirs.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

In the 28 years since he returned to his hometown, the CCP has built 3 reservoirs, 4 hydropower stations, 25 kilometers of channels, 3 highways and 12 bridges for his hometown, successfully helping the people of his hometown get rid of poverty and become rich.

Gan Changzu joined the Communist Party of China at the age of 22, returned to his hometown at the age of 52, and built his hometown for 28 years.

At this point, we also know that General Gan Changzu not only lived past the age of 60, but he lived to be 81 years old, and 81 years old can be said to be quite a long life at that time, which is the greatest blessing from God to this old man.

This old man put aside his past reputation and willingly returned to his hometown to become a peasant, fully embodying the spirit of a communist who does not keep in mind his original intention, does not forget his mission, and serves the people, and always puts the interests of the party and the people first.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

When he became famous, he always thought about the people of his hometown, and asked many times to return to his hometown, build his hometown, make outstanding contributions to his hometown, help the people of his hometown get rid of poverty, and become rich successfully.

When I looked at the photos of Gan Changzu farming with the people in his hometown again, I felt a lot of emotion, Gan Changzu carried a hoe on his shoulder, and a kind smile appeared on his face, I think the old man is not carrying a hoe, but the future of China.

Today, the new generation of Chinese youth should take up the hoe from Gan Changzu, a "general farmer" and contribute to their hometown.

Nowadays, there are also many young people who are willing to return to their hometowns and make outstanding contributions to their hometowns, such as Secretary Huang Wenxiu, who gave up job opportunities in big cities and returned to their hometowns for construction.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

General Gan Changzu in this life from a peasant to a party member, from a party member to a general, and then from a general to a peasant, the course of the journey is the trajectory of the development of New China, he touched us generation after generation with the spirit of selflessness and the world, and we will pass on the spirit of "general peasants".

On March 28, 1986, Gan Zuchang, a "general peasant" who had devoted his life to the Chinese people, passed away, and although he had passed away for 38 years, the Chinese people would never forget him and would always remember his contributions to the construction of New China. Salute to the "general farmer" Gan Changzu.

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?


Study Times: 2020-11-06, "Six No's of "General Farmer" Gan Zuchang

China's Good Stories2018-12-10, "Gan Zuchang: General to Peasant, Hoe Reflects the Original Heart"

The spiritual code of the Centennial Party (7)丨Founding General Gan Zuchang: The gun sees the feelings, and the hoe reflects the original intention

Xiao Hua, deputy director of the General Political Department, disagreed with Major General Gan Changzu returning to his hometown to work as a farmer, saying: Can you survive 60 like this?

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