
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

If you want to say that the skill you want to have the most when you are a child, it is stealth.

Whether it's stealing a fruit or playing tricks on a companion, as soon as the stealth technique takes effect, the world is at your disposal.

Little people have to be chased by happiness.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

When I grew up, I realized that sometimes it's not good to be too transparent.

Especially when you're in a place that's a provincial capital, but it's so transparent that no one knows about it.

Generally speaking, a provincial capital is a local administrative, economic, transportation, and cultural center. If it is an autonomous region, it is called the "capital". It should be the most high-profile place in the province.

But there are some places that don't take the usual path and are low-key and unrecognized. If you encounter a bad history and geography, you don't know what to ask, don't say that you have the right name, and even the direction is difficult to describe.

Today, let's go with Jiwujun to see, who are the top ten provincial capitals with the least sense of existence in China?

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

• Listen to the sound group of sea crying •

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Xining people have a life destined to drift.

Where is Xining? Some people say Tibet, some say Ningxia, and some simply say it's in Lhasa.

As the capital of Qinghai Province, Xining's popularity is even less than that of Qinghai Lake.

When the people who travel to check in come, they don't even know that they are in Xining, and the blue sky train rape flowers are more famous than Xining.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

The real Xining is actually a summer resort and a happy hometown for travelers.

The Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau meet in Xining, where Han and Tibetan cultures meet. The diverse geological combination makes the temperature cold in summer, and it is a veritable "summer capital of China".

The snow water bubbling down the Qilian Mountains nourishes the cattle and sheep on the pasture. The flavor opens and closes here-

A bowl of haggis soup on Xiguan Street, as well as the fresh aroma of mutton in a kang pot, can make the happiness index rise fiercely.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Freshly cooked steamed carbs, noodle soup, stir-fried wine, steaming Gamen slices and clay hot pot, the diversity of ethnic groups is hidden in the diverse cuisine.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Sunshine, coconut palms, flip-flops, where is this?

Just listen to the neat and uniform answers from the audience-


However, open the map of Hainan, its provincial capital is called Haikou.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Located at the edge of the low-latitude tropics, Haikou has its unique charm of the old street under the tropical style.

The overseas Chinese who returned from Nanyang at the beginning of the last century built a arcade here, and now it is also embellished with the fragrance of triangular plum.

Locals will drink a pot of dad tea with three or two friends in their leisure time, leisurely.

Young people who come back from cycling from Binhai Avenue will drink a bowl of 5 yuan of refreshing cool in a familiar shop to feel the heartiness of summer.

Life in Haikou is very slow and slow, not as crowded as Sanya, but retains the precious fireworks.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Figure 1 | Yueyue settled in Hainan~ ©

• I'm too south of the group •

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

When a city in a southern province has "south" in its name, it will "go south to the south" if you are not careful.

That's right, it's you, Nanning!

As a Nanning person, there is always a time in my life when I introduce my hometown, I am killed by the other party in seconds-

"The abbreviation of Guangxi is 'Gui', isn't the provincial capital Guilin?"

Nanning, known as "Yong" in ancient times. In addition to the Han nationality, ethnic minorities such as the Zhuang, Miao, and Yao also thrive here.

If you have a Nanning friend, then there will definitely be "holiday envy syndrome". Because they not only have March 3, but also the special holiday of the ASEAN Expo, they can enjoy the pleasure of life leisurely.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

▲ March 3rd special food: colorful glutinous rice (picture | Jiebang Village-Ah Lang © )

Come to Nanning and be an old friend. In addition to old friend noodles, old friend noodles, roll noodles, small trams, you also have to try the delicious lemon duck.

Spicy with sour, sour and spicy, sour and spicy converge, duck meat with garlic and sour ginger seasoning, the more you go, the more flavorful.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Figure | Tsukasa © Sasaki

The essence of Nanning people's food lies in "shudder"——

Powder, duck, snails, fried snails with the smell of perilla, snails with sour bamboo shoots, snail pot with sour bamboo shoots, a mouthful of your soul, will be remembered for many years.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Shandong is a magical place.

Not to mention Zibo and Weifang, which have recently caught fire. Let's just say that the twin stars of Qingdao and Yantai are brighter than Jinan.

However, Jinan, the spring city, is a place with a high sense of happiness.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

As a provincial capital, it is not like other places to engage in infrastructure construction, paying attention to "mountain and city looking at each other", leaving the best view of the scenery.

Daming Lake, Thousand Buddha Mountain, Baotu Spring, Wulong Pond...... In Jinan, there are not only lakes and mountains, but also expected to enter the sea by boat to realize the resumption of navigation of the Xiaoqing River.

Here, everyone respectfully calls the teacher, and cherries and mulberries are free to enjoy in summer.

