
Li Hongzhang's descendants have produced three billionaires, what about Zuo Zongtang? The contrast between the two is full of emotion


In the late Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang, two dazzling ministers in Chinese politics, left a rich historical legacy for future generations with their respective political wisdom and attitudes towards money. Their stories are not only a reflection of personal value orientation, but also a microcosm of the social landscape of that era.

Li Hongzhang's descendants have produced three billionaires, what about Zuo Zongtang? The contrast between the two is full of emotion

Li Hongzhang, as a leading figure in the Westernization Movement, promoted China's early industrialization process. However, the wealth he has accumulated in the process has also made him controversial. According to historical records, the wealth of Li Hongzhang's family is huge, and the prosperity of his family members overseas, and even three billionaires have appeared, which can be seen from the folk evaluation of "Prime Minister Hefei is thin in the world". During the Westernization Movement, he amassed enormous wealth through government-run enterprises, such as the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, and the key positions in these enterprises were held by his cronies, ensuring that the greatest beneficiary of the wealth was Li Hongzhang himself.

In stark contrast to Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang's incorruptible image. Zuo Zongtang, as a national hero who recovered Xinjiang and promoted national reunification, his view of money and the way he handled wealth are admirable. Although officials in the late Qing Dynasty generally enjoyed a generous pension, Zuo Zongtang chose an unusual path. He generously donated his personal and family wealth to the needy and military expenses, while living a very simple life.

Li Hongzhang's descendants have produced three billionaires, what about Zuo Zongtang? The contrast between the two is full of emotion

Zuo Zongtang's family style is equally admirable. He was strict with his children, teaching them to be self-reliant and not dependent on the shadow of their grandparents. In his will, he made it clear that his pension would not be used for the prosperity of the family, but would be spread to those who needed it more. This kind of indifference to fame and fortune and the feeling of the world in mind is in stark contrast to Li Hongzhang's wealth accumulation.

In the third year of Guangxu (1877), in the face of a once-in-a-century drought in Shanxi, Henan and other places, Zuo Zongtang donated 10,000 taels of silver at one time, reflecting his deep understanding of social responsibility. He wrote in a letter to his family: "Thinking of the family's financial resources, I don't want to send more, but the situation is difficult, and the army owes pay for seven months, and I can't bear to send more." This reflects that he has always put the needs of the country and its people first, even in the face of family difficulties.

Li Hongzhang's descendants have produced three billionaires, what about Zuo Zongtang? The contrast between the two is full of emotion

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang's outlook on money and attitude towards life have become a dimension for future generations to evaluate them. Li Hongzhang's accumulation of wealth, although it brought prosperity to the family, also raised questions about his methods. Zuo Zongtang's poor life and generous donation have won people's respect and admiration.

In today's society, we look back at the stories of these two historical figures, not only to understand their lives, but also to draw wisdom and inspiration from them. How to find a balance between material pursuits and spiritual values, and how to choose between personal interests and social responsibilities, is a question that everyone needs to think about. The stories of Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang are like two mirrors, reflecting different life trajectories, and also inspiring us to reflect deeply on wealth, power and the value of life. Their life choices are still instructive to us today, teaching us what attitudes and values we should have in the face of wealth.

Li Hongzhang's descendants have produced three billionaires, what about Zuo Zongtang? The contrast between the two is full of emotion


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