
Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

author:Chen Shi's book

During the years of the revolutionary war, the revolutionaries of the older generation made very great sacrifices.

It is not only a personal sacrifice, but also the countless efforts of family and relatives.

Many revolutionary comrades of the older generation had to separate one party after marriage, and some even separated forever.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Beacon Youth sent to the Party School, and tenacity and Lingxiu went to Yan'an

In the spring of 1938, the Yan'an Central Party School was a place where young talents gathered, and it was a place that many fiery youths yearned for.

In these years full of passion and ideals, Yi Jijun passed the organization's layers of review, stepped into this fertile soil, and became a member of the 13th class.

At that time, she was twenty-four years old, neither tall nor short, with a pair of clear and slightly reserved big eyes on her melon seed face, and she was radiant and quite beautiful.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Yi Jijun was originally a cheerful woman, happy to sing and dance, and was born with a literary soul.

Therefore, she naturally served as a member of the entertainment committee in her class.

In those days at the Central Party School, the 13th class led by her won many good results in various theatrical performances and won frequent awards.

I remember that it was one evening in the early summer of May 1938, and the central organs held a grand theatrical evening, and even Chairman Mao was present at the scene.

That night, Yi Jijun and his classmates performed a double reed, during which her vivid performance made the audience laugh, and even Chairman Mao laughed out loud.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

He curiously asked Zhang Wentian beside him: "Where did this student come from?" ”

Zhang Wentian replied: "Sichuan's." ”

Mao Zedong nodded and smiled: "She is small and exquisite, and her performance is flexible, if she doesn't see it, she probably thinks it's a little mouse dancing." ”

Zhang Wentian also echoed: "Indeed, it looks like a clever little mouse." ”

Although Yi Jijun is young and pretty, what she has is not only the agility in appearance, but also a tenacious revolutionary heart.

Her revolutionary experience is not necessarily below that of the more well-known fighters.

Yi Jijun is a native of Hechuan County, Sichuan, and was originally born in a wealthy family.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

However, when she was 12 years old, her parents died suddenly, and her family fell into the middle of the road, and her life has been turbulent ever since.

She only spent two short years in a normal school, and because her family was poor, she could not continue to pay her tuition fees, so she had to drop out of school.

Later, she became a little teacher in a kindergarten.

In the spring of 1931, Yi Jijun went to Shanghai, got a job in a yarn factory, and worked hard.

The following year, about April Day, she was attracted by the light of the underground party, so she was cultivated by the organization and honored to join the party.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Three months later, at a rally to "oppose the Hemei Agreement and raise funds to aid the Northeast Volunteers", she was arrested by the military and police for betrayal as a traitor, and was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

In 1937, just as the Kuomintang and the Communist Party announced their second cooperation, Zhou Enlai, on behalf of the Central Committee, went south to Nanjing, negotiated with the Kuomintang authorities, and finally rescued a group of Communist Party members who were imprisoned in Nanjing's No. 1 Model Prison.

In this dark and lightless prison, Yi Jijun survived four years of misery behind bars, regained his freedom with revolutionary comrades such as Shuai Mengqi, Qian Ying, and Xia Zhixu, and then went to the holy land of Yan'an.

Despite years of imprisonment, Yi Jijun's youthful vitality has not eroded, but has become more tenacious and persistent.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Her optimistic personality is particularly dazzling and shining in the study and life of the Yan'an Central Party School.

On the bank of the Yanshui River, the bosom friend is encountered, and the red line is drawn under the pagoda mountain

In 1938, when the revolution was in full swing, the Central Party School was often visited by leaders of various departments of the Party Central Committee.

Among the lecturers, there was a man named Wang Guanlan, who was then deputy secretary of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border District Party Committee and head of the United Front Work Department.

Wang Guanlan taught in the 13th class, Yi Jijun was one of them, her bright eyes and lively personality left a deep impression on Wang Guanlan's heart.

One day, Wang Guanlan returned to his cave and mentioned Yi Jijun to his wife Xu Mingqing.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

He said: "This Yi Jijun, no matter how I look at it, I feel pleasing to the eye. Such a good girl, probably I want to put a red thread on her. ”

"Whose end of the red line is tied to whom?" Xu Mingqing asked curiously.

