
It's not about grabbing Li Yifei and not letting go, but it's the important weapon of the country, and it really can't tolerate the slightest crooked atmosphere!

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

Li Yifei, a master's student in nuclear engineering, caused a sensation on the Internet with a graduation speech. In his speech, he pointed out various problems in the academic circle, which attracted attention from inside and outside the industry. As his popularity soared, he also encountered negative doubts and turmoil. Want to know what his story is like? Come and look down with me!

Li Yifei's graduation speech

Li Yifei, this name should have only become a household name in the last year or two, because one of his graduation speeches became popular on the Internet all over the circle of friends and Douyin, and people on various platforms reprinted it, and everyone liked it after reading it, thinking that what this graduate said was really reasonable.

A brief introduction to Li Yifei, he is a master's student in nuclear engineering and nuclear technology at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and graduated from the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Eastern Powers with a bachelor's degree.

In the four years of college, the schools he applied to were mainly based on this major, and he did not transfer to other fields because of other distractions. So from this point of view, Li Yifei really loves nuclear engineering, and he himself mentioned in his speech that his dream when he was a child was to become a scientist and make some contributions to the development of the country with his own efforts.

It's not about grabbing Li Yifei and not letting go, but it's the important weapon of the country, and it really can't tolerate the slightest crooked atmosphere!

After this speech circulated on the Internet, it was quickly unanimously recognized by people in the industry, because many of the things he said were indeed understood by everyone in their hearts and could not be said on their lips.

For example, the problem of unfair scientific research resources, such as the problem of academic fraud, and then the so-called academic geeks who are not worthy of the name, and those who give up their scientific research dreams due to family reasons.

He came out one by one, and he used his own experience as an example, which was more convincing. So many people think that this speech is a lesson for the entire academic circle.

Li Yifei was questioned

But it is precisely because this speech is so popular that Li Yifei has become a household name, of course, some people agree with what he said, and some people must oppose it, especially those he has criticized by name.

It's not about grabbing Li Yifei and not letting go, but it's the important weapon of the country, and it really can't tolerate the slightest crooked atmosphere!

Because they often have some background, or they have already mixed well, they are not very willing to be preached by others, or they have problems themselves, otherwise they will not be exposed by Li Yifei.

For example, some people began to question Li Yifei's academic ability, whether he really worked hard to do research, and whether he had published high-level papers after graduating with a master's degree.

We all know that if you want to make a name for yourself in this circle, then the paper is an indispensable stepping stone, and it must be published in top international journals, otherwise no one will pay attention to you.

However, according to the investigation, Li Yifei does not seem to have published any high-level papers, and his name is not on top domestic nuclear engineering journals, let alone abroad.

The man also said that he had only published one international conference paper, a level that was clearly not enough. In addition, he applied for two patents, but to no avail.

So judging from the results, Li Yifei should have been very relaxed in the past few years, and he didn't put in a lot of effort as he said.

It's not about grabbing Li Yifei and not letting go, but it's the important weapon of the country, and it really can't tolerate the slightest crooked atmosphere!

Graduation Speech

While others began to question his abilities, others began to analyze his motives, believing that there must be something else behind his fiery speech.

Because he looks quite pleasing to the eye, coupled with that set of lines of scientific research officials, he quickly became popular for a while, and all major self-media are reprinting it, and even some platforms invite him to join and do exclusive interpretation.

So some people think that he is taking the opportunity to hype himself up in order to better enter the industry in the future. But these critical voices were quickly silenced by public opinion.

Because Li Yifei's love for nuclear engineering in his speech cannot be faked, and many of the things he said were indeed to the point.

In addition, many people have had similar experiences, so everyone can quite understand his feelings. In any case, this speech brought Li Yifei great popularity.

It can be said that it became popular all over the Internet overnight, although this online world does not represent the real world, but for a fresh graduate who has just walked out of school, such attention is very rare.

It's not about grabbing Li Yifei and not letting go, but it's the important weapon of the country, and it really can't tolerate the slightest crooked atmosphere!

After the storm

However, the matter did not end there, when Li Yifei's popularity was getting higher and higher, netizens suddenly broke the news about him on a certain forum.

This netizen said that he met Li Yifei when he was studying in Wuhan, and he has been seen dating girls many times. Originally, the matter of dating was not worth making a fuss about, but the problem was that Li Yifei was already married.

If this revelation is true, then Li Yifei will bury his entire future, and if a young man who is about to enter society does not even abide by the most basic guidelines, how can he be expected to contribute to the development of the country?

But in the end, this matter was not conclusively confirmed, after all, the whistleblower is a vest on a certain forum, and there is no credibility. So the turmoil quickly subsided.

Everyone returned to the topics in the speech, such as unfair scientific research resources, academic fraud, and so on. Anyway, when dealing with people who are not directly related to me, I like to find fault with others the most.

It's not about grabbing Li Yifei and not letting go, but it's the important weapon of the country, and it really can't tolerate the slightest crooked atmosphere!

Li Yifei doesn't know whether he should be famous or not, because no matter what he says after coming out like this, someone will scold him, and his privacy may be exposed.

Just like this marriage and the revelations of the peach news, although it was not confirmed, it also made him suffer. Originally, it was already good to mix in a non-turbulent form of employment on campus.

Who knew that because he persuaded the world to persuade the academic circle, he would cause so much trouble, which may be the difference between public opinion building and public opinion hype.


Li Yifei's story has sparked many conjectures and discussions about the current state of the academic world. Whether his remarks are sincere or have ulterior motives, one can't help but wonder what kind of challenges and choices a young person will encounter on the road to pursuing his dreams. Do you think his actions are right or wrong? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!