
The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

author:Chen Shi's book

He was one of the founding generals of the People's Republic of China, and his life was full of achievements and mixed reputations.

His name was changed by the chairman for him, and then he was repeatedly promoted for his military exploits.

He participated in the revolution during the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and successively experienced the Long March, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

He is a fierce general, whether it is the command ability of the large corps, or the charge of the team, he is a good hand.

In the War of Liberation, he was without news for 33 hours, but it was crucial to the final annihilation of Liao Yaoxiang's corps.

wants to "kill" Huang Yongsheng

After the fall of Jinzhou in 1948, the elite main force of the Northeast Kuomintang Army, Liao Yaoxiang's Corps, fell into strategic confusion.

This force wandered in the western Liaoning region, and was hesitant to withdraw to Shenyang in the face of Chiang Kai-shek's iron-fisted orders to "advance westward" and restore control of Jinzhou, as well as instructions from Wei Lihuang, the commander of the "suppression" in the northeast.

The disagreement between the two high-level officials put Liao Yaoxiang in a dilemma and was unable to take effective action.

At the same time, the Liaoshen campaign ushered in a turning point under the continuous pressure of the Northeast People's Liberation Army.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

On October 19, 1948, after a long siege, Changchun was finally liberated, marking the successful conclusion of the first phase of the Liaoshen Campaign.

During this period, the PLA annihilated the Fan Hanjie group in Jinzhou and the Zheng Dongguo group in Changchun, totaling more than 200,000 people, and achieved remarkable results.

Entering the second stage of the Liaoshen Campaign, the Central Military Commission's original plan was to order the Northeast Field Army to pursue the victory and annihilate the Kuomintang Army's Eastern Advance Corps Hou Jingru's troops in the Jinxi and Huludao areas.

However, Lin Biao, the chief commander of Dongye, and his team analyzed that since the Hou Corps was backed by a seaport and had the possibility of retreating from the sea at any time, attacking them might only yield limited results.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

On the contrary, the complete annihilation of Liao Yaoxiang's corps was seen as the key to solving the northeast problem.

The Liao Corps was not only the backbone of the Kuomintang Northeast Army, but it was also well-equipped, mainly provided by the U.S. military, including the well-known New First Army and the New Sixth Army.

These two main forces of the national army put great pressure on Lin Biao in the early days of the Northeast Liberation War.

When it was decided to launch the main attack on the Liao Corps, the chief commander of Dongye issued a mobilization order, emphasizing that it was necessary to first encircle and suppress the Liao Yaoxiang Corps that attacked from Shenyang and wipe it out in the field battle.

Subsequently, the main force of the People's Liberation Army secretly advanced eastward from the direction of Jinzhou under the cover of night, covertly approaching the Liao Corps.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

On October 21, Liao's corps began to attack in the direction of Black Mountain and Dahu Mountain, and Lin Biao quickly made arrangements and ordered the 10th Column to block the enemy's vanguard, while the 6th Column was responsible for pinning down the enemy's rearguard.

However, the 10th Column, as a weak force, was under tremendous pressure.

In order to ensure comprehensive strategic coverage, on October 24, 1948, Lin Biao, together with Luo Ronghuan and Liu Yalou, issued an order to require the sixth column in charge of the "tail-dragging" task to carry out a high-risk forced march action, so as to go around the rear of the Liao Corps and carry out truncation.

Ensure that the Liao Corps has no way to escape, and the task of the sixth column is to "intercept the front" and form an encirclement trend.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

What is unbelievable is that after receiving the order, the sixth column seemed to evaporate from the world and mysteriously lost contact.

The column remained silent for a whole day and night, and no news came out of their location or the state of the battle.

Lin Biao and Liu Yalou were extremely anxious about this, and frequently asked Tan Yunhe if there were any new telegrams about the Sixth Column.

As a liaison officer, Tan Yunhe's task was to quickly convey urgent telegrams to the command headquarters when they received them from the front.

But there was no news about the sixth column.

The entire command was enveloped in an atmosphere of tension.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

It is worth mentioning that the Sixth Column is not only a main force in Dongye, but also has the famous "Ye Ting Independent Regiment".

At that time, the commander of the column was Huang Yongsheng, and the political commissar was Lai Chuanzhu.

Lin Biao once angrily said that if Liao Yaoxiang really escaped, Huang Yongsheng must be dealt with seriously.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

At the same time, Liu Yalou, who was even more short-tempered, was even more angry, bluntly saying that if the Liao Corps let go, then Huang Yongsheng must be shot.

