
Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

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Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily
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Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

In 2009, on an ordinary day in the United States, a special couple quietly entered the marriage hall. The bride Wang Mingquan is 62 years old and the groom Luo Jiaying is 63 years old, they are well-known figures in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

The moment they exchanged vows, their eyes shone with the light of a young man, as if the years had never left a mark on their faces.

In 1987, the Hong Kong entertainment industry witnessed the beginning of a good relationship. At that time, Wang Mingquan was already the leader of TVB, and she was in the limelight; Law Ka-ying has made a name for herself in the Cantonese opera industry and has attracted much attention.

The two sparked a spark of love in a theatrical collaboration, which kicked off the 21-year long-distance love run.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

However, this is not the first relationship in their lives. Wang Mingquan had a 12-year marriage, and after marriage, he went to Japan to study, and spent more than ten years with businessman Liu Changhua.

After the marriage, she fell in love with the famous emcee He Shouxin for ten years. Luo Jiaying also had a brief marriage of three years. These past experiences make them more cherished and more cautious in the face of new relationships.

On the stage, Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying are tacit partners; In life, they became each other's confidants. Wang Mingquan once said frankly in an interview: "Our personalities are very similar, and our attitudes towards life are also very similar.

Luo Jiaying said: "With her, I feel more relaxed and happy than ever.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, but they always kept a low profile. In the complicated entertainment industry, their feelings are like a clear spring, pure and deep, which makes others envious.

In the past 21 years, they have experienced the ups and downs of their careers together, and witnessed each other's growth and transformation.

Life is always full of surprises and challenges. In the tenth year of Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying's love, a bad news suddenly broke their peaceful life.

Wang Mingquan was diagnosed with breast cancer and thyroid cancer, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for the two to accept it for a while.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

In the face of a sudden illness, Wang Mingquan showed admirable courage. She said strongly: "I can't be defeated by illness, I still have a lot of unfinished business, and there are still many people who need me."

And Luo Jiaying is incarnated as the most gentle guardian, accompanying her every step of the way.

During the long treatment process, Luo Jiaying's dedication was moving. Every time he underwent chemotherapy, he held Wang Mingquan's hand tightly and gave her silent strength. When Wang Mingquan felt depressed because of hair loss, Luo Jiaying would gently stroke her head and comfort her softly: "No matter what you become, you will always be the most beautiful in my heart."

This delicate thoughtfulness is worth a thousand words.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

However, fate still seems to be testing the lovers. Just two years after Wang Mingquan recovered, Luo Jiaying was diagnosed with liver cancer. This time, the roles were reversed, and Wang Mingquan became a meticulous caregiver.

She resolutely put down all her work and devoted herself to taking care of Luo Jiaying's life.

During the days in the hospital, Wang Mingquan cooked soup and massaged Luo Jiaying every day, and carefully took care of all his needs. Luo Jiaying was deeply moved, he said: "With her by my side, I don't think cancer is so scary.

Wang Mingquan said: "This is what I should do, just like he used to take care of me."

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

After a difficult treatment, both successfully defeated the cancer. This experience not only did not weaken their relationship, but made them cherish each other even more. Wang Mingquan later sighed in an interview: "At the moment of life and death, you know who really loves you."

I was lucky to find such a person.

This experience of suffering together has become the most precious treasure of their relationship. It makes them deeply appreciate the fragility of life and the preciousness of love, and also makes their feelings more indestructible.

Luo Jiaying once said: "After experiencing life and death, I am even more sure that she is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

Their story is not only a touching love, but also a hymn to life. It teaches us that sincere feelings can overcome all difficulties, even in the face of life and death trials.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying interpreted the true meaning of "never abandon" with practical actions, and their love became more and more brilliant in the test of life and death.

Despite the deep and sincere relationship between Wang Mingquan and Law, their relationship has inevitably become the focus of public discussion. Some questioned their age gap, while others speculated about the reason for their delay in getting married.

In the face of these complicated gossip, the lovers chose to remain silent and proved their feelings with practical actions.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

It wasn't until 2009 that they finally made a decision that surprised many people - to enter the palace of marriage. At that time, Wang Mingquan was 62 years old and Luo Jiaying was 63 years old.

