
The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

author:Famous celebrity talker
The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

In the entertainment industry in recent years, in addition to the collapse of celebrities, some programs familiar to the audience have also followed, and they have been "forced" to stop broadcasting due to various problems.

Today, let's take a look at the 7 programs that have been suspended, only one program is still broadcasting, and the other programs have been suspended so far.


The host of this show, Jin Xing, is no stranger to everyone, and the show she hosted was one of the talk shows with high ratings in China.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Jin Xing in the show is outspoken, she dares to say and do, she often bombards those unsightly insiders in the entertainment industry, it can be said that there are no people and things that Jin Xing does not dare to mention.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Like last year's help singer Coco Li speak out:

"The person in charge of a certain satellite TV just wants to manipulate the game, but Mr. Jin is sitting here, who is manipulating whom?"
The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

There are also the divorce of male stars, the donation of entrepreneurs, the fact that male stars borrowed their eldest sister to take the position, the abuse of his wife by male stars, the fact that female stars are not pulling out a dime, and so on.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Not only that, every guest who comes to the show, Venus comments are also very direct, and they will not attract attention to watch people put down dishes.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

It is precisely because of Jin Xing's "righteous speech" that she has received praise from the audience, but also caused a lot of trouble.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

In 2017, without warning, the "Venus Show" hosted by Jin Xing suddenly stopped broadcasting, and it was 7 years after a stop.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

In this regard, she just responded indifferently:

"It's all in plain sight."

Deformation Meter

18 years ago, as soon as Hunan TV's "Metamorphosis" was broadcast, it attracted the attention of countless audiences, because this theme was too novel.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

The theme of the show is also very creative, the rebellious children in the city go to the countryside to experience the hardships of life, and the honest children in the countryside go to the city to enjoy life and see the world.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

At the beginning, this kind of contrasting show was very popular, but I don't know when it started, and the taste of the show changed with a beat.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy
"The poor change their minds, and the rich change their minds."

The audience slowly discovered that this show is not a simple "role reversal", but like a "fake screenwriter".

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

After the children in the city finished filming the show, they all became Internet celebrities one after another, like Han Anran, Wang Jingze, Li Hongyi and others made a lot of money by virtue of the popularity of the show.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

And what about the country kids? have become the background board for the children of these rich families.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

When these children come to the bright city, they never want to go back to the countryside with nothing, and they are bored and suspicious of the living environment of their original family.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

The originally obedient and sensible children have become more rebellious, disgusted with themselves, their families, and their existing lives.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

This sense of disparity has made many children have misanthropy, and almost every child has varying degrees of psychological trauma.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Under the influence of many negative public opinions, "Metamorphosis" was suspended, and this farce came to an end.

"Happy Camp"

This show has accompanied many people's youth, and every time they have a holiday, they will sit at home and wait for the broadcast of "Kuaiben".

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

At that time, stars who wanted to increase their popularity would come to the happy camp, which also made this show one of the most watched variety shows in China that year.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

With the passage of time, with the development of the times, the once happy stronghold is gone, and a lot of negative news emerges one after another.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

From who is popular to who is popular, and those hosts have also had various problems one after another, such as hosting skills standing still, kneeling down to foreign artists, and a series of outrageous problems such as the host "receiving and giving gifts".

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

In just over 20 years, a "red to purple" program has also been reduced to the state of being suspended.

"Where Are You Going, Dad"

For a long time, the children of celebrities have been very mysterious existences, and this show breaks the routine and attracts many netizens to come to see the baby with the theme of parent-child travel.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

At the beginning, the show was quite normal, and the scene of father's love and filial piety was very warm, but with the popularity of the show, many problems were revealed.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

In order to increase the ratings, the program team racked their brains to create gimmicks and used some tricks on the children.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

The children are innocent and cute, and in order to create the effect of the show, let the children and adults form a new "CP", and even to the point of talking about marriage, which is unspeakable.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Slowly, many viewers also discovered that there was a problem with the values of this show, and the pursuit from the beginning turned into complaining.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Fortunately, Radio and Television found it in time, and soon stopped broadcasting this program that affects the growth of teenagers, and it has been 7 years since then.

The Voice

If you want to ask which music variety is the most popular in 2023, "The Voice" is the second, and no variety show dares to say the first.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Why is it so popular? Everything has to start with the song "Rakshasa Sea City" released by singer Daolang.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

As soon as the song was released, the lyrics in the song immediately aroused the conjecture of netizens, and they all pointed the finger at the mentors of The Voice.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Immediately after Coco Li's death, the recording was exposed, and public opinion on the Internet completely broke out, and many "shady scenes" surfaced.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Before everyone heard the recording, many listeners always thought that the singer had achieved results by virtue of his strength, but later learned that Coco Li's high score was lost to a student with a lower score.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Not only that, Coco Li also revealed that he received a lot of unfair treatment and disrespect in this show, and said that this show is not fair at all, it is all a relationship of interest.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

A few days later, Zhenni also revealed a lot of the inside story of the show, saying that the program team did everything for money.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

With the continuous "fermentation" of public opinion, many insiders have come forward to break the news, pushing the popularity of the voice to a new level again.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Seeing that it didn't end well, Blue Channel reluctantly announced that it would temporarily suspend the broadcast of "The Voice" and would investigate it.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

A year has passed, and there is no news of a resumption of the broadcast, and the results of the investigation are unknown.

Let's Run

Because it is very common for a star to destroy a drama, but because it is uncommon for a star to destroy a variety show, the show "Run" almost suffered.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Since its release, this show has gained a lot of love and support from the audience, and there is almost no suspension or postponement.

However, last year, because of Cai Xukun's "private affairs", this highly rated program was almost removed from the shelves "permanently".

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

According to the news revealed by the paparazzi, the male star surnamed Cai had a relationship with a woman outside the circle and became pregnant, in order not to affect his acting career, he asked the woman to beat the child in her belly, and used a lot of means.

As the popularity became higher and higher, the response of the actor surnamed Cai also seemed clumsy, and the drama party of "Let's Run", which saw that the situation was not good, also hurriedly announced the suspension of the new episode of the show.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

After the show was re-released, many viewers clearly saw the traces of editing, and many scenes in the show were lost for no reason, and many viewers who watched the storyline were confused and confused.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

Fortunately, there was no other impact in the follow-up, and this year's "Let's Run" also started smoothly, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"Chase Me"

In order to take over "The Voice", Lantai has created the first domestic reality show of chasing competition, as the name suggests, it is a variety show that requires physical strength.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

The resident guests are all top stars in the circle, and even invited many athletes to present real extreme sports challenges.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

It's a pity that because of the problem of "safety", this high-profile program was permanently suspended, and the price was Gao Yixiang's life.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

In the third episode of the program, Gao Yixiang recorded from morning to early morning as an invited guest, and because of his overwork, he collapsed at the recording site and never got up again.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

What scared the audience even more was that in the first issue, Zou Shiming was trapped in the ocean ball alone, and it can be clearly seen in the video that he had difficulty breathing, but fortunately, the other guests found it early, so he escaped.

The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy
The 7 programs that were forcibly suspended, all of them "died" by themselves, and none of them deserved sympathy

After Gao Yixiang died, the program team apologized and announced the permanent suspension of the show.

Write to the end

Of the above 7 programs that have been suspended, none of them that I have never watched are really successful in "lightning avoidance".

