
Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

author:Huahua speaks of the world

In 1981, in a family full of artistic atmosphere in Tieling, Liaoning Province, Yang Fan fell to the ground. His father was an accomplished cellist, and his mother was an announcer for Radio Tieling.

In such a family environment, Xiao Yangfan has been immersed in the ocean of art since he was a child, and has an innate affinity for music and broadcasting. Yang Fan's father has high hopes for his son, hoping that he will become an excellent musician.

When Yang Fan was only three years old, his father couldn't wait to start teaching him to play the cello. However, the cello was too big for the young Yang Fan, and it was quite difficult to learn.

My father had an idea and came up with a clever idea: attach a wooden stick to the violin so that it could be played on the ground like a cello. Despite this, Yang Fan does not seem to be interested in the cello, but has developed a strong interest in the trumpet.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

His father respected Yang Fan's choice, bought a trumpet specifically for him, and taught him carefully. With the support of his parents, Yang Fan not only learned the violin and trumpet, but also came into contact with a variety of musical instruments, and his musical attainments far surpassed those of his peers.

Such a family environment and learning experience laid a solid foundation for Yang Fan's future hosting career. However, fate always likes to joke. At school, Yang Fan was attracted by the magic of the radio room and secretly became interested in broadcasting.

He began to secretly learn broadcasting skills outside of class, but out of fear that his father might be disappointed, he chose to hide this new hobby. Yang Fan even took the initiative to sign up as a host in the school's art show, showing his love for broadcasting and hosting.

At the age of 17, Yang Fan won the first place in the Tieling Youth Song Competition with his outstanding musical talent. This success not only proved his talent in music, but also allowed him to gain valuable experience in stage presence.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

However, deep in his heart, a seed for the broadcasting career has been quietly planted, which will slowly germinate and grow in the years to come. Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become an important turning point in Yang Fan's life.

Faced with the choice of the Conservatory of Music and the Broadcasting Academy, Yang Fan fell into deep hesitation. Just when he was unable to make a decision, fate seemed to point him in the direction - that year, the conservatory of music happened to not open the trumpet major that Yang Fan studied.

In the end, Yang Fan made a decision that his father did not expect - he filled in his first choice as his mother's broadcasting major. This choice made the father who had been expecting his son to become a musician deeply disappointed, and even a little chilling.

After all, his father has carefully taught Yang Fan music since he was a child, and this decision seems to have made years of hard work go to waste. However, Yang Fan has already buried a yearning for the broadcasting career in his heart.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

When he was in high school, he was often attracted to the school radio studio, and liked to listen to the announcer share with his classmates what was happening every day, or broadcast words that motivate students to study hard.

This kind of broadcasting atmosphere deeply attracted Yang Fan and gave him the idea of pursuing a broadcasting career. In 2000, with a vision for his broadcasting career, Yang Fan was successfully admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China).

When he first arrived in Beijing, Yang Fan was both excited and apprehensive. Knowing that his Northeast accent could be a stumbling block in his future career, he was determined to change his pronunciation completely.

Every day before dawn, Yang Fan would come to the balcony of the dormitory to practice pronunciation. He put all the concentration and perseverance he once spent studying music into broadcasting. Yang Fan even took out the attitude of learning violin when he was a child, and practiced tirelessly day after day.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

Slowly, Yang Fan's Mandarin became more and more standard, and the Northeast accent gradually disappeared. In his third year of college, Yang Fan ushered in the first opportunity to host in his life. The school arranged for him to host the "convening order" activity, and specially selected a partner for him - Ma Yongmei.

The moment he stood in the center of the stage, although he was so nervous that he was about to jump out, Yang Fan still mustered up the courage and completed his debut. Although this performance was not satisfactory, Yang Fan felt that he did not fully play the real hosting level, but this experience made him more determined in his future career direction.

He clearly understands that to become a good host, more practice and hone is needed. In this way, Yang Fan, a former music teenager, is chasing his broadcasting dream in the headwind, and is moving towards the future step by step.

Although the road ahead is full of challenges, he firmly believes that if he works hard, he will eventually achieve his dreams. After graduating from university, faced with the temptation of the first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Yang Fan made an unexpected choice - he resolutely returned to his hometown Liaoning.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

Liaoning TV threw an olive branch to him, and Yang Fan gladly accepted it. For him, the familiar local sound and the company of relatives are the warmest reliance. After returning to his hometown, Yang Fan did not immediately put himself into work.

He first fulfilled a wish in high school - to confess to his white moonlight Li Feng. The four years of separation made Yang Fan's longing for Li Feng deeper, and he turned this feeling into motivation for learning.

Fortunately, Li Feng had already understood Yang Fan's intentions and gladly accepted his confession. In 2004, Yang Fan began to make a name for himself on Liaoning TV. He has hosted many programs such as "Sunshine Carnival" and "Xinglong Family".

Yang Fan's delicate facial features and humorous hosting style quickly won the love of the audience. Subsequently, he hosted some entertainment and music programs, and his reputation became better and better, and his popularity continued to rise.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

Just two years later, 24-year-old Yang Fan appeared on the stage of the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala. For a newcomer who has just graduated from school for two years, this is undoubtedly a huge achievement, which fully proves Yang Fan's strength and potential.