The rectangular handle meat flows with salty and fresh soup, fat and thin, leaving an aftertaste.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

The fresh milk soup and the unique shape of the sour dip are full of surprises.

"Soybeans are ground into white milk slurry", chili pepper and sesame oil are added, and Shanghe old tofu is served with fried dough sticks and baked cakes, which is comfortable and warm.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Just like Lao She said-

"An old city, with mountains and water, is it an ideal realm to bask in the sun under the sky, sleep warmly and comfortably, just waiting for the spring breeze to wake them up?"

The charm of Jinan can only be seen by those who have a heart.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Nanchang, the provincial capital, is very unique.

Those who know Nanchang do not know that it is in Jiangxi, and those who know it in Jiangxi do not necessarily know that it is the capital of Jiangxi Province.

In short, few people can get the Nanchang-Jiangxi-provincial capital question right.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

▲ Nanchang Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi

Nanchang is a veritable star-studded city.

"Luoxia and lonely birds fly together, and the autumn water grows together in the sky" is written in Nanchang; The birthplace of the August 1st Uprising and the People's Liberation Army is still Nanchang.

The water of the Ganjiang River nourishes the character of Nanchang people, and the blood and gas in their bones are strong, and it also shapes their vigorous soul.

Mixed noodles with crockpot soup, walking all over the country's takeaway alleys, people are so spicy that the chopsticks still can't be put down.

But in addition to eating noodles, Nanchang people can also break through the imagination of foodies.

Fish soaked in oil, stir-fried crab legs, cold lotus root, fresh and sour and spicy, mixed with rice with soup, the whole plate is eaten.

Steamed pork, simmered pig's feet, rich and tender, and stir-fried bacon with quinoa, take you to feel the finale of the most Nanchang flavor.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

• Free Freedom Group •

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

If Jiangxi's lack of existence has affected the popularity of Nanchang to some extent. Then Ningxia's lack of existence is that it has not left a way back for Yinchuan at all.

In other places, at most, it is impossible to distinguish between the provincial capital and the city, and when it comes to Ningxia-

"I know, Ningxia is from Gansu!"

The people of Ningxia were speechless and burst into tears.

Not to mention Yinchuan, even Ningxia went next door.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

As the capital of Ningxia, Yinchuan is actually quaint and modern.

In the early morning, the Ningxia accent sounded in the morning market, and people gathered around the melons, fruits and vegetables with water droplets, and selected today's recipes. The bustling crowd and lively sounds converge into a scene of life in the gradually brightening daylight.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Figure 1, 2 | Long Island Iced Tea is half sweet ©

In the evenings, young people play rock and rap, watch theater and stars, and look forward to the music festival on the weekend...... Live to the fullest in every moment.

If you come to Yinchuan, go for a stroll through the vast tombs of the Western Xia kings and explore the mysteries of ancient Western Xia. Don't forget to try the wine made from local grapes and feel the beauty of the water and soil at the foot of Helan Mountain.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Tan sheep is made into hand-grabbed mutton, with its own milky fragrance, with shallots, lips and teeth fragrant. Steamed lamb is stuffed with fragrant rice, and the aroma is lingering. If you like spicy food, you must not miss the spicy paste, stuffed skin, and rolled cold skin.

One hot and one cold, even if you gain weight, it is also the weight of happiness.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

How many people mention Fujian, which is automatically associated with southern Fujian?

But the real Fujian, in addition to southern Fujian, also has eastern Fujian, western Fujian, central Fujian, and northern Fujian......

Fuzhou, the provincial capital of Fujian, is located in eastern Fujian. Every time he is true to the Xiazhangquan PK in southern Fujian, he suffers a little loss in popularity.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

When you approach Fuzhou, you will find that it hides many surprises, not only three lanes and seven lanes and fish balls.

For example, Pingtan was on fire some time ago because of blue tears, and it is in the county under the jurisdiction of Fuzhou.

Another example is that people who love carbs arrive in Fuzhou, just like returning to their hometown.

The hot and smooth taro paste is mixed with a light sweetness and fine graininess, with an infinite aftertaste; A bowl of freshly served pot side batter or meat swallow is very fresh and fragrant, and it warms people's hearts when eaten.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Fuzhou people stroll in the streets and alleys, meet the old banyan tree, and the time is quiet. When a distinguished guest visits, a table of delicacies from the mountains and seas can also highlight the nobility of the birthplace of Fujian cuisine.

Fuzhou needs to be quietly tasted, and the more you taste, the more surprises you have.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

• Deep Hidden Gong and Famous Group •

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

I have never seen a province that does not have a sense of existence than Shanxi.

Holding the most ancient buildings in China, the quietest cultivation of tourism.

So it's understandable that its provincial capital, Taiyuan, is not famous.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

▲ Taiyuan Shouyi Gate

But you know what?

