
It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

The scandal of misappropriation of nutritious meal subsidy funds in some places has been exposed, which is shocking. The reasons behind this are deeply distressing due to greed and lack of regulation. In the following sections, we will explore the importance of severe punishment and the need to strengthen institutions so that every penny is spent where it deserves.

Embezzlement of nutritious meal subsidies

For a long time, the big countries in the East have been very strong in helping rural areas, whether in agriculture or rural education, they have invested a lot of money and manpower.

One of the best examples of the help of the big countries in the East is the free nutritious meals, by giving free nutritious meals to rural children, so that they can not only ensure their health, but also be able to better study in school.

It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

The financial support behind this is the state's nutritious meal subsidy fund, and it is precisely for this reason that many people have always attached great importance to the "nutritious meal subsidy".

Recently, the Audit Office revealed the shocking news that 66 counties had embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in nutritious meal subsidy funds, and these funds were not ultimately used to provide nutritious meals to children, but were used elsewhere.

According to the Audit Office, these funds were ultimately used for debt repayment and welfare, rather than for nutritious meals for children.

In some places, even the nutritious meals that children deserve have been "optimized" in order to embezzle these funds.

It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

And once the children find out about these situations, they will even be beaten and scolded by the teacher.

According to relevant reports, in some places, some children have even been beaten for questioning the quality of nutritious meals, and some have even been expelled.

However, in such a situation, the relevant local authorities and relevant personnel such as schools are "turning a blind eye".

What is the reason behind this that has caused such a terrible thing to happen?

Loopholes and lack of regulation

The reason behind this is nothing more than the word "greed", and many local authorities and schools and other departments will unscrupulously embezzle nutritious meal subsidy funds in order to maximize their own interests.

It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

Although the Audit Office has exposed these problems, in fact, as early as the end of last year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission have urged local governments to strengthen supervision.

Why didn't the higher authorities know about this?

The reason is nothing more than that some local departments have exploited loopholes in the system and supervision.

The National Audit Office has disclosed similar problems many times before, but due to the imperfection of the existing laws and regulations and the lack of strict supervision in the eastern countries, these systems and regulatory loopholes have become a hotbed of corruption for criminals.

The Audit Office has also disclosed a number of documents urging local governments to solve problems, but some places have not even solved them altogether, and even "reversed cases".

It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

For a while, public opinion was in an uproar, and netizens also said, "As soon as the truth comes out, it will be difficult to get through the trick!" ”

For such people who knowingly commit crimes and do not want to repent, they should be severely punished!

Severe punishment will not be granted

In recent years, the major countries in the East have taken heavy-handed measures to implement poverty alleviation work and crack down on corruption.

So how to deal with the misappropriation of nutritious meal subsidy funds?

Those who are seriously involved in the case and have a bad attitude should be severely punished.

Although "nutritious meals" and "poverty alleviation" are not exactly the same concept, they are of the same nature.

All funds are set up to help the people in need, and their use must be carried out in strict accordance with regulations.

It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

Anyone who dares to embezzle and embezzle must be severely punished!

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the intensity and means of supervising the use of funds.

Clarify the use of relevant funds, and increase supervision efforts, innovate in systems and technologies, and use every penny in the right place!

Strengthen system building

The occurrence of such a situation has also exposed to a large extent the loopholes and deficiencies in the institutional construction of the big countries in the East.

So how do you deal with it as a state authority?

In fact, the most important point is to strengthen the construction of the system.

Loopholes should not be allowed to become an excuse for criminals to evade punishment and embezzle funds.

It's so shameless! Pulled out of the mouths of rural children to pay off debts, netizens: It's really not a human thing!

It is necessary to establish and improve the auditing system and regulations, innovate and improve the system, and strengthen the support in technology, so that every penny can be used to the best extent.


After reading this, it's really outrageous! Embezzlement of nutritious meal subsidies harms not only the interests of the country, but also the rights and interests of tens of millions of children. For these greedy people, we must not be soft, and we must punish them severely! The state should also strengthen the construction of systems, plug loopholes, and let every penny be used by the people. I hope that such a scandal can attract more people's attention, and let us work together for a more fair and just society!