
She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

author:Flying Pigeon Literary Society
She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years
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She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

In the Chinese literary and artistic circles, Zhu Mingying is an amazing legend. She is not only a national first-class actress, but also a versatile performer who can sing in 32 languages.

However, fate arranged an unexpected turning point in her life.

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1984, Zhu Mingying amazed the whole country with the song "Back to My Mother's Home" and instantly became a household name. But just when her career was in full swing, her marriage suffered a change.

In the face of difficulties, she did not stand still, but made a surprising decision - to go to the United States for further study.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

This decision not only completely changed the trajectory of her life, but also paved the way for her future glory. From a stage superstar to the president of a multinational company, Zhu Mingying's story is like a moving hymn to life, telling the power of perseverance, transformation and rebirth.

Zhu Mingying's artistic career began in dance, but she shines through singing. As the great-granddaughter of Jang Zhidong, she has shown extraordinary artistic talent since she was a child. Under the careful cultivation of her mother, Zhu Mingying devoted herself to dance studies and perfected her piano skills, laying a solid foundation for her future artistic career.

In 1966, Zhu Mingying graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy with excellent grades and immediately joined the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe. When she first joined the team, she showed extraordinary diligence and quickly became the leader of the group.

However, the real opportunity to change the direction of her art came in 1979.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

That year, the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe created an unprecedented project - Asian, African and Latin American Dance. Although many people are skeptical, Zhu Mingying keenly sees the opportunity.

She resolutely decided to switch from dancing to singing, and began an arduous but fulfilling journey of learning music.

Zhu Mingying's enthusiasm for learning is breathtaking. In addition to training hard in the regiment, she also used every possible time to study on her own. She is immersed in the world of audio tapes and still listens to them repeatedly late at night; She took the initiative to go to the university campus to observe classes, and whenever she met African students, she lost no time in asking them for language advice.

Her intelligence and amazing ability to learn allowed her to quickly master 32 foreign languages and skillfully incorporate them into her songwriting.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

In order to perfectly interpret the role, Zhu Mingying did not hesitate to give everything. Every time she takes the stage, she wears elaborate makeup and African-inspired costumes, making the audience mistakenly think that she is a singer from Africa.

This dedication and seriousness to art makes her performances always impress the audience.

Zhu's efforts quickly paid off. Her unique singing style and multilingual performance ability have won the love of the audience and have also been highly recognized by the authorities.

She frequently appeared on important diplomatic occasions and made important contributions to the country's cultural exchanges. Her singing transcends language and cultural barriers, and becomes a bridge between China and the world.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

In 1986, Zhu Mingying won the title of "National First-Class Actor" and became one of the brightest stars at that time. This honor is not only an affirmation of her artistic achievements, but also the best reward for her hard work over the years.

From dancer to singer, Zhu Mingying's transformation has not been smooth, but she has proved with her diligence and intelligence that as long as you are determined, there is no dream that cannot be realized.

Her story has become an inspirational example for countless artistic dreamers.

Zhu Mingying's artistic career is in full swing, but her married life has an undercurrent. At the age of 18, with a longing for love, Zhu Mingying tied the knot with fellow actor Wang Mingqi.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

At the beginning of their marriage, although the two lived in poverty, they supported each other and faced the hardships of life together. They save money and invest their limited income in their careers.

This time of sharing joys and sorrows has made their relationship deeper.

However, over time, career development began to affect the couple's relationship. Zhu Mingying's talent has been more and more recognized, and her performance invitations have come one after another, and her schedule is full.

Despite her efforts to balance her family and career, her busy schedule made it difficult for her to juggle her family. And Wang Mingqi, as a man with traditional concepts, is both proud and confused about his wife's success, and his heart is full of contradictions.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

Every time she performs on stage, Zhu Mingying thinks of her husband and children at home, and her heart is full of guilt. She longs to spend more time with her family, but she can't give up on the career she loves.

When she stood on the stage and heard the applause of the audience, the heartfelt joy and satisfaction made it difficult for her to let go. This inner torment has become an inescapable shadow in her life.

As Zhu Mingying's popularity continues to rise, the rift between husband and wife is also deepening. Their communication is becoming less and less, and the family atmosphere is becoming colder and colder. Wang Mingqi began to feel neglected, while Zhu Mingying was stressed because she couldn't take care of her family.

The contradictions between the two gradually accumulated, which eventually led to the breakdown of the marriage.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

Faced with the failure of her marriage, Zhu Mingying chose to accept it calmly. She understands that this is the price of her pursuit of her career, and she is not willing to blame anyone. After the divorce, Zhu Mingying took on the responsibility of raising her children alone, and at the same time devoted more energy to her career.

In 1984, Zhu Mingying appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and became famous with the song "Back to My Mother's Home". This song not only shows her talent, but also seems to express her inner longing and guilt for her family.

Since then, she has created many classics that have been sung to this day, and has become a well-deserved superstar in the music world.

