
Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage
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Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

In 2006, CCTV's "Challenge Host" program was in full swing. On this star-studded stage, a young host named Yang Fan stood out and won the runner-up with his outstanding performance.

He is handsome and talented, and instantly becomes the perfect idol in the hearts of the audience.

However, when people were curious about the other half of the new hosting star, the answer surprised everyone. Yang Fan's wife, Li Feng, is neither a star in the entertainment industry nor a famous lady, but a company employee with mediocre appearance and ordinary ability.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

This unexpected choice has set off waves in the entertainment industry, and has also aroused the curiosity and speculation of many audiences.

The story of Yang Fan and Li Feng starts from their high school days. At that time, Yang Fan was recognized as a talented man on campus, with a superior family background and a handsome appearance, which always attracted the attention of countless girls.

However, among the many suitors, it was Li Feng, who was tall but ordinary-looking, who attracted the attention of this sunny boy.

Their acquaintance is unremarkable, but in the daily relationship, feelings gradually sprout. The frolic on the playground between classes, the common learning in the library, and the chatting on the way from school have accumulated bit by bit as the cornerstone of their relationship.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

Li Feng's simplicity and kindness, like a spring breeze, quietly warmed Yang Fan's heart.

However, fate always seems to like to test sincere feelings. After the college entrance examination, the two were admitted to different universities by mistake. Yang Fan went to a famous university in a big city, while Li Feng stayed in an ordinary college in his hometown.

In the face of the long-distance relationship that is about to begin, many people are not optimistic about them, believing that the relationship will not stand the test of time and distance.

But Yang Fan and Li Feng did not give up because of this. They use the phone and the Internet to keep in touch with each other, and try to find time to pour out their thoughts in the busy schoolwork. Of course, long-distance relationships aren't always sweet.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

Misunderstandings and quarrels are inevitable, and sometimes they even make the two people confused about whether to continue. However, after each crisis, they chose understanding and tolerance, and their feelings became deeper.

The four years of college are the tempering period of their relationship. After graduation, Yang Fan successfully entered Liaoning TV station with his talent and started his career as a host.

Li Feng, on the other hand, chose an ordinary job as a company employee. Despite the different trajectories of their lives, their hearts are always closely connected.

This experience not only made their love stronger, but also shaped their character. Yang Fan learned to cherish and understood that sincerity in the ordinary is more valuable than vanity.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

Li Feng cultivated strength and independence in silent support. Their love, in the seemingly ordinary days, quietly bloomed with dazzling light.

After entering Liaoning TV, Yang Fan's talent was quickly brought into full play. His unique hosting style has won the love of the audience, and his career is thriving. In this process, Li Feng always stood silently behind him and gave unconditional support.

In 2006, an opportunity to change the fate of the host came - CCTV launched the program "Challenge the Host". Faced with this opportunity, Yang Fan fell into hesitation.

He was worried that if he failed, it might affect the position he had so hard built up in Liaoning Taiwan. Just when he was uncertain, Li Feng's words gave him great courage: "You just have to chase your dreams bravely, and I will always be your most solid backing."

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

This simple promise, like a shot in the arm, made Yang Fan determined to participate in the competition.

During the competition, Yang Fan devoted himself wholeheartedly. Whether it's cabaret or cross talk planning, he shows amazing talent and creativity. And behind these glamorous performances, there are countless late-night encouragement and comfort from Li Feng.

When Yang Fan suffered from insomnia due to stress, it was she who told him over and over again, "You are the best"; When Yang Fan was in trouble due to fierce competition, she patiently helped him analyze his opponents; When Yang Fan was sad because of homesickness, it was her warm words that soothed his heart.

The hard work paid off, and Yang Fan finally stood out in the fierce competition, won the runner-up, and successfully stayed at CCTV. This result is not only the embodiment of Yang Fan's personal ability, but also the result of his and Li Feng's joint efforts.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

This experience not only made Yang Fan's career go to the next level, but also made the relationship between the two deeper. Yang Fan deeply realized that behind his glamorous success, there was a Li Feng who paid silently and always supported him.

And Li Feng also showed extraordinary understanding and tolerance in this process.

Their stories show us that true love is not just a sweet companion, but also an encouragement and support at life's most important moments. It was Li Feng's silent dedication that gave Yang Fan's career wings to take off, and also made their feelings more unbreakable after being tested.

In 2012, after years of long-distance love, Yang Fan and Li Feng finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. However, the sweetness of the newlyweds is soon replaced by the challenges of reality.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

Not long after, Li Feng became pregnant, and at this time, Yang Fan was on the rise of his career, and his work was extremely busy.