However, Yang Fan was not satisfied with this. His eyes went further afield - CCTV. With the desire for a bigger stage, Yang Fan bid farewell to his parents and embarked on a journey to Beijing.

Surprisingly, Yang Fan was successfully hired by CCTV. Yang Fan was ecstatic to see that he finally had the opportunity to showcase his talent in front of a national audience.

In 2009, the program "Challenge Host" was launched, and Yang Fan and Zhang Lei co-hosted. The tacit performance of the two made many viewers regard them as the best on-screen couple. Even Zhang Lei's parents think that Yang Fan is fully qualified to be a son-in-law.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

With his versatile performance, Yang Fan appeared in front of everyone, and his popularity continued to rise. His performance has made many people think that Yang Fan is the next successor of CCTV.

In this way, Yang Fan went all the way from a local TV station, and finally stood on the stage of CCTV, taking another big step towards his dream. As his performance in CCTV becomes better and better, Yang Fan is regarded by many as the next successor of CCTV.

His career seems to have reached its peak, and the future is bright. However, just as he was about to reach a new peak in his career, fate played a cruel joke on him.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2010, Yang Fan, who was hosting the show, suddenly felt severe pain in his abdomen and back. As a professional host, Yang Fan endured the pain and insisted on completing the show.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

This professionalism is admirable, but it also lays a hidden danger for his health. As soon as the show ended, Yang Fan was immediately sent to the hospital. However, it is disturbing that many hospitals have not been able to identify the cause.

Yang Fan traveled to many hospitals, but he never got a clear diagnosis. This fear of the unknown plunged Yang Fan and his family into anxiety and panic. Eventually, during an examination at the last hospital, the doctor finally found that Yang Fan was suffering from cholangitis and was in critical condition.

The doctor issued a critical illness notice to Yang Fan's family, but fortunately, Yang Fan was rushed to the ICU for rescue in time. After several days of intense treatment, he was finally out of danger and was discharged from the hospital within a few days.

However, this sudden illness made Yang Fan miss the opportunity for a new round of host selection. In the months since he left CCTV, the situation has changed dramatically.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

Nigmaiti, who is of a similar age, rose rapidly, soared all the way in the hosting world, and even took over the hosting of the Lantern Festival Gala. Yang Fan, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at the brilliant Nigmat on TV, and had mixed feelings in his heart.

He was well aware that his hosting career could be completely changed by this accident. His presiding throne was in jeopardy, and years of hard work seemed to come to naught overnight.

But Yang Fan was not defeated. He secretly made up his mind that he must regain his own stage. Just when everyone thought that he might quit the hosting circle, Yang Fan began his path of nirvana rebirth.

This experience made Yang Fan deeply appreciate the fragility of life and the impermanence of his career. He understands that if he wants to get back to the top, he has to work harder and be stronger than before.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

With such belief, Yang Fan began his own comeback road. After recovery, Yang Fan returned to work with amazing perseverance. He quickly adjusted his form and was determined to reclaim the presiding crown.

In order to take care of his physical condition, CCTV arranged a number of programs for Yang Fan and his old partner Zhang Lei, including "There Are Lovers in the World". It turned out that as early as in college, Yang Fan fell in love with his high school classmate Li Feng.

Despite the ups and downs of his career, this relationship has always been the warmest harbor in Yang Fan's life. After listening to Yang Fan's love experience, Zhang Lei also sent them sincere blessings.

With the support of his family, Yang Fan's career has reached new heights. The ratings of the programs he hosted are rising, and the reputation is getting better and better. In 2021, Yang Fan's second little princess was born, bringing more joy to this happy family.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

Today's Yang Fan devotes more time to his family. He spends as much time as possible with his wife, shares household chores, and takes the family on trips. In his opinion, giving his two daughters a perfect childhood is far more meaningful than career achievements.

Yang Fan's story, from a CCTV celebrity to the pillar of a happy family, interprets another wonderful life. He and Li Feng's family of four are happy, and their family life is warm and happy, which makes everyone envious.

Yang Fan's experience teaches us that sometimes, a seemingly frustrating setback can be a turning point on the road to a better life. Looking back on Yang Fan's life journey, it is not difficult for us to find the secret of his success.

First of all, he always maintained his persistence in his dreams. From being born in a musical family to resolutely choosing a broadcasting major, and then to shining on the CCTV stage, Yang Fan has been chasing his inner voice.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

His experience tells us that success comes out step by step, and requires perseverance and perseverance. Second, Yang Fan has shown remarkable resilience in the face of setbacks.

After his serious illness, he did not give up on himself, but returned to work with a more determined attitude and proved his worth with strength. This spirit of re-emerging in the face of adversity is one of the key factors in his success.

Today's Yang Fan has transformed from a "CCTV celebrity" to a happy family man. His story tells us that success in life is not only about the glory of your career, but also about whether you can find a life path that truly suits you.

Yang Fan used his own experience to explain what a real winner in life is - that is, to achieve something in his career and have a happy family. His life trajectory proves that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has indeed embarked on another more exciting road of life.

Facts have proved that Yang Fan, the host of "CCTV Famous Mouth", has already embarked on another road of life

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