
Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

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Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?
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Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

In 2013, a list of the richest people who shook the entertainment industry was born. Liang Luoshi, a former rookie in the film industry, topped the list with an astonishing value of NT$521.8 billion, far behind other well-known actresses.

From an unknown mixed-race girl, to a star-studded new-generation actress, to a wealthy ex-wife worth more than 50 billion, Liang Luoshi's life is like a roller coaster.

Let's follow in her footsteps and unravel the mystery of this legendary story. From the daughter of a casino dealer in Macau, to the lover of the second son of the richest man in Hong Kong, to a single mother who left the country with a huge fortune, Liang Luoshi's life trajectory is embarrassing.

Her story may give us deep food for thought.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

In 1987, Liang Luoshi was born into a family full of drama. Her mother was an ordinary dealer in a Macau casino, and her father was Marquis of the illustrious Yin Liji family.

This cross-class love story came to an abrupt end due to family opposition and the early death of his father. The young Liang Luoshi had to bear the label of "illegitimate daughter" and rely on her mother for her life.

Growing up in the drunken gold fan of Macau casinos, Liang Luoshi has seen all kinds of life since he was a child. Perhaps to get rid of poverty, or perhaps to yearn for starlight, she began to get involved in the modeling industry at the age of 12.

With her unique Chinese-British-Portuguese beauty, she was soon featured in the Hong Kong teen magazine YES!! has attracted wide attention in the industry.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

Emperor Entertainment's talent scouts have a discerning eye and have discovered Leung's potential. When signing the contract, she even hid her real age at a young age. Since then, the Emperor has begun to train her in all aspects, from language, music, dance to acting.

In 2004, Emperor held a grand debut ceremony for 17-year-old Liang Luoshi. The company spent millions of Hong Kong dollars and invited senior executives from major media to attend a banquet at 26 tables to witness the birth of this well-built "jade girl".

The pure and lovely image, coupled with the positioning of "the new version of Cecilia Cheung", made her quickly become the new favorite of the entertainment industry.

However, the road to fame is never easy. Faced with the sudden spotlight, Liang Luoshi was both excited and apprehensive. She knows that this is just the beginning of her acting career, and that there are more challenges waiting for her in the future.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

Emperor Entertainment tailored the song "Love to the End" for her, invited Chen Huiyang to compose the music, Lin Xi wrote the lyrics, and spent a lot of money to shoot the MV. Liang also strives to respond to the company's expectations, appearing frequently in major commercials and films.

In 2004, the movie "Insects Don't Know" starring her was released. Although her acting skills are still a little young, she exudes aura and unique temperament, allowing people to see her potential in the future.

In this way, Liang Luoshi embarked on her star journey and ran towards a bright future. However, she would not have imagined that greater challenges and turning points awaited her ahead.

In 2006, 19-year-old Liang Luoshi ushered in the first peak of his acting career. With her outstanding performance in the film "Isabella", she won the Golden Bauhinia Award for Best Newcomer in one fell swoop and was nominated for the Berlin Film Festival.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

This young girl seems to have transformed into a rookie in the film industry overnight, standing at the peak of her career, and her future seems bright.

However, fame comes not only with applause and flowers, but also with the stress and constraints that come with it. Just when Liang Luoshi thought that she was about to become a new generation of "teenage killers", a sudden scandal disrupted her rhythm.

The media broke out her close relationship with musician Chen Huiyang, although Liang Luoshi explained that it was just a simple music exchange, but it still caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

Emperor Entertainment has always been cautious about the love of its artists, and this scandal has become the reason for the company to "hide" Liang Luoshi. She was asked to take a break from work and reflect on her actions.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

This blow was undoubtedly heavy for the young Liang Luoshi. She began to question her choice and was unhappy with the company's approach.

Under these circumstances, the Emperor demanded that Liang Luoshi sign a new contract for 15 years on the condition that the "freezing period" be lifted. Faced with complex legal terms and financial pressures, she was only 19 years old at the time, and had no choice but to sign the contract.

This contract became the fuse for her conflict with the Emperor in the future.

Liang Luoshi was in a difficult situation. On the one hand, she is eager to return to the stage and continue to pursue her acting dreams; On the other hand, she felt constrained by the company and lost her freedom.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

This ambivalence made her think about her future.

Just when she was confused, fate arranged an unexpected turn for her. In 2008, the Emperor recommended her to Hollywood and participated in the filming of the movie "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor".

This was supposed to be an opportunity for Liang Luoshi's career to reach a higher level, but it unexpectedly became a turning point in her life.

On the set, she met Li Zekai, the second son of Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong. This encounter completely changed the trajectory of Liang Luoshi's life. She saw hope of getting rid of the shackles of the Emperor, and was also attracted by Li Zekai's mature charm.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

However, this choice did not come without a price. Liang Luoshi must face the difficult choice of whether to continue her acting career or devote herself to the life of a wealthy family. Her decision is not only related to her own future, but also affects her relationship with Emperor and the entire entertainment industry.

Standing at the crossroads of life, Liang Luoshi must make a choice. Do you stick to your acting dreams, or follow your inner feelings? This decision will completely change the trajectory of her life.