Wang Guanlan replied without thinking: "Wang Shoudao." ”

Xu Mingqing was silent, and Wang Guanlan asked, "What, isn't it okay?" ”

"It's not impossible," Xu Mingqing replied, "I'm thinking, young women in Yan'an are so rare, Yi Jijun is young and beautiful, and so outstanding in all aspects, I'm afraid Wang Shoudao himself will not have confidence." ”

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Wang Guanlan thought about it carefully, and said: "Yes, the age difference between the two of them is not small, Wang Shoudao has a history of marriage, not to mention that Wang Quanyuan has not heard from him so far...... But Wang Shoudao is not bad. I don't think the problem is too big, one day call him, we will cheer him up! ”

A week later, Wang Shoudao came to Wang Guanlan's house by appointment, and the two "families" chatted cordially.

Wang Guanlan suddenly turned to Wang Shoudao's personal question.

As soon as he mentioned this, Wang Shoudao's mood suddenly fell a little.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

"First of all, you are standing in the old age, it's time to plan for your future. Wang Quanyuan has not heard from him for so long, probably sacrificing ...... You've been waiting for three years, and it's time to have a home. ”

After hearing this, Wang Shoudao tried his best to hide the grief in his heart, and forced a smile: "Home? Yan'an is my home, and the Party Central Committee is my home. ”

"Don't lie to us, tell you seriously, there is a student named Yi Jijun in Class 13 of the Central Party School, who often performs on stage, do you know this person?" Wang Guanlan said seriously.

Wang Shoudao thought for a moment and replied frankly: "I don't know." ”

Xu Mingqing said: "If you don't know, I'll tell you about her situation." ”

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

After listening to Yi Jijun's introduction, Wang Shoudao fell into deep thought, and finally said embarrassedly: "Thank you for your concern...... But you know my situation. I'm in a dilemma, on one side is Wang Quanyuan has no news, I can't let go, and on the other hand, Xiaoyi's conditions are so good in all aspects, I'm afraid I don't deserve ......"

Wang Guanlan laughed: "Your sister-in-law is not wrong, first of all, you yourself are not confident, this is not good." We all know your feelings, and that's how the situation is on Wang Quanyuan's side. As you know, according to the "Marriage Law" of the Chinese Soviet Government, if there is no news between husband and wife for two years, the relationship between husband and wife can be automatically dissolved. You've been separated for three years, and now I'm introducing you to one, why do you quit as soon as you say it? ”

Wang Shoudao heard him say this, his face turned a little red, so he had to agree to meet him, even if people didn't look down on him, it was fine.

Under Xu Mingqing's careful arrangement, Wang Shoudao and Yi Jijun finally met.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

On that day, the sun slipped quietly from the top of the pagoda in Yan'an, reflecting the first time the two looked at each other and smiled.

In this first encounter, both of them left a deep imprint on each other's hearts.

To Wang Shoudao's surprise, this seemingly weak girl actually organized a labor uprising in Shanghai, led the workers to fight against the capitalists, bravely participated in the activities of the underground party, and even spent four years behind bars in the Kuomintang.

After experiencing so many setbacks and tribulations, she still maintains an optimistic and lively attitude, which can really be described as a phoenix nirvana, better than before.

In front of this young and energetic Yi Jijun, Wang Shoudao felt that his long-sealed emotional world began to slowly recover.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

For Yi Jijun, the image of Wang Shoudao is also a symbol of loyalty and generosity.

He has a good figure, although his face is thin but heroic, and the vicissitudes of life on his forehead have witnessed his extraordinary journey.

Since Wang Shoudao joined the revolution in 1925, at the age of 20, he has served as secretary of the county party committee, secretary of the special committee, secretary of the Hunan and Jiangxi provincial party committee, and even the 25,000-mile long march of the Central Red Army.

More than ten years of revolutionary trials and hardships have tempered him into an invincible party cadre.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

That night, the two walked along the banks of the Yanshui River and under the pagoda mountain, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on them, and the feelings slowly grew.

During the long conversation, they talked to each other, and built a bridge between hearts and minds in soft whispers.

In this sacred land, the two hearts gradually get closer, and each other's ideals and emotions are intertwined.