Because of his work, Yang Fan missed many important moments in his wife's pregnancy. Every time he thought about it, he felt a deep sense of guilt. In order to make up for this regret, and to become a competent husband and father, Yang Fan began to work hard to adjust the focus of his life, trying to find a balance between work and family.

He learned to take care of newborns, often taking the initiative to change his daughter's diaper in the middle of the night; He began to take on household chores and worked hard to create a comfortable family environment for his wife; He developed the habit of communicating with his wife every day and listening to her thoughts and feelings.

The process is not easy, sometimes he gets irritable due to the pressure of work, and sometimes he is in a hurry because he is not familiar with household chores. But whenever he saw Li Feng's gentle smile and his daughter's innocent face, he felt that all the hard work was worth it.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

Li Feng is also paying silently. She is well aware of her husband's hard work and always tries her best to create a warm home for him. When Yang Fan comes home late at night, she prepares a hot supper; When Yang Fan is depressed due to work pressure, she will listen patiently and enlighten.

In her own way, she gave her husband the most solid backing support.

Ten years of married life have made them understand each other more and more. Yang Fan learned to be considerate and caring, and no longer only focused on his own career; Li Feng supported her husband while also cultivating her independence and strength.

They have experienced the ups and downs of their careers, the joys and sorrows of their families, and written their own extraordinary stories in seemingly ordinary days.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

This marriage is not only the union of two people's lives, but also the mutual achievement of two hearts. With the support of Li Feng, Yang Fan's career is thriving; Li Feng found his own value under Yang Fan's care.

Their stories tell us that true happiness lies not in vigor, but in supporting each other and growing together in ordinary days.

As a public figure, Yang Fan's married life has always been in the spotlight and has faced many challenges and questions. Many people can't understand why this talented and good-looking well-known host would choose an ordinary woman as a lifelong partner.

Doubts came and went, some people speculated that this marriage was only superficially harmonious, some people doubted whether Yang Fan was sincere, and some people predicted that this relationship would not last long.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

In the face of these disturbing speculations and doubts, Yang Fan and Li Feng chose to remain silent. They know that they don't need to prove their genuine feelings to the outside world. Yang Fan showed his loyalty with practical actions, he politely rejected countless temptations, and always regarded Li Feng as the most important person in his life.

In his opinion, Li Feng's ordinariness is precisely the most precious quality, and her understanding and support cannot be replaced by any vanity.

Li Feng supported her husband in her unique way. When Yang Fan was grumpy due to the pressure of work, she chose to be understanding and tolerant; When Yang Fan returned late for entertainment, she chose to trust and wait.

She understands that by supporting her husband's career, she is investing in their shared future.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

However, married life is not always smooth sailing. They have also experienced quarrels and misunderstandings, and sometimes even wonder if they have made the right choice. But every crisis makes their feelings deeper.

They have learned to empathize, master the skills of effective communication, and understand the importance of mutual understanding.

Ten years of marriage have witnessed their growth. Yang Fan has grown from a high-spirited young host to a mature and stable family pillar. Li Feng has also transformed from a simple girl to a wise wife and loving mother.

Every step they take hand in hand is a testimony of love and the most powerful response to the voice of doubt.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

On the tenth anniversary of Yang Fan and Li Feng's marriage, a touching surprise quietly unfolded. Yang Fan carefully planned and decorated his home with his daughter as a romantic candlelight dinner scene.

When Li Feng pushed open the door of the house, she was greeted by a house full of rose petals and warm candlelight, and tears of happiness flickered in her eyes.

At this moment, Yang Fan deeply realized the true meaning of true love. He understands that true love does not care about the brilliance of the appearance or the prominence of the family, but the deep fit of two souls.

Li Feng may not be the most dazzling star, but she is the one who knows him best; Maybe not the most talented partner, but she is the one who gives him the most unwavering support.

Li Feng: His appearance and ability are ordinary, but he was spoiled by Yang Fan, and he achieved each other after many years of marriage

Ten years of mutual affection have made them cherish each other more and more. They know how blessed it is to find someone who is willing to spend the rest of their lives together.

In this world full of materialism, the story of Yang Fan and Li Feng interprets the essence of true love: not in the vigorous confession, not in the priceless gifts, but in the mutual support in ordinary days, and in the perseverance in difficult moments.

Their ten-year marriage has not only achieved each other's careers and lives, but also shown the most real and moving appearance of love.

This love, which spans appearance and identity, is like a clear stream, quietly flowing in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, telling a moving story of trust, understanding and growth.

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