2008 was a year full of uncertainties for 21-year-old Liang Luoshi. On the set of the Hollywood blockbuster "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor", she met Li Zekai, the second son of Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong.

This business elite has always had a soft spot for mixed-race beauties, and he fell in love with Liang Luoshi at first sight.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

Li Zekai's appearance seems to have given Liang Luoshi an opportunity to escape from the predicament. She saw hope of getting rid of the shackles of the Emperor, and was also attracted by Li Zekai's mature charm.

For Liang Luoshi, who lacked father's love since childhood, Li Zekai is undoubtedly an object worth relying on.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. Emperor Entertainment learned that the artist he had carefully cultivated was about to be "snatched away", so he was naturally unwilling to let go. A tug-of-war over the contract begins.

Liang Luoshi, with the support of Li Zekai, bravely confronted the emperor in court, claiming that there was a serious inequality in the contract signed at the beginning.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

This lawsuit has touched the nerves of the entire entertainment industry. There was a lot of talk, some supporting Liang Luoshi's courage to pursue freedom, while others thought she was ungrateful. In the face of all kinds of pressure, Liang Luoshi's heart was also shaken, but Li Zekai's support gave her the courage to continue to fight.

In the end, with the financial support of Li Zekai, the emperor chose to reconcile. It is rumored that in order to win Liang Luoshi's freedom, Li Zekai paid as much as 200 million in liquidated damages.

Although this number is staggering, it is nothing to the Li family.

Liang Luoshi, who was freed, resolutely chose to quit the showbiz and devoted himself to his relationship with Li Zekai. She longs for a better life to become a wealthy lady, and also hopes to make up for the lack of fatherly love in her childhood.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

In 2009, Liang Luoshi gave birth to Li Zekai's first son, Li Changzhi. The following year, she gave birth to twin boys. In just two years, Liang Luoshi added three children to the Li family, and it seems that she is getting closer and closer to the happy life of her dreams.

However, the reality is always cruel. Despite giving birth to three children, Liang Luoshi never received the title of Mrs. Li.

In this relationship, Liang Luoshi gave his youth and career, but in exchange for an incomplete home. She used to think that as long as there was love and children, she could fill the void in her heart.

But as time went on, she realized that she could have lost more than she had gained.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

Just when the outside world thought that Liang Luoshi was about to achieve a positive result, a news that shocked the entertainment industry came: Li Zekai and Liang Luoshi broke up. It is rumored that Li Zekai put forward a staggering condition: as long as Liang Luoshi agrees to break up, he will give her 500 million yuan in compensation, plus 60 million yuan in child support every year.

This decision marks the shattering of Liang Luoshi's dream of becoming a wealthy family, and also indicates another turning point in her life. She had to face a difficult choice: should she continue to hold on to this unnamed relationship, or should she start over with a huge fortune? This decision will change the trajectory of her life again.

Faced with Li Zekai's breakup conditions, Liang Luoshi fell into deep thought. The dream of a wealthy family finally came to naught, but the reality in front of her gave her a chance to start over.

After careful consideration, she accepted the offer.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

With a huge fortune and three children, Liang Luoshi chose to go to Canada to start a new chapter in his life. There, she owned the mansion and luxury car that Li Zekai bought for her, and lived a worry-free life.

However, the former actress did not fall silent.

In 2018, 31-year-old Liang Luoshi decided to return to the entertainment industry. She participated in the popular variety show "Wonderful Story" and stood in front of the public again. In this comeback, she cautiously abided by three agreements with the Li family: not to make Hong Kong movies, not to mention the Li family in public, and not to shoot overly revealing scenes.

This comeback is of great significance to Liang Luoshi. It is not only an opportunity for her to regain her acting dream, but also the beginning of her redefining herself. Despite experiencing the ups and downs of wealthy romances, Liang Luoshi is not bound by the aura of the past.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

She faced the public with a new attitude, showing a more mature and confident side.

Liang Luoshi's comeback has aroused widespread attention and discussion in the society. Some admired her courage, while others questioned her motives. However, no matter what the outside world says, Liang Luoshi is firmly on the path she has chosen, and proves with her actions that she is still the entertainer full of charm and talent.

In the program "Wonderful Story", Liang Luoshi calmly faced her past, she said: "I have made my own choice, and I will never regret it!" This sentence has sparked a wide discussion in society.

Some admired her courage and honesty, while others questioned whether it was worth it for her three children in exchange for glory and wealth.

Liang Luoshi: Isn't it worth it to take three children for a lifetime of glory and wealth in the world?

In the face of these doubts, Liang Luoshi chose to remain silent. She knows that her life choices don't please everyone. She has gone through a tortuous and bumpy road, and although it has paid a huge price, it has also reaped rich rewards.

Now she has both wealth and her own career.

Perhaps, in Liang Luoshi's view, this is the best ending of her life. Her story is not only a legend about love, money and dreams, but also a deep reflection on self-awareness and life choices.

No matter how the outside world judges, Liang Luoshi always adheres to his choices and strives to shine at every stage of his life.

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