
Greedy for money, bold and reckless: the village party secretary is corrupt

author:Mr. Bee is curious about cats

Towering Taihang, stretching for thousands of miles, it should have been a scene of beautiful mountains and rivers and people living and working in peace and contentment. However, a ridiculous news broke this quiet and peaceful picture: Comrade Tian Meichun, former secretary of the party branch and former director of the village committee of Tianfeng Village, Beicheng District, Taigu District, Jinzhong City, staged a corruption drama in just ten years, which made the world jaw-dropping.

Greedy for money, bold and reckless: the village party secretary is corrupt

As a village official, Comrade Tian Meichun was supposed to bring benefits to the people, but he left behind the party's teachings and the people's entrustment, and was consumed by the desire for profit, and did not distinguish between public and private. Together with others, he orchestrated a fake construction contract scam, and defrauded nearly 2.5 million yuan of collective funds for daily expenses, which is a model of spending.

What is even more incredible is that Comrade Tian Meichun actually accepted bribes 53 times during this period, and the number and frequency of bribes are simply breathtaking. It is reported that the cumulative amount of bribes accepted by him is as high as several million, which is staggering. This can't help but make people wonder whether he is an official for a living, or does he take bribes for a living?

It is worth mentioning that Comrade Tian Meichun's illegal acts are not the tip of the iceberg. In addition to corruption and bribery, he also has other serious violations of discipline and law, which are difficult to mention. Now, as the case surfaces, he has finally been expelled from the party, and what awaits him will be severe punishment from the law.

As a grassroots

Greedy for money, bold and reckless: the village party secretary is corrupt

What Comrade Tian Meichun did was a great betrayal of the party and the people. Although the work at the grassroots level is hard, our party members and cadres must always keep in mind the purpose of serving the people and put the interests of the people in the first place. We must not forget that the power in our hands is given by the people and must not be used for personal gain.

Comrade Tian Meichun's corrupt behavior not only damaged the image of the party and the government, but also seriously infringed upon the interests of the masses. He recklessly embezzled collective assets, seriously affecting local infrastructure construction and hindering local economic development. More importantly, his actions have corrupted the social atmosphere and cast a shadow over the local cadre ranks.

We must severely punish Comrade Tian Meichun's corrupt behavior. Only through the severe punishment of the law can the dignity of the law be safeguarded and those corrupt elements with bad intentions deterred. At the same time, we must also draw lessons from Comrade Tian Meichun's case, strengthen intra-party supervision, improve system building, plug loopholes, and earnestly prevent the recurrence of such incidents.

As the saying goes, greed for money is the source of evil, and greed is the hotbed of corruption. The vast number of our party members and cadres must take this as a warning, establish a correct view of power and money, always have a sense of awe, and do not cross the bottom line or touch the red line. Only by being honest and self-disciplined can we win the trust and respect of the people.

Greedy for money, bold and reckless: the village party secretary is corrupt

Finally, we call on the broad masses of the people to actively supervise, report corruption, and jointly create a clean and upright political ecology. Let those corrupt officials have nowhere to hide, let the people share the fruits of reform and development, and let our Taihang foothills rejuvenate again!
