
It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area is fried

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

exposed the scandal of Han Xinghua, secretary of the Rencun branch of Xiying Township, Xiangfen County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, who abused his power and took frequent bribes, involving an amount of up to 2.5 million yuan, which made people angry. He not only used collective funds for personal expenses, but also frequently accepted bribes, causing the interests of the villagers to suffer. Netizens expressed their indignation after watching it, let's take a look at this shocking corruption incident!


Han Xinghua, secretary of the village branch of Xiying Township, Xiangfen County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, was exposed that in the past ten years, he has obtained nearly 2.5 million yuan of village collective funds by fabricating false reasons and fictitious engineering projects.

What is infuriating is that more than 1.7 million yuan of them were used by him for personal expenses, and nearly 300,000 yuan was used for "reception". This means that the village party secretary may continue to accept bribes from others in the coming days.

As a result, the interests of the villagers suffered huge losses. Normally, these collective funds should be used for the construction of the village and the protection of people's livelihood. Han Xinghua's behavior is to use the money as his "tool to collect money".

It is understood that the exposure of this incident stemmed from a villager in the village who exposed Han Xinghua. The villager told reporters that what they usually get from Han Xinghua is a "check". Whenever there is something that needs to be paid collectively for something, Han Xinghua always says "I pay for it myself" and never uses the collective funds in the village.

When asked about Han Xinghua's financial resources, the villagers said: "Han Xinghua's family is not wealthy, and he has no industry. They also cited some of Han Xinghua's expenses.

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area is fried

It is understood that these expenses are mainly concentrated on tobacco and alcohol. In the past ten years, Han Xinghua has accepted at least 53 bribes for sending cigarettes and alcohol. Once, when even several representatives came to the village to give gifts, Han Xinghua asked people to take away 10 boxes of cigarettes for him.

This evidence has undoubtedly proved Han Xinghua's abuse of power. When asked about this, Han Xinghua angrily retorted on the phone: "What abuse of power have I had? ”

Such a blatant act of embezzlement made netizens express their indignation after watching it: "How can there be such a person?!" ”

Frequent bribery

In Han Xinghua's heart, "receiving" is also a matter of "drinking". Not only the food and drink, but even the guests are paid for by the villagers. During the Spring Festival last year, he once hosted a banquet for the whole village at a restaurant, but the bill was left directly to the village.

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area is fried

This has made the economic situation of a village collective, which already has little money, even worse. If it weren't for these expenses, maybe more villagers would have benefited.

When faced with doubts from the outside world, Han Xinghua became angry: "That's all nonsense!" But what he did proved the opposite. As a party member and cadre, as a village party secretary, he actually ignored the rules and regulations and embezzled public funds unscrupulously.

For this arrogant and unreasonable attitude, netizens are also very indignant: "This kind of person should be completely eliminated from the party!" ”

The reason why Han Xinghua was able to be so arrogant was also because some villagers had exposed his violations before. However, the relevant departments did not deal with this. In retrospect, this is also a form of "connivance".

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area is fried

However, at about 4 p.m. on March 26, the official WeChat public account of the National Anti-Crime Office released a message: After deliberation at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and approval by the Central Committee, Han Xinghua, secretary of the Rencun branch of Xiying Township, Xiangfen County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, was put on file for review and investigation.

At present, Han Xinghua has been expelled from the party and transferred to the judicial organs for handling in accordance with the law.


Such abuse of power is really outrageous, and I hope that the relevant departments can strengthen supervision and completely eliminate such scum. Such unscrupulous corruption will never be tolerated! Everyone has expressed their support for severe punishment of corruption, let us call for the construction of integrity, so that corrupt elements have nowhere to hide!