
Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

author:Dayu Insider Exploration 001
Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!
Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

In the badminton world, Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang were once the "fairy couple" that everyone envied, and their love story was almost comparable to a fairy tale.

And in 2016, this beautiful picture was brutally torn apart by a sudden cheating scandal.

While the whole world was condemning Lin Dan, Xie Xingfang chose to forgive, a decision that sparked controversy and discussion.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

The love story of Xie Xingfang and Lin Dan began in the late 90s of the last century.

At that time, Lin Dan was only 17 years old and had just been selected for the national badminton team, and Xie Xingfang was already a rising star in the national team, two years older than Lin Dan.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

Despite the gap in age and experience, the love between them burns like a summer fire.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

At first, the two were just ordinary teammates.

Lin Dan fell in love with Xie Xingfang at first sight, but he understood that he needed to put in more effort to win the heart of this beauty.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

So Lin Dan began a years-long pursuit, he not only did his best on the training ground, but also cared about Xie Xingfang everywhere in life.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

They supported each other and faced challenges together at the peak of their careers, an experience that not only made them famous in the badminton world, but also strengthened their bonds.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

And a turmoil in 2016 broke this seemingly indestructible marriage.

At that time, Xie Xingfang was pregnant, which should have been the happiest moment for the family.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

But Lin Dan was exposed to cheating and hugged a woman named Zhao Yaqi intimately in the hotel.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!
Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

The news quickly detonated social media like a bombshell, and Lin Dan's image collapsed overnight.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

When Xie Xingfang faced this sudden betrayal, the pain in her heart can be imagined.

As a mother who is about to give birth, she not only has to endure physical discomfort, but also has to face her husband's infidelity and great pressure from the outside world.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

Media reports, accusations from netizens, and discussions from people around her seem to be pushing her into a corner.

Faced with this situation, should Xie Xingfang choose to divorce? This is a question on the minds of many.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

To everyone's surprise, Xie Xingfang chose forgiveness.

In a public statement, she said:

"Our family will support this man who dares to take responsibility and knows that he will change his mistakes."

This sentence seems to be plain, but it is full of her deep love for her family and trust in Lin Dan.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

Xie Xingfang's tolerance is not blind, but a rational choice after careful consideration.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

She is well aware that a divorce will not only make a huge difference in her life, but more importantly, it will be a heavy blow to the soon-to-be-born child.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

In contrast, forgiving Lin Dan and rebuilding the family is not only conducive to the healthy growth of the child, but also buys her time and space for herself to keep her career from being interrupted.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

In addition, Xie Xingfang's understanding of Lin Dan also made her believe that this betrayal was not unforgivable.

As a partner for many years, she knows that Lin Dan still loves this family deep down, and she also knows that he has the sincerity to repent.

This trust and understanding made her choose tolerance and persistence.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

After the turmoil, Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang faced the test of life together.

Lin Dan publicly apologized in front of the public, expressed his willingness to take all responsibility, and promised not to make the same mistake again.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

His sincere attitude and practical actions gradually won back Xie Xingfang's trust.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

In order to make up for the damage to the family, Lin Dan began to participate more in family affairs, spending time with his wife and children.

He has changed from a "Super Dan" on the field to a "good husband" and "good father" in the family.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

This transformation is not only a compensation for Xie Xingfang, but also a kind of redemption for himself.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

At the same time, Xie Xingfang did not stand still because of this turmoil.

She turned this experience into motivation and began the second spring of her career.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

In 2017, Xie Xingfang founded the maternal and infant brand "Du Fen", which quickly became successful in the market.

This not only fills the void in her career, but also allows her to realize her self-worth in a new field.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

This transformation showcased her independence and strength as a woman, and also laid a solid foundation for her to regain control of her life.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

With the support of his wife, Lin Dan also gradually recovered.

He reached the top again in the latter stages of his career, winning the BWF World Tour for three consecutive years, achieving a "double Grand Slam" in the badminton world.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

After retiring, he resolutely founded his own badminton club in Shenzhen, and held events such as the "Lin Dan Cup" to tell his love for sports.

Behind all this, there is Xie Xingfang's silent support and protection.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

The story of Xie Xingfang and Lin Dan has given us many inspirations.

Forgiveness is not simply forgetting the hurt, but a deeper understanding and acceptance.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

Everyone's choice has its own unique background and reasons, and the real courage may be to be able to stick to the path you choose in the face of wind and rain, and not be afraid of future challenges.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

In today's society, Xie Xingfang's choice reminds us that there is no absolute right or wrong for marriage and love, only the most suitable answer for ourselves.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

How to balance personal happiness with social expectations, and how to maintain oneself in intimate relationships are issues that everyone needs to face.

What we have learned from Xie Xingfang may be the importance of continuing to find and realize self-worth in the complex journey of life.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

This story also provokes us to reflect on society's fidelity to marriage.

The public's attention to the private lives of celebrities often comes with strong emotional and moral judgments.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

Every marriage has its own unique story and internal logic, and it is difficult for outsiders to truly understand the complexity and subtlety of it.

When faced with problems in marriage, everyone has the right to make the most suitable decision based on their own situation.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

Xie Xingfang's tolerance and tenacity not only allowed her to reinvent her life, but also brought new hope to her family.

She proved with her actions that in the face of life's challenges, as long as she has courage and wisdom, she can get out of the predicament and usher in a new dawn.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

As she puts it:

"Every family has its own story."

Perhaps, this is the true meaning of life.

Xie Xingfang: I endured Lin Dan's derailment, and I didn't get divorced after being betrayed, just because of such a thing!

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