
It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

According to the latest data released by the National Audit Office, 66 counties across the country have embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal supplements, which has aroused heated discussions in the society. The misappropriation of funds took a shocking variety of ways, including debt repayment, lowering standards, and entrapment of benefits. Behind this is the problem of some officials being greedy and losing their principles and bottom line as officials. How to strengthen supervision and avoid the occurrence of similar incidents has become a difficult problem that needs to be solved urgently.

The Audit Office revealed that 66 counties embezzled nearly $2 billion in rural student meal supplements

Speaking of which, it should be a common thing for rural students to eat.

The subsidy for rural students' meals is the most basic guarantee given by the state to rural students.

The latest set of data released by the Audit Commission has shocked and shocked us.

Data shows that in 2020 alone, 66 counties across the country embezzled rural students' meal supplements.

The amount of embezzlement in these counties is as high as nearly 2 billion!

In other words, if calculated according to a total of 365 days per year, the amount of embezzlement in one day can be as high as tens of millions!

How exactly is the money misappropriated?

According to the Audit Office, the misappropriated meal allowance funds should have been used to provide meal allowance services to rural students.

In practice, these funds have been diverted for other purposes.

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

What are the main flows of misappropriated funds?

According to the disclosure, the misappropriated funds mainly flowed to the following aspects:

The first is to repay debts.

In order to repay debts incurred in the past, some local authorities do not hesitate to use the funds earmarked for students.

The second is to lower the standard of meal supplements.

Some local authorities deliberately set a lower amount when setting the meal allowance standard, keeping the extra money for themselves.

The third is to arbitrage benefits to units.

Some units obviously have the ability to pay benefits on their own, but deliberately apply for student benefits to get meal supplements.

The fourth is cutting corners.

Some units can provide better meal subsidy services for students by improving the standards of canteens, but they deliberately cut corners and reduce expenses.

The fifth is to appoint a supplier.

In order to "send money" to designated food suppliers, some local authorities deliberately designate certain suppliers and buy the ingredients they provide at unreasonable prices.

So many different ways, added together, can actually reach billions of dollars!

What should we make of such irresponsible and morally depraved behavior?

Netizens strongly demanded that the relevant personnel be severely punished

In the face of such infuriating news, netizens were also angry.

Some netizens said: "Such an irresponsible and morally degraded behavior should be resolutely and severely punished!" ”

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

Some netizens said: "How come these people don't even have the most basic conscience!" ”

Some netizens said: "It's all about rural children, how can these people do it!" ”

At the end of the day, it's a moral one.

If these people had no malice and no greed, they might not have done such a mad and immoral thing.

However, as a society, the most important thing is to ensure that everyone can maintain the most basic conscience and moral standards.

As those in power, they are not just a person, but represent the image of a country, a regime, and an entire nation.

If even the most vulnerable people in your own country cannot be protected, then how can you govern the country?

And in the data exposed this time, it is actually only the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, we see all kinds of reports in the news every day that the rights and interests of the grassroots people are being violated.

Although it is always the grassroots people themselves who are violated, the people behind the scenes are also those who have also lost the most basic bottom line and conscience.

Some officials are greedy and lose their principles and bottom line as officials

With the deepening of the reform and opening up of the big countries in the East, our country has also changed from a closed and backward country to one of the countries that have risen in economic globalization.

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

However, one of the problems brought about by rapid economic development is that corruption is persistent.

As far as the functionaries of the authorities are concerned, they carry on their shoulders the heavy burdens entrusted to them by the party and the people, but now there are people who act recklessly for their own personal interests!

Although it is said that you can't overturn a boatload of people with a single rod, judging from the situation disclosed by the Audit Office, some officials are indeed extremely greedy!

They are reluctant to even spend a penny more on rural children's meals!

In the face of the young, ignorant, lively, lovely, pure and innocent rural children, they can actually embezzle the children's food money for other purposes with peace of mind!

In the end, it is corruption that is to blame.

Because in recent years, we have often heard terms such as "fly greed", "fly effect" and so on.

Although this kind of corruption may seem small in scale, small in amount, and inconspicuous, it is fundamentally a time to strangle it in the cradle when it is a big mistake.

Supervise and strengthen the earmarking of funds to avoid occurrence

Although we can see many good people, good deeds, and good cadres in society at present, it is inevitable that there will be some scum elements with bad intentions, selfishness, and mercenary interests.

So we need to carry out a comprehensive and thorough rectification, and we can't let this happen again in the future!

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

We need to work on supervision.

We can't afford to wait until two years to discover the problem, as the Audit Commission did!

Only when supervision is in place can these greedy people know that they will be prosecuted for violating the law and that evil deeds will be rewarded!

It is necessary to intensify supervision over the system of earmarking funds.

We can't let all kinds of special funds flood like flowing water and get out of control in the process of operation!

We must establish a system of special funds that is strictly standardized, has a sound system, and has clear rights and responsibilities.

Only by ensuring a dedicated system can money be spent where it is needed and those who need it to the greatest extent possible.

The data disclosed by the Audit Office that nearly 2 billion yuan of rural students' meal subsidies have been misappropriated shows us that some people are greedy to the extreme.

It is hoped that those responsible will be severely punished and that financial budget management and supervision will be strengthened.


It is truly outrageous to see these greedy and shameless acts. It is hoped that those responsible will be severely punished, and at the same time, it is also called for strengthening the supervision of the earmarked fund system to ensure that public funds are used wisely to benefit the most vulnerable groups in society. Let's work together to uphold social fairness and justice, so that the wind of greed has nowhere to hide!