Liao Yaoxiang has not yet been evacuated

In the dark of one night, the PLA's confidential office suddenly received a critical telegram.

This telegram was personally taken over by Tan Yunhe.

It was a secret telegram from Wei Lihuang, commander of the Kuomintang's northeast "suppression chief," to Liao Yaoxiang, which was intercepted and deciphered.

This secret telegram listed the camping sites of Liao's corps that night and the night deployment of the troops.

After Tan Yunhe checked the telegram, he couldn't help but get excited.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

It turned out that Liao Yaoxiang's troops were still lingering in the area of Black Mountain and Dahu Mountain and had not yet withdrawn.

In order to verify this important information, Tan Yunhe checked the various camping sites mentioned in the telegram against the map one by one, and confirmed that the Liao Corps did not show any signs of retreat.

After confirming that it was correct, he hurriedly took this telegram and a few blank telegrams and rushed to Lin Biao's room in a hurry.

According to the usual practice, Lin Biao would personally instruct the content of the combat telegram, which would be recorded and recited by Tan Yunhe to ensure the accuracy of the information.

This process usually involves a joint review by Tan Yunhe, Liu Yalou and political commissar Luo Ronghuan, and finally sent by the confidential department.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

That night, although Lin Biao went to bed early, it was obviously difficult to sleep peacefully.

Tan Yunhe excitedly pushed the door in, and reported continuously: "Liao Yaoxiang hasn't run yet!" Liao Yaoxiang hasn't run yet! ”

He then repeated the contents of Wei Lihuang's telegram to Lin Biao.

Tan Yunhe expected Lin Biao to immediately instruct a series of combat deployments after listening, but unexpectedly found that Lin Biao had no reaction to this news, and even had an expressionless face and was silent.

Thinking that he was reading too fast, Tan Yunhe asked if he needed to repeat it more slowly.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

In the absence of Lin Biao's explicit objection, he slowly reread the contents of the telegram again.

However, Lin Biao's reaction remained lukewarm, apparently skeptical of the authenticity of the telegram.

Lin Biao asked himself in his heart, why did Liao Yaoxiang not evacuate quickly after nearly ten days after the loss of Jinzhou, is he really willing to wait for the PLA to wipe them out?

Seeing that Lin Biao was still indifferent, Tan Yunhe left the room helplessly and disappointed.

As soon as he returned to the room, Liu Yalou called to ask.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

Liu Yalou eagerly asked him if the telegram he had just deciphered had been sent to Lin Biao.

Hanging up the phone, Tan Yunhe returned to Lin Biao's room again.

Liu Yalou's entrustment echoed in his ears.

This is a major event for military aircraft, and it cannot be delayed!

Tan Yunhe hesitated in his heart, but he understood that it was his duty to ensure that Lin Biao understood the urgency of the situation.

In Lin Biao's room, the atmosphere was depressing, and as soon as Tan Yunhe pushed the door, Lin Biao raised his head and asked, "Secretary Tan, what's the matter with you?" ”

Tan Yunhe took a deep breath and decided to re-elaborate the situation bluntly.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

He said straight to the point: "The telegram just now, maybe I didn't make it clear. When I returned, I carefully read the contents of the telegram and rechecked the map. I confirm that Liao Yaoxiang has indeed not retreated yet. I'm afraid I've missed the military plan, so I'd like to read it to you again to confirm. ”

Lin Biao's face still didn't have much expression, and he still had doubts about the authenticity of this telegram.

Tan Yunhe was desperate and began to repeat the content of the telegram word by word, hoping to dispel Lin Biao's doubts.

After reading it, Lin Biao was still silent, which made the atmosphere in the room more solemn.

Tan Yunhe mustered up his courage and tentatively suggested: "It seems that Liao Yaoxiang has not retreated yet, should we immediately generate electricity?" ”

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

Lin Biao pondered for a moment, and finally spoke, responding succinctly: "You can remember it." ”

He instructed the columns stationed around Jinzhou to rapidly advance to the front line of Montenegro and Dahushan with 100,000 troops, in an effort to annihilate the Liao Corps before it could fully react.

The six verticals that suddenly appeared

The next day, before dawn, the sixth column, which had been missing for a long time, suddenly appeared on the front line of the battlefield and solved the mystery in everyone's hearts the night before.