However, just when they thought that their road to love could be smooth sailing, new troubles quietly came.

Misunderstandings are easy to understand, and we will join hands with the revolution to share a white head

Yi Jijun was just immersed in love, but one day, she overheard gossip about Wang Shoudao.

Someone said: "Don't look at Wang Shoudao is only in his thirties, but he is already a person who has married three wives!" Yi Jijun is young, how could he fall in love with him? ”

This sentence pierced Yi Jijun's heart and made her fall into deep distress and uneasiness.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

For an unmarried woman, such words are undoubtedly a heavy blow.

Her emotional world was turbulent because of this, and from the next day, she began to deliberately alienate Wang Shoudao, and she shirked not seeing each other for several days.

Wang Shoudao noticed the strangeness between them, and felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

He knew that his past marriage history was sensitive and fragile, and when he thought of this, he felt extremely discouraged, and even lost the courage to see Yi Jijun again.

His heart was filled with pain, as if a heart had been emptied.

After Wang Guanlan and his wife, who were concerned about Wang Shoudao's lifelong events, learned all this, they decided to report this trouble to their superiors.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

They briefed Liu Shaoqi on the situation, hoping to help.

So, one day, Yi Jijun was summoned to Liu Shaoqi's office.

She thought that the organization was looking for her to talk, but she didn't expect Liu Shaoqi's topic to point directly to the problem between her and Wang Shoudao.

"Comrade Ji Jun, the first way is my fellow countryman, and I know him no less than you. You have known him for a long time, and you should have a sense of his character. Nowadays, some people talk about him 'having married three wives', do you know the truth behind it? ”

Yi Jijun showed a puzzled expression, obviously ignorant of this matter.

It turned out that Wang Shoudao's first wife, Wang Shaokun, was captured by the enemy during a retreat and was brutally killed, and her head was even cruelly hung on the city wall of Liuyang by the enemy.

During Wang Shoudao's tenure as secretary of the Hunan and Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, he was dismissed due to a wrongful sentence, and his second wife, Feng Julian, was forced to 'draw a line' with him.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Feng Julian was reluctant to divorce Wang Shoudao at first, and even protested by hanging herself, but after all, she failed to resist political pressure and had to leave him.

As for his third wife, Wang Quanyuan, the head of the Women's Pioneer Regiment of the Red Army of the Western Route Army, disappeared in a battle three years ago and has not been heard from so far, and everyone thinks she has died.

Hearing this, Yi Jijun's mood was complicated.

She realized that she didn't know enough about Wang Shoudao, and that her previous suspicions and misunderstandings made her feel ashamed.

Liu Shaoqi paused slightly on the old wooden chair in the office, and revealed the truth to Yi Jijun in a somewhat heavy voice.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

"Can you blame Shoudao for this? Now that he is indeed alone, you must not listen to those untargeted gossip. You should use your own wisdom to judge. ”

"I can tell you responsibly that Wang Shoudao is a trustworthy and good comrade, and when he falls in love with you, he is also recognized by the organization, and the organization agrees."

Yi Jijun never thought that the essence of the matter was like this, and his heart was deeply touched.

From these experiences, it is not difficult to see that Wang Shoudao is a person who is deeply affectionate and worthy of entrusting him for life.

In September 1938, in a simple cave in Yangjialing, Wang Shoudao and Yi Jijun held their simple and warm wedding.

Even in the midst of their busy schedules, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi, Zhang Wentian and other central leaders also came to bless them.

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed

Wang Shoudao, who doesn't speak much on weekdays and has an introverted personality, always has a smile on his lips at the moment.

From that day on, Yi Jijun and Wang Shoudao joined hands and embarked on a common life journey.

They have been in love with each other, never abandoned, supported each other, and walked through countless spring and autumn together.

Their love, in the wind and rain of the revolution, is like the tenacious willow tree, which has become more and more tenacious through wind and frost.


Pulling the red line at the foot of the pagoda mountain - Wang Shoudao and Yi Ji are both married and in love in Yan'an

Yi Jijun heard that Wang Shoudao had married 3 wives, and immediately stayed away from him, Liu Shaoqi: The organization agreed