
Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

author:Appi Historical Library
Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

There are many geniuses, but there are many people who can only be called young geniuses, just like Zhongyong, in the nineties of the last century, the girl Pang Xiuyu was reported by major media, and she was also regarded as the hope of the future Chinese cultural circles.

Her life is short-lived, whether it is a genius has a time limit, or someone ruined her life, Pang Xiuyu experienced many wrong forks, gave birth to a child out of wedlock at the age of 21, and was abandoned by a man, but then there was no news.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock
Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Teenage genius

Pang Xiuyu was in elementary school, she received a handwritten letter from Ba Jin, encouraging her to develop in literature in the future, Ba Jin as a literary giant, he was also shocked by this girl's talent, and her parents also created a good learning environment for this girl, and there are tens of thousands of books at home.

Pang Xiuyu reads all kinds of books every day, and when she is a teenager, she should be fun-loving, or she will feel a little boring reading articles at a glance.

But Pang Xiuyu loves to read very much, when she sees the words, her eyes are shining, and there is light in her eyes, which is probably the expression of a person's love for one thing.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Although reading takes up a lot of her time, she still insists on doing it, and at the same time, she will also participate in essay competitions held by various institutions, every time Pang Xiuyu registers, the champion must be hers, and the name of the little genius has also begun. Her popularity has increased, and more people have reported on her.

Pang Xiuyu's life is very fulfilling, in addition to studying and reading books every day, she will also be interviewed by the media. The Soong Ching Ling Foundation organized students to visit and study in Japan, and going abroad at public expense was a dream for many people in the 90s.

And Pang Xiuyu is the youngest of this group, and because of this opportunity, she became more famous, and when she was 14 years old, she also appeared on CCTV.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Pang Xiuyu, who returned to China, had more interviews, and the media felt that the topic of this talented literary teenager would attract the attention of the outside world.

The media wanted to interview her, and Pang Xiuyu had to spare a lot of time for media interviews. The name of a young genius is getting bigger and bigger under media interviews.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock
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Academic performance is not as good as it used to be

Pang Xiuyu was already in junior high school at the time, and she also realized that she had almost no social time other than studying and writing. And the learning content in junior high school is also increasing little by little, which also makes her more stressed. After Pang Xiuyu came back from Japan, she felt that she could not find the original state of writing, and she was also very distressed.

But every day, I have to deal with various interviews and answer questions according to the standards of a literary genius. Junior high school is actually an important period of learning, and if you can't keep up with your grades, it will affect your future development.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

The mother and father also had disagreements on the issue of education, and the mother believed that the child's education was more important, and it was better to let Pang Xiuyu return to normal study and life. And the father felt that he had to seize this opportunity to become famous, and the family quarreled constantly.

Pang Xiuyu's problem is also very serious, her academic performance is getting worse and worse, no matter how she hints to herself, she still can't find a way to study, and her grades are in the countdown, what she was most afraid of during that time was that others asked her how her grades were, and the mental pressure was too great, so she could only choose to drop out of school in the end.

This made the family conflict begin to intensify, and the father was always complaining about the mother, if Pang Xiuyu could continue to attract media attention, she would not be able to develop, and it would not be good to return to school.

And when the father is drunk, he will punch and kick the mother and daughter. The mother and daughter were scared and could only choose to escape, so they found a temporary residence, and later with the intervention of the police, the parents were able to divorce, and Pang Xiuyu also chose to follow her mother.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Losing their father's backer, the mother and daughter have no financial resources, they can only live in a place like the junction of urban and rural areas, fortunately, Pang Xiuyu is still optimistic, as long as she lives, there is hope.

But fate doesn't seem to let her go, in her expectation, her mother can work, if she is earning an income, or thinking in a better direction, she has a certain attainment in writing, then improving her life is just around the corner.

How can life be so beautiful, Pang Xiuyu's miserable life has just begun, her mother was diagnosed with diabetes, and her legs were severely swollen, not only can she not earn money, but she also has to pay for medicine every month.

Looking at the small house where the mother and daughter lived, Pang Xiuyu knew that she had to be strong, and only in this way could she give her mother hope for life.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Pang Xiuyu can only find a job, a minor girl with a low education, which unit is willing to use it? She could only bear to fail the interview again and again, life was very realistic, and she was not given that much time to try and fail. Pang Xiuyu must find a job to ensure the normal life of the mother and daughter.

A restaurant is recruiting dishwashers, and although the salary is only more than 1,000 a month, it is what Pang Xiuyu urgently needs. The boss gave her the opportunity to try, although the work was tiring, but she could bear it, and she often worked at home, so it was not difficult for her to do this.

She also felt very satisfied at that time, with an income every month, and occasionally reading the newspapers left over from customers, so her life was also very stable. But she didn't know that a chance encounter in this hotel broke her peaceful life and piled up more misery in her life.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock
Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Born out of wedlock, he was abandoned

The hotel is full of all kinds of guests every day, and for Pang Xiuyu, who is not rich in social experience, she is like a little cabbage, she only cares about reading in those years, and she can't distinguish other people's intentions at all.

