
After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

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After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage
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After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

In November 2016, a powerful news caused an uproar in the sports world: Lin Dan, a legend in the badminton world, had an affair with actor Zhao Yaqi when his wife Xie Xingfang gave birth only one month later.

The two-time Olympic champion, known as the "Super Dan", has competed in four Olympic Games, winning gold medals in men's singles at the Beijing and London Olympics, creating the feat of defending the men's singles title in Olympic history.

However, at the height of his career, he fell into an unprecedented crisis of confidence because of this mistake. How will this couple, known as the "Feather Condor Heroes", deal with this marriage storm? Can Lin Dan salvage this precarious relationship? How will Xie Xingfang face this sudden blow? A test of trust and forgiveness begins.

Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang met in 2000, when the 17-year-old Lin Dan had just joined the national badminton team. Xie Xingfang is two years older than Lin Dan and has a gentle personality, which is in stark contrast to Lin Dan.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

At first, Xie Xingfang had no special impression of the young teammate, until the 2002 Korea Open, when Lin Dan wittily and humorously gestured to the referee to imply that he needed to wear glasses, a move that caught Xie's attention.

In 2003, in the training camp in Jinjiang, Fujian Province, Lin Dan showed maturity and decisiveness beyond his age. He took the initiative to ask Xie Xingfang for her phone number and directly invited her to dinner on the weekend.

Lin Dan even gave Xie Xingfang a nickname "Qiu Xiang", because he felt that Xie Xingfang was like a character in the movie "Tang Bohu Dots Qiu Xiang". Although Xie Xingfang was initially hesitant due to the age gap, Lin Dan's sincerity and thoughtfulness eventually touched her heart.

In May 2004, the relationship between the two became public after Lin Dan won the Thomas Cup. At that time, Lin Dan affectionately kissed the back of Xie Xingfang's hand, and this scene was captured by the media and became a witness to their love.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Despite their very different personalities, their relationship has become deeper as a result. Lin Dan's impatience and Xie Xingfang's gentleness balance each other and form a perfect complement.

In the years that followed, they supported each other and competed together. Lin Dan is not only Xie Xingfang's lover, but also becomes her spiritual mentor, helping her improve her competitive level.

Even after Xie Xingfang retired in 2009, the two started a long-distance relationship, but their relationship is still strong. Whenever Lin Dan competes in Guangzhou, she always finds time to get together with Xie Xingfang to express her sincerity to her parents.

The love story of this "Feather Condor Heroes" is not only a good story in the sports world, but also a model that many people envy. They proved with their actions that even in the face of the pressure of competition and the test of long-distance separation, sincere feelings can still last.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

The story of Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang shows the power of love and the importance of mutual understanding and support in a long-term relationship.

Lin Dan, born on October 14, 1983 in Shanghang County, Longyan City, Fujian Province, has shown extraordinary athletic talent since childhood. With the support of his parents, 5-year-old Lin Dan was introduced to badminton and soon showed amazing potential.

He was born "left-handed", a trait that gave him a unique advantage in his later badminton career.

At the age of 9, Lin Dan left his hometown and went to Fuzhou alone to start professional training. This experience fostered his tenacity, but it also allowed him to experience homesickness at a young age.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Fortunately, the love of his grandparents and the encouragement of his parents on the phone helped him through the most difficult adjustment period.

In 1995, Lin Dan made his mark in the National Youth Badminton Competition and attracted the attention of the Bayi Industrial Brigade. In October 2000, at the age of 17, Lin Dan officially joined the national badminton team and began his brilliant career.

He excelled on the court, winning multiple world titles, notably winning back-to-back gold medals in Beijing 2008 and London 2012, becoming the first player in Olympic history to defend his men's singles title.

However, behind the success, Lin Dan is also facing great pressure and challenges. He once threw rackets and cups on the field due to his short temper, but under the influence of Xie Xingfang, he gradually learned to control his emotions and became more mature and steady.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

On September 23, 2012, Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang held a grand wedding and officially entered the marriage hall. After getting married, Lin Dan struggled to adapt to her new role and learn how to be a good husband.

In 2015, they settled in Beijing and started a new life. Lin Dan struggles to balance his career and family, and although training and competition take up most of his time, he always finds time to spend with his wife whenever possible.

On October 4, 2016, Lin Dan ushered in another important moment in his life - he became a father. The 33-year-old Lin Dan, the invincible "Super Dan" on the field, seems a little helpless at the moment.

He carefully held his newborn son, his eyes full of tenderness and worry. It marks another turning point in Lin Dan's life, he is no longer just an athlete, but also shoulders the responsibility of a father.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

From a young genius to a world champion, to a husband and father, Lin Dan's upbringing has been full of challenges and transformations. Each stage has made him more mature and more aware of how to cherish the people around him.

Although he also made mistakes in the process, it was these experiences that shaped a more comprehensive and responsible Lin Dan.

Xie Xingfang, born on September 8, 1981 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, is Lin Dan's virtuous assistant and a legend in the badminton world. She began learning badminton at the age of 6 and was selected for the Guangdong team at the age of 14, showing extraordinary athletic talent.

Xie Xingfang's performance on the court is also excellent, having won many honors such as world championships, and is a leader in the Chinese women's badminton world.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

However, unlike Lin Dan, Xie Xingfang chose to retire on October 22, 2009, and returned to Guangzhou to work as a staff member of the table tennis and badminton center.

The decision marks her transformation from a champion in the spotlight to a virtuous helper who quietly supports her husband. After retiring, Xie Xingfang chose to pay silently behind the scenes to provide strong backing for Lin Dan's career.

