
Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

author:Dr. Tang has an interesting talk

Content Sources:

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For audiences who are not familiar with Cantonese opera, the name Luo Jiaying may not be familiar, but when it comes to Tang Seng who is verbose and even sings "Only You" in Journey to the West, everyone will soon be able to match the number. But contrary to the chattering image in the movie, Luo Jiaying in reality is tenacious and infatuated, and has silently fought liver cancer for more than 20 years.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

Born in Shunde, Guangdong Province in 1946, Lo Ka-ying moved to Hong Kong with his parents at the age of 3 and began to learn Cantonese opera at the age of 8. Perhaps with the genes of Cantonese opera in her blood, Luo Jiaying will soon be able to play a leading role in various dramas. Not only did his career start in Cantonese opera, but Luo Jiaying's love also took root in Cantonese opera.

In 1987, although the 41-year-old Luo Jiaying made a name for herself in the Cantonese opera industry, she was still a nobody in the film and television industry. At that time, he was preparing to rehearse a new play "Mu Guiying vs. Hongzhou", and he had a movie star he had admired for a long time, and in his opinion, she was the best choice for Mu Guiying.

This person was the "elder sister" Wang Mingquan, who was so red that she was purple at that time. Luo Jiaying didn't have much hope and sent an invitation to Wang Mingquan, but to his surprise, Wang Mingquan actually sent him a positive reply, which made Luo Jiaying so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

In the day and night of rehearsals and performances, Luo Jiaying found that his admiration for Wang Mingquan turned into admiration. Luo Jiaying had a marriage when she was in high spirits, but the husband and wife at that time were not psychologically prepared to enter the marriage, and they parted ways three years later. This time, Luo Jiaying, who is over 40 years old, affirmed the love in his heart and proposed to Wang Mingquan.

Although Wang Mingquan also had feelings for Luo Jiaying, she was hit so hard in her last marriage that she completely lost her desire for marriage, and for many years afterward, she was unmoved by Luo Jiaying's marriage proposals again and again.

In 2002, Luo Jiaying received a call from Wang Mingquan on the set, and Wang Mingquan on the other end of the phone told him in a choked voice that he had breast cancer. Breast cancer accounts for the first incidence of all malignant tumors in women, so it is also known as the "pink killer", and surgical treatment is the first choice of treatment for breast cancer.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

During the time that Wang Mingquan was hospitalized in the hospital, the Luo family stayed by her side every step of the way. Whenever Wang Mingquan was in pain due to the surgical incision, Luo Jiaying could always comfort her as soon as possible. Even an iceberg is about to melt under such a sincere warmth. But Wang Mingquan felt that he would drag Luo Jiaying down, and once again rejected his proposal, but the relationship between the two was tacit.

In 2004, Luo Jiaying's acting career continued to develop, and he played the leading and supporting roles in many movies one after another. Luo Jiaying thought that it was a stomach problem caused by her irregular life, and she didn't take it to heart after taking stomach medicine for a while.

In September 2004, Luo Jiaying felt that his appetite was getting worse and worse, and he couldn't eat the boxed lunch on the set every time he took two bites. But as a native of Guangdong, he is very familiar with this kind of food, how can this happen?

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

But in order to complete the filming work, Luo Jiaying still endured the pain and stuck to the set. In October 2004, Luo Jiaying had just finished a night play, and immediately after the end, he dragged his tired body to lie on the chair to rest, when suddenly a bloody breath came from his mouth, and the next second, a mouthful of blood spit on the grass.

Everyone on the set was taken aback by this scene and immediately sent Luo Jiaying to the hospital. The doctor gave Luo Jiaying an abdominal CT, but it turned out to make Luo Jiaying lose his soul. CT report showed multiple space-occupying lesions in the left lobe of the liver, and liver cancer was considered. With the gradual progression of liver cancer, the tumor will compress the liver capsule and surrounding tissues, resulting in liver pain, epigastric distension and other manifestations.