This decision was not only surprising, but also sparked a new round of discussion and speculation.

In the face of doubts and curiosity from the outside world, Wang Mingquan said calmly: "It does take courage to get married, especially at our age. But love should not be bound by age, we trust our feelings.

Luo Jiaying added: "Instead of caring about the opinions of others, it is better to cherish the people in front of you." We are blessed to find true love at this age.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

Their wedding was low-key and warm, with only the closest friends and relatives invited. When the two exchanged rings, everyone on the scene was touched by their sincere feelings.

Years of waiting and testing make this moment even more precious.

This marriage is the best interpretation of their 21-year relationship, and it is also their brave declaration against the world's eyes. It proves that love has no age, and sincere feelings can overcome all obstacles.

Wang Mingquan once sighed after marriage: "Love really needs courage to face gossip." But as long as we firmly believe in each other, it's all worth it.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

Their story is not only a touching love legend, but also a challenge to the inherent concepts of society. It teaches us that it's never too late to pursue true love, and that courage and determination are the keys to maintaining a relationship.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying used their actions to write a moving chapter that transcends age and resists the world.

In the past 11 years of marriage, the relationship between Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying has increased instead of decreasing, and has become a recognized model of love in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Their lives have both petty bourgeois sentiment and the fireworks of life, which perfectly interprets what is a happy old age.

In their luxury villa in Hong Kong, traces of the duo's dedication can be seen everywhere. Wang Mingquan is passionate about sharing her life on social media, showcasing her luxury collection and daily anecdotes.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

Not long ago, she showcased her collection of designer handbags on the platform, which sparked a heated discussion among fans. These sharing not only show her superior quality of life, but also reveal her love and enjoyment of life.

Law Jiaying prefers home life. He often cooks for Wang Mingquan at home and cooks all kinds of delicious dishes. The two will also plant flowers and trees in the garden together to enjoy a leisurely life.

Such daily chores are the most precious time they spend together.

Although they have no children under their knees, this has not affected their happiness. Wang Mingquan once said in an interview: "Whether you have children is not a measure of happiness, the important thing is to have a partner who understands and supports you."

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

"In order to add fun to life, they have a few cute dogs and treat them as their own, adding a lot of joy to their peaceful life.

In their careers, the two also support each other. Although Wang Mingquan gradually faded out of the public eye and focused on enjoying life, Luo Jiaying is still active in the entertainment industry. Recently, he participated in two works, "Monkey King vs. Pansi Cave" and "Chang'an Demon Fu", showing his love for the acting career.

Wang Mingquan always silently supports her husband's career behind her back and becomes his strong backing.

Their later life is a beautiful portrayal of the "old companion" that many people yearn for. There is no quarrel, no suspicion, only the warmth of each other. As Wang Mingquan said: "Being able to find someone who understands you in your later years is the greatest happiness in your life."

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

This golden couple in the entertainment industry used their practical actions to interpret what true love is. Their stories tell us that love knows no age, and that sincere feelings can make life better.

In their world, every day is a new beginning, and every moment is worth cherishing. Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying's later life is undoubtedly the ideal blueprint for love in the hearts of many people.

The love story of Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying, spanning 32 years, interprets the true meaning of sincere feelings for us. Their experiences have given us many inspirations.

In this fast-paced society, their stories remind us that love does not need to be vigorous, but that mutual understanding and support in ordinary life are more precious.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying are each other's spiritual harbors, conveying warmth and care in the bits and pieces of life.

Their experiences teach us that age should not be a shackle that restricts love. The choice to enter the palace of marriage at the age of sixty proves that as long as you truly love each other, it is never too late to start.

Courage and perseverance are the keys to maintaining a relationship.

The story of this couple also shows that true love should be about supporting each other and growing together. Whether it is facing the test of illness or the ups and downs of their careers, they always hold hands and face them together.

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying have been in love for many years, and they have no children and no daughters after marriage, and now they live happily

This spirit of sharing adversity is the most precious embodiment of love.

The relationship between Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying is like a pot of old wine, which has become more and more mellow after years of precipitation. They have proved with their actions that sincere feelings can stand the test of time and can also bloom in ordinary life.

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