
Female Doctor Examines Male Vagina: Female Doctor's Sad History, Let Me Share It with You

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

In the healthcare system, the status and role of female doctors are of great concern. In the face of patient resistance, female doctors try to communicate and explain, but often feel in vain to win trust. It depicts the hardships and perseverance of female doctors in the medical system, and Dr. Wang's story is even more touching. Want to know how she proved herself with real actions? Let's look down!

In the healthcare system, the status and role of female doctors have always been the focus of attention.

As a sensitive and complex group, the resistance of patients is not only because of gender, but also because of the fear of the disease and the anxiety of the unknown.

As a doctor, you should try to communicate and explain, try your best to calm the patient's emotions, and strive to win the patient's trust.

But the reality is that when faced with reluctant and nervous patients, no matter what kind of explanation and communication female doctors make, it seems futile.

Some patients even lose their temper or refuse to be examined by a female doctor.

This not only brings a heavy psychological burden to female doctors, but also seriously affects the treatment process of patients.

When it comes to conducting private examinations for men, female doctors often encounter misunderstandings and prejudices.

Sometimes, even with the permission of the patient's family, the family will make all kinds of demands and accusations about the work of the female doctor.

This biased behaviour not only makes it difficult for female doctors to do their jobs, but also harms them.

1. Female doctors prove themselves with practical actions

Many female doctors have complained and withdrawn from such a predicament.

Because in this case, no matter how much the female doctor explains and communicates, she will not be able to gain understanding and recognition, and will suffer insults and provocations from patients and family members.

If you are not willing to accept such torture, the most direct and effective way is to change careers or leave the medical system to do something respectful and recognized.

However, there are some female doctors who still stick to this field and prove that they can also do their best in this field.

Dr. Wang is one of them, and after graduating from medical school, she was assigned to a tertiary hospital.

In the hospital, Dr. Wang's department is the Department of Urology, where she focuses on men's diseases and the urinary system.

As a female doctor, it is not easy to work in this department.

Female Doctor Examines Male Vagina: Female Doctor's Sad History, Let Me Share It with You

It is the severity of the environment. Urology often has to deal with various odors, filth, and other environments, and often requires surgery.

These environments not only pose a threat to women's physical health, but also find it difficult for female doctors who suffer from mental illnesses such as cleanliness to accept.

It's the psychological pressure that comes with colleagues and patients. Dr. Wang's department has a high percentage of male doctors, and there will always be some gender differences and biases when working with male colleagues.

Sometimes, even if you put in a lot of sweat and effort during the operation, your colleagues will be a little picky and dissatisfied.

In addition, there are also some embarrassments and troubles when facing male patients who come to the clinic.

Male patients have a natural resistance to female doctors. Even if Dr. Wang is a professional doctor, he cannot gain the true trust and recognition of his patients.

Therefore, in the process of diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Wang not only needs to make accurate diagnosis and treatment plans, but also needs to spend a lot of time and energy to calm the patients' emotions and solve their various resistances.

Even his own family has questioned himself. When Dr. Wang first graduated, Dr. Wang's father advised her to change jobs or quit her job to stay at home with her husband and children.

He is worried that his daughter's long-term work in this environment will have a bad impact on her health, and he is also worried that her daughter will not be able to find a satisfactory man to marry and have children.

In addition, Dr. Wang is often dissatisfied and blamed by family members or patients when conducting private examinations for men.

On one occasion, Dr. Wang saw a male patient in his 40s. Based on the medical history and examination results, Dr. Wang suspected that the patient had prostate disease and required further investigation.

During the examination, the patient expressed reluctance to be examined by a female doctor and would like to be able to change to a male doctor.

In order to address the patient's concerns, Dr. Wang patiently explained his work and examination process to him, and emphasized that he was a professional doctor and would not do any harm or discomfort to him.

However, the patient is still resolutely reluctant to be tested and has a very bad attitude. Later, it was the patient's family who took the initiative to persuade Dr. Wang to conduct the examination.

Female Doctor Examines Male Vagina: Female Doctor's Sad History, Let Me Share It with You

Although the examination was successfully completed, Dr. Wang was still very frustrated. Because Dr. Wang felt a lot of pressure during the examination, she was worried that she would be framed or hurt by the patient.

At the same time, she also felt very aggrieved. She is a professional doctor who has no other purpose or intention in the process of diagnosis and treatment. However, it was vexatious and blamed by the patients. In fact, in such a situation, there is no way to make the patient trust and accept him. In addition to the resistance to the content of the examination, the patient has some psychological concerns and fears. At the same time, there are also some doubts and doubts about the ability of women to work in this field. In fact, in such a situation, there is no way to make the patient trust and accept him. In addition to the resistance to the content of the examination, the patient has some psychological concerns and fears. At the same time, there are also some doubts and doubts about the ability of women to work in this field. In addition, when conducting a male private examination, family members will also make all kinds of strange demands and accusations. On one occasion, Dr. Wang treated a teenage boy during his treatment. The boy showed symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination, and some blood streaks in the urine. Based on these manifestations and the age of the child, it is likely that there is a problem with the prostate. Therefore, Dr. Wang needs to massage the prostate and collect prostatic fluid for examination. However, when Dr. Wang explained the content and process of the examination to the family, the family said that they were unwilling to allow Dr. Wang to give him prostate massage, and also proposed to change the doctor to complete the work. The main reason why the family expressed this is that they are worried that the child will be harmed during the massage process, and there is still a certain degree of doubt about the ability of women to work in this field. In order to alleviate the family's worries and successfully complete the child's examination, the family reluctantly agreed to allow Dr. Wang to perform a massage and collect prostate fluid for examination. Although the examination was successfully completed, Dr. Wang still felt aggrieved and angry. Because he is obviously a professional doctor, he has experienced countless doubts and provocations about his ability. If it were a male doctor, it would definitely take a lot of detours in the same situation. But even in the face of these difficulties, Dr. Wang still insists on shining in this field. Although it is not too big to be able to make a difference as a small individual. But if everyone can make a positive contribution to society, then we can create a better society. 2. The most important thing to eliminate the patient's concerns is to do a good job of communication and explanation in the face of the resistance between the patient and the family. Only through communication and explanation can they dispel their deepest fears and concerns. At the same time, it is only through communication and explanation that they can recognize and trust themselves. If you find that they are still resistant, then you need to spend more time and energy to reassure and resolve it. If you have taken all necessary steps in the course of your treatment and patiently explained to them that you have no other purpose, then you don't need to pay attention to them, no matter how critical and resistant they are. After all, everyone has the right to choose their own path in life, and the choices made by everyone should be respected and affirmed. If you are reading this article, then I hope you will be able to respect everyone from today regardless of their occupation, gender, age, etc. At the same time, I hope that you will respect the choices made by everyone.

Female Doctor Examines Male Vagina: Female Doctor's Sad History, Let Me Share It with You


In the healthcare system, the dilemmas and challenges faced by female doctors are embarrassing. Despite the resistance of patients and their families, female doctors continue to stick to this field and prove their professional competence with practical actions. Everyone should respect every doctor, regardless of their gender or profession, and their dedication and efforts deserve our respect and support. Let's work together to create a better society!