However, at the peak of her career, Zhu Mingying once again made a decision that surprised everyone. She chose to leave the stage for a while and went to the United States for further study. This decision not only reflects her desire for self-improvement, but it may also be a way for her to seek a new life after facing the failure of her marriage.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

Zhu Mingying's story teaches us that success often comes with sacrifice. Her difficult choice between career and family reflects the common dilemma faced by many working women.

However, her strong attitude and spirit of continuous pursuit of progress have undoubtedly given us great inspiration and encouragement.

In 1988, when Zhu Mingying's career was in full swing, she made a decision that surprised everyone: to go to the United States for further study. This decision not only reflects her desire for self-improvement, but also shows her courage to reinvent her life.

Zhu Mingying had a plan in her heart. Although she has become a well-known artist at home and abroad, she still feels that her abilities are insufficient. She aspires to study more deeply in art and management as a way to enrich herself and open up new paths in life.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

However, it wasn't all smooth sailing in the U.S. Language barriers, cultural differences, financial pressures, each of which is a huge challenge. Zhu Mingying had to adapt to the new environment and start learning again.

She attended classes during the day and worked part-time at night, trying to overcome all kinds of difficulties. But she never wanted to give up, instead seeing these challenges as life's lessons.

In 1990, Zhu Mingying founded her own company in the United States and served as president. From artist to entrepreneur, it's a whole new role shift.

She had to learn business knowledge, understand how the market works, and manage the team. This was undoubtedly a huge challenge for Zhu, but with her perseverance and ability to learn quickly, she quickly adapted to her new role.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

Under her leadership, the company has achieved remarkable results. This not only proves Zhu Mingying's business talent, but also gives her a new life experience. She deeply realized that there is nothing impossible in life, and as long as you have the courage to try, it is possible to create miracles.

This experience in the United States not only allowed Zhu Mingying to gain new knowledge and skills, but also gave her a deeper understanding of life. She understands that the path of life is not static, and that as long as you have the courage to change, you can open a new chapter.

Zhu Mingying's story has become a model for countless people to pursue their dreams and have the courage to change.

In 1995, with a deep attachment to the motherland and enthusiasm for cultural undertakings, Zhu Mingying resolutely decided to return to China for development. She will bring back to her home country the valuable experience and advanced ideas she has accumulated overseas, and is ready to start a new chapter in her life in a familiar land.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

After returning to China, Zhu Mingying founded her own company in Beijing. Combining the creativity of an artist with the vision of an entrepreneur, she quickly made a name for herself in the business world.

But Zhu Mingying's ambition is not limited to commercial success, she has always been deeply concerned about the cultural cause of the motherland.

With this sense of mission, Zhu Mingying organized the "Beijing International Academy of Arts and Culture". This institution is committed to cultivating a new generation of artistic talents, and has made great contributions to the prosperity and development of China's literary and artistic fields.

Zhu Mingying poured her experience and resources accumulated at home and abroad over the years, hoping to contribute to the inheritance and innovation of Chinese culture.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

In addition to founding cultural institutions, Zhu Mingying is also actively involved in organizing various cultural exchange activities. She uses her international vision and multilingualism to promote Chinese culture to the world.

Thanks to her efforts, more and more international friends have begun to understand and appreciate the charm of Chinese culture.

In 2021, Zhu Mingying, who is 73 years old, will once again appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. She uses her unique singing voice to convey her love for life and dedication to art to audiences across the country.

At this moment, it was as if she had gone back in time, and she had returned to that passionate youth.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

Zhu Mingying's return trip is not only a personal success, but also a major contribution to the cultural cause of the motherland. She used practical actions to interpret what it means to "keep the motherland in mind and look at the world", and became a model for cultural workers in the new era.

Her story inspires more people to contribute to the prosperity and development of Chinese culture.

Looking back on Zhu Mingying's life, we see a soul that never gives up. Her life experience is like an inspiring textbook, explaining what true perseverance and courage are.

From learning to sing at the age of 30, to growing into a first-class singer; From a stage star to the president of a multinational company, every transformation is full of challenges, but Zhu Mingying overcomes them one by one with a firm will.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

She proved with practical actions that as long as there is determination, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

In an interview with the media, Zhu Mingying once admitted that she was not afraid of any difficulties. This kind of courage and determination is the driving force that supports her to keep moving forward. In the face of all kinds of setbacks in life, whether it is career difficulties or marital failures, she chooses to face them head-on and face them with a positive attitude.

Zhu Mingying's story tells us that there is no fixed pattern in life. No matter how old you are, if you have the courage to try new things, you can start a new chapter in your life.

She used her own experience to explain what is lifelong learning and what is the spirit of never giving up.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband at her peak, and became a female president in her later years

Today, at the age of 73, Zhu Mingying is still active on the art scene. Her singing voice is still moving, and her spirit is even more precious. In her, we see the perseverance and enthusiasm that a true artist should have, and also see the wisdom of a successful person in the face of life.

Zhu Mingying's philosophy of life can be summed up in the words "never give up". She believes that as long as you have a dream and are willing to work hard, there is nothing that cannot be done.

This spirit will undoubtedly inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams, continue to move forward on the road of life, and create their own wonderful life.

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