
She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

author:Flying Pigeon Literary Society
She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get
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She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

In 1997, in the cold wind of Beijing, 32-year-old Zhao Lijuan received an unexpected phone call. On the other end of the phone, Qiong Yao's team sincerely invited her to play the role of "Concubine Ling" in "Huanzhu Gege".

As an actor who has been focusing on drama for many years, Zhao Lijuan does not have much interest in the film and television industry. However, the director's words ignited a spark in her: "This is a very challenging female number two role.

As everyone knows, this decision will completely change the trajectory of her life. It not only made her move from the drama stage to the screen and became a household name "Concubine Lingniang", but also made her face a painful choice at the peak of her career: she had to give up her first child for the role.

In the hutongs of Beijing, a little girl's dream quietly sprouts. Zhao Lijuan, an authentic Beijing girl, has had a special love for performing arts since she was a child.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

While the other children were immersed in playing, the young Zhao Lijuan stepped into the dance studio of the Children's Palace alone. Although her parents were puzzled, they also supported their daughter's choice, and just told her that the road to her dream needs to be paved diligently.

With her enthusiasm for acting, Zhao Lijuan was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with excellent results. In this hall that has cultivated countless performing arts elites, she is hungry for nutrients to absorb performance, laying a solid foundation for her future acting career.

Among her classmates, there are many faces who will become powerful actors in the future, and they learn from each other and make progress together.

After graduation, Zhao Lijuan did not choose the film and television circle that most of her classmates flock to, but resolutely devoted herself to the drama stage. In this field, which is considered "niche" by many people, she works silently and shapes every role with her heart.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

Although she did not gain sensational fame, her persistent pursuit of dramatic art never wavered.

However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently. In 1997, 32-year-old Zhao Lijuan received an invitation to "Huanzhu Gege". The experience of playing "Concubine Ling" made her like a dazzling new star, and she quickly became popular.

The audience was deeply attracted by her dignified and elegant yet cute "Concubine Ling" image, and Zhao Lijuan also gained unprecedented attention and love.

This role is like a golden key, opening the door to the film and television industry for Zhao Lijuan. Since then, she has started to shoot more TV series and movies, such as "Beijing Woman", "Divorce Apocalypse" and "Wrong Love 2".

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

In every performance, Zhao Lijuan devotes herself wholeheartedly, integrating her skills accumulated on the drama stage for many years and her unique understanding of the role.

From the drama stage to the TV screen, Zhao Lijuan's acting career has experienced a qualitative leap. Her success lies not only in her external beauty, but also in her dedication to performing arts and solid acting skills.

This experience also made Zhao Lijuan deeply realize that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, and years of silent accumulation will eventually shine at a certain moment.

In 1997, the crew of "Huanzhu Gege" was in a thorny dilemma: looking for a suitable actor for "Concubine Ling". At this moment, Zhao Lijuan's appearance was like a ray of sunshine, illuminating the director's eyes.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

However, Zhao Lijuan, who has been focusing on drama for many years, does not have much interest in the film and television industry. In order to convince her, the director resorted to an ingenious "deception".

"It's a very challenging female number two role," the director swears, "and it will show your acting skills to the fullest." These words just hit Zhao Lijuan's weakness as an actor.

Challenging? An important role? That's exactly what she's been after. So, she gladly accepted the opportunity and threw herself into the preparation of the role with great anticipation.

However, when Zhao Lijuan learned more about the script, she realized that she had been fooled. The so-called "female No. 2" is actually not even a female No. 3. Faced with the contract that has already been signed, she can only bite the bullet and continue.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

But Zhao Lijuan did not perfunctory because of this, but worked more hard to create the role of "Concubine Ling".

To everyone's surprise, "Huanzhu Gege" caused a sensation as soon as it was broadcast. Zhao Lijuan quickly became popular with the role of "Concubine Ling" and became a goddess in the minds of the audience.

The crew took advantage of the victory to pursue and immediately prepared for the second part. Behind the success, however, is tremendous pressure and unimaginable sacrifices.

In order to take care of the filming of the second part of "Huanzhu Gege" and the work of other crews, Zhao Lijuan had to travel frequently. She often gets up before dawn to put on makeup, and ends the day's shooting late at night.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

The heavy work left her physically and mentally exhausted, until one day, she suddenly fainted on set.

After being sent to the hospital for examination, Zhao Lijuan learned that she was pregnant. The news surprised and apprehensed her. As an expectant mother in her thirties, she knows that this child is not easy to come by.

However, her career is on the rise, and she is faced with a difficult choice.

After a painful struggle, Zhao Lijuan finally made a heartbreaking decision: in order not to affect the filming schedule, she chose to terminate her pregnancy. This decision caused her a lot of psychological pressure.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

On the day of the operation, she went to the hospital alone, her pale face and weak body could not hide the pain in her heart.

Qiong Yao later learned about this and was deeply shocked. In order to apologize and compensate, she raised Zhao Lijuan's salary to the highest in the group. However, no amount of money can make up for the regret in Zhao Lijuan's heart.

The child who was not born became an eternal pain in her heart.

