
These migrant workers received 23,000! The Chinese mayor's conference room was converted into a gym exposed

author:LOHAS Canada

【LOHAS Canada Summary of Jiang Lihe Summary】Affected by a possible strike by the mechanics' union, WestJet has started to cancel some flights again.

For now, WestJet has cancelled 25 flights from Thursday to Friday ahead of schedule, affecting nearly 3,300 guests.

WestJet's Brotherhood of Mechanics has issued a new strike notice to them, with the stoppage commencing as early as 5:30 p.m. (MT time) on Friday.

This is the second time that the unions have gone on strike in June.

For those of you who need to fly with WestJet in the near future, please check your flight status before heading to the airport and check the WestJet Guest News page ( for the latest information.

These migrant workers received 23,000! The Chinese mayor's conference room was converted into a gym exposed

Pictured: WestJet on June 27, 2024

A number of migrant workers received 23,000!

In Canada, it is not uncommon for migrant workers to be treated unfairly and suddenly dismissed.

But more often than not, when the workers first arrived, they silently swallowed the bitter water.

In southwestern Nova Scotia, eight migrant workers from Mexico were suddenly "fired" and their wages were deducted. However, they did not choose to remain silent.

According to a recent decision issued by the Nova Scotia Labor Commission, Ocean Pride Fisheries Ltd., based in Lower wedgeport, must compensate the eight workers for their wages, lost hours work, and wages that should have been provided in lieu of a notice of dismissal, totaling more than $23,000 in damages.

These migrant workers received 23,000! The Chinese mayor's conference room was converted into a gym exposed

截图自:Ocean Pride Fisheries

At first, the eight workers filed their first complaint in September 2021.

Jasmine Walsh, chairman of the Nova Scotia Labour Council, said workers described many of the hardships they experienced while on the job, including injuries in the workplace and unfavourable working and living conditions. "These allegations are deplorable". There is a need to ensure that the standards of employment for vulnerable foreign workers who are temporarily in Canada are regulated. ”

The workers were previously employed by Ocean Pride, a company that harvests, processes and exports sea cucumbers. Their employment relationship ended in September 2021. According to the ruling, one of the key issues is the company's claim that the worker has resigned, when the worker was in fact outright dismissed without notice.

Through appeal, the workers were eventually compensated.

The Chinese mayor's conference room was exposed as a gym

Exercise bikes, dumbbells, and squat racks are common in gyms. Pete Fry, a Greens councillor, shared photos of such a gym online, but he pointed out that Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim recently converted one of the meeting rooms and another room at Vancouver City Hall into a gym and a dedicated facility for the mayor.

In response to the gym, Sim generously acknowledged that the facility did exist, and explained that the new arrangement was to ensure the mayor's health and privacy.

These migrant workers received 23,000! The Chinese mayor's conference room was converted into a gym exposed

图自:Arlen Redekop

How did Philpid discover the gym? He explained that last Friday, when he went to the kitchenette near the conference room to get a drink, he found that the door of a conference room was unlocked, and he found that the space had been set up as a gym.

At Vancouver City Hall, all meeting rooms require a key card to open, and no one other than the mayor and their office team can enter or exit.

After the news spread, another city councillor, Christine Boyle, echoed Federd's attitude, pointing out that the mayor's office was annoying. At the same time, she asked the mayor's office to be more transparent in its finances.

Now, Mayor Sim Guan Jian has publicly responded by transforming the conference room into a gym so that he can stay focused and energetic in the midst of a tight work schedule, "health is of paramount importance." In addition, he hopes to move the space that was previously used to host dignitaries, delegations and community groups to a "more dignified environment".

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