
Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

author:Sophie talks about the world
Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

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Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

Liang Luoshi lost her father's company since she was a child, which brought great regret to her life. The article mentions that her father died when she was only one year old, which undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to the whole family.

The mother raised three children by herself, and her life was in a difficult situation. What is even more tragic is that the father's relatives and friends have turned their backs on them during this difficult time, and the mother and daughter are struggling to maintain even the most basic survival.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

Young Liang Luoshi did not fully understand what was happening at that time, and her mother chose to hide the truth, until her daughter grew up and began to show some rebellious behavior, and her mother had to inform her of her father's death.

The shadow of the loss of his father hung over Liang throughout his childhood and adolescence. In order to make up for her deep desire for father's love, she often chooses men who are much older than herself when choosing a mate, as if she can find the warmth of her father's protection in their tall and majestic figures.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

When he met Li Zekai, who was 22 years older than him, Liang Luoshi was not disgusted, but felt a long-lost sense of security in him, as if his father's love had come to his side again.

So, she devoted herself to this relationship with a difference of 22 years with enthusiasm, and tried her best to get close to this person, as if everything was destined to be fate.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

In his youth, Watson had three sons and married into a wealthy family

During his love affair with Li Zekai, Liang Luoshi was blinded by the beauty of love and made some decisions that exceeded common sense. The article mentioned that before she and Li Zekai received their marriage certificates, she had given birth to three children for each other.

The people around him believe that with these three "chips" in hand, Liang Luoshi will be able to enter Li Zekai's house smoothly and become a veritable wealthy lady. Everyone has high expectations for her to marry into a wealthy family.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

However, the reality was not what everyone expected. Just when the outside world was expecting Liang Luoshi to marry into a wealthy family, a shocking news exploded like thunder - Liang Luoshi and Li Zekai broke up! The article wrote: "For a while, Liang Luoshi became a laughing stock on the Internet, and many people accused her of being just Li Zekai's fertility tool.

Regarding the result of the breakup, Liang Luoshi himself felt extremely painful. She once sincerely thought that after giving birth to three children for Li Zekai, they would definitely be able to form their own small family and enter the palace of marriage.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

But it backfired, and the two chose to part ways.

In the face of criticism and accusations from the outside world, Liang Luoshi could only endure silently. She was infamous as a "fertility tool" and was considered to be greedy for Li Zekai's wealth and status.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

But this is not the case, in an interview, she said sincerely: "I am just a woman who is in love, and I am with him out of sincere love, not for his wealth."

Raising three sons alone, strict discipline and not pampering

After the breakup, Liang Luoshi chose to raise three children independently. As a single mother, she adopted a strict approach to her children's education and never pampered them.

Liang Luoshi set a strict schedule for the three brothers, and when it was bedtime, no matter what the children were doing at the time, she would mercilessly confiscate electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets, and sometimes even cut off the Internet connection at home to prevent them from indulging in other forms of entertainment and abandoning their studies.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

Although the family hired a servant, the children's daily life is still managed by Liang Luoshi himself, which is no different from the pampered mode of other wealthy families. She insisted that her three children be self-reliant, and that they would only be given a moderate amount of pocket money each month, rather than a large amount of money to be squandered at one time.

If any wasteful behavior is found, Liang Luoshi will talk to them in time, teach them patiently, and help them establish a correct concept of money.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

This strict education method has made Liang Luoshi criticized by the outside world and is considered an "alternative wife". But she was always sure that she was doing the right thing, and even if the three children were already well-off, she could not allow them to be spoiled.

His grandfather, Li Ka-shing, wanted his three sons to receive a traditional education

Although the relationship between Liang Luoshi and Li Zekai has ended, his grandfather Li Ka-shing has always been kind and loving to these three grandsons. He not only continues to provide them with financial support, but also hopes that his three grandchildren can receive orthodox Chinese education and inherit the essence of Chinese culture.

During the festive season, Li Ka-shing would send a message asking Leung Lok-sze to return to Hong Kong with his three sons and reunite with him for a while. Liang Luoshi fully agreed with his grandfather's educational philosophy, and never raised any objections, but actively cooperated.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

Sure enough, under the influence of his grandfather's careful teaching, the three brothers all performed well, especially the eldest son Li Changzhi.

Once, after watching a film starring his mother, he immediately wrote a sharp, to-the-point and skillful film review, and even the veteran host Lu Yu was deeply impressed.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

Obviously, Li Changzhi's excellent writing ability comes from the influence of his grandfather Li Ka-shing, and it is inseparable from the silent dedication of his mother Liang Luoshi. Although my grandfather hoped that his grandchildren would be rooted in Chinese culture, it would have been difficult for my mother to achieve such excellent results if she had neglected supervision in her daily life.

It can be seen that the education of mothers plays an equally important role.

Seven years later, he became an ordinary friend with Li Zekai

After leaving Li Zekai, Liang Luoshi's heart experienced a long period of pain and suffering. It took her seven full years to finally let go of the relationship completely.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

In the past seven years, she has been suffering from her inner trauma alone every day, and occasionally she can't help but choke up and cry. Sometimes she can't help but inquire about Li Zekai's current situation, but more often she suppresses this desire, for fear that she will fall into the old shackles again and can't extricate herself.

Although Li Zekai gave her a breakup fee of up to hundreds of millions when they broke up, Liang Luoshi was not immersed in the comfort of money, but was indifferent to money. She understands that money can't make up for the regrets in her heart, and only time can slowly heal all the pain.

Liang Luoshi loves older men, gave birth to three sons, but was not greedy for Li Zekai's wealth, and raised the children alone

In the past seven years, Liang Luoshi often regrets why he was so blind in the first place, why he blindly worshiped Li Zekai as a god in his heart? She began to reflect that maybe if she had been more sensible, she would not have experienced the pain she has today.

However, no matter how much she regretted it, nothing in the past could be changed, and she could only move forward. For the sake of her three children, for her own sake, she must let go of this love and get back on her feet.

In this way, in the precipitation of the years, Liang Luoshi finally slowly left this relationship behind. When the host Lu Yu asked about her current relationship with Li Zekai, she said calmly: "Now we are just ordinary friends, and the lingering and lengthy feelings have quietly settled in my heart."

Seven years later, the pain of the past was finally healed. Now, Liang Luoshi can no longer find the kindness and warmth of the year in Li Zekai, they are just ordinary passers-by in life, and the most intimate bond only exists in each other's children.

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