Even though the two have been separated for many years, Xie Xingfang has never complained, but guarded this relationship in her own way. She understands Lin Dan's professional needs and rarely interrupts him during his competitions, only meeting briefly when Lin Dan comes to Guangzhou to compete.

This silent dedication and understanding has laid a solid foundation for their relationship.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

In 2015, Xie Xingfang moved to Beijing to live with Lin Dan after becoming pregnant, opening a new chapter in her life. During pregnancy, Lin Dan was unable to accompany her at all times due to the preparation for the Olympic Games, and Xie Xingfang endured the discomfort of pregnancy alone, but she always maintained an optimistic and positive attitude.

On October 4, 2016, Xie Xingfang successfully gave birth to a baby boy in Beijing and became a mother.

Xie Xingfang plays the role of a stabilizer in the family. She is gentle and considerate, and can always give comfort and support to Lin Dan when she is in a mood swing. Her composure and understanding brought warmth and tranquility to the family.

However, just when she thought she could enjoy the life of a new mother with peace of mind, a sudden turmoil forced her to face the biggest test in her life.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Xie Xingfang's story is not only a legend of an athlete, but also a process of growth and transformation of women in love and family. She uses her own way to interpret what true love and tolerance are, showing the wisdom and strength of a successful woman in the family.

On November 17, 2016, an explosive news spread quickly on the Internet: Lin Dan was revealed to be having an affair with the young and beautiful actor Zhao Yaqi. This news was like a heavy punch, hitting Xie Xingfang, who had just gone through childbirth.

At that time, Xie Xingfang was in the postpartum recovery period, and she should have enjoyed the joy of becoming a first-time mother, but she had to face the cruel fact that her husband cheated. Her heart was filled with pain and confusion, and tears were silently falling.

Xie's mother, Qiu Yuying, felt sorry for her daughter and couldn't help crying. Lin Dan's mother, Gao Xiuyu, cried and scolded, asking her son why he made such a stupid mistake.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

In the face of overwhelming public pressure, Lin Dan issued a statement through his personal Weibo that afternoon, admitting his mistakes and expressing deep guilt. He knelt in front of Xie Xingfang, tearfully begged for forgiveness, and begged her to give her a chance to mend his ways.

Xie Xingfang fell into a painful struggle. On the one hand, she was deeply hurt by Lin Dan's betrayal; On the other hand, she thought about the more than ten years they had spent together, as well as their newborn son.

She tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and her heart was full of contradictions and entanglements.

After a night of thinking, Xie Xingfang made a decision that surprised many people. On November 18, 2016, she issued a statement on Weibo, saying that she would continue to support this man who "knows his mistakes and changes" and faces the future together.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

The decision sparked widespread discussion, with some praising her forbearance and others questioning the wisdom of her choice.

Xie Xingfang's forgiveness gave this marriage a chance to be reborn. Lin Dan deeply realized his mistakes and began to work hard to change and relearn how to be a good husband and father.

He cut down on socializing and devoted more time and energy to his family. Every day after work, he will take the initiative to share the housework and accompany his wife and children.

This marital crisis became a turning point in Lin Dan's growth. He has become more mature and steady, and his sense of responsibility to his family has also become stronger. Xie Xingfang used her tolerance and wisdom to hold up a piece of the sky for the family.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Behind this difficult decision is the result of Xie Xingfang's careful consideration. She took into account her son's growth environment, and also thought of the bits and pieces that she and Lin Dan have worked together for many years.

She believes that Lin Dan can turn over a new leaf, and she also believes that she has the ability to rebuild the family.

Lin Dan also did not live up to his wife's trust. He began to become more involved in family life and took the initiative to take responsibility for the care of the children. He cut back on unnecessary social activities and spent more time with his family.

In public, he expressed his apologies and gratitude to his wife many times, and proved his change with practical actions.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Far from destroying their marriage, the crisis has brought the two closer together. They begin to communicate more and understand each other's needs and feelings.

Xie Xingfang's tolerance and wisdom, as well as Lin Dan's repentance and hard work, together forged the rebirth of this family.

It wasn't all smooth sailing, but they chose to face it together. Through this test, Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang have both grown, and their marriage has become more mature and stable.

This crisis eventually became an important turning point in their marriage, making them rediscover the importance of each other and the preciousness of their family.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

After experiencing the severe test of marriage, the relationship between Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang has become deeper. Lin Dan thoroughly realized the importance of family, and he was no longer the high-spirited "Super Dan", but a mature man who knew how to cherish and work hard to run the family.

Xie Xingfang's tolerance and wisdom not only saved this marriage, but also revitalized the whole family. She proved with practical actions that forgiveness is not a weakness, but a choice that requires great courage.

It was this choice that gave their family a chance to start anew.

Today's Lin Dan has been fully integrated into family life. In his spare time, he would play with his son and teach him to play badminton. He will take care of his wife's emotions and often prepare surprises for her.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Xie Xingfang has also found a new balance, she has been able to navigate between family and work, becoming a strong backing for her husband and a loving mother for her children.

In August 2022, Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang's marriage has gone through 12 years, and their son is 6 years old. Looking back on the past, Xie Xingfang is glad that she made the original choice.

She is convinced that it is this decision that has allowed them to have the happy family life they have today.

This family, which has experienced ups and downs, is now more and more indestructible. Their story is not only a love saga of ups and downs, but also a moving story of forgiveness, growth and rebirth.

After many years, I realized that it was a wise choice for Xie Xingfang to forgive Lin Dan for cheating in marriage

Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang used their own experience to explain the true meaning of marriage to the world: it not only needs mutual love, but also mutual understanding, tolerance and joint efforts.

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