"The mountains are green, the rivers are picturesque, and the famous capital has been merged with the state since ancient times", which is written in Taiyuan.

It was called Jinyang in ancient times, also known as Dragon City. There are more than 2,500 years of history of the city, there are twin towers, there are grottoes, there are lakes, surrounded by mountains on three sides, in fact, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

▲ Taiyuan Tianlong Mountain Grottoes

Lin Huiyin has seen the Jin Temple in Taiyuan, and praised the "indescribable beauty of the Great Garden", which can let you see the ancient buildings of the Republic of China from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and every step is hundreds of years.

It's thoughtful and quiet. When you let go of your prejudice against vinegar and coal, and walk slowly along the streets of Fenhe Park, you will find that the blue sky and white clouds are also leisurely.

Taiyuan people have a bowl of head with rice wine in the morning, and cook a bowl of lo noodles at night, with wheat fragrance and toppings, while relieving a thousand sorrows.

If you are a noodle lover, you can also try fat intestine noodles, dipping slices, steamed dumplings with beef and mutton, and a bowl of meatball soup, all of which are the king of cost performance.

There is also my favorite yellow rice cake, soft and glutinous little yellow rice, with dried dates, raisins and osmanthus nectar, and the mouth is full of fragrance.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Figure | Ruoxi ©

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

said that Anhui was transparent, and it was somewhat wronged.

Not to mention the Hui architecture and Hui merchant culture, let's talk about the signboard of Huangshan and the flavor of stinky mandarin fish, Chinese more or less know.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

But when it comes to the provincial capital of Anhui, many people will smile meaningfully.

Either joked that "Huijing" is Nanjing, or ridiculed whether the name "Hefei" implies the trouble of losing weight.

However, if you focus on it seriously, Hefei, can't you really be the representative of Anhui?

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

▲ Hefei South First Ring Wulidun Viaduct (Figure | Picture Worm Creative © )

Hefei is often ridiculed as "two fat" nowadays, but in the distant past, its name was Luzhou.

The capital of Jianghuai and Wu Chu are not only the treasures of the University of Science and Technology of China, but also the highlights of science and technology.

The settlement of Weilai Automobile headquarters, BOE's "big bet", and a number of industrial clusters have made Hefei rise against the trend.

But when you come to Hefei, you will find that it also retains the daily life of Enron.

On weekends, people in Hefei will go to Swan Lake for a stroll, and they will also look for Sanhe rice dumplings, loach noodles, cold rice noodles, or a bowl of Feixi old hen soup in the streets and alleys.

Hefei, which is neither south nor north, may not be the same as you think.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed
China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Hebei, a province that has been spared by both internet trolls and regional blackmail.

Without him, even the local food has to give up a seat to Shijiazhuang authentic Anhui beef noodles.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

For many years, Hebei has been like a silent shadow, hollowing out the heart for blood transfusion, and the glorious history has been heavily buried.

And its provincial capital, Shijiazhuang, has also undergone many changes before. Hejian, Baoding, Tianjin, Beijing...... The provincial capitals that have been moved back and forth have changed 11 times in more than 50 years.

You may have heard "I am Changshan Zhao Zilong", but if I say Changshan, it is in Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang, maybe you can empathize with the embarrassment of Shijiazhuang people.

History can't compare to Handan, and the economy is not the first, until the rock trend swept away, Shijiazhuang began to joke that "International Village" is really amazing.

When more and more people came to Shijiazhuang, they found that -

It turns out that there is a Chinese version of Hogwarts, and you can also feel the traces of history in the ancient city of Zhengding.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

Figure | Picture Worm Creativity ©

It is also one of the main hubs of railway transportation in China.

It used to be coal and iron ore, and now it is communication and materials, through which it can reach all directions.

And there are also Zhaozhou Bridge in books, and exquisite Buddha statues and Zen style ancient charm in Longxing Temple.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

This city is like its food, oven baked cakes, Majia braised chicken, not deliberately exquisite, but has a down-to-earth warmth.

The people who are in a hurry are here, resting here, a bowl of beef soup, a bite of beef pancakes, the heat is thick, and the fragrance is fragrant.

People who don't love always feel mediocre, but those who love can soothe their tired hearts with a bowl of noodles.

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed

In fact, looking at provincial capitals that have no sense of existence, they are usually not Internet celebrities enough, but for locals, they have warm memories.

And for outsiders, there may also be novelties that have not been experienced.

As a friend who loves to travel said-

"Cities should not only represent economy and fame, every place in China is worth exploring, and each city hides a unique beauty."

In your heart, who is the provincial capital with the least sense of existence? Welcome to chat with us in the comment area~

China's top ten provincial capitals with the most non-existent sense of existence, I can't name them if I want to feel distressed


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