Decreased liver function can lead to blood stagnation in the liver, leading to increased portal vein pressure, which in turn can lead to esophageal and gastric varices. Because the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus are relatively thin, patients with advanced liver cancer are prone to hematemesis.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

Since liver cancer is not sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Luo Jiaying underwent liver cancer surgery at the end of the month, and the operation was very successful and did not spread. This time the identity was reversed, and Wang Mingquan stayed by Luo Jiaying's side. The hard-working mandarin ducks have both suffered from cancer, and their will has become extremely strong, and they have gone through multiple courses of radiotherapy and chemotherapy together, and finally registered their marriage in 2009.

The recurrence rate of liver cancer patients is relatively high, especially for patients with intermediate and advanced stages, and the recurrence and metastasis rate of tumor is as high as 40%-70% 5 years after surgical resection. For nearly 10 years, Luo Jiaying has not shown signs of liver cancer recurrence, thinking that God will favor them, but in 2013, Luo Jiaying was found to have a left liver tumor again and underwent a second operation.

In the next few years, news of the recurrence and worsening of Luo Jiaying's liver cancer came out from time to time, but Wang Mingquan, as his wife, denied it to the media every time. On July 1, 2022, Luo Jiaying was invited to participate in the "Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland", at which the 76-year-old sang Cantonese opera with an erhu, his voice was high-pitched and energetic, and he didn't look like an old man suffering from cancer at all.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

The husband and wife have successfully fought cancer, which is an exciting event for cancer patients, both in the entertainment industry and among ordinary people. But that doesn't mean the cancer can be easily defeated. When the husband and wife are interviewed, they are often asked if they are successful in fighting cancer, whether they have used any special drugs abroad?

Wang Mingquan and Luo Jiaying looked at each other and smiled after hearing this, and said: "Where is there any special medicine, it's just that the two of us insist on doing 3 small things in our daily lives to defeat cancer......."

1. Keep your mouth shut

In addition to hepatitis, cirrhosis and other factors, the occurrence of liver cancer is also related to diabetes, alcoholic liver, fatty liver and other factors. In daily life, patients with liver cancer should eat less foods high in sugar, fat and salt, and try not to eat pickled, barbecued and fried foods.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

Pickled foods generally contain nitrite, nitrite is a strong carcinogen, after entering the human body, it can be metabolized to produce nitrosamines, long-term consumption of pickled foods will lead to the accumulation of nitrosamines in the body, and eventually lead to the occurrence of cancer. There may be a certain amount of aflatoxin in moldy peanuts, corn and grains, and long-term chronic intake of foods containing aflatoxin will cause damage to liver tissue and liver function, and increase the chance of liver cancer.

Second, open your legs

Studies at home and abroad have shown that aerobic exercise can enhance patients' physical fitness and improve their quality of life. Aerobic exercise refers to the fact that during exercise, the body inhales equal oxygen to the demand to achieve a physiological equilibrium. Aerobic exercise can improve the body's metabolic level, enhance the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin, increase lung capacity, and make the capillary network in the muscles become developed, making the muscles plump and strong.

A common aerobic exercise is swimming, which can effectively improve cardiopulmonary fitness by using muscle groups throughout the body. In the process of exercising, it can burn calories, accelerate the decomposition of body fat, play a role in lowering blood lipids, and effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer and fighting cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summed up 3 secrets, which are worth learning

3. Maintain a happy mood

The effects of cancer are not only on the physical level, but also on the emotions of cancer patients and those around them. If mental health is affected, it can have the opposite effect on the recovery of the disease. Don't push yourself up when you have an emotional breakdown, talk to the people around you appropriately, and if you can't regulate your emotions on your own, you should actively accept professional help.

People around you should give some extra support to the patient, provide psychological counseling to the patient, and don't be too panicked and anxious in the face of various crises. Don't overdo some of the depressive reactions that may occur with chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy itself, as they generally disappear after stopping the drug.

(Note: "Looking back on Luo Jiaying's liver cancer, he survived with cancer for 20 years without recurrence, he summarized 3 experiences, which are worth learning" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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