After receiving the order to force the march, this unit abandoned its backpacks and bags of dry rations, and did not even replenish basic rations.

The fighters ran so hard that some of them vomited blood from physical exhaustion, and they barely rested, let alone set up a radio station to get in touch with Higashino headquarters.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

At the dawn of dawn, the vanguard of the Sixth Column, the 16th Division (the division of Ye Ting's Independent Regiment), had crossed the Bac Ninh Railway and launched a surprise attack on Lijia Wopeng Station.

This cut off the retreat of the 14th Division of the New Third Army, the vanguard of the Liao Corps, which was trying to flee eastward to Shenyang.

A fierce battle ensued, and the battle intensified as the follow-up troops of the Liao Corps continued to arrive to support.

Immediately after, the 18th Division of the Sixth Column also quickly arrived on the battlefield, increasing the firepower of the front.

When the news reached the ears of Lin Biao and Liu Yalou, they were very excited about Huang Yongsheng's telegram report.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

They immediately telegraphed back to Huang Yongsheng, the content of the telegram was strongly worded, ordering his troops to resolutely intercept the enemy army and never allow Liao's corps to have any chance to break through the encirclement.

At the same time, Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan, and Liu Yalou also issued orders, requiring the main force from Jinzhou to speed up its march and form a clamp on the Liao Corps.

By October 26, the retreat of the Liao Corps had been completely blocked, and the army of Dongye pounced like a flood of beasts, and the formation of the Liao Corps was completely dispersed.

The Liao Corps, which had fallen into organizational disarray, suffered heavy losses to its troops and military headquarters.

In the melee, Liao Yaoxiang had to flee to the headquarters of the new 22nd Division in Dahushan, where he temporarily commanded the division to resist. However, the rest of the corps was no longer capable of forming an effective battle.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

By October 28, the Liao army, which had 100,000 troops, was completely annihilated in the chaos, and Liao Yaoxiang was also captured.

The local people have a superstitious explanation for the defeat of the new 22nd Division, they say: "When the Tiger Division went to Dahu Mountain, it was a taboo. ”

Soon after, Wei Lihuang also fled from Shenyang by plane, and the entire northeast was finally liberated.

It can be said that in this battle, the six columns led by Huang Yongsheng played a vital role in the total annihilation of Liao Yaoxiang's corps.

Mixed reputation, ups and downs for a lifetime

Huang Yongsheng's life has both heroism on the battlefield and ups and downs in life.

It can be described as "great achievements and mixed reputations".

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

Huang Yongsheng (formerly known as Huang Xuqian) is an ordinary farmer's child with an ordinary family background.

In 1926, at the age of 16, he married a virtuous wife who was a year older than him, and although her wife was virtuous and capable, it did not prevent him from becoming addicted to gambling because of the social ethos.

Under the heavy debt, the creditor came to the door day and night to collect the debt.

When Huang Xuqian was forced to be helpless, he chose to flee and stepped into Chongyang County in 1927 and became a militia soldier of the county regimental defense bureau.

At that time, Ye Chongkai, the head of the Chongyang County People's League and the director of the Youth League Defense Bureau, was a secret Communist Party member who transformed the militia into a part of the local red forces.

In this special collective, Huang Xuqian's life trajectory has undergone a fundamental change.

On September 9, 1927, he participated in the far-reaching Autumn Harvest Uprising, and went to Jinggangshan with the team to join the revolution.

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours

In a battle in Jinggangshan, when the enemy army raided, Huang Xuqian, as the squad leader, did not wait for the order of his superiors, and immediately led the soldiers to counterattack, successfully defending the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army.

The action was praised by Mao Zedong, the former party secretary and party representative.

When Mao Zedong learned of his name, he thought that "money for money" was too materialistic and did not conform to the spirit of the Communists.

Mao Zedong renamed him "Huang Yongsheng" on the spot, implying that he should always fight for victory, and should not only seek temporary gains and losses.

Huang Yongsheng's military career has since entered the fast lane.

In 1955, he was appointed commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, and in the same year he was awarded the rank of general, becoming one of the senior generals after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 1973, Huang Yongsheng was expelled from the party, and his career fell from the peak to the bottom.

He died in Qingdao in April 1983.


Huang Yongsheng's ups and downs


董保存主编. 四两拨千斤[M]. 2010

The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours
The vital general of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps, who had a mixed reputation in his life, once lost contact for 33 hours