Although there are many guests here, Pang Xiuyu is deeply impressed by a well-mannered man. Every time she saw this person, she was dressed appropriately. Men will also ask if she is tired.

After going back and forth, the more the two of them talked, the more they talked. Pang Xiuyu is still not deeply involved in the world after all, she feels that she can be trusted to talk about it, so she told her experience.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

An experienced man naturally knows what kind of emotional value to provide that can make a girl tempted. The man first explained that his job was to work in a company, and such a working environment should be what Pang Xiuyu longed for, and then told Pang Xiuyu that it was a pity that she didn't go to school, and he was willing to pay for her to study.

This kind of warmth is exactly what Pang Xiuyu, who is not deeply involved in the world, needs, she began to learn to trust men, and every time men come to dinner, they will chat with her for a while.

The man began to have more ideas, he said that after Pang Xiuyu completed his studies, he would marry her, not to mention that at that moment, Pang Xiuyu was really moved.

The man said that he was going to take Pang Xiuyu to meet his friends, and everyone at the wine table saluted her one after another, and after a while, she drank too much, and when she woke up, she was in a hotel room, next to the man.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Pang Xiuyu knew too well what was going on, when the man woke up, he asked the man what to do after that, at that time the other party said that he would marry her, and kept coaxing her, she began to have a new voice in her head, and she would be happy after marriage.

After that, men began to come to her occasionally, but every time Pang Xiuyu proposed marriage, the other party would have various reasons for prevarication. A man only has verbal promises, not even real actions, how can there be any future in such a relationship, Pang Xiuyu lives in men's rhetoric like this.

21-year-old Pang Xiuyu is pregnant, and the man is very happy, he changed a new house for her and her mother, and gave their mother and daughter more than 1,000 yuan a month for living expenses.

Although she is pregnant and has received substantial contributions from men, Pang Xiuyu always feels uneasy, because the two have never been married, and they will not even be able to guarantee the lives of their children in the future.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

When the man looked at her, she was successfully prevaricated by the man for various reasons, Pang Xiuyu gave birth to a son, and her living expenses also rose to three or four thousand.

And the man came to see her every day and brought her food, but she also realized that she didn't even know the man's address, and if the other party disappeared one day, she couldn't find this person at all.

Pang Xiuyu's anger is also very easy to eliminate, the man always has a way to make her obedient, and 11 months after she gave birth to a boy, she gave birth to twin daughters, this time the man did not have the joy of last time, and began to sigh.

It's just that in the month after giving birth, she still came to see her every day, Pang Xiuyu finally couldn't suppress her emotions and asked the man when he would get married, and this time the man used various reasons to convince her, but she felt bottomless.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

After Pang Xiuyu gave birth to her daughter, the man disappeared, she waited and waited, but she waited for a woman, who was the man's wife. Pang Xiuyu felt like a bolt from the blue, and the last thing she wanted to happen still happened.

Only then did she know how stupid she was, but she didn't dare to make a fuss, and she needed the help of a man to raise her three children.

The woman just wanted her to draw a line with her husband, what should the child do, Pang Xiuyu had no choice but to seek help from the social group.

And this time it was the media that helped her get through the difficulties, the media reported her incident, and a team of lawyers helped her fight a lawsuit and won 1,000 yuan per month for the child support. Later, when the money could not sustain her daily expenses, the community raised a donation of 10,000 yuan for her.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock

Pang Xiuyu disappeared after that, she posted a post in 2011, wanting to set up a foundation to help those who are in difficulty like herself, but this time she didn't make any waves, and the matter was over, and after that, I didn't hear anything about her, maybe she was living an ordinary life.

And Pang Xiuyu's experience is indeed worse than that of Zhongyong, not only because everyone is confused, but also because of the suffering. In fact, her life experience is not an exception.

The knowledge in books only broadens people's horizons, but it does not teach them the practical ability to distinguish right from wrong. And like Pang Xiuyu, who only reads, if she develops well, she can also become a writer with ideas.

When the teenager became famous, the unfamiliar media entered her life, Pang Xiuyu's ears were full of noise, she began to be impetuous, she couldn't find her own direction, and even lost her love of learning. This is actually a kind of social sorrow.

Who ruined her life? The genius girl was on CCTV at the age of 14, but at the age of 21, she had 3 children out of wedlock


In fact, this also reflects a problem, children need the guidance of their parents in the process of growing up. When they are impatient, help her stabilize her emotions and encourage your child to start again when they have no goals.

In fact, there is no concrete answer to this kind of question, but respect and guidance are equally important, and the media in society must also have their own standards when reporting.

A person who has become a talent may not have much profound knowledge, but he must have a strong heart and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Therefore, Pang Xiuyu's problems are caused by family, society and school, and of course, her self-consciousness is also a reason that cannot be ignored.


Tianjin Daily News ""Juvenile Writer" Turned Out to Be an Unmarried Mother" Pang Xiuyu series of reports