This experience not only tested Zhao Lijuan's professional ethics, but also profoundly affected her life trajectory. She paid a huge price for the glory of her career, but at the same time, she also lost the precious things in her life.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

Despite this, Zhao Lijuan did not give up her acting career because of this. On the contrary, the experience made her appreciate each role more and more aware of the importance of balancing her career and personal life.

Her story has become a profound lesson in the entertainment industry about the cost of success, and it also allows people to see the sacrifices that an actor can make for the sake of art.

Zhao Lijuan's difficult choice for her career has set off a storm in her married life. When her husband learns that she chose to terminate her pregnancy in order to continue filming "Huanzhu Gege", his world seems to collapse.

This decision almost pushed their marriage to the brink of breakdown.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

Anger, disappointment, and betrayal are intertwined in the husband's heart. He couldn't understand how a wife could sacrifice their children for a role. The thought of divorce swirled around in his mind, and he even began to think about ending the marriage.

However, after the anger subsided slightly, the husband began to revisit the reasons behind this decision. He recalled his wife's dedication and dedication to acting over the years, and realized that this choice must have been painful for her.

Zhao Lijuan tearfully explained her plight and inner struggle to her husband. She promised that she would definitely give birth to a new life for him in the future and make up for this regret.

Her sincerity and remorse touched her husband, and he chose forgiveness and understanding.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

This difficult period became a turning point in their marriage. The husband no longer sees work as his wife's enemy and begins to fully support her career. He took good care of Zhao Lijuan's body and accompanied her through her depressed days.

The contradictions between them gradually dissipated and were replaced by a deeper understanding and trust.

While constantly working hard in their careers, Zhao Lijuan and her husband have never given up their dream of starting a family. They are actively trying to usher in a new life. Finally in 2004, 39-year-old Zhao Lijuan became pregnant again.

Upon learning the good news, Zhao Lijuan immediately put down all her work and concentrated on raising the baby. This time, she and her husband cherish this hard-won pregnancy process. After ten months of hard waiting, they finally welcomed a healthy and lovely daughter.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

This little life not only filled their previous regrets, but also brought new hope and joy to the family. Seeing the happy appearance of his wife holding his daughter, the husband felt that all the waiting and tolerance were worth it.

Although Zhao Lijuan once wanted to have another son and realize her wish to have both children and daughters, considering her age and physical condition, her husband distressed her to persuade her to give up this idea.

This decision once again demonstrates the true meaning of mutual understanding and respect in their marriage.

After experiencing this turmoil, the relationship between Zhao Lijuan and her husband has increased instead of decreasing. Their stories teach us that even in the face of the toughest trials, a marriage can be reborn and become more indestructible if both partners are willing to understand, forgive, and compromise.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

With the growth of her daughter, Zhao Lijuan rekindled her passion for acting. However, this time she returned to the screen with a new life experience and a deep understanding of family.

She is no longer a young actor who simply pursues career success, but a mature woman who knows how to balance work and family.

Among the many new works, Zhao Lijuan began to try to play the role of a mother. In the hit drama "Ode to Joy", she played the mother of Mr. Xiaobao, showing the complex inner world of a rich wife.

In "The Child Returns to China", she successfully created the image of Jiang Mengmeng's mother, interpreting the joys, sorrows and sorrows of an ordinary Chinese mother. These roles not only show the diversity of her acting skills, but also reflect her new understanding of life and the role of motherhood.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

In addition to film and television works, Zhao Lijuan also actively participates in variety shows, showing her relaxed and humorous side. In 2019, she appeared again as "Concubine Ling" in the nostalgic series of "Ace vs. Ace", which aroused a warm response from the audience.

When she changed back to her former outfit, "Concubine Ling" more than 20 years ago seemed to travel through time and space and stood beside "Huang Ama" again, evoking the good memories of countless audiences.

Although she tried a variety of different types of roles, in the minds of the public, Zhao Lijuan has always been closely associated with the classic image of "Concubine Ling". This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also an indelible mark on her career.

Zhao Lijuan, who returned to the screen, found a balance between work and family. She no longer works as hard as she did when she was younger, but cherishes every character more and interprets each character with her heart.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

At the same time, she also knows how to find time to spend with her family and enjoy family fun in addition to her busy work. This balance has not only taken her career to the next level, but also made her life happier and happier.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zhao Lijuan has entered the age of 59. However, time seems to favor this "Concubine Ling", she still maintains a dignified and elegant temperament, and her appearance has hardly changed.

In the entertainment industry, she has become a model of "beauty and skill", which makes many young actors envious.

Looking back, Zhao Lijuan's life is like a wonderful drama. From an obscure drama actress to a household name TV star, from the difficult choices at the peak of her career to the trials and rebirths of her marriage, she has interpreted what it means to be strong and courageous in her own way.

She was deceived by Qiong Yao's "set" and had an abortion for filming, and now at the age of 59, what did she get

Today's Zhao Lijuan has a successful career and a happy family. Her experience teaches us that every choice in life can lead to unexpected results, but as long as you maintain tenacity and courage, you will eventually usher in your own happiness.

In her eyes, there is a love for life and expectations for the future, as if the years have given her not only wrinkles, but also wisdom and calmness.

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