
How is nail fungus treated? Experts will help you say goodbye to ugly nails

author:Department of Cardiology, Wang Zhigang

On a sunny spring day, Uncle Li is at home lovingly tidying up his garden. Although he has been retired for many years, his passion for gardening remains undiminished. However, in recent months, he has begun to feel something unusual in the nail of his right thumb. At first, he just thought that his nails were a little yellow, thinking that it was a common problem for the elderly, and he didn't pay much attention to it. However, as time passed, he noticed that the color of his nails was becoming more and more wrong, gradually changing from a pale yellow to grayish-black, and his nails became thicker and thicker, and he often felt uncomfortable when grasping things with his hands.

Uncle Li's wife saw it in her eyes and began to worry, and repeatedly persuaded him to go to the hospital for examination. Eventually, on the advice of his family doctor, Uncle Li decided to see a doctor. After examination, the doctor told him that he had nail fungus, a nail disease caused by a fungal infection. Although it is not a fatal disease, if left untreated, it will not only affect the aesthetics of the nails, but may also cause more serious infections.

How is nail fungus treated? Experts will help you say goodbye to ugly nails

Definition and symptoms of nail fungus

Nail fungus, medically known as onychomycosis, is a common nail infection caused by fungi (such as Candida albicans, Pedistomyces, etc.) attacking the nails. These fungi usually invade the tissues underneath the nails, causing them to appear discolored, thickened, brittle, and morphologically abnormal.

Description of symptoms

One of the most noticeable symptoms of nail fungus is a change in the color of the nails. Normal nails should have a pink or transparent appearance, but nails with nail fungus often turn gray or black, and sometimes even brown or yellowish-brown. The color change is caused by the deposition of the fungus inside the nail and may gradually worsen as the disease progresses.

Secondly, the thickness of the nails will increase significantly. Normal nails should be flat and thin, but the nails of people with nail fungus may become unusually thick, and even in severe cases, the nails may become as hard as the nail plate. This thickening not only affects the aesthetics, but can also lead to inconveniences in daily life, such as putting on shoes, writing, etc.

In addition, nail fungus can make nails brittle and brittle. As fungal infections affect the structure of the nails, the patient's nails may become brittle and brittle, and even minor bumps during daily activities can cause the nails to break or peel. This not only increases the risk of infection, but also causes physical and psychological discomfort to the patient.

Finally, some patients may experience pain or itching around the nails. Due to the presence of the fungus, patients may experience a mild inflammatory reaction around the nails, resulting in localized pain or itching. This discomfort often affects the patient's daily life and sleep quality, seriously affecting the quality of life.

How is nail fungus treated? Experts will help you say goodbye to ugly nails

Effective treatments

There are two main types of treatment for nail fungus: medical treatment and surgical treatment, depending on the severity of the condition and the health of the individual.

drug therapy

Medication for nail fungus is one of the most common and effective methods. Generally speaking, it can be divided into two forms: topical and oral.

Topical medications usually refer to topical applications of antifungal drugs, such as ointments or potions containing ingredients such as ketoconazole, fluconazole, etc. These drugs act directly on the infected site and effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of the fungus, thereby gradually improving the color and texture of the nails. When using, follow your doctor's instructions, use consistently and keep your nails dry and clean to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Oral medications are used for conditions that are more severe or cannot be effectively treated with topical medications. Commonly used oral antifungal drugs include itraconazole, fluconazole, etc., which can reach the site of infection through systemic blood circulation and provide a comprehensive inhibitory effect on the fungus. However, oral medications need to be used with attention to possible side effects and contraindications, such as abnormal liver function or interactions with other drugs, etc., so they should be used rationally under the guidance of a doctor.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is mainly used for patients who are severely ill, do not respond to medical treatment, or are unable to tolerate the side effects of medications. Surgery involves partial or total nail removal, which directly removes infected nail tissue, reducing the habitat of the fungus and promoting nail regeneration and healthy growth.

Partial excision is generally indicated in mild to moderate cases, and by removing part of the infected nail, a portion of healthy nail tissue can be preserved, which helps the nail to recover quickly. Total nail excision is considered in cases of more severe or recurrent episodes, and although this method can eradicate the fungus in the nails, long-term guidance and care are required after surgery to prevent recurrence of infection.

In summary, medication and surgery are the main methods of treating nail fungus. When choosing a treatment plan, reasonable decision-making and planning should be made based on the individual's health status, the severity of the condition, and the doctor's recommendation.

How is nail fungus treated? Experts will help you say goodbye to ugly nails

Ways to prevent nail fungus

The key to preventing nail fungus is good personal hygiene and effective preventive measures to reduce the chance of fungal infections and the possibility of transmission.

The importance of personal hygiene habits

Keeping your nails clean and dry is the first step in preventing nail fungus. Trimming your nails frequently and keeping them dry, and avoiding prolonged immersion in water or in a humid environment can reduce the growth and growth of fungus.

In addition, wet socks and shoes should be avoided, and shoes and socks with good breathability should be chosen as much as possible to keep the feet dry and ventilated.

Avoid contact with fungal sources

Fungi are mainly spread by contact, so it's crucial to avoid contact with environments and objects that may carry fungus. Bare feet in public baths, swimming pools, gyms, etc., are high-risk places for fungal transmission, and should be avoided as much as possible by exposing them for long periods of time or wearing bare feet.

In addition, for people who have been exposed to high risk of infection for a long time, such as those who have been exposed to humidity for a long time, it is recommended to have regular foot health check-ups and care to identify and deal with possible problems in a timely manner.

In summary, the risk of nail fungus can be effectively reduced through good personal hygiene and effective preventive measures. Paying attention to the cleanliness and dryness of nails and avoiding contact with moist environments and fungal sources is one of the important strategies to